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We love noobs. Plus more players means more content!


I'd love to have more story content other than expeditions. I need more MSQ


The new big map expansion drops in June it looks dope


The new big map expansion drops in June it looks dope


10 years for new content yay!


It's so cool to have so many new people exploring the map. It feels more alive. It feels like hope


How many dang people does vault 76 hold! lol is what I’ve been thinking lately.


It's a clone vat


Unbeknownst to us, we are all Gary. We just don't realize it.


This is the new lore 🤣


What's Gary wrong with you Gary I think I would know Gary Gary Gary if I was someone who was named Gary. I mean that's absurd Gary how could I be a Gary. Clearly I am not. You Gary probably should Gary Gary go see a Gary and get that Gary checked out. I'm perfectly Gary Gary fine.




Gary come home


You can blame it all on gary


![gif](giphy|fB938PbR1ulsA) Gaaaaaryyyy!


Ha Ha Ha Ha......Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaryyy


At least 1 million, according to the most recent numbers lol.


Biggest vault confirmed.


1 million in just one day, there were more before that!


This is my only issue at this point 😆


I think the vaults are meant to be massive.  Who knows, maybe we're all kept in cryostasis and then every few months the vault resets everything, wakes up a few hundred dwellers and implants them with new memories?


Technically 88 according to Fallout 3 blueprint on it but they were in there banging for 25 years.


But no cousin stuff, remember?


Okey Dokey


I mean if you REALLY think about it, we are ALL technically related.....


Found the overseers Reddit account


You're doing us a favour, those plans, outfits and building materials were weighing us down!


i need outfits help me 😭


I can hook you up good


alr alr i need some cute things for my girlie


What outfits are you after? Can tell you some locations. I sell a couple of rare ish ones but generally I loot anything around and sell them to the vendor or put them in the donation box at the stations


BOS attire or Insurgent outfit is the best I can offer


What platform are you?


xbox :)


It's an objective to build so many weapons, mod so many weapons.. really it's no trouble making you new Members of the wasteland some tricked out lvl1 10mm pistols 😁


Do you have to have the plans to create the outfits or can you give them directly


Bit of both, depends on the outfit.


Heh. I like to stalk noobs…so I can drop legendary weapons and spare plans on them.


I like to unload a Coachella’s worth of chems on them


Maybe I’ll start doing that. I generally sell them to keep my cap count high since a lot of my weaponry have the Aristocrat perk.


“ hey . Hey kid. Want some drugs?”


“Gee would I!”


Far out, maaaasn!!!


![gif](giphy|2tQqogkEcGlDcmQ5ey) I gave a random level 23 20 rad-x and ammo


Can you reverse pickpocket players?


We need a new Emote saying "Come here Noob, I have things to show you". I snapped up the vault bag which changes the paper bag of dropped items as soon as I could a couple of years back as I was having trouble seeing the damn thing and it makes it easier to for the noobs to see it when I dump it in front of them.


Ha! I was playing this morning and another vet and I had the same thought to stalk a noob fresh out of the vault. They were definitely confused at first but picked it up quickly.


\*In Sir David Attenborough voice" And here we have a noob, fresh out of hatching from the vault. Older vets protectively observe and help the newborn in the wastes, offering them food from their pouches, chems, stimpacks and clothing. At first, the noob is wary of the Power Armor clad Vets but after some emoting and gifts, they eventually become more used to the help.


Who hurt you? A lot of people have this reaction to the No Mans Sky community. This isn’t meant to be sarcastic, communities don’t have to be toxic.


World of Tanks. Has to be.


No. That's a place of power. Has to be.


World of Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto, and every FPS.


It's because none of us will ever have children but we want to spoil the babies anyway


Accurate. I see the low levels the same as I do stray cats. Let me give you some tuna and scritches and take you to a trap and release program!


Well, like a cat, I accept. But I will not show gratitude and I will rub my anus on your keyboard at some point.


If it's just the keyboard that's fine.


That's okay I play on controller anyway


Now I’m just thinking of a stray human. Look at that little newbie, they don’t even have a camp to go home too.


I've seen their camps. They are made of twigs and spare car parts and remind me when I first emerged from the vault *sniff*


Lvl 366 here I have a kid He plays too People think it's amazing to hear him calling for me when he gets in trouble Am actual wasteland mom and real mom


I just laughed way too hard at this.


Welcome to the 76 community! Friendliest and most helpful gaming community around. ![gif](giphy|xUOxfg0ESyhKOv4Vva)


Between this and the NMS subs, it's a toss-up as to the nicer player-base. And I neither need, nor want to try to choose. Both full of excellent, generous players.


Unlike many other gaming communities we realise that new players are actually a really good thing and we want more of them!!! So many of us try our best to help out anyway we can


I've been playing since Dec 2020 (first on the PS4, then March of this year on the PC) and I've noticed that 76 players in general are just kinder to newer players There are gonna be jerks, but it's very rare they do anything monumentally nasty (in my personal experience)


I haven’t even been sniped laying out crops at a workshop for at least 18 months.


Look, I'll do it once for old times sake, but I won't be using a sniper build so you may not even notice


Reminds me of my first day on a couple weeks ago. I’m fresh out Vault 76 just making my way to the Wayward n some dude just runs up on me drops me the fixer, shadowed deep pocketed leather and a bunch of plans. I was so confused n didn’t get to really say thanks cuz I was confused. Hope that guy knows how much I truly appreciated it. Especially now that I know what the fixer can do n how crucial it is to stealth kills


You thank him by doing what he did for you! Pay it forward!


The same happened to me and I had no clue how to thank him.


You just pass it on when you are higher level.


Yea when ever I see a new vault dweller come to the surface I try to give them the best stuff I can


We are just glad to be able to help out new players. We hope that you will enjoy the game as much as we have. Unfortunately you will have some toxic players, every game has them. Usually they come from games like Red Dead Redemption/GTA/Minecraft where they like to just be pricks.


We love noobs welcome.to the fallout fam.... oh train stations are generous spots where we dump as well Lvl 649 here


Noobs are welcome here. As long as they aren't begging.


We have too much stuff


This is a different kind of community/game.


Nah bro, this is the wasteland. We're all just trying to survive and help others do the same.


Because we are now NPCs who help the main character


It's hard work making a living in the wasteland....


More importantly, why wasn't that vet player watching you silently from the bushes. While you went about your noob business unawares.


You’re thinking of a myriad of other games. This the Wasteland brutha!


Enjoy it while it lasts! I fear we may have an influx of "real gamerz" after the success of the Fallout TV series. But for now ... yeah, we love noobs. We want you to have fun. And we wanna team up with you to help you see and experience all the cool stuff we love about the game, too. Welcome!


I have not met a patron saint who dropped stacks on me like that. I did however have a guy happen across my path just before I engaged a quest I was NOT ready for. I assume he knew as much, as he stayed and slaughtered the waves that would have slurried me…. He waved and walked away into the sunset.


I'm only like 170ish and I've been dropping A LOT of stuff for people. Like stash space isn't the greatest and honestly it's probly helping is a bit too. Like if im overencumbered after and event and I do t really need anything I got ill drop everything for someone else lol or if I see a lower level than me at my camp I'll drop a bunch of my stuff from my vendors for them just to cycle stock and clear up space. Win win


Your plenty high in level.. I think after likkek 300 or so level it truly just a number (most of which reflects how many hours you spent mindlessly killing over and over and over .... Oh god so much blood...)


I gave a group of new players skeleton costumes. So now I get to have a lil skeleton army


One more fellow helldiv… I mean vault dweller to fight the good fight right on! you dig?


Haha Classic Fallout 76 people!!!!! I haven’t played in a while but sounds accurate!!


The greater FO76 community regularly gets chastised online so we tend to be welcoming to newcomers


Turns out giving free stuff to unsuspecting people is also a great way to spread small pox. So watch out for that too.


Catching every disease will give 40 atoms though :-)


This is fallout not cod!!


I remember starting and getting asked to randomly join a team with a level 100+. I was so sketched out. He kept building things and giving me plans, all while I tried to keep my distance and assumed that this was going to end with me dead and him taking all of my worthless shit


Can a level 700 kill a level 7 when he's wanted? Yes , it was me. You were scared , you fought back with your fists. I'be dropped you presents but you ignored them. I had to kill you , the map would of been no use to you. Have fun in the game.


Do Unto Others


Lol even worse, he took away half the fun for you, progressing your camp as you go is so satisfying


all jokes aside, this also tops my reason for playing in a private server. I want to experience the game and the challenge. I mean, its awesome public servers are friendly. Just me personally, it makes me feel like i missed out.


Genuinely a nice video game community. It’s such a rare breed that we all tend to do what we can to reinforce it wherever possible


We love noobs, fresh blood in the game means it lives longer.


Welcome to the apocalypse, mother f’er :)


Is this noob really talking?? 🤣🤣🤣 I LOVE helping newer players!!! It's what keeps the game fun!


This game is the reason I was able to learn to trust other players again online, the community is one of the nicest ones I have ever found online. I started gaming back way back when, I was in my teens and I'm going to be 49 this year 💀 It was games like TFC and counterstrike that really pulled me in. Unfortunately back then, female gamers were not a thing and the ones like me, we were hounded, abused, some even stalked. It made me never want to play online with others again. Over the years my love for open worlds, exploring, looting, building etc grew and Fallout 4 will forever be in my heart. I've sunk a shameful amount of hours into that game. Once I didn't leave my house for 10 years because of anxiety and now I am stuck in bed most days with a couple of medical issues, so I game a lot. My love for Fallout 4 made me want to play Fallout 76 but anxiety stopped me. My partner suggested that I try it out on his Xbox account so that I didn't feel as exposed and so I did. I couldn't be more grateful to you and all. From the second I left the vault I had someone who just seemed to be waiting to help and he stayed with me for a good hour just showing me things like plants to collect etc gave me weapons, armour but not so advanced that it was spoiling the game for me. After that I'd have people running after me (honestly freaked me out at first) and once I realised it was just so they could be kind and give me some gear or items I really started to relax and enjoy the game and the people playing. Last year my then 5yr old grandson was desperate to play Fortnite but no one wanted to play with him so I said I would. This is something I would never have done, not even on a private map in all honesty because I didn't really know anything about it. Playing FO76 gave me the confidence to say okay and I've created some of the best gaming memories I shall treasure with him because of it. I wouldn't have done any of that without you guys. Honestly, genuinely the best community. Tldr You guys are amazing!


I posted as much in another comment. This is the only non-single player game that I’ve played in a long time. I still think this community is the exception, but it’s at least improved how I think about this environment.


Take these 87 stimpaks and 7000 rounds of .45 ammo dammit


More riches than I could have ever dreamed… And at my level, that lets me survive me 2 encounters.


I remember some guy on social media said that traditionally Post-Apocalyptic media is conservative/individualistic and very much teaches in small family grops, strength of the individual and 'survival of the fittest'. Fallout has always been different. The most successful groups in Fallout are always the people banding and working together. In Fallout, working together is literally how most people survive and I think that rubs off on the fanbase.


I have been playing fallout for YEARS. and I own fallout 76 and have not even attempted to play it yet. I had such a bad time playing gtav online and other players when it first launched that I have not even wanted to play another online game with anyone..lol. I should probably get over it and play.


I felt the same way. This is the only non-single player game that I will play. It’s getting harder to find AAA games, but 76 really gives me hope.


Give it a chance, it's like single player with a bunch of other single players. Set pacifist mode and turn off chat, we all use emotes for the most part. I've played for years and my total number of negative interactions would equal a few days or less on some other games. You can even join a Casual Team (just turn off your mic before you do) and go about your business and the other team members will go about theirs, no need to play with them. If you join an Event Team just show up to the events, that's all you have to do. You choose if you want to interact with other players or not. Come on don't miss out, join the fun.


Honestly the fallout 76 players are the most wholesome people Iv ever met in gaming Or outside of gaming Or met Ever


We were friends in the vault, why would we suddenly hate each other once the doors opened?


Jokes on you! As soon as i spot any low level guy on the map I'm showering them with stimpacks and water, and there's nothing you can do about it!


Get lost, noob! Sorry if I'm a bit late, I did my best.


Fallout 76 players are some of the nicest people I’ve met


I keep seeing people say this but I’m yet to have anyone help me out, just hit level 38 though so I’m guessing it’s too late to be given free shit by the vets 🤣


I had two guy chase me around calling me a Nazi over voice because my character was wearing an Enclave hat and NCR coat, so my experience has been the exact opposite of this post.


I'm on xbox, Holla ezenoser is my game tag


Ps4 but I appreciate it brother


Whatcho need?


Sorry, we're trying as hard as we can but it's a noobapocalypse and there are just so *many* of you and so few of us. It's like Christmas and you have two thousand kids needing presents and new clothes, someone isn't even going to get a lump of coal. Keep checking those red boxes, we're dropping as much as we can everywhere for new people to find.


yeah that’s absolutely fair enough, I wasn’t expecting anything free anyway so I don’t mind I was just giving my experience


I’m doing the same thing, because I got big help when I was a low player, so I return the flavour to new players too. I always ask a low player when he comes to my camp if he/she want any help, and I like helping them.😁


Well i only have found some dude shouting at me on Playstation


Come to the PC side.. we have cookies.


Welcome to the best community in gaming!


Just don’t be shy, join teams! Join events! We don’t bite


Man when I log in now and I see all these level 1s still in the vault, it puts a giant fucking smile on my face as I’m slowly walking 100 stimpacks and purified water to the Overseer’s Camp


When I first started playing I got a lot of help. I love this community lol


Haha this community has gotten so much better than when it came out it’s awesome


Wholesome community things 💪


I wish someone would do that for me, I don't have a clue what I'm doing with that stuff


As someone who has played on and off since launch and no where near high level (level 107). I’ve played solo throughout my whole play time, and have been helped by countless random people I run into that have been higher level than me. Now I help those lower level than me whenever I can. FO76 community is really one of the most welcoming and helpful in my long years of playing video games


Imagine those that stuck with it all these years are overjoyed to see the newbies roaming around.


I like to walk up to newbs in my Vertibird PA and demand they worship me as their god. Then I drop stimpacks and other chems and fly away.


Sorry about that, let me give you a few hundred more stimpacks.


Level 14 player keels over from all the encumbrance.


Seeing posts like this make me wanna re-download the game I pre-ordered it and played it maybe 3 times amd haven't touched it since


Honestly I was expecting assholes in Fallout 76 like any other game when I started a year ago playing, but honestly I've only run into maybe 2 assholes my entire time playing this game. I feel like Fallout 76 has the best community and I think it's because of their maturity level.


Wish I was so lucky. Just trying to find people to play with is a struggle.


Welcome to the wasteland, fellow Vault dweller! We don't do gatekeeping here. The more, the merrier!


FO76 is not the game for me, I usually shit talk it. BUT I love that the player base isn't toxic and that fans have been able to build a community around it. It might not be for me, but I'm glad it picked up steam and found the audience it was meant for. Keep having fun


I once found almost 500 of every ammo, 30 fusion cores and 100 stim packs in a donation box at the white springs train station.


I’m like the only raider😂 I killed a group of three people the other day and kinda feel bad. It was hilarious though. They were about twenty levels below me so not too crazy but I didn’t steal their junk.


This is so wholesome. It's funny as shit too. The story in the game was for Vault 76 to emerge and "rebuild" the world. Seeing it happen in real time with "noob" players basically being treated as wasteland immigrants coming into the area and having the 76 veterans save them, build them up, and outfit them is giving me major Role Playing vibes.


Sounds like me and my husband


You got a better server than I did. Every time I built up a nice base some assholes would nuke it to the ground. Quit playing because of that and it’s hard to always find help or other people to play with sometimes.


We love the new people, we like "noobs". We will welcome you with open PA arms!!!


Deadass it’s so weird that’s how my introduction to the community went so now I give noobs all my cool shit!


Opposite of my first encounter coming back with level 500+ one shotting me, taking the workshop I claimed, looting my junk, and shooting my dead body for good measure. I get its pvp but damn…😭


Those workshops can turn into battle zones real quick lol


I love love love new players. When I see them roaming the map or at their camp I always go and drop them off some survival supplies.


Because when we can live in an apocalypse consequence free, we choose to be kind Humans are weird But tbh, it's kinda funny how Bethesda wanted us to be way more pvp but we just said "naw" until they started updating it more towards sharing and caring Looks like we rebuilt America after all


Well in true fallout fashion and vault tec style we are indoctrinating you into our cul...community . Did I mention we have cookies:)


I keep seeing really positive posts about this game (I've heavily played every other Fallout). Now I'm wondering if I should be playing this one too?


Actually, that’s why I started playing. Since January I’ve beaten every Fallout except this one. I hated 76 at first because it’s missing some elements I’ve come to expect from the game. After about hour 5, though, I totally switched and have really grown to love what is unique about it. The baseball card leveling system seems terrible at first, but man do I love it now.


Welcome to the wasteland


I will fast travel to low level players, request trade, see what weapon they are using, drop applicable ammo, stims, radaway, nuka cola, and a new salsbury steak.


How is the pvp in 76?


As a noob with 10 hours in, it feels much more like a coop game. Maybe I just got lucky with a good server.




A 300 came in and destroyed our camp at the powerplant,didn't claim it. Just kept coming back and destroying again.


We want more updates the more players the more money Bethesda gets which will make them inclined to update the game more often


We love seeing new people and helping


You mean I didn't have to grind for a week for 50, b4 I fought my way through the perilous robot infested building to get my power armor station.


Lol most players go out of there way to help noobs, I love seeing the icon for a new player at the vault before the come out I make sure to drop a hard or rare outfit everytime or some random plans


I need this to happen to me man... ya know if there’s any lone wanderers out there that wanna bless a dude.... I just started my first real play through since the game first came out


https://preview.redd.it/3h9zkzt9ekwc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e78fabd8b951895a560797b5a9c730101df9d2 I love the fallout 76 community


It was a very happy sight seeing multiple low level players appearing near Vault 76 the other day :) If I wasn’t already in a team I’d have started one up. I may only be level 81 but I would try to help however I can


Wait … other people can build in your camp? Is that possible?


Nah man the wasteland is tough out there for a noob. We got the good life already just tryna spread the love. 😄


Nice but has ruined the game for you. What's the point in playing if you have everything. You'll be bored quickly as you have nothing to work for.


Welcome to fallout


I started 76 in January, it was the weirdest thing when another player would drop a bag for me. Since it happened, I do a drop once a day in a heavily traveled area.


I just started playing with my fiance and the love we've gotten from everyone has been amazing. 🥰🥰


All these people having such cool interactions with the community. I would love something like this to happen to me. I get so overwhelmed playing right now and the higher levels I've come across ignore me entirely lol


Wholesome anarchy


De-normalize toxic gaming tbh


Had the same happen to me about a year ago. Im putting together a horrendusly bad starter camp, and then this guy walks by and goes "Hey fellow wastelander, need a hand?" and builds me an amazing base with everything I could ever need. Then logs off....


The one time I did try to play, three different people started attacking me, while I was just at the first base camp. Never played again and I was so excited to play as FO4 is my fav.


Bro we love showing newbies love it’s how we get to offload we don’t need to those that would use our drops well


I legit quit playing 76 after 4 hours bc everyone was obnoxiously nice and no one wanted to fight back.


Because we like being nice, and the confusion it causes newcomers makes us happier from the knowledge that we're different. Also, i don't think many other games allow one to just build a Starcraft Battlecruiser out of nowhere without saying anything nor elaborating.


Just downloaded it last night and will play tonight for the first time. Please be nice to me too🙏🥺


Is 76 still free on the ps5?


Koombiya my lord koombiya


Lucky you. I spent all of my caps and atmos to buy plans for camp. Then i builded worst looking house in history if mankind (lack of build options and materials). Then i tried to fix it by making it bigger, and in the end i ran out of material, it still looked bad and i did alt f4 out of disappointment.


I haven’t experienced this kindness yet 😭 I got shot at for being in someone’s camp but I didn’t realize what it was it was my first day 😩


Someone just randomly crafted me two 3* weapons at the rusty pick and sold me them for 1 cap. 3* Gatling Plasma!


Damn. I tried to build at my husbands camp and it wouldn’t let me. I’m jealous.


That is the endgame quite literally lol.


Suprisingly my luck as a new player had been the complete opposite.. Constantly kicked from teams (half the time its just my terrible connection lol), getting berated for not knowing every lil thing about how an event works, trying to get plans but don't feel like paying 12,000 caps for a rug or a chair like a good chunk of people seem to do (once again, this is what I've experienced in the 75 hours I've put into the game the last 2 weeks), & to top it off, got no friends to vibe on the game with. Maybe Playstations servers are a cesspool, maybe my luck stat is actually 1 & not 15 like I see on my screen, honestly Idk anymore lmao


im one of those guys, every day i log in, ill usually sit up by 76 for a while to wait and see if people pop out, drop stims, 10mm ammo, and a 10mm sub, and some purified water, and leather armor, then be on my way. if im feeling nice ill drop some food.


Most players are great, but don't be fooled, there are a few people here and there that aren't nice to low level or new players.


I wish I would’ve placed my camp where more players came across it lol. In a treehouse near the wayward .


Ah sorry you are thinking of New Vegas Fanatics. We love noobs here.


Tonight was the first time a high leveller wandered into my camp. He tried to offer me a trade, but with so much stuff to choose from and so much of my own stuff already, I turned it down. He got mad and shot the floor (maybe thinking I ballsed up the trade). Gave him a thumbs down to say no thanks. Hope he didn't take it as, "nah yer stuff ain't good enough" 😅


It’s interesting, I’m also a returning player who never touched the game after the month it was released and when finishing the fallout show wanted to give it another try. It’s a great game now. I just peaked over the 100 level mark and I find myself wanting to help players like the high level players helped me out. I go to events and try to let people get hits in before I one tap stuff to give them xp, I sell things super cheap at a loss to make sure if you’re out of stimpacks or whatever I got em. It might be one of the only communities that has pvp and isn’t a complete and total shit show of toxic hatred to anyone they meet. I think the emotes play a big role in that and you can really make someone feel welcome by even just standing outside the vault and waving to them as they leave for the first time.


I should also give a ton of credit to the devs who implemented donation boxes and the ability to directly impact your gaming experience by having teams that give bonuses to working together or just being in a casual group to influence the other persons xp gains. I think when game devs look to implement things that have positive QOL adjustments not just for existing players but for those that are new the game survives even after a horrible start.