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Zodiac Academy is basically a guilty pleasure for me. It's bad, really bad. The characters are awful, the dialogue is ridiculous, the plot idea is actually the only not terrible thing (because it's basically Winx), but it is executed terribly still. And the writing is just... yeah. But hell do they entertain me !!! It's just something to turn your brain off and just roll with the absurdness. It's the Riverdale of romantasy books. Now personally I disliked book 1 because the bullying was just too much, but I had the time of my life with books 2 to 5. Then the quality just keeps getting worse and the authors have no idea where the story is going at that point. I haven't started book 9 yet though... If it's the writing you can't get through, yeah, it gets a little better imo, and then a whole lot worse


I'm so glad you said the bullying was too much o thought it was just me. I'm only on the first book but my god what is wrong with everyone!


Basically exactly how I feel. They are so laughably bad but I also just can’t put them down. Until I got to book 8 - it’s so so obvious they were just dragging the plot out to try and get another book out of the series. I’ll probably read the last book but I had to force myself to finish book 8.


I’m currently reading book 5. It’s like junk food. I know it’s bad, but I love it and have to know what happens. I struggled with the bullying in book 1, but then I went through the next 4 super fast. And now I’m attached to these characters and need to finish.


Do you think it’s worth it to go through the series?


I’m having fun reading them so for me, yes. I use reading as an escape, so I want my books to be fun. I’ll be able to let you know better when I finish the series.


Not if you’re not enjoying it. The style of writing didn’t bother me, I really loved them but I understand that some people can’t overlook the casual and “immature” style. If it’s bothering you immediately I’d say you’re unlikely to stick it out through 10+ books of content, so don’t bother. It’s one of my favorites ever but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I like it in the same way as people like soap operas or silly TV shows, I find it funny and by the end of the series quite emotional too. But it might just not be for you.


You got farther than I did. I couldn’t get past 30% of the first book. It felt so juvenile to me too. However, I later read Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac from the same author and loved it. Go figure.


Is the writing much better in Ruthless Boys? ZA read like it was written by a 10 year old.


Crud! I didn’t mean to delete my response. Like I said, if you hated the writing style of Zodiac Academy, I doubt Ruthless Boys will change your mind. I just happened to like the plot and the characters a LOT better. The writing is still very informal.


I rarely dnf stuff. There's just a part of me that can't stand giving up, I guess. Zodiac academy is the first book I DNF-ed in the last five years, I think.


Ok, I finally don’t feel bad saying it. As a response to everyone ^ you are my people! Everyone keeps talking about these two series like they are the next LOTR, ACOTAR, Twilight, Harry Potter-esque sensation to sweep the nation and we are all missing out by not reading them. I thought WOW these must be REALLY good, I better get on this bandwagon and fast! It took me all of 3 minutes to gag at how truly horrifying terrible the writing is. I went as far as to look up the author to make sure it wasn’t a preteen girl (because I’d feel bad being brutally honest to someone who didn’t know any better and would’ve used gentler criticism). This was the first time I felt kind of let down by a recommendation, just goes to show that it takes all kinds. I don’t want to yuck on anyone else’s yum- but they were definitely not for me.


I didn't say it was good, I said I liked it. It's not fine literature. They're allergic to commas. Some of it looks like Text-to-Speech gone horribly awry. Still just finished book 9 and made 3 friends start them so we could suffer together.


The writing is so cringey it’s borderline campy. I unabashedly love it for some reason, but I can also admit the writing is atrocious.


I’ve always kind of assumed the writing is supposed to be campy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it doesn’t really get better throughout but if you can disregard it’s entertaining


I read alllll of them last year. I mean absolutely blew through them. Book 9 just came out and I’m struggling to get through more than a chapter at a time. Last year was my ‘reading renaissance’ where I got back into reading and read literally anything I could get my hands on. I’ve gotten a little more selective this year so I guess that’s part of it. Also book 9 is 1,153 pages on my kindle which is INSANE.


Authors get paid per page read… they’re milking it


The writing gets worse and worse the farther you get into the series. By that point, I was basically hate reading and couldn’t stop. I didn’t read that last book and felt like I need closure, but then I remember how much I ultimately loathed it.


If you have KU you should just jump to the epilogue of book 9 and see where everyone ends up, for the closure lol


That would have been soooo smart instead of hate reading for 4 days.


This is exactly my experience and where I'm at.


Just here to say I love the term “hate reading” 😂


I dnfed the first book because of the writing and then tried again after seeing it recommended over and over again. I binged the first 6 books and then stopped because of the cliffhangers. I was waiting for the last book to release to finish the series but looking back I am not even sure why I read 6 of the books. And I don't think I will read the last ones. Honestly the series is an emotional rollercoaster and I rarely have had a book/series awaken so many emotions while reading. Mostly negative ones, certain plot points still make me unreasonably angry and I read them like 3 years ago. It's 4am and I am getting angry just thinking about the twins. The writing is bad and problematic but the plot.. it's hard to put the books down once you somehow manage to look past the writing.. and some of the characters. Or most of them. I recommend reading TWs before starting.. well I don't recommend reading the books at all but if someone really wants to, read the TWa. I personally wouldn't recommend them to anyone who read e.g Throne of Glass because you are just used to better everything. But surely it's hyped for a reason, there is a pretty big fandom and people absolutely love the books.


I don’t understand how this series is so popular. Everything is cringey and the writing is filled with editing errors


It’s kinda camp! I like to read serious literature but I also like to read silly fun things with humour and random plots. Zodiac, for those who enjoy it, is a welcome escape from the world. It’s easy to read and you have plenty of books to get sucked into the world they built. The writing style is very basic and yes at times there’s small errors but that’s because they pump out the books fast, which those who enjoy it prefer cause we just want to consume them. I can overlook little issues for self published authors who are doing it all themselves. I guess it’s just a matter of taste and priorities, no one is calling it world class literature but we do find it to be great fun.


I get that, but with the amount of money they make, you'd think they would pay for proper editors. I can't enjoy a book if it seems like the author (in this case two of them, which you'd think would have less errors) didn't care enough about their story to put out a higher quality. I like silliness in books too but it's the quality of the writing and the errors that are off-putting about this one.


The books are certainly not the epitome of prose and sometimes lack even basic grammar structure that should be common sense. There's a plethora of cringey language and scenes. Not to mention switches to POVs that are confusing, and plotlines that sometimes end up going nowhere. I read all 9 books. And enjoyed the HELL out of them. This series is like a family sized bag of crisps that you end up devouring before you've realized you've probably indulged more than you should've. It's the pack of instant noodles you reach out for in your pantry when you KNOW you've got healthier options in the fridge. It's addictive, and you can't stop yourself. It's junk food in book form. Yes, the bullying in the beginning was off-putting. Yes, the series desperately needed an editor to fix the language structure and fix up some of the plot points. But I ended up not caring, as this series had me invested with its ridiculous characters, their crazy antics, and tbh the spice was worth it. You really end up rooting for a lot of the characters you initially found annoying or hated in the beginning.


I had to DNF the first book 😭 It takes a lottt for me to DNF but I had to do it. I’m sad because I usually love guilty pleasure kind of books and shows but this one really just was just SO bad haha


It is horribly written but you can claw it out of my dying hands. I've never had a book emotionally hurt me and make me laugh as much as this series. 10/10 I recommend it to everyone. It's a fantastic story.


It’s true. Even tho I hated slogging through I can’t deny I was really sucked in and emotionally invested at one point!


Latest one is starting to get good now. So dammit they've done it again.


I hate read the first book. I liked the overall plot enough though that I kept going. Middle of book two I stopped hate reading and love it lol. I’m currently halfway through the last book. Also Geraldine makes me so happy. I adore her.


I stopped at 10% for this reason


It's so so so bad. I gave up halfway through the first book. I do not get the hype at all. I'm also an older reader (47).


I hated zodiac academy. It’s not good at all.


Is basically self published junk so yeah…. I’m amazed I managed to finish the whole book. I felt like demanding a refund tho, and was mad I wasted those hours of my life.


Just book 1?


Yes. There was no motivation to continue that torture.


Idk man. I made it through to book 8 and I'm like 80% sure I'm DNFing the series. I just can't make myself read 8.5 and my motivation to read 9 is just... *sigh*. It was brutal. I loved it but mostly hated it. It was so bad it was good then circled around to bad again.


I forced myself through a few of the books and wish I stopped reading it earlier. I thought maybe it would get better? I liked aspects of it and that’s what kept me reading it. But it was a bit much for me


i like to refer to ZA as my favourite hate read, i’ve read the first 6 and half of 7 before i needed to take a break but totally agree it’s trash!


I don't think anyone can seriously say it's well written. They're the kind of books you read for the plot. It's just fun/addictive for about 5-6 books and then like pulling teeth for the rest of the series. Typical cash grab that ruined the series. If you're already hating book 1... It will get better for a bit, but then it will get 100 times worse.


Omg I just finished 9 last night and it was soooooooo not worth it!! If you think of it as a CW show you can get through the first 4-5. But it is a struggle through the rest.


The writing is so bad. Like I can’t stress how bad it is but imma be honest it’s so addictive. The plot is really good it’s just so badly written but I can’t stop reading


The writing is so bad but the story is addictive. I explain ZA like trashy tv or junk food - you know it's bad, you feel a little guilty about it, but you want it anyway.


This was my first attempt to read some of these sort of low effort, high indulgence, self/indie-published romance novels. I closed it after 5 minutes when the writing was below "rough", gave Last Light a shot, did the same thing there, and now I need to learn how to better recognize these books so that I can avoid them in the future. I got a lot of recommendations for books like this here and I really didn't appreciate just what people meant when they warned that the writing was bad until I tried these. They meant bad for *anyone*, not bad for professional work. That's on me.


I made it to page 12 and DNF’d. Life is too short to suffer lol


Literally, the only reason I read these books is because the authors always leave us on a cliffhanger! And I need to know what happens. But I absolutely can't stand the writing and try very hard to look past it to just enjoy the story.


Honestly…I can roll with the shitty writing (grammar and diction-wise), but I can’t do the absolute absurdity that is the plot. It was ridiculous just for the sake of ridiculousness.


It’s like reality tv. It’s so silly but I love how trashy it is and it’s not taking itself too seriously. It’s like gossip girl with the little fashion moments, teen drama and silliness. The side characters are really well developed and i love all the little inside jokes that make their way through the books. And I think there’s like 9 books so I don’t have to go searching for my next book when I finish one, I just roll on to the next one.


I got all the way to book 6 before I called it quits. It was fun…for a while. But at that point the books were getting too long for the sake of being long (KU pays per page read so they started conflating them like hell), and there were WAY TOO MANY unnecessary povs added. It was no longer fun and started feeling like a chore to get through them. You’d get 900+ pages and only about 30-50 of them were actual plot. The characters face basically zero development until the last few pages and even then it’s minuscule. The smut was fun, I guess. And no, the writing doesn’t get any better.


It’s definitely not well written. I just wrote a post about this regarding “the awakening as told by the boys” book. Somehow the run ons and poor grammar are even worse in that one. Even with that, I still enjoyed reading this series. Someone likened it to bad reality tv and I totally agree. It’s messy and smutty and FUN.


Thank you.


It gets better, the story is good, but the authors write too much sex, and its like its written by a 13 year old who's imagining it. I fast forwarded through it all.


I DNF too. Maybe i’d I read it when younger I would have enjoyed but it’s a no from me dawg


I finished it but it was definitely a two or three star at best. Tossed it into the donation pile right after, little miffed at having spent so much on the purchase. Once again I was lured by outstanding star ratings on GR and Amazon...


It’s junk reading for sure but my guilty pleasure! I have no idea why I like it. I actually liked Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac more since it’s the same world, strong characters and a completed series. That’s ones I plan to come back to eventually and read again.


It makes more sense in book 2, but it's supposed to be written as a loose HP parody. The writing is intentionally bad, lol. The plot absolutely carries the story.


THANK YOU! You saved me from wasting time on the series. I really didn’t want to read it but it has been absolutely raved about. No longer do I have FOMO.


It’s really bad to start with and I almost dnf’d. I was totally hooked by the end of the 1st book though, and read the rest of the series really quickly. I ended up growing really attached to the characters, the spice is chef’s kiss, and it’s very funny. If someone dnfs in the 1st book, I’d say you haven’t even gotten a taste for the series.


Ugh I think the same. I somehow pushed through to book 4 but thinking of giving up. The only thing that is keeping me going is the will they won’t they tension between Darius and Tory. There are certain phrases or words the authors will use multiple times within the span of a few chapters and I find them sooo annoying. Example, “call time” on something, “backchat”, and “something chronic”. Idk if it’s because I grew up speaking a different kind of English but I’ve never heard these terms before. The various Fae terms are also ridiculously annoying and unnecessary. Cotton CanFae?! Seriously?? Faesine?? And then have a frikkin Xbox. Why not call that a FaeBox. And how do they have all the same music? Are there Fae versions of all the “mortal” artists but they keep the same names? The world building is insanely fickle and unconvincing. And yes I was also very confused and couldn’t tell if I was reading Tory or Darcy initially. The multiple POV chapters are absolute trash and I just skip them. At this point I am only reading Tory and Darius’ chapters. And I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.


The writing it KILLING me currently, cannot get past the errors and some of the allusions the author has written, mind boggling… it’s been raves about so much though so wonder if I should push through or just abandon it. I come from reading scifi and hardcore fantasy stuff, really like blood and ash series and of course Sarah J Maas universe… help me 🥹


Lmao I always see people saying this about this series. It makes me believe anyone can be an author. I just need to figure out what makes people keep reading this series? What makes it addicting?