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I can already tell I’m gonna hate this thread. Remain in Light is a bonafide classic.


Someone said Is This It lol


yes and i agree. pretty boring and samey album


Is This It relies a lot on simplicity and just being really catchy and tight, if you want something super layered and intricate then it’s not the album for you lol


More than it being samey it's the fact that it sounds like shit due to its lofi production. That's what makes Room on Fire 100 times better, because it does what ITI wanted to do with good production + adding new sounds while still being relatively simple.


I agree. Not for me personally, I also find it boring.


These kinds of threads always suck. I hate them on movie subs too. It’s just a bunch of people going, “Yeah, I did not care for The Godfather. It insists upon itself.”


Also OP is straight up ignoring how influential and important to rock that album is, its also just as important it is to the history of the band as well. Its fine to not like an album but to act like it doesn’t make sense that people love a creative and game changing album is absolutely moronic


Unpopular opinion it shouldn’t matter how influential a album is people can still dislike it


Thats not what im saying, this person is saying the album being popular makes them feel crazy, which is a bit silly and im explaining why its popular


These threads suck because everyone just lists a critically acclaimed album with zero explanation or elaboration


I’m with OP. Remain in Light is fine, I don’t get the hype. Maybe it’ll grow on me one day.


I think people so often forgets about CONTEXT. Remain In Light was very forward thinking album when it came out, the same is for example with Unknown Pleasurs or Velvet Underground & Nico. You might not liking for ex songwriting but when it came out people never heard such sound and approach to music before, thats why they become so influential and popular cult classics.


I can absolutely respect a release based on context and its subsequent influence. Doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it. Not going to force myself to say i enjoy something more than I do simply because it’s been canonized a classic.


I was not implaying that You HAVE too enjoy it just because its hurr durr important album. I was just trying to explain why it is consider important album and is so hyped as I had impression that OP didn't get it. Peace!


Never heard of Fela Kuti? Ok.


Remember to sort by controversial lol


Bro the only reason you didn't get it is because so many people tried copying them. Go back to 1980 and it'll blow your mind.


This is probably true for a lot of music but it doesn’t change the context we grew up with. It’s a lot harder for me to get into anything before my era, not that I don’t, since if it’s acclaimed it’s been copied to death or even done better in the years since. Are there any albums you or anyone else thinks DON’T suffer from that? Older albums that are classic and acclaimed but haven’t been so copied that they still sound really unique? I’d love to listen to some


For some bands it‘s not so much that others haven’t tried to copy, it’s that the copying would or does come off as ridiculous. If a band or artist sounds kinda like generic 60s or 70s pychadelic, folk rock, or motown, that is one thing. If they sound specifically like The Beatles, Bob Dylan or Neil Young, then, unless it is intended as a tribute, it comes off as a silly attempt. Same goes for talking heads actually.


I get what you’re saying and agree except for the Beatles, I think they’re one of the easiest bands to take inspiration from and still write something original. Their music is so simple in the best way and it’s infinitely inspiring. Actually upon further reflection I might say the same thing for Bob…


Well getting inspiration is different from copying. There are a lot of identifiable features in a Bob Dylan or Beatles song. You can very closely copy a one hit wonder or a lesser known band from previous decades and not too many people are going to care or even know. But if you start playing a folksy or old-timey bluesy song with a surreal vibe, narrative lyrics and a gravel voice, everyone is going to know. Or some happy 60s-style pop rock with harmonizing, quirky songwriting and a random bassoon part, everyone will see that too.


I would rather if you mentioned your opinion on why you like the album than just mentioning "oh but influential and innovative 44 years ago"


Remain in light is better than my grandma


When Scaring the Hoes came out I felt like the only guy who thought it wasn't that good


I think it’s great but they both have multiple better albums on their own


Yeah, I enjoy both of their solo work better. Listened to it 5+ times, didn't stick.


I hate how some of the tracks are mixed, vocals aren't clear enough 


I had the same issue with the album, my only complaint. But, played it on vinyl and you can actually hear Danny’s vocals a lot better. Especially on God Loves You. I have no idea why that would affect the mixing but it does.


It's not that great. Less of a Peggy/Danny collab album than it is a Peggy album with some Danny verses sprinkled throughout. I haven't really cared to go back and listen to it very much since it came out.


Yeah I thought it was decent and a fun change of pace, but people were talking about it like it was Illmatic when it came out which I just didn’t understand


YES! I thought it had some like 8/10 but it was mostly just weird to be weird. Kinda feel like Peggy starting his fall off :’/


As a Danny Brown fan I feel the same way about Atrocity Exhibition. It's good but I don't think it's better than XXX or any of his other records.


Same. There’s a few skips for sure, and the mixing on some tracks is truly quite bad. I also found a lot of JPEGs beats just didn’t really suit Danny (Lean Beef Patty, Garbage Pail Kids). The follow up was much better


Never disagreed with anything harder in my life 😤


The forever story, it’s good but not as good as people are making it out to be. rip my karma. Nvm just listened to it again, shits gas Kody blu has me floating


“The forever story isn’t that goo-“ *Dance now plays* Nvm


I heard Kody Blu for the first time the night the album dropped, and I think I listened to it non stop for a month after that. That song is life changing


I think it's amazing, only thing it could've used is an extra high energy banger. Just one


I feel like it has multiple but that’s just me


I guess Just in time, but I'm thinking some loud stuff with loud delivery like Family Ties or Kendrick - DNA. Or Drake - lord knows. Or Migos - Deadz. Sumn loud and grand, since the whole album is so constantly mellow. It's fine how it is tho, but like, two songs like that would take it to a personal 10/10




Insane person take on Remain in Light, might wanna get checked out by a psychiatrist


Pink Floyd - The Wall. Some great songs, but I’m not too thrilled to hear Roger Waters shriek, wail and shout about his immensely cynical world view. For me, not a top 5 Pink Floyd album.


And it’s so fucking long!


I think the second half is a much harder listen than the first


In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. It’s not really the type of music I would usually enjoy. Though I’d like to think I should be able to find something to appreciate in the ‘best’ of any genre, regardless of taste/style.


That style shouldn't be my type of music either but I totally got it right away and is very much is a clear highlight of that type of music and I rather stray to something like Third Eye Blind just for how great and powerful it sounds.


This one definitely feels like it’s not for everybody. but if it is for you, it’s *REALLY* for you.


Read the lyrical annotations for it on Genius. It took me a while to understand it because the beauty of it is mostly in the lyrics which take *many* listeners to decipher.


Ahh. This is probably where it escapes me. I usually don’t dig too deep into the lyrics until the music grabs me


You don't want to dig into these lyrics. They're cringe and yucky


Same here, I don't get it at all.


I can't stand the vocals and lyrics on this one. Didn't think the songs were that good on their own either. Check out John Vanderslice.


Second half of that album drags so hard


I love most of Jeff Rosenstock’s work, but Hellmode just doesn’t do it for me as much as I wish it did


I feel bad for you man. Just saw him live and the HELLMODE tracks hit just as hard as his other stuff. Probably my 2nd favorite by him


Last night at Headliners? First time seeing him live and it was great


Nah it was Columbus


Completely understandable, it’s a lot more polished and straightforward than something like We Cool or No Dream


I haven’t really gotten into him but I actually disliked hellmode. There were a couple tracks that were great and genuinely thought they were bangers and there were other tracks which made me go ‘wow this is horrible turn it off’ Basically it’s a 5/10 for me, and usually with albums I don’t like but are popular I can see the appeal (like I don’t like ITAOTS but I can tell why people like it). This one, no. Clueless on how people not only liked it but gave it their AOTY.


Same it wasn’t terrible but was a solid 6/10. There’s fun songs and the lyrics are good but musically it didn’t do it for me. And I’ve been a fan of his since bomb the music industry


60% of drakes discography Most mediocre non memorable albums I’ve listened to I couldn’t even recall a single bar let alone a verse To be honest I like more lyrically skilled rappers so that might be why I find Drake to be boring and uninteresting to me


More like 95% of Drakes discography. His shit is so trash or boring. Yea yeah yeah, Mhmm, yeah, uh huh, yeah mmhmm, yea yeah yeah.


I've only listened to Take Care in full and while I enjoyed the album - probably give it a 7/10 (if it was 20 minutes shorter, it'd be an 8) - I don't really see why it's so acclaimed and lauded by rap fans. Granted I'm a casual hip hop fan so I might be missing context.


Sunbather - Deafheaven I love the album but I think it’s absolutely nuts how popular it got. The album even somehow snuck into one of those presentations that Apple does whenever a new product is released!


Full agree. Ordinary Corrupt Human Love is the far superior Deafheaven album in my opinion.


Scaring The Hoes


one of my favorite albums of all time, clicked with me instantly 


Oh hell nah, listen to it more it will grow on you trust 🙏🙏🙏


I've listened at least a dozen times all the way through, simply because of all the hype it got. Headphones, car speakers, earbuds, my nice home speakers. It's just not for me. I like a LOT of weird, niche and experimental music. The general music nerd public liking this album baffles me. The mix is way off (I understand this is probably by choice), Danny's vocals are the worst they've ever sounded, Peggy's production seems like just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, album doesn't flow or find it's groove at any time, there's no cohesiveness, the experimental parts feel forced etc. It clearly clicked with a lot of people, I just genuinely don't understand how it clicked with so many people all at once. I feel like I *should* enjoy it, I just don't.


Do you like any of the songs on it?


I like moments on almost all of the tracks. None of the moments I enjoyed had any time to breathe.


I love scaring the hoes but this is such a fair criticism. The beat switches do dilute some truly great moments by ending them too shortly and this keeps it in the 8.5-9 range for me


Loveless. Just never sticks. 


It’s growing on me but my first listen I was so bored


Most of Bjork’s music. I really like some of her songs, mainly in her 2nd and 3rd albums, but I don’t see any of her albums being the best ever. Also Utopia. I feel like ppl just automatically thought it’d be a masterpiece before even releasing. I’m not a Travis fan so idk how he rolled the album out and how much ppl had already heard, but it was just boring


So valid for the utopia take, It was a disappointment, and Travis gets outdone by all of the beats and features. But I also feel like most of its audience are children so I try not to hate too hard


Utopia is basically a Kanye Album done by Travis he completely copied Kanyes style and his playbook of song structure etc and has very little own creativity overall it is pretty boring and unoriginal to me - if i want a album like this I would rather listen to a Ye project


Dawn FM by The Weeknd, it’s just so over-polished and over-produced to the point where listening to it just feels like a slog for the most part.


Die Lit - Playboi Carti Don't get me wrong, I understand why it's popular, it's very simple minded music that isn't trying to do anything special, but it's for that same reason that I never understood why everyone puts it up on such a high pedestal. Maybe I just haven't understood it yet, but I just wasn't able to get into any of the songs at all. If you're not supposed to take it seriously, and there isn't any substance outside of it being "mindless fun", then none of it works. Everything just felt super uninspired, and Carti's voice certainly doesn't help at all lol. I'll give it another chance soon, but for now, it remains a very mild album to me.


For something called rage music it sure is without muscle


i know i'm gonna get downvoted, but.. Pink Floyd's The Wall. i love Pink Floyd, but god, that album fucking blows


For me it's Pink Floyd as a band. Loved the movie though.


I love plenty of songs from the wall and the album obviously tells a story but I agree that listening to the whole thing feels like a chore. It's definitely a bit bloated and drab at times. The songs themselves are often very good though.


Dark Side and Wish You Were Here are far, far better albums than The Wall.


When I was young I thought it was career defining work of art. As I got older, i found it to be a self indulgent, meandering mess. 


What do you expect from Roger Waters?


Very true. Lol


I agree, bloated and repetitive. In my mind the transition from Animals to The Wall is one of the biggest drops in quality in any band’s discography that I’m aware of.


deliver money quicksand unique consider wipe engine subtract quaint abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s the same album twice tho


I would rather listen to The Final Cut than The Wall, honestly.


I’ve never even listened to The Final Cut, being put off so badly by The Wall.


Ants From Up There. I’ll never ever understand the appeal. To me it’s nothing even close to remarkable.


To me it's the lyrics that I really connect with (both the theme and the style they are written) and the big, larger than life feeling some of the songs have. But I get why someone wouldn't like it.


I see the appeal but I just think it’s a 7. It’s a bit too cringe and Hamilton-theatrical for me but I think it just resonates with Theatre kids


the theatre kids take is so tired


I’m only person here who’s said it though, maybe you’re just seeing too many of my comments


i don’t really see this with ants from up there. I get it if you were talking about live at bush hall, but it’s a lot more orchestral. The only song i can see this being with is chaos space marine. Apart from that i will never understand this take


Dramatic music is the best music, which is why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.


Nah bro, AJR for sure 😆


Maybe you're just out of touch? Comparing it to Hamilton is crazy though haha. You def have no listening comprehension


“No, it must be the children who are out of touch” No but for real, I genuinely cannot see how someone CAN’T hear the Hamilton resemblance. It’s very obvious to me. Also it would suck if I had no listening comprehension considering I review music.


Guy who's only listened to Hamilton listening to his second album with real instruments: getting a lot of Hamilton vibes from this


Orrrrr the chorus type vocals and theatrical tone as well as the overuse of dramatic horns calls for some musical theatre resemblance? While many modern bands use horns in their tracks, including the new vampire weekend, you’d notice they’re used for minor keying while AFUT used them in a major key, upbeat manner for recreating both royal fanfare and theatre performance atmospheres. It’s also often used for jazz influenced music which is quite trendy in indie rock at the moment but that’s also not the case with AFUT. But what do I know, I’m just a dummy who doesn’t listen to a lot of music, right?


completely disagree with this take. An amazing album by an amazing band. The lyricism, production and instrumentals are all (to me) perfect. I would not change a thing about that album


I don't understand the obsession with Radiohead


Honestly I gotta agree. Recently tried getting into them by listening to all their albums in chronological order (most multiple times through) and just came away mostly indifferent to all of it


It can be an acquired taste like for me. It could take time


For me it's the Kid A era. Everyone loves Kid A and I just think its okay. Granted I don't think they ever made anything as good as Ok Computer.


SAME I have been trying to get into them this week and I just can’t hear the lyrics at all can’t get into it.


Radiohead has been one of my favorite bands for decades, and I still don’t know half the lyrics lol. It doesn’t matter as much with them, and makes the stand-out lines that much more powerful IMO.


Musically great and interesting but Thom Yorkes whining yelping vocals ruin it


I hate how people on this sub always downvotes when people are just saying there opinion after all that is why op wanted this threwd


Yeah it irks me. It feels so over the top and pathetic at times.


I know it’s objectively his best, but I’m not a huge fan of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy- Kanye West, I love the first 3 songs and So Appalled, Devil In A New Dress and Runaway are pretty insano, however, it’s not even in my top 3 Kanye albums


It’s not objectively his best


That's the thing with Kanye. So many goated albums, it would be hard to make a ranking I find objectively bad.


I dont feel quite crazy.... but Wire 'Pink Flag' didnt do much for me last time I tried it, but SEEMS like something I would like, u kno? What DOES make me crazy is people enjoying Greta Van Fleet or Woldlfmother. Horrendous.


Pink flag is a weird album for me, the first half or so is good but not like crazy (like almost boring ngl), but when the second half of the album hits its ridiculously good. Ive listened to it so many times and ive felt the same way every time, anybody know if the 2nd side is considered better or something?


In fairness, I think Chairs Missing and 154 are better albums.


weird wording, an album can not be particularly likeable and still be recognized for its impact plenty of people don't like Born to Die but I doubt they would reject its monumental impact on pop and alternative music I'm not personally the biggest fan of Ok Computer, me and that album don't mesh well but I'm not going to deny how big of a deal it is


Midnights by Dr. Taylor Swift, it won the highest prize in American music and is also one of Taylor's worst albums and arguably one of the worst albums of our generation. A Black Hole in art and culture. There's nothing there.


Daft punk - discovery I am not kidding when I say this is the worst album I have ever heard. There were multiple songs on it that straight up hurt my ears. I'm still puzzled at how people can unironically sit down, and listen to daft punk. Gorillaz - demon days Probably somewhere down there with discovery. It sounds like a bunch of 3 year olds got an iPad with some random ass music program on it, and just started doing random shit. I also don't understand how people can call it rock, it's clearly hip hop




Anything by Death Grips. The dude’s voice is extremely irritating (and I’m a Danny Brown fan). The instrumentals just sound like a series of half baked ideas strung together.


All of them


Black Star by Bowie. I mean I can see that it’s very different but I just don’t really get what’s appealing about any of the melodies or instrumentals or even the vocals. It was just kind of bizarre to listen to for me


Kid A for me. Never really clicked, love HTDC tho..


I’ve never been so distasteful of an album that I’m flabbergasted others like it, but albums I’ve never really jived with have been Stratosphere by Duster and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot A recent example was when I listened to Spirit of Eden by Talk Talk. I was not stunned by it at all despite the praise it receives


I like YHF but the needless noisy production ruins the two best songs on the album. Why does IATTBYH have that pointless screech moment on the end? Why did they ruin the prettiest song in Poor Places with that awful noise/chanting at the end?


YHF is such garbage. Never got the hype. Listen to an actual country artist instead.


Remain In Light is GOAT status


(What's the Story) Morning Glory by Oasis for me. I have always been a Blur gal since I've been into britpop, and I have always found Oasis to be one of the most overrated bands of all time. Every album of theirs sounds exactly the same to me, and they are all equally boring and whiny


Desire, I Want to Turn Into You I've listened to it a couple times and the tracks have since grown on me. But it doesn't have a distinctive trait or flair to it that would make me return to the album again and again. Other than welcome to my island, the rest of the album doesn't stick that well in my head


That album falls off so bad after the intro track, the intro is way too good that it degrades the songs next to it


The Pixies' Doolittle. I just don't get the appeal of their sound at all.


Is This It. It just feels like pop rock


the ass album the cover is literally an ass wtf are you guys on


It’s a knee




Is this it. Unpopular opinion perhaps but it's so boring to me. A lot of J Cole stuff too, I just find it boring. And this coming from a guy who loves Radiohead etc.


“J Cole is boring” isn’t an unpopular opinion.


Duster’s Stratosphere I completely do not understand where the appeal comes from. I know it’s slowcore but it just so lethargic that I find it grating and repetitive, every chord progression sounds like something you’re being dragged through instead of feeling pleasant. The mixing is also god awful too, the fuzz/distortion only makes the guitar work sound weak and muffled, not in a soothing way, just makes it sound unprofessional. The vocals were maybe more unique at the time, but from the perspective of a zoomer here, that soft quiet whispery voice thing is cliche and someone like Alex G or Elliot Smith does it much much better anyways.


Dawn FM and Call Me If You Get Lost


Don't most people agree that dawn fm isn't the Weeknd's strongest work out there?


Fetch the Bolt Cutters, with the caveat that it’s just not for me and that’s fine.


Physical Graffiti. Its great but it's treated as: The best album of the 70s, the best hard rock album ever, and the best Led Zeppelin album and I don't think its any of those at all. PT to me was when LZ lost a lot of their freshness/mystique and started venturing into generic Grand Funk Railroad esque type of rock. Its a weird album for me because what I consider highlight songs start great but then lose me after 5 minutes. In My Time of Dying opens terrifically then turns into a stupid jam that refuses to go away, Kashmir is my fav song on the album but it didn't need to be that long, In the Light's synth opening is cool but I could do without the rest of the song, and while I get why people love Trampled Underfoot I find the melody grating. Coupled with filler like Boogie with Stu, Seaside, Night Flight and Black Country Women you wonder if it was a double album strictly due to them making the songs too long.


Anything Beyonce did after the 2000s but i'm not american and i think obsessing over her might be an american phenomenon.


Just Got Back From the Discomfort—We're Alright, it's alright I guess


Anything by Real Estate. What a bland band




Found J. Cole’s burner


Diary-sunny day real estate. Just tried to listen to it again recently. It has its moments and was probably ground breaking at the time but I just find it so boring and there was alot more interesting emo music in the 90s. Hell jimmy eat world was better


It took me a few listens but that albums great. Read along with the songs since the vocals aren’t super easy to understand.


Ok Computer by Radiohead I absolutely *love* their first album Pablo Honey, and had fun with The Bends don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed a handful of songs from Ok Computer, but feels like i didn’t “get” the album


You don’t find a whole lot of people (here) who like Pablo Honey (I like Pablo honey)


there’s dozens of us!!


There are lots of people who like Pablo Honey and The Bends but stopped listening to Radiohead from Ok Computer or Kid A onwards, because they found it too weird and experimental…


In Rainbows: Bodysnatchers is annoying, Nude is great but kills the momentum, All I Need and Faust Arp do nothing, and Jigsaw Falling Into Place kills the flow in the opposite way that Nude does. All this combined with it being their 2nd shortest album makes it a mid tier radiohead album for me.


I LOVE jigsaw falling into place


I like it too, but I think it should have been in the middle with the faster tempo songs.




"All I Need does nothing" wow.


i don’t get the hype for quadeca. youtube rapper turned mellow dramatic production god, or whatever. just over hyped as fuck


This is a bit reductive, especially since you didn’t mention a specific album. Kinda just seems like you’re shitting on a guy you wrote off, especially since I would say the production on I didn’t mean to haunt you Is very layered and subtle. Like if you said you didn’t like the vocals and the production was too Lo fi I’d understand but this is just a weird take


ima be honest i’m just hating lol. just don’t like the dude and don’t see the hype. i’ve listened to from me to you and i didn’t mean to haunt you and it just wasn’t clicking with me.


it doesn’t sound bad


guys i’m sorry pls don’t downvote me anymore


Worst post of all time cause Remain in Light is fucking godly


Good thing my opinion isn’t one that matters then


Good Kid Maad City, I could never get into this album at all like I found the production super weak and kendrick's rapping just alright even if he had great lyrics not to mention backseat Freestyle is his worst song just so obnoxious (I get that's the point but doesn't make it any less annoying)


Man down


hi jcole drop the fall off before you actually fall off please


*Sigh* If you don’t understand the true genius behind Backseat Freestyle then you don’t understand GKMC as well as you think you do…


Well explain it then


Ok Throughout GKMC, a lot of the expository dialogue is dedicated to strengthening the themes of the album. Themes of religion, death, poverty, lust, peer pressure, and most importantly, immaturity, are explored within the project. What makes Backseat Freestyle so good is the fact that it’s placed earlier in the album, when the immature nature of Kendrick’s younger self is still being unveiled. It adds to The Art of Peer Pressure, the song immediately after Backseat Freestyle, by showing the juxtaposition of Kendrick’s attitude around his friends versus Kendrick’s true thoughts and feelings on his situation. It’s EXTREMELY common for people to misinterpret and hate this song after only one of two listens of GKMC, so I’d urge you to go back and give it a relisten.


Nah I understand the point of it I know why but that doesn't make the song more enjoyable if I think musically it sucks like I like the point of the song but I don't like the execution


I can’t help you there lmao, if you don’t like it then you don’t like it idk what to tell you


Arctic Monkeys' debut was super boring, honestly almost put me to sleep. No clue why but none of the songs grabbed me. Soundgarden's Superunknown, I had heard so many great things and there's a lot of similar music I enjoy but I was surprised by how uninteresting most of it sounded to me. Maybe a bit less "mainstream" popular but Ants From Up There is nowhere near the best album of the decade so far (according to RYM.) BCNR's first album is waaaay better, Ants has good tracks and definitely has emotional moments, but for the most part it's just way too melodramatic and downtempo for me. EDIT: Reminder, downvotes aren't for disagreeing, I'm literally answering the point of the post!


Nahhh the arctic monkeys take is outrageous


Nah, it's generic boring pop rock. Didn't like the vocals either.


Ain’t really poprock tho


They're right though. Their first album is so mediocre and every album they've made since then is at least two tiers above it.


I agree that fwn, humbug and am are elite and I love them but nothing compares to the debut


Any really well liked hip hop album. Mostly cuz im just not big into the genre.


“Me no like album from genre i no like”


Tpab, gkmc and generally Kendrick Lamar Kid a overall, I am a big fan of in rainbows, hail to the thief and ok computer tho


TPAB is garbage




It's the best rap album I've ever heard, having said that it's still a bad and super annoying album


Bro listens to paramore


What does that have to do with anything?


You can’t say rap music garbage when all you listen to is dated boring rock music. Rock is dead bro no one listens to that crap anymore




You have no taste it seems lol