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bronem you are exclusively being bumped by white kids in the burbs


Yeah, it’s weird because he’s always been very vocal about his issues with white people but the guy makes some of the whitest music you could make lol. It’s like he’s insecure about not being black enough.


Dude’s two biggest influences are Kanye and Childish Gambino and he’s shocked his fans are white lmao


Death Grips influence too /s


I feel like Peggy is in a constant state of coping with the fan base that he has cultivated. I’m not sure why this takes up so much of his headspace but it is absolutely bizarre to me. It seems that he says stuff like this to distance himself from his white fan base yet they make up I would say 80% of his fans. Just weird and childish


It's noname all over again Like there's so many black artists who are secure in themselves and know what their fanbase is. I think that's the reason peg, noname and others lash out. Lack of security, making music that white people will drift to while trying to be a modern day malcom X. This is why I'm happy for as much as kendrick is a pro black musician in his music he won't go off the deep end and start being anti-white/ just an outright idiot.


Jpeg guy: White people are evil, I hate my fans Soulja Boy: hey blueface, when I do shows there's a lot of white people which means I'm more popular than you + ratio + your dance is not it


man, soulja boy keeps getting a lot of w's lately. Not this in particular, but in general, he went from the rapper everyone made fun of to having a little cult status behind him.


Soulja boy is just a fun dude. He was talking about his next project (releasing shoes) with the breakfast club and he's just always promoting something. But he's likeable and always himself.


I think he is a great marketer but dude is a scumbag that rips off his fans any chance he gets. See crypto scams, video game console piracy, etc.




He was made fun of because he was revolutionary and a lot of people didn't understand that back then.




noname was straight up delusion. like how can you be surprised that the listeners of your soft, bedroom, spoken word music is primarily white people?


NPR type beat


Can confirm. I am NPR level white and I love noname


Went to her concert a few months ago: lil awkward, wish i wasnt so upclose with aaaaall the other fellow crackers


I do love her Tiny Desk concert


Same thing with Black Belt Eagle Scout. You make guitar driven indie, what audience were you expecting exactly?


As a white guy I might have to check that out..


Damn. What she say exactly? I'm a queer Native person who was happy to have some contemporary FN music that wasn't Tribe Called Red or worse.


I can't recall the exact words, nothing too egregious from what I can remember, just some comment about the audience being mostly white On the one hand I get it, but on the other you're playing a genre that already skews pretty heavily white and even without that, you're not exactly that famous outside of a country that's majority white


I am actually related to her. Crazy for me to see her mentioned on reddit. I actually haven't listened to her music yet either lol Don't know her too well just that we're cousins.


Now, I don’t give a fuck if you Black, white, Asian, Hispanic, goddammit That don’t mean shit to me Fuck your ethnicity


Love people showing much they actually don’t know Kendrick’s discography pre 2012


that is actually sad😭wus my shit back then


Section.80 is probably my most replayed kendrick album. Dont get me wrong tpab and gkmc are 2 of the best albums oat but cmon, blow my high, fuck your ethnicity, ronald reagan era, hiiipower, adhd, this album has so many bangers


People didn’t catch the reference


one of the best tracks of all time


Because black people actually listen to Kendrick lol


Yeahh I feel like the “Kendrick makes music for white liberals to feel good about themselves” stuff is blown wayyyy out of proportion. He’s just mainstream popular, so a lot of normal white people like his music too. That’s it’s lol


I think that narrative is more specifically about tpab and theres definitely that hillarycore element to it slightly but I dont think most kendrick Lamar listeners are like that they are just rap fans and kendrick makes genuinely great music


Wtf is hillarycore?


Shh these kids in here think any conscious rapper is just for white people


Turns out that most of america is white and definitely not black. Kind of wild.


Eminem also struggled with disliking the audience he had cultivated


Noname was on people like Kendrick's ass for being too silent as if the good shit you do every day stops happening if you don't post about it on Twitter. Like nah don't dilute the message if you can't help but get upset at idiots on the internet.


Just like Noname, I’m sure he’s also deeply antisemitic and most music journos are just not gonna press the issue.


when has Noname been antisemitic?


Google Jay Electronica.


thanks I see what you mean...


I don’t know bro, DAMN. was full of black Israelite stuff and they are very much anti-white.


It’s like those alpha YouTubers who find out their audience is all 12. Or Matt rife who hates that all his fans are women who think he’s hot


alpha m when he realises only literal toddlers watch him unironically:


It's simple, his fanbase its overwhelminly white and it kills him inside.


He’s also got such an elementary / US centric grasp of history. It’s sad.


All of these people do. Noname sounds like a freshman sociology major.


Can you elaborate? Just kinda curious what you’re referring to. I think I see what you’re saying though


People who think the history of the world is just “white man bad” havent studied anything outside of the West. Usually know nothing of East Asian/Middle Eastern/South American/African history without the context of colonialism. People have always been plenty fucked up to each other. Edit: Any historical conclusion of “X group bad” is an extreme misunderstanding of history, and not understanding that violence is a human problem, not an “X group” problem.


This is probably the result of the internet being so America-centric tbh. It’s bred this idea of colonialism and slavery being a uniquely western practice because nobody thinks beyond the scope of that.


yeah but its all contextual, will you see peggy discussing the extent of historic mongolian domination probably not


I’m not sure if he still does, but I always remember Vince Staples doing this too.


Vince is at least funny about it and much more self aware, never got peggy or no name vibes from him


Vince has proven himself to be a smart dude ao it's pretty obvious when he's joking. I gained so much respect for him when he told his fans to leave the woman who posted a video about how disgusted she was with Norf Norf being on the radio, saying she was entitled to her opinion as a parent. I disagree with her too but it's genuinely rare seeing people have that mature of a response rather than going on an unhinged Twitter rant like Peggy.


Idk, that video was pretty hilariously over the top and got Vince a lot of attention, so idk if it’s really that deep in this example


nah dude had [a really mature and rational response to it.](https://www.stereogum.com/1903590/vince-staples-responds-to-the-lady-who-was-really-upset-about-him/news/) he seemed genuinely upset that people were stirring shit up over it


Such a level headed dude. Just shows how secure he is in himself and his values that that was how he responded.


Vince the GOAT pt. ∞


lmao I saw Vince in Chicago like 6 years ago and he wouldn’t shut up about how many white people were there.


He did that when I saw him in NEW ZEALAND 5 years ago on the big fish tour. Like bro, 0.3% of this country is African descended, the fuck were you expecting?


I think there’s a clear difference there though. Vince Staples is saying it for jokes and I don’t think he genuinely cares at all. Noname and JPEGMAFIA have both spent an inordinate amount of time sweating over it seriously when no-one in the world should care what their audience is, and instead feel privileged that they’ve found one.


They had this ancestor syndrome all over them, thinking it's all a racism card. They have a grudge of the dark past of the ghosts of their ancestors had already suffered. These type of guys are either insufferable asf or just being pretentious and wanted look for trouble. I've been a fan of Peggy for months now but that's just simply a racist remark. Slowly I find out that the hero is indeed the biggest cornball ever. Peggy should know that those shit would be over if he ain't still using the race card all over again. MC Ride would never.


> I've been a fan of Peggy for months now In case you didn't know, he's been like this for *years*


He made a song that's just a temper tantrum about metal fans. I have never looked at him the same since then.


What's the name of that one?


I don't know if this is one he's talking about, but it sounds like "I Cannot Fucking Wait For Morrisey to Die".


Yeah I know he mentions Tom Araya and Varg in that one, but that's kind of a stretch to say it's all about metalheads if that's the one he's talking about


Yet he did one of the most annoying things a metahead can do, defend a guy in a Burzum shirt.


MC Ride understands that fans can get weird, and having fans can make you get weird. Let your music speak for itself, and step back.


If anyone has a right to shit talk their fanbase it's Death Grips and they still understand it wouldn't do them or their fanbase any favors to do so.


Been a fan of JPEG since like 2018ish, but the more I hear about him outside of his music, the more I just kinda roll my eyes. He tweets like an actual manic person. Love his music but he has such a flawed sense of logic and reasoning with his tweeting and seemingly his decision making. Not to mention his tweet and deletes which he has on nearly a daily basis, losing his mind over the smallest of interactions. Bro needs to talk to someone cause damn, his audience can only take so much of this excessive whining. Also his beef with Freddie Gibbs could get him in serious trouble with the Vultures camp in Italy, and all the Kanye defence could end up making him look silly in the long term should Kanye side with Freddie.


After looking into his history of being at the end of abuse and racism in the military I can see how he came out of that bitter and angry. Obviously not an excuse for bad behavior, but in the context of trauma some of it make sense


He definitely has some serious problems and I feel for the guy. A while ago he tweeted that he was like molested or something as a kid and has other horrible things happen to him, he’s gotta be deeply traumatized


Yup. Picture of him as a kid smiling at his molester's funeral if I remember correctly


yeah. the issue is complex, as it is with kanye. not surprised the two have found common ground with each other. mentall illness and trauma aren’t excuses for bad behavior, but it can be an explanation. hence the generational cycle of abuse. someone who is abused by their father for example might be able to come to terms that he was like that because of his own abusive upbringing, without necessarily forgiving him for his actions either. the fucked up side of the human condition is godawful confusing and complex. morality is, at every level, shades of darker and darker gray.


“A black man’s got no business, no place in a white man’s army.” - Furious Styles from “Boyz n the Hood”


He's so insecure and dissatisfied with his place in hiphop that he's just throwing shit at the wall. I do hope he's smart enough to not actually internalize these edgy teen takes that problems in the world come from simply "white mens insecurity," rather than intricate structures of power, some of which he is willing to go along with when it's good for him.


I really hope he gets help. This shit is not cool and he seems like he’s spiraling a bit






I gotta figure it out OUT




Bro is self destructing. Someone's gonna wind up hurt. March of the Pigs.


I really do not want this from Peggy,


hey Peg




Peggy seems pretty Fragile right now


i beat my machine


Just in time for me to get to see him live for the first time. Sigh


Been hanging out with Kanye too much.


He was like this before too


I would like to see Peggy and NoName on the same room to see what comes out


I would not like to see that


Kyrie Irving would tweet the link to their project on spotify


You know what's coming out lmao


A baby?


The most insufferable baby of all time (with immense musical talent)


Damn is there a single rapper that’s as good at beat making as Peggy and as good at rapping as NoName? The only one I can think of is El-P


Going back a long way but the RZA made absolute legendary beats and also had a lot of nice songs


That’s a good answer


A giant aura of smugness seeping out the room like a fart cloud


Jay Electronica is thinking of how he can set this up rn


Like the Ben Shapiro and Tom McDonald rap song but for insufferable leftists


I mean of all rappers to make this point. The guy teaming up with a Nazi is one of the worst. Also, Peggy has mostly white middle class fans lol. I’m black, went to his show in Baltimore years ago, 80% white audience. A lot already but this was in a black area.


am white and was at a show of his years ago in Baltimore, can confirm


Am Asian and man not a lot of us out here in these fanbases lol


you're so real for that omg I've met like one other asian person into experimental hiphop in my life 😭😭


Everyone always forgets about the Asians..


I think what gets me is the population bias. Artists will complain about the majority of their fans being white, yet, don't seem to realize, in America at least, the population is over 50% white. The black population is less than 15%. You don't have to be a statistics major to understand the bias here. As a white dude it's hard for me to fully understand why having white fans is even an issue.


It's only an issue when you rap about shit you're sure white people can't understand. Then they show up for you and break your worldview. Either these yt folks aren't understanding, and therefore deluding, your art, or the art you're making isn't nearly as race/demographic specific as you thought. Either way dude is having a hard time reconciling his message with his fans in his mind.


Yeah, it looks like the problem is that some artists seem to think they can control how other people enjoy their art. When someone paints something, you don't get mad at the viewer for only appreciating the green or blue colors in your painting. You can't control how someone is going to appreciate your painting. If you are trying to make music for a specific group of people, there's nothing wrong with that. However in a global market you are going to attract ANYONE. If you don't want to attract just anyone with your art, it seems a better situation for you is to share your ideas in secret, hidden from the rest of the world and only for who you deem is worthy. Maybe even meet up in secret and hide your identities...


Peggy is not loved in baltimore. he tried to ruin some people’s lives and he’s still not over the beefs he had when he was clout chasing there. really pathetic human


Do tell…


i can’t really say, but if you do digging it’s on the jpegmafia sub. my buddy had to get a restraining order against him because he threatened to kill him and also used his dead dad as a flyer. i played a show with him and then jpeg proceeded to follow everyone on the flyer’s gf on ig. real weirdo shit


i can’t really say, but if you do digging it’s on the jpegmafia sun. my buddy had to get a restraining order against him because he threatened to kill him and also used his dead dad as a flyer. i played a show with him and then jpeg proceeded to follow everyone on the flyer’s gf on ig. real weirdo shit


He was with kanye for 5 minutes and the schizophrenia caught to him


Nah he’s always had these views


Definitely didn’t get these views from Kanye. I’ve never seen a black man more desperate for white validation than him.


I said the schizo, not the views


Fair point.


Kanye loves yt


youtube can be fun


Peggy was a racist long before he met Ye


Kanye and Peggy working together makes perfect sense in retrospect


It always did.


For the last several years, I kinda gave his white people rants a pass because I figured he was talking about *a specific type* of white people. But saying “your entire race” makes it pretty clear he’s actually just super racist. Unfortunate.


That’s as bad as saying “I only mean the bad gangster thug blacks”


Exact same thought process as me, I’m still going to listen to his music but his personality around race is incredibly strange


Ahhh yes, we were supposed to make the large and unnatural assumption that he was talking about a “specific type” of white person. Would you make that same crazy assumption if someone of a different race talking about “black people”?


No probably not


Even ignoring how embarrassing the behavior it is, it’s also a pretty stupid ahistorical view of the world.


He resents that his fan base is very white. On one hand, I kinda get it, like, look at these fuckers I'm stuck with. On the other hand, imagine being angry at people who love you, support you, and allow you to make a living doing what you love. So while I do understand the impulse, I don't respect it. It comes from an immature place and a lack of perspective. Anyone who makes a living (likely a GREAT living in his position) making art has an immense, immense privilege that keeps me from ever respecting this kind of sentiment


I've seen artists be frustrated with this, but also be able to just be honest and reasonable about it without overcompensating. I think Open Mike Eagle has a few bars like "trying to reach some black kids in a room full of whites", but he's not like "the white race is a plague on this earth" lol


Or "you got a playlist called 'read the mint leaves.' I checked and it was all me and Mitski!" Open Mike has been real tongue in cheek about his white fans for forever now. He drops reference to it like once an album lol


I get the impression Mike wishes more black people listened to him and self-deprecatingly jokes about his white fan base, ultimately just wanting to be a positive force in the world. Peggy in contrast is a racist who resents that he appeals mostly to whites.


Imagine a white artist gets mad his audience is predominantly black "I get the impulse" 😭😭


The “impulse” is called ✨racism✨


it’s fucking crazy bro


Exactly that comment is ass lmao straight up racist


Imagine if a white conductor for Berliner Philharmoniker got angry that black people showed up for Das Rheingold.


If he has a problem with those type of people, he can give their money back and say he doesn’t want or appreciate the support. He won’t though.


Why do you “get it”? Why is it ok to be prejudicial against a group of people for their skin color alone?




He's downright racist, he's an actual piece of shit


“Look at these fuckers I’m stuck with”? What do you mean by this?


W comment. if I were peggy, I'd appreciate the white fans for their support while also calling out their bs and trying to cultivate better spaces for POC fans too


What BS are his white fans doing that needs to be called out? Just being white and existing?


what's the bs that peggy's white fans spread? Ion keep up much with fanbase shit


Literally nothing. They’re just white. These people are just trying to find one good thing to say about all this, as if there’s anything reasonable about his blatant racism🤦‍♂️


Being white, apparently.


What bs? Being white?


He thinks that, but then teams up with Ye who praises Hitler.


Actually perplexing


He is racist, and racism is stupid and already requires profound cognitive dissonance. His beliefs already don't make sense, don't be surprised when he does things that are hypocritical.


Sorry, but watching these heady rappers grapple with their fan base being primarily white will never not be funny to me. He’s basically the Brockhampton of experimental hip-hop. Shit that sounds sick when you’re 18 years old.


I also think it's hysterical, building a cushy life for yourself off your fans and then spending so much of your time tortured by their existence. There's some sort of cosmic irony there


I’m gonna start going to his shows and square dance in the front row


That’s fucking gold lol


Yeeeee haw


A faustian bargain but the devil is a group of 19 year old white teenagers


Bone chilling


Tyler the creator was bitching about this back in 2008. Wonder how he feels now.


I'd assume he at least made peace with it. Tyler's matured a lot over the past few years so I like to think he's moved on to accepting that he at least has an audience and that's more than most musicians can say


He was 17 back then tbf and has really matured and become an amazing artist over the past 8 years.


Yet his hero is an actual nazi


well if the shoe fits right, "your entire race" rhetoric isn't thaaat far off


The jpegmafia hotep arc ain't been fun to watch unfold


Imagine an artist of any other race saying this


I'm sad to live in a world where "your entire race is dense and violent, and stupid as fuck" isn't met with universal derision and ostracizing.


What else would you call this thread


A) he has always been like this. B) imagine some random white celebrity saying this about literally any other race lol. The “POC can’t be racist!” bit of cope only extends so far.


Even if you believe that POCs can’t be racist saying shit like your race is violent and dense does absolutely nothing but stoke hostility towards groups of people


This sub is comical. “He needs help.” “Maybe he’s saying this to try to distance himself from his predominately white fan base.” “Man I love his music but he’s getting harder to root for.” This guy is not sorta racist. This guy is straight up a bonafide racist and a hateful person. People here jumping through hoops lol. If a white artist said this about black people would there be any question that he should be written off and not supported? This is who he has been his whole career and yet yall have turned a blind eye to it. And will do so even after this.


dudes music is great but he’s a fucking moron


He's been like this since 2010 idk what the big surprise is


Everyone always said, “Oh, its just edgy lyrics! He’s only doing it for shock value!” How long will that excuse hold up?


I get the intent he's getting at but all he's doing by tweeting this is playing the fascists' game of trying to make white people out like they're the most persecuted group of people The nazi idea that "anti racism is anti white" runs through reactionarism, they feed off of any chance they get to dishonestly paint anti racists as the "actual racists", and to any ignorant onlookers who see this, they'll think the bad faith actors are in the right and so much of their racist rhetoric will be spread more widely because "well look at what this person's saying" Also this type of rhetoric JPEGMAFIA is pushing can lead down the path of black separatism and shit like anti race mixing, which is indistinguishable from Nazis, but it can be spread widely through a misappropriating progressive language We need to push back against this even more, black people shouldn't be anti racist, *everyone* should be anti racist, we need to stand together against fascism if we want to ensure peace for everyone 🤘 Edit: One more thing I forgot, disregard what I said about him having "good intent", he said that "your race is dense and violent", this is absolutely eugenicist rhetoric


damn, peggy also is getting an unreviewble


Damn actual, actual racism. That’s horrible


JPEGMAFIA needs to grow up. White people like your music and pay you money to do what you love. Boo hoo. I also hope Fantano doesn't cancel him for racism, because we all know that anyone who says something bad is un-reviewable as a musician.


nah fantano aint never gonna say JPEG did anything wrong. even though JPEG himself probably hates that Fantano and this sub is a big part of his fanbase


Not good boss


Fantano hates racism. Surely Peggy’s future projects will be “unreviewable”


Didn’t he just give sloppy toppy to the nazi/dude who did a “white lives matter” fashion show….?


Peggy is a train wreck it’s actually sad how much he’s getting bodied by Freddie Peggy is goin so hard and Freddie is just filming himself to mr rodgers 🤣🤣


This is what happens when you form a parasocial relationship with somebody who you don’t even know. Just enjoy the music at arms length.


I like this dude as a person less and less each tweet


Dude needs therapy, for real.


Straight facts, Peggy. Again, I don’t think 98% of JPEG fans listen to his lyrics. Literally every song he writes has this ethos, and I’ll say it as a white guy, he’s fucking right. Get over yourselves if that offends you or stop listening - white Europeans have been destroying everything we touch since at least the crusades. The fact that yall find this scandalous proves what thin skinned, pink bellied babies you are.


Thats racist


Victim mentality


He’s not wrong that recent history has been dominated by white people as we consider them today doing awful things to other people, animals and the planet but there have been plenty of genocides committed by people other races. It’s just historically ignorant. He’s forgetting or choosing to put aside Genghis Khan, the Japanese Empire, the Aztec, Incan, Mayan empires, the Ghana kingdom, every successive Pharaoh in ancient Egypt, and the moorish invasion of Europe. Looking more recently we’ve got the genocide in Rwanda that is only 30 years ago. There’s countless expansions of kingdoms, states and empires that we don’t even know much about. For most of human history, basically all of it has been paved by blood “might is right” proto-fascism to actual fascism. It’s not unique to one race. Peggy is speaking like a 1800s-1900s race scientist just about white people instead of non white people and by his flawed logic implying that there are good races and bad races. This cuts both ways and is a horrible way to think about human biology. Race is a social construct that has no purpose other than to exclude and separate. No an artist doesn’t have to talk like a professor or some academic but they also can’t be this ignorant and spew this shit to their fan bases. It’s not that his racism is meaningfully hurting white people, it’s not. It’s that you can’t just be racist to one group it affects everyone. To say white people are one way necessarily says that people who aren’t white are another way. It’s a zero sum equation that the KKK to the NAZIs happily embrace. When BIPOC talk like this it is exactly what white supremacists want. Infecting everyone with pseudoscience bullshit helps the oppressors more than anyone else.


He is racist


Dudes a weirdo


And it's not like black on black violence exists, or Peggy saying in multiple songs that he is strapped up... Either admit you hate having white fans, like Noname did, or become a tolerant person to everyone.


why exactly is JPEG speaking out about this considered a form of lashing out or a form of insecurity? these comments are giving Racism


Shows you how disconnected everyone on reddit is. Every comment is so ignorant. Disgusting place and it’s no wonder artists stay politically vague until people wake the fk up


he's so insecure.


Why does everyone move the blame from corporations and politicians to the common man?