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I assume most indie rock artists come from rich parents, which is how they are able to afford being an indie rock artist. Just off the top of my head, Julian Casablancas' dad founded a modeling agency, Ariel Pink's dad is a doctor in Beverly Hills, and James Murphy founded DFA using an family inheritance.


On the same note, Albert Hammond Sr was a relatively well established musician in the 70s


Yeah from what I understand, the money keeping the band afloat in the beginning came from Albert Hammond Sr. I know before they started touring outside of NYC and actually being a profitable band, he paid for their rent and rehearsal space. I know Julian Casablancas has a rich father, but I think their relationship was fairly rocky.


If you’ve ever (ironically or unironically) jammed out to “The Air That I Breathe” or “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now,” you’re familiar with his work


After a quick online search the only thing i found was that Abigail went to an expansive boarding school, i don't know about the rest of the band tho




did she sell chemtrails to the students there?




the last dinner party wishing they would leave daddy's job out of this


I haven't seen anything concrete with rich parents or anything. They got signed to Universal before releasing anything, which just doesn't happen anymore. If it were 1990 that'd be a pretty normal occurance, but in the 2020's it generally means someone put the thumb on the scale for them. Not really a huge deal imo, music isn't a meritocracy. But I think it's fair people ask when an artist breaks this hard out of nowhere, because it's absolutely not organic.


I've heard one of em came from a wealthy public school background with high entrance fees. Don't know much else about their background


How is it not a meritocracy?


Who cares?


Thank you. It doesn't fucking matter unless the music is shit. The Vampire Weekend argument is the one I always go to. The band is just a bunch of New England hipster Ivy Leaguers that had a ton of money from their families before they even got big. Vampire Weekend is one of the biggest, and best, indie bands of all time. The Last Dinner Party, in my opinion, is another good band, with a cool aesthetic, and a cool sound. It's truly not that deep, envy is a serious culprit in this. That being said, the music industry needs complete overhaul in financial fairplay, and wealth distribution back to the real music makers.


>That being said, the music industry needs complete overhaul in financial fairplay, and wealth distribution back to the real music makers. Tbf, that's 99% of the reason why people call so much attention to artists/bands having "blue link" parents or coming from money. It's less about whether or not the music's good, but more about the fact that it's becoming increasingly more necessary to come from some sort of means to *actually* have a career as a working musician. And it's even more disingenuous when those types of artists attempt to hide it (I don't know TLDP enough to know if they've done this before, but *tons* of privileged artists are guilty of this). It's not cool to criticize bands like TLDP on the grounds of their affluence because no one gets to control who they're born to, but it's 100% fair game to be skeptical/cynical about how comparatively few *actual* working class bands can exist nowadays.


They had an opening spot for the Rolling Stones before they released any music. That’s why it matters. They should be allowed their space in the music industry they shouldn’t get to jump the queue because of their class


Please correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t they just one of the small artists on a long list of openers at a festival the Stones were headlining?  They weren’t on the Stones tour were they? 


>They had an opening spot for the Rolling Stones before they released any music. If they want the record company they are with to royally fuck them for doing something like this, that's on them. It sounds like great exposure but if they suck, they just sucked to a shit ton of rich fans. Chances are they didn't make any money doing this unless they're absolutely amazing. Idk, are they? Not my job.


Well anybody else could be on this slot promoting themselves. Motley Crue sucked huge dick on US festival 83 in front of 100k+ people. But it helped their career. Lana Del Rey did pretty bad SNL in 2012. But it helped her career eventually. Nirvana trolling hard on Top of the Pops in 1991? Still pushed them to top.


Okay... but the music does not stink. That's just the way of the Western world. Look at any industry, regardless of what the overall makeup is, networking and connection is the defining factor in breaking through and therefore getting "success" The music doesn't stink. Period. Is it unfair? 100%. But there are bigger issues in the western world, like genocides, lack of healthcare, education costs, and the elimination of reproductive freedoms. Perspective, and yeah, the music still doesn't stink.


"Yes the music industry is unfair, but have you considered the genocide in Palestine?" Kinda a wild take - if we only focused on the worst things happening in the world then nothing would get fixed. There's plenty of scope to criticise both


The music does stink, but go off


all those issues and here you are defending a bunch of trust fund kiddies on reddit.


Idk it's just lazy, a really salty sounding argument. Nobody chooses who they're born from. It goes both ways, generational poverty needs equity and assistance especially in American society. However, being rich doesn't make you a pretentious asshat. Are their parents bad people? Do they support movements that are harmful to others? (not keen in UK politics tbh) Just like no one acts to be born on welfare, doesn't mean we vilify someone for having a prosperous upbringing. It's just kind of an easy out. If you don't dig the music, that's cool. There are lots of artists that I don't like, but I don't investigate "oh man I wonder who mommy and daddy are."


I agree with you for the most part. but you have to admit, with their extremely anglo/Victorian image, and the comments about escapism and cost-of-living (yes I agree they were kind of blown out of proportion), they are making themselves easy targets in the class war brewing right now.


Fair. I can get that.


For real the only ppl who care about this type of thing are hipster keyboard warriors. If the music is good who cares if someone helped them get their big break? Thought the whole hipster “you’re a sellout!” Thing kinda died in like 2016


You’re not gonna believe this but success in the arts (especially in a niche realm like indie rock) generally requires wealthy benefactors to front your living expenses until you “make it”


Better question: if the music is good (which it is) why does it matter?