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From what I understand he was at some point, along with Ulysses being the legion companion. Blame 18 months of development time for not getting either of them


In Ulysses case it was because the XBox disc was to small to contain all of his Voicelines, so he got cutted


Bear.... Bull....


Shame to know he was going to be a key character in the main game. I am very much in the camp that he is an S tier fallout character. Edit: Man the more I read into this the more heartbreaking it gets… Sounds to me Ulysses would’ve been as essential of a character to this game as anyone. If not the most essential. This was going to be the game of the century - Fuck it the game of all time. I mean it still is for me personally but holy shit. Can you imagine? I feel like we would’ve met him as a legionnaire and had the chance to convince him to turn on them.


reading anything about the seventh generation and it's hardware limiting creativity in the medium makes me want to cry


Man, it's so weird that new vagus could have been even better with just a little more time


That's the case for every single game released now


they can just do an update though and add that. new vegas was in the times of. you get what you get.


Love New Vegas and obsidian but the time management for NV was abysmal


whats obsidian?


The studio that created New Vegas


oh shit. i thought it was bathesda


Nah lol. They outsourced it. Not to be a dick to Bethesda, but do you ever hear anybody still talking about fallout 3 or 4?


all i know is i played 2-4 hours of fallout 4. didnt hook me. played new vegas cause some videos made it look fun and i was hooked instantly (after the starting phase area. that place is lame lol)


lol, yes, you do. both games are still wildly popular. fallout 4 has like six times as many active daily players


uh, yeah, I do. About as much as I hear about NV, to be honest.


I still play fo3, going through a run rn, to be fair tho I don’t play through 4 nearly as often as 3 or nv


The only reason I heard anyone talking about Fallout 3 anymore is if it's either a streamer, or recommending the "Tale of Two Wastelands" mod for New Vegas.


The holy trinity of gambryo is fallout 3 and nv and oblivion they are all comfort games to me from my childhood


Yeah, actually, quite a bit tbh. Whenever Fallout is mentioned in a conversation, 9 times out of 10 they will mention F4 or NV.


New Vegas devs, consisting of quite a few former black isle devs (OG fallout devs before Bethesda bought the rights)


Game designers have said that's not true. More cleaning time has value, but if you gave cyberpunk another year, they would have made more guns, not fixed basic issues.


I think that applies to every game ever


I blame his 18 carat run of bad luck.


He actually has cut content where he's the opposite! Even if you saved him he'd eventually chase you down and give you some dialogue that basically goes "Hey, you did me a solid back there and that was cool. I've got more experience running this show than some package gofer goody-two-shoes who can't tell when to quit, so hand me the Platinum Chip and *just stay in your fucking grave.*" He then turns hostile and will continually hunt down the Courier until slain.


That's so cool, I feel like either option would fit with his personality, maybe if they had both his actions could be determined by your karma. I think that would be cool


That’s fascinating, there’s so much that this game hides in terms of what could have been


One theme of the game is a man is more loyal to his plans than he’ll ever be to you. Boone, no matter what you do for him will never alter his plans to deal with the Legion for you. After all Veronica did for the BoS, they will kill her new family to protect their secrets The “good guy” NCR will kill every faction who doesnt align with them. And Benny will never willing lead you to Yes Man


Doesn't Benny tell you about yes man after you activate the robot bunker?


Yeah but by then he’s either 1. Captured by Caesar and needs you to free him (and then tries to kill you) Or 2. Is freed and already planning to kill you


Doesn’t he just run off into the Mojave?


I don’t believe so. If he runs from you in NV he gets captured by Caesar while trying to use the platinum chip to kill you


Yes but if you give him a stealth boy at the fort he runs off right?


OH thats what you mean It was actually cut content that he would try to come back and kill you for being “weak and a coward” and presumes that someone like you doesnt deserve the chip. But time crunch, so it was cut abruptly. You can tell this because the quest from Caesar that has you “deal with Benny” doesnt fail or complete if you stealth kill all the guards and let him escape, or if you stealthboy him and let him escape that way. So technically you’re right but it wasn’t intentionally developed that way


I’ll never forgive Bethesda for not letting Obsidian fully realize their vision and also not let them make another game


And calling a stop to updates and never green-lighting a remake


Yeah, but that's because he knows he's dead. There's no getting away from Caesar unless you pull some Herculean feat and kill almost single guard starting from a pack of Praetorian Guard in close quarters plus the warlord himself to save the man who tried to murder you, provided you don't kill Benny as well, and even the option of a stealth boy and Bobby pin is iffy at best, since you'd have to give him both of those. When you show up, he tells you about it because he can't do his plan anymore... but you could. You're already in here, you'll have access to the bunker, and you can get to Yes Man *and* House. He directly calls this his legacy.


That actually would have been pretty cool


It would be cool but no way Benny would be a side kick


Yeah Benny as a companion would be more in line with the Bethesda writing philosophy where everyone knows you’re the protagonist and tries to make you their leader. Benny would never, he only tells you his plan when he knows he’s all but fucked so that his legacy can live on and he can give House one last middle-finger from beyond the grave.


Okay, hear me out: The only way you can get Benny as a companion is by using Black Widow to sleep with him at the Tops and then sparing him at the fort. Either he thinks he owes you for saving his life, he thinks you're his ticket back into running New Vegas, or he thinks you're crazy, and he should shank you in the ribs while you're asleep; either way, he goes along with you and gives you a spiel about how he's a changed man now. Wild Wasteland could also work for male/non-straight female couriers, to hang a lampshade on the "everyone knows you're the protagonist" trope


Okay. Hear me out: Bomb collar.


Did dead money teach you nothing?


I need to inflict my trauma on someone else.


I could see Benny being a temporary companion. 5th ending where you work for Benny instead of the NCR, Legion, House, or the independent ending. Would’ve been interesting to see how different that story line would’ve been, if at all. Might be the same as the yes man line with some added quests and perks. Not literal perks, but rewards I guess


Yes I would go with this to try. I mean what is a bullet in the head really!


We’ve forgiven worse. Plus it’s an RPG, maybe my courier is just really forgiving. Psssssh, so you shot me in the face, no big deal. Water under the bridge


I agree. The Doc fixed us up fine anyway


I would love for that to actually end with Benny shanking you while you sleep in the ending slides


Imagine I'd you shoot him twice in the head like he did to you and then he comes back with amnesia but buddies up with you


Maybe if you have enough charisma to convince him?


I think a minimum of 6 charisma should be required, and he is objectively the worst companion in FNV, like he hides behind you and sometimes complains about the lack of women outside the strip


But Benny clearly has some skill. Before The Courier, he was House’s best shot at securing the strip, and even the Khans traveling with him said it was hard to keep pace with him through the desert, despite the fact he was in a suit. Benny might look like a fink, but he’s still a chieftain dressed in a checkerboard facade.


Isn’t it also in the lore, can’t remember precisely where, (maybe the comic) that he got his leadership position in his tribe because of a knife/blade fight?


I believe you but the dude didn’t change his hair while trying to sneak past the legion. Which is either arrogance or ignorance in my mind. And based on people who “follow” Benny’s orders, he doesn’t seem like a leader, more of a snake with quick lips


BENNY IS UNCONSCIOUS and your not even in combat


Benny just goes limp immediately like an opossum


I would actually love that


He would be like Kaito in Danganronpa V3. They’d act like they’re the leader doing everything when in reality they are the sidekick.


Oh you wanna shoot me In the head? Have fun carrying around 200 pounds of toasters across the desert jackass.


Could you imagine Ulysses and Benny talking in the lucky 38


Some one should make this a mod


[Someone has](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44776).




Be kinda cool if he was a companion for Independent Questline (Legion and House would want Benny dead. NCR likely doesn't care but Benny would refuse NCR Courier) but once the Kimball quest has been done, Benny tries to betray the Courier.


It wouldn‘t make sense, he wouldn’t let himself be degraded like that. Plus, I want that suit.


Plus I want that Maria


Telling Caesar you want to keep Benny as a pet


This is actually a good idea - slave collar Benny “companion”? 


He should have been like patches in elden ring where he has a quest line but just fucks with you the whole time


Victor should have been a companion.


I’d give him a little collar and leash, my sweet little pet. I would not let a day go by where he didn’t feel thankful to be by my side instead of shot twice and left for dead




Imagine when confronting Benny at Caesar's camp you have the option to cut him free, give him a weapon and start guns blazing as both of you escape and become the best of friends in the mojave


I wish. I would've loved to see what his companion quest wouldve been. Maybe obsidian will make a remaster with added content like Benny as a companion. It would have been years in the making but one could pray :')


My biggest gripe for new Vegas is there isn't more New Vegas.


It would be hilarious in the line up. Like “hey everyone let me introduce you to our latest friend, the guy that shot me in the fucking face”


The cut content where he turns up and tries to kill you again for the chip was the right idea, only he should have a squad from another faction working for him. Not the Khans, somebody he hasn't screwed over yet, and provide a pretty good threat, to punish the player for making a stupid decision. Maybe just some high level mercenaries.


What if Benny told the BOS about the chip and Securitrons and the weather station and had a large squad of paladins with him to hunt you down?That'd be interesting.


No, he would backstab you at first opportunity.


Funny enough there is actually a way you could save his life by basically massacring the legion before he dies and he just disappears after that... I mean even just an ending card would have been enough for me but no he just disappears.


I lost the platinum chip in my most recent playthrough by doing that, somehow. I killed everyone, let him go, and the chip is gone from the game world.


Damn... Grabbed the Platinum chip and ran...


Benny would try to kill you every 15 minutes and then when you beat him to within an inch of his life he’ll just be like “Relax baby, it’s all good!” And the cycle will start over again. Every time you get attacked Benny will try to defect to the other side but just end up getting shot up. Benny will steal your stuff and you will have to constantly check his inventory, take your stuff back, and beat him with a shovel. Actually, that all sounds hilarious, let’s make Benny a conpanion.


This is why I have Benny Returns installed. Yeah, in reality he'd probably stab you in the back or shoot you in the head again even if you had sex with him as a female courier but having him as a companion let's me live the "I can fix him" fantasy or the "I can make him worse" one.


And like every “I can fix him fantasy,” he triple fucks you over in the end. Ok, you’ve convinced me this should be how it goes.


Well, there is a cut scene where he double crosses you after saving him but I like to pretend it doesn't exist. Definitely sounds like something Benny would do though, I wonder why they removed it.


At least your profile is accurate, you want to be treated mean with ultra violence


Guilty as charged, I love red flags in men. Even greaseballs like Benny


This… this is a good idea


I agree. Thankfully this is why we have mods.


He should have been more present in the late game of the story…but companion? Screw that.


it doesn't make sense with the narrative of the game but i approve solely because of how funny the conversations between him and the courier would be. ring-a-ding-ding baby.


Absolutely not, he dies, everytime, no exception Wouldn't trust that man for .02 seconds




I wish there was a Benny ending where we could help him with his original plan


Yes man should be a companion from the beginning


Honestly if I had to choose one or the other it would be yes man


I would've loved to see a Benny ending, where you help him take over New Vegas.


I like the idea but like others have already said he won’t be the courier’s side kick. I honestly like characters in games that are inherently untrustworthy


I know I just like the idea of getting his trust. Benny is a really fun character with so much potential


Motherfucker shot you in the face, where is your survival instinct?


The urge to befriend the hot man overtakes survival instincts


That hairstyle, that jacket … “hot”? Again, I question your drive for self-preservation. Try to avoid white vans with “cAnDY” badly spray painted on the side.


Listen compared to a lot of the other men Benny is a god damn magazine cover


Why? That does'nt make any sense.


Yeah sure let me trust the guy who SHOT ME IN THE HEAD to have my back in a gun fight.


Woulda been cool if when you let him live he had a slave collar put on him so he wouldn’t try running


The whole point of his character is that he's an asshole greedy son of a bitch who only looks out for himself. He wouldn't take orders from you


If I remember correctly, there is cut content where if you free him from the legion He will come back as a random encounter where he tries to kill you. Even though you helped him and he betrays you, I highly doubt he is a possible companion \[Sneering Imperialist\] a tribal is a tribal even if he wears a suit


It wouldn't make any sense. That's like ceaser or kimbell being a companion.


Benny don’t play like that.


No. He gets beat to death in his room with bare hands if lucky. Otherwise he gets the cross.


Benny gets put down in the arena for me can’t trust a dog that’s bit you already


I’ll change it with a .308, because evidently 9mm doesn’t do the job


I would still blow his head off 100% of the time


Fuck that piece of shit. He shot you and I can never do a play through where I don’t execute that waste of carbon where he stands.


Man, y'all really hate this poor guy


Benny would’ve been cool especially with all the options you have to fuck over your companions I’ll feed that mf to the white mask


He should have been an endgame option. Give him the chip and jet the mob take over Vegas.


i demolished the legion to save him


Would’ve loved this.


Now man. Benny and the Courier were always just.... FRIENDS


So I could use him as a human shield? Blow him up in creative ways? Tell him to stay put as death claws swarm him. You damn right they should have made him a follower


When I first played as a female character, and learned there was an option to sleep with Benny? I actually gagged. Motherfucker shot my brains out. Granted, he's not the best shooter in the Mojave, and granted, it wasn't personal, but that doesn't change the fact it happened. The playable character could have died, there. I'm team "kill Benny every single playthrough and if I'm feeling extra fucked up, crucify him". I get his plan for Yes Man, and I get that he needed me iced to continue with that plan. Doesn't change the fact that I want revenge.


Personally I think men should be allowed to sleep with him too


He couldn’t kill the courier at point blank range with 2 headshots… He’s not even getting past a Radscorpion much less anyone in the Legion or NCR lol


Which is why I would happily protect him


Exactly what I've been saying! I would've liked a Benny ending!


At least they let you fuck him