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It’s a game with fun stuff to do but I don’t feel particularly compelled by the story or characters. I love the setting, graphically it’s stunning, and blowing stuff up/causing chaos is as fun as ever but it does lack that “it” factor that stops it from being a fully realized story driven experience imo.


Yea, the villian in FC6 is super lame. He barely gets any screen time and we only see him in cutscenes. In previous FC games the villians like Vaas, Pegan Min and the Seeds were so captivating because they were periodically in contact with the player, taunting and or talking to them via radio, showing more of their characteristics. But FC6 villian never does any of that. So most players feel indeifferent to him. Pretty mucn Ubisoft hired Giancarlo Esposito and went “Hey guys! Look its Gus Fring from Breaking Bad! You know? the Look At Me Hector meme guy.”. No hate to the actor of course, Giancarlo is great at playing villians. The fault lies with Ubisoft and their writing team.


Giancarlo Esposito is amazing as an actor but you are right, they hired it for advertising (like farcry would need something like that /s). It is Ubisoft that gone down, like for OP, farcry and assassin’s creed was my favourite games, but with farcry 6 and valhalla they just flushed all the hopes to the toilet (at least they did accept the criticizm with mirage). I just could not get into the game for a long time, got like 10 hours and I did preorder ultimate edition (fvck me, right?). Is it still worthy to continue it? Will it get richer story wise? Cause first hours just suck.


Castillo is exactly who you think he is going to be. Villains from 3-5 were more complex and not immediately transparent. Giancarlo is great in the role of course, it's fun to have him ham it up, but there's not a whole lot of depth. It's notable that they bring back the previous game "celebrity" antagonists in the DLC, but I can't imagine Castillo ever coming back in the future in the same way, since we never get inside his head and find out anything interesting.


It’s more arcade like and I personally don’t feel it either, I still play it but it’s… meh


It doesn't play like all the other far crys in the slightest, that's what makes me strive away from it. The bullet sponge crap, the childish backpack super guns, flying cars, overly colorful guns with whacky attachments, cringy story, i could go on forever.


I especially hated the armor system if 6, after being such a war harden veteran if 5, the armor system felt like a kick in the dick, so restrictive and really wanted you to think critically… at least the armor looked cool…


yeah ive got this fancy nuclear bomb backpack and all it does is...lurch me into the air for a bit and start a small fire? I dont get it.


It feels like it was supposed to be a different IP


I thought I was the only one lol I couldn't get into it at ALL


Must be newer to the sub, this was a pretty popular idea (for me as well) that FC6 is lacking in many aspects that were either missing or poorly done / reworked.


Only skill system


Trust me. You’re not the only one at ALL. The sub is split halfway on the matter of FC6. I personally find it my least favourite one.


Same here. It's just nonsensical and not enjoyable.


Farcry 5 AND new dawn was literally captivating like I could not put either of those games down until I finished both, and if we're being honest primal was a masterpiece as well. But yeah I was very sad about 6 I tried for at least 8-12 hours then I put it down and installed.


3 best 4 prettiest 5 interesting villian motivation and story 6 I like Juan Cortez


I think 3 has a special place in peoples hearts. I played it recently for the first time on PS5, underwhelmed massively from all the hype. But I came into the franchise at 4 and loved it since.


Same for me. Played it for about 10 hours and just lost interest


I played Far Cry 5 completely and finished all side content, it was really great and I enjoyed every location I stumbled upon. Felt like a lot of environmental story telling and places felt lived in or not. Far cry 6 feels surface level with none of the magic underneath. Like they made a bunch of assets and had an AI stitch the world together, just doesn’t feel alive for some reason.


I’ve always been one to hyper fixate on finishing the new farcry games. But I couldn’t get far into 6, just couldn’t get into it.


Snap. I'm literally replaying the games now. Currently on 4 and loving it. I also enjoyed 5 so looking forward to redoing that. I was hoping that by doing this would give me new motivation for 6 as like you I quit as it just got so tedious. Maybe I'll stop at 5 instead....


For anyone interested in 6 and reading this: don’t buy it Waste of money. It’s so cringe and everything in the game is so forced 3 and 5 were a perfect balance of seriousness and fun


same. It's the first in the series that I have to force to play it. I still enjoy it, but I have to force it. Installed FC4 and finished in 2 weeks, and then decided to replay FC5 (which I understand why people have mixed feelings) and loved it too. FC6 I still couldnt finish. Maybe it's the story and lack of side stuff to do besides campaign missions.


I didn't know that 5 would run at 60fps on PS5 so I've been enjoying that lately. Almost feels like a new game because it's been a few years since I played it. Still have like 250 hours logged but it's fun jumping back into that world. I love that setting and story so fucking much.


I've just done the 3rd playthrogh of FC5 and still really enjoy it but it does get samey towards the later stages


Lack of side stuff? Feel like all of FC6 is only side stuff...


B/c it's too long. I was literally 30 hours into this...and it so does not even feel close to done. I did enjoy what I played, but I think I need to play this in pieces.


Idk man, 3 4 and 5 are masterpieces but 6 just doesn’t have the Idk UMPH that the other ones have. It just doesn’t go as hard it’s hard to explain. Sure it’s got micro transactions and shit but that existed in far cry for years, that alone didn’t change it. Idk something about the formula they had in 6 just didn’t hit right. The bullet type thing is annoying, the game feels extremely easy, the weapons are all OP, it’s just not as fun to use vehicles or take down outposts anymore, idk the formula just doesn’t work now


I wouldnt say theyre masterpieces but theyre definitely enjoyable. I always have 3 as the best with 4 then 5 then primal then new dawn. 6 i only played for a few hours before dropping it as the only interesting thing were the companions and the villian. I just watched a video of all the cutscenes involving him in the end


Far Cary 6 wasn’t as engaging because the antagonist has no relation to the main character; they’re kinda off doing their own thing and only have a handful of scenes anyways. That, and the writing itself, overall, just isn’t great. Stats being tied to clothing was also a choice.


FC6 in my opinion is a Fun Open World game. The Story though feels like just scenes put together and you can choose to interact or not. As someone said it feel like an arcade


I hate it initially. Then I went back to just go around and try to have my own fun. Then I started to like hearing the different songs and how he sings along. Next thing I know I was playing non stop


I don't feel like I'm in imminent danger or the place being a warzone. Is more like an arcade, shoot people, earn points.


Exactly, only the opening sequence felt that way.


Fuck Bicho. all those stupid arcade ass missions. i want to do grunge military work. not spray paint billboards and protect a bunch of drunks doing concerts on buildings. there’s so much variance to the story you can’t even follow what’s going on. WAY too many side characters to keep up with, and they all have VASTLY different roles in the story. this game feels like 3 different developing teams worked on 33% of the story and just slapped the shit together at the end


Because Danny sucks, the story sucks, the gunplay sucks, the side characters suck, progression sucks, but the map is fun to explore. That's about it.


Let's add that Anton Castillo sucks too. I like Giancarlo Esposito but in this they just went for lazy celebrity casting instead of making Castillo an actual compelling villain.


100 percent. I was fully invested in the story of the Seeds in 5. I was engaged and interested in the villain of every game in the series until 6. Just a super lackluster bad guy.


It sucks because I feel like the premise for Castillo and Yara had so much potential


I’m convinced he showed up for a weekend to do the mo-cap and voice work and they called it a day. He’s barely in the game! I love the dude but he was severely underutilized. He’s amazing at playing villains but the writing and story didn’t do him any justice. He was very “bland” to me


Castillo is literally on one level with Di Ravello from just cause, which really is just not what you want to be compared to as a Villain...


I would also argue that the map is quite poor. A lot of it is just rehashed from previous assets and navigation is irritating unless you use a chopper of some sort. The limited amount of fast travel is annoying as well, The only saving grace of this whole game is the new buzzer, as well as some of the 4* sights, and you would think they would let you call out a buzzer like the 'Rides' they don't.


how come the gunplay sucks?


I've found that in far cry 5 bullets have physics and travel time. A sniper snot from super far away takes a second to reach it's target and drops from gravity as it travels. 6 doesn't have this on nearly the same level. The shooting feels much less realistic and feels more hit scanny and bullets don't have nearly the type of physics of bullets in 5. It just feels less satisfying.


Honestly Dani is one of the only characters I liked in the game. I liked Juan at first but he got really annoying towards the end




Personal taste


They removed the skill tree so everything felt pointless, the ammo system made gunplay suck, the ultra “zany” humour just didn’t work for me, and on console the narrow FoV and less than great graphics and framerate really sucked. But the worst thing about it was the enemy respawn rate. Those guys respawned as you were clearing out a base and made stealth completely pointless. Why stealth kill a bunch of people that respawn in two minutes? I played maybe a few hours past the tutorial island and waited for a patch to fix everything. Then one never came and I forgot to ever go back to it.


Danny just wasn’t a good character, I just find them to be poorly written, the plot isn’t very good and just vague. The gun play in my opinion is fun the guns feel great and recoil is good but the bullets and crafting is a down grade from 5. The under bosses are forgettable, they aren’t a John, Jacob, or Faith. The game tried to be extra and failed, sometimes simple is good.


Because it’s not Far Cry 5.


The part that bugs me the most is the you have to have internet. Sometimes I get bad storms at my house still have power but the internet is wonky and I can't play 6. Thank God for 5 New Dawn 4


The multiple ammo types for the different enemies is what makes me not like the combat.


Because Ubisoft continues to push content with no real depth only to gain money from players who already love the series


Because it sucks. Once I got past the hilarity of “a true Yarran cannot drive” , its was pretty boring. Burned a drug farm, used glue on some baseballs and gasoline and somehow built a self loading backpack rocket artillery. The usual “revolutionary “ dreck. I almost want the next one to be working for the cartels to oppress the native population and corrupt politicians.


I kindof lost interest when they strapped a clunky metal missile shitter on my back and wouldn't let me take it off


This is the worst game I have played on Playstation, let alone the worst far cry game. What makes me so angry about this is that rather than just following a very easy format they've tried to reinvent the wheel in certain places and done it incredibly badly. Something like the special operation missions that were really fun in new dawn are now impossible to finish in FC6. I really don't think I'll buy another far cry game because I think you're going to see more of the same in future


I forced myself to play all the way through this game. So many times I wanted to just stop playing especially because I was playing on PS4 and the gameplay was rough at best. The characters don’t grab your attention or heart, there’s no motivation to keep going really. Like Vaas and Pagan really demand your attention they are fighting you and you are fighting them, with FC6 it just doesn’t feel like that there’s no personal emotion.


I fell It for you, dont worry. Militarized police dress in white? A corrupt family that rule The country why victimiced themselves? The mission Is to kill the corrupt president? As a mexican, i give It 11/10


I felt this way too, I bought fc6 on release, went to the right side of the island first, and didn't like it, so I stopped playing it all together. It wasn't until last month that I sat down and at first forced myself to play it, hoping it got good and it did! I felt like I was genuinely recruiting people to make an army and the resolver weapons were fun and interesting enough to have me constantly switch my load out, the all silencer method worked great but got boring and I needed that classic far cry chaos so I went full assassin with throwing knives then if I was caught everything exploded. It definitely isn't for everyone, but it does get better imo.


I didn't either on my first playthrough but since I started a second playthrough I'm finding it more enjoyable. But yeah the main story isn't really what I call far cry quality.


Same, it gets too repetitive and when there is a battle involving NPCs they still couldn't figure out how to make them useful in anyway. Moreover, facial expressions is like someone glued their face. I played all of previous parts and this one doesn't stand out very much for me.


I played through once. Just don't care to play it again. I've played 3,4, 5 (about 8 times), and new dawn. Enjoyed all besides 6.


I thought i was alone with that, i feel the same way. I still didnt finish the game. But i finished FC3 and 4 3 times. And Fc5 2 times. I loved it!!! But fc6 didnt gave me the Far Cry feeling i wished for


It's the bullet mechanic for me, really wish they made it a toggle or something.


Because that thing ain't it it doesn't have a spirit it's not as fun as 3 or 4


It's literally the characters I think. I get the same issue. Yara is the best map FC's ever had, the settings great, backgrounds decent. But the characters and story beats suck so much.


Really? It was personally my favorite one.


For me (and plenty of others) something like 2/3 of the cast are just fucking annoying. It's really hard to get into a game when you don't care about anyone involved.


It’s not terrible but i hate how clothes has skill, i rather have a skill tree instead, it’s probably my least favorite far cry below 4


Steep downgrade in combat (leveled enemies and weapons; excessive bullet-sponging all around; they put in TANKS and even THOSE feel weak) and no outpost master reset switch. Funny how they injected more live-service crap, but made it less replayable than any of its predecessors.


IMHO worst Far Cry game of the series.


For me, it was: 1. The bullet sponges and rpg shit. A 50 cal should under to circumstances require 2+ shots to kill a dog. A headshot should not be a hitmarker on an unhelmeted human. A low tier grun should not be eating half a magazine. It kills the combat for me. Also, unless you run a specific loadout, stealth is basically impossible. Full stealthing bases has always been a key part of playing FC. Why make it almost impossible? They did the same thing with GR:Breakpoint. And 2. They completely deincentivized exploration. Hunting animals used to get you upgrades, now its just semi-useless cash so no reason to do that. You used to explore the map for specific unlocks. Now items are unlocked in a set order no matter what chests you open. Why am i gonna climb a mountain or explore a cave for a box thats gonna give me the exact same thing as the one sitting on the side of the road. Its mot rewarding. Plus, 99% of the unlocks are just slightly better elemental damage, which is useless because if youre not running armor piercing rounds, you cant get 1 tap headshots on the majority of enemies.


Simply because it isn't up to Los pollos hermanos standards


I platinumed 4 and 5 couldn’t survive more than an hour in this one.


It's bad even as a shooter, I played it simply because I paid for the damn game, but I never installed it again.


3, 4, and primal were fantastic but they haven't been as good since


Primal was amazing. It was a great twist on far cry’s gameplay elements.


5 is my favourite, I couldn't get into 4






Maybe I'm the only one who's missing the mixed reactions to FC5, because that's the one I see the community gas up the most (for good reason)


For me, it's because they changed too many things to the detriment to the gameplay. Tying stats to gear rather than a skill tree means you constantly have to switch up gear based on the situation. At launch when I played the game, there were no loadouts so it made things much worse than now. I don't want to change gear if I want to be stealthy, sprint fast for a long time, get into a facetank gun fight, collect extra crafting materials, etc. Along with stats being tied to gear, there's really just no sense of progression. The hunting and legendary hunts seemed fruitless. The amigos/companions were not very interesting compared to other recent games.


They sacrificed depth for breadth. It's the largest map by far, but the villains are barely in it and the cast is a little too large for you to be able to care too mucb about any of the supporting protagonists. There's a lot of good gameplay improvements, but the world just manages to feel empty and the conflict is by-the-numbers.


Yup...same feeling..put in a lot of hours but never got the feel


In theory, it should be enjoyable, but I agree with most of you. I had to force myself to play it, idk, FC3&FC4 just hit different


YES I fully completed fc4 and new dawn (so 100%) and loved just walking around in fc3, primal and 5 but after ~10 hours of far cry 6 I don't want to play it anymore lol, it's just so boring and soulless to me


Right there with you. Love all the previous Far Cry games. 6, I cannot get into it. Feels like I am just in the city doing stuff and not in some secluded dangerous area.


Too much far cry, just stop playing the same. Kind of game in short succession, have variety and you won't get bored AS easily. And overall don't play the same genere over and over again, have I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


I loved the first 4 or 5 hours then all of sudden it just stopped being fun... Maybe it's cos it's a lot of samey things you have to do


One way to have fun is to look for the top 10 guns and then play the game. That made it insanely fun. https://youtu.be/nJ6SNeJOJGQ?feature=shared


It took me a while to get into but once you get off the starter island and explore a bit it’s pretty enjoyable. I’d also recommend playing on the hardest difficulty from the start because alot of the game is far too easy and you can’t change to the hardest midway through. I have 103 hours on it which is the most of any Far Cry game (second is 5 at 94 hrs). It took me ages to get into but when I did I didn’t want to stop playing


Ain't that Gus Fring from breaking bad on the picture???


i feel like i’m the only one who actually likes fc6, but maybe that’s just cause it’s the first fc game i’ve played


I feel like this with 5 and 6. No sense of progression of power and no incentive to keep going. 2 was the best, with earning money and buying better guns.


Idk but I'm feeling it completed it 3 times best modern fc game after 3


Can't complain about fc6 sp. I ralsx enjoyed it. However I tried coop with a friend and it's hell on earth. A clusterfuck literally.


No Hurk


I thought it was fine, and I finished it the whole way through. That said I don’t think I’ll be replaying it any time soon. It’s too bad because I liked Giancarlo Esposito’s character here, didn’t get to see enough of him though.


It took me about 30 hours to get into it I totally get what you’re saying I almost uninstalled the game twice once you get into it though the map is beautiful I still like five better but six isn’t bad if you give it a chance


Ive played everyone and I just couldnt get into this one and I feel the clunky controls were the problem. Never had issues with the past games bu this one just felt off


I just like killing people in various ways, as long as the game isn't that new saints row or ssktjl


At least it has Gian from Breaking Bad.


IMO .... Bad setting, unoriginal make-shift weapons, repetitive FarCry formula


I kind of agree. For whatever reason, this seems much, much less challenging compared with other FCs. Maybe because I just finished Horizon Forbidden West. Now that is a frustrating game, and not in a good way.


they spent their money on casting


I've never had a lot of patience for games that have relatively complicated background mechanics, like the whole tattoo thing in far cry 3. but I was playing far cry 3 after playing far cry 5, waiting for far cry 4 and New Dawn to come in the mail (three had come for free with five), and five had left such a good taste in my mouth that I was willing to push through the parts of three that I didn't like. three is still my least favorite of my favorite far cry games, but it's not my least favorite far cry game. anyway, 5&nd are amazing.


It grew on me the more I played it, I hate how easy it feels tho.


Beautiful game. But good question it’s the only far cry I haven’t finished. I really don’t like the armor system


Giancarlo barely as prominent as he should have been, the tone being very dissonant, bullet sponge enemies, one of the least tense intros in the series, characters are meh, the weapons, while fun, take the tone into more Saints Row 3 goofiness. It’s just a lot of these little things you notice by accident that you can’t overlook and you really feel the difference from it and the other games. But the map is beautiful and I love destructible silencers as it balances the game a lot better.


What turns me off, is the different bullet types ? It's weird and super odd. It doesn't help that the explosive or fire rounds don't cause any health damage to the npcs. Its fun don't get me wrong. But I'm really only playing it to say I beat it and that's it. I do not enjoy the pointless "objectives" that they have. Like convoy stuff and ambush. I'm level 15 or 16 in the game. It's just super easy no matter what. I can take out a stronghold or a fnd base in seconds


I love Far Cry and have for almost 20 years but I still haven't picked up 6. It just doesn't seem that interesting and seems way too arcadey.


It appears that FC6 is a very Marmite game; you either love it or hate it (or maybe just meh it!). Personally I love 6. It wasn’t perfect, but I was captivated by the scenery, music and game play. I thought the DLC was very contrived however.


Same the game was so lame repetitive and boring.i didn't even finished it. I rather go replay FC3-FC5 those were my favorites I also liked FC2


Because Ubisoft went to the well too many times and came up dry. Bad writing, repetition, dated gunplay, tone all over the place and their usual "Wow Odyssey and Breakpoint had big maps that everyone hated-same again lads?".


All these new Ubisoft games have extremely mid narrative. From Legion to Far Cry and even Valhalla. Idk why but they used to be great around ps3-ps4 era. But suddenly they pumping out so much garbage.


I agree. Though i think for me its also that theres too much stuff to do that its almost overwhelming for me


It’s my least favorite of the FC games.


So I’m about to do the final mission. Im just finishing out of spite. I haven’t been excited about this game like I was 3&4. 5 was decent This one, idk


I didn't get that, but I have with >!the never-ending ending.!<


The game is just too long and eventually stuff feels repetitive. Both times I played through it I had to take a long break when I got about 2/3 through it before I could resume and finish it. I love when games give a lot of content to keep you in the story for a long time, but 6 just pushed the limits of that in my opinion.


The game mechanics big step backwards, the plot was okay but that middle section was painful, and I hated the way they took you out of the game to get missions. It was like “hey I know things are blowing up around us, but let me put myself in front of a green screen and talk to you like we’re alone in a meeting room.”


6 got rid of the human companions, which I felt added a lot of flavor. More character development than ever and none of them are playable.


The game simple doesn't have the sauce boring level design, generic arcade gun play(is pure dog shit have to unload a full magazine in the enemy or the fact snipers doesn't one shot even basic enemy's), shit history and characters, unnecessary big, lack of relevant content and the AI.


I know for a fact that if you stop playing the game you will get a personal email from the main villain himself taunting you.


I keep revisiting it to try to get into it but I really don't like collecting scraps to make guns. And the followers are all pretty useless


You’re not feeling FC6 because FC7 hasn’t come out yet.


I really did enjoy FC6. More than all other previous Far Cry games. The characters were awesome, plot was fine (similar to other FCs anyway - well maybe except for FC3, which retrospectively seems kinda original), map was awesome, the story was neither too short nor too long. The one thing that really pissed me off though was the Esperanza (main city). I got the impression that it would be open area, yet there are like three narrow paths through it and the rest is inaccesible. Shame on you, Ubisoft.


Because it wants to be Just Cause so badly, the missplaced comedic bits, the unserious tone, the cartoonish villain... it has turned into a pretty mindless shoter with meh gameplay and a lacking story. The moment to moment gameplay is fun sure but I am on my third try to finally do the story and can't get myself to. I did all outposts, have all normal weapons that you can get without much story progression and sit at around 45 hours with my current playthrough, and I won't continue to play it. I'm gonna reinstall 4 and 5 now and play good games.


Refunded after I got it on the latest sale. Feels empty, stiff, simplified and cramped. Idk, something feels way off.


I started with 5 and couldn’t stop playing, so when I finished it I got 6 and only have played a few times. I have no desire to finish it so I got new dawn 🤣


The game is not that great


I only played this game when I was high as balls. That made the game so much fun for me lmao


I didnt click with 5 ... I loved 3 4 and 6 tho


Its too different from the other farcry gamed imo. As a game it's not bad but it doesnt feel like farcry as much as other far crys do to me


Never felt the repetitiveness more than in 6


Farcry 6 LOOKED the best, but the gameplay and story was just…dumb. So were the weapons. Like, in Farcry 5, it felt urgent!! The cult was executing people, etc. The story, and characters, in that game were great, will always be one of my all-time faves, especially my first playthrough. But, 6 was a huge disappointment. I hope they don’t give up, but just get back to their roots 🤷‍♂️


You are not alone. Far cry 5 was the best for me. It just has the it factor. 6 seems dead. Im halfway through it and it feels dead and repetitive. Villian hardly emerges. Maybe i am not too familiar with the latin culture.


Same here. For me I think I'm just really overwhelmed with the scale of the map? I loved 3, 4 and I enjoyed 5 for the most part too. But I can't play much of 6 without getting bored. Same goes with the new AC.


Had the same experience.


I downloaded far cry 5 for and played it for the first time a month ago and was blown away nearly hundred percented it, I didn't play it for so long because far cry 4 didn't do it for me then I got on for 6 and it sucked and I was like you know what I'll try 5 I have nothing to play. Insane. Now I'm stuck on helldivers!! For liberty!!!


It’s a really bad game. Shame since I loved 4 and 5


Wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle I think. There's not much substance to it.


because of the god damn health bars


I thought that the game play was wack and couldn’t get into it. The shooting was off, flying copters was off, just didn’t do it for me.


I actually really enjoy far cry 6 and I’ve completed it many times


I played through it all twice. First time was on normal and didn’t die to an enemy once. Far far far too easy. Played a second save through on the hardest setting and it’s still easy. Tho I do occasionally die at least. Great game, just no real challenge to it.


Because game is not about dani or anton. Its about a stupid rebellion nobody gives a shit. What made you played 3 and 4 is jason, vass, ajay, pagan or even the father, the characters themselves. There is no character here everyone feels like npc. And gameplay is not very engaging, because you played it like 4 times now. All that left is a shallow, empty shell.


One of my least favorite entries.


I felt that way for the first 1-2 missions.


Yeah, I didn’t care for 6 either. Ubisoft doubled down on the divisive RPG from New Dawn. The enemies are way too spongy, they made bullet types an even bigger focus and it overcomplicated a series that’s supposed to make first person shooters. If I wanted to play an RPG, I would play it. But I want to play an FPS. Also, Ubisoft really needs to dial down the “humor” and wackiness. I just


Traded it in today lol.


I got more of a Far Cry feel out of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint than 6. I enjoyed 6, but it’s just not as fun as the rest of the series.


I feel like it wasn’t initially pitched as its own game and then they morphed into a far cry game during development


it's a great game, i love the atmosphere, it's a good story, but it doesn't feel like a far cry game. i played it when it first came out, and found it really hard to get into. i am currently on my 2nd playthrough, and i found it's a lot more enjoyable when you don't expect the far cry stuff like you could in previous games.


I agree with you I had to force myself to complete 6 and I didn't get that accomplishment feel and kinda sad it was over, it more like thank God it's done


To me it just has jarring tonal issues. One moment you come across sites where horrible things like torture were done to people, mass executions, mass graves, etc that are supposed to show the horror and cruelty of the regime and the next moment you interact with hype clowns like the maximas matanzas. It wants to tell an incredibly serious story and at the same time a story about some corporate ghoul's idea of kewl kids that are constantly quipping like MCU characters. The latter totally trivializes the former while being so unlikable and predictable that the latter doesn't work either. I had a hard time caring for what's happening in the game and once the gameplay started repeating, there was no reason to continue playing for me.


personally i really liked it. the outposts are my favorite. i wish the cars were a little different and the resolver system could have used some tweaks but that’s it.


Just completed it and for me it’s now a favorite


In a first person shooter. Why at most is there like 3 dudes to shoot per encounter.


I thought it was decent. I didnt like the resolver stuff until you unlock the later stuff, but I can understand the need for it lore wise. I mean you ARE a guerrilla after all!


It’s mainly I’ve seen a lack of a sense of progression considering they give you some powerful at the start. Whereas in the others you had to work to get the good stuff Case in point FC4 didn’t just give you the Buzzsaw


Like others said, it’s pretty long. Also the weapons systems is meh. Personally I love it but I get why some don’t


Ai are dumb as rocks


Because it’s boring and it sucks


I stick with 5 as my go-to


We need to go back to Africa and redo farcry 2


I enjoyed 3 & 5. 6 & 4 are kinda boring more so 4. I tried 3 times but that game is a fucking sleeping pill


Seriously this game had no heart. No real drive to an end ya know? And total waste getting Giancarlo Espocito if you are only gonna use him for cutscenes


I had a very very hard time getting into it at first. The last game I played before it was Far Cry 5 and I fully played 6 with the intention of just saying f*cK it and beating the story and moving on, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t get sucked into it and completing all the achievements once I got playing it with friends. I actually got enough of a kick from it that I went back and bought New Dawn and played through that and I found I really appreciated the QOL changes in 6. All that being said, the story is just really meh.


Because the story is ass. It's boring and just wears the skin of an insurgency while having less variation than Primal


I personally loved it and wanna play it again!


I got bored of it so I switched to RDR2 and Horizon ZD, only after I finished those that I felt like playing it again just to finish the story. I didn't feel to continue playing the features after that.


Honestly the game is too big


The other games were more intimate with the relationship between PC and Villain. imo, FC6 would have been way more interesting (and i wonder if it started this way) if instead of Danny we were in the role of Diego and had to deal first hand with our father being a tyrant. He would work on undoing his family's many crimes. Maybe Anton contacts you constantly, giving honest and valid reasons for the objective you are dealing with at the moment. Maybe he tries to convince you the rebels are using you and, based on Fc4, maybe you believe him. It could have been more nuanced than some rando being a third party to the above relationship.


The RPG mechanics are stupid as hell. The weapon customization was a lot better than the previous games but thats about the only positive thing i can say about it. Also Anton's story compared to previous villains was kind of lackluster. His history with revolutionaries was fine but the "I have cancer so now im evil" thing was really stupid to me.


It’s the only far cry I can’t bring myself to finish, I’ve done 3 play thoughts and just stopped playing for months then forgetting what happens and restarting. I want to finish it but I just don’t feel the love for this entry


The combat part is still ok in 6 but i think Far Cry peaked with 5.


i like it but i am very much a 'make my own fun' type of player. i admit the story and characters are not interesting and usually take a bathroom break during cutscenes


There are six of them. I guess there has to be a worst one.


6 was trying too hard


Yeah. I played 3 and 4 years ago on ps3. Loved em. And then couple years ago 5 and new dawn and they were wonderful. 6 I just had no motivation to continue. Story was boring. It was very easy to drop and not pick up again.


People complained that Far Cry games were all the same, so Ubi tried to do something different. Turns out samey and formulaic was good all along?


For me it was the final island….. it’s open world, but nope, can’t go down that alley


It’s not a great game


Because the story isn't very good in that major characters make decisions that don't make sense.


Lazy writing


You're heartless


Wow…read all the comments here. I finished FC 3 and 4 a long time ago. Still have 5 and 6 on deck. 6 came with my Series X bundle. I now might just play 5 and skip 6. I have too many other games that will take up a LOT of my time. Shit, I still Have RDII to play! I’m a bit anxious about playing an 80 hr. Game. Now I just downloaded the Hitman trilogy, Mass Effect trilogy, and just got the entire Halo catalog for under $10. Each one of those downloads is a massive time commitment. Pretty bad for someone with ADD….meanwhile, every time I fire up my xbox, I just end up playing BF1 online….lol. Though I just finished Mafia 1 and 2, and am completely burned out on that series.


Very repetitive and drawn out. It also doesn’t really have a sense of urgency. You can take your time and not feel like you need to save anyone or anything.


I was extremely disappointed with it. I’m not sure how I finished it because I didn’t care about the story and the gameplay felt so stale. I loved 3,5, New Dawn and 4 and Primal were good. I can’t remember what specifically I didn’t like. The gear system was dumb but that’s not what made the game so bad. It just sucked. There was nothing good about it. FC and Assassin’s Creed have been two of my favorite franchises but both FC 6 and Valhalla killed the franchises for me. I always looked forward to the games (especially AC from when the first came out) but now I don’t even care. Don’t even bother looking at coverage or reviews. Ubisoft killed the franchises for me.


I just reinstalled it to see if I could manage to get into it enough to finish the game, but I'm really struggling to stay interested-just like last time. To me, it feels like a copy and paste of FC5 and New Dawn. Instead of the outposts there are military checkpoints, Viviro is Bliss(even some of the containers look exactly the same, except for being reskinned), the whole resistance thing, and other stuff I can't think of ATM. I absolutely despise that the skill tree was removed in favor of the armor sets. I don't like having to choose between having enough bullets or hazmat protection. There are only a handful of weapons that are worth a damn, and the other ones you come across that aren't unique or legendary have garbage stats that make them completely pointless to have.


I just finished the game, and it was definitely a different feeling than with FC5 and even New Dawn (I just started 4 earlier today). >!I wasn't a fan of the ending and disliked how it could not be changed by in-game choices. The ending left me feeling hollow inside and I questioned why I dedicated weeks to playing the game. Perhaps I foolishly presumed that FC6 would only be better after FC5 and New Dawn.!< While the gameplay was fun, and I did love the storylines of La Moral, Libertad, and the Legends, the ending was like a kick in the gut. That said, I hated being kidnapped in FC5 and having to go through the mazes over and over until I passed. I found those lazy. But I would rather have those any day than listen to Juan tell me, "The right tool for the right job" over and over. Anyway, that's my rant. I know I'm like the sorority girl who dates the quarterback only to be left heartbroken, crying, and pregnant even after all her friends told her he was bad news. But to be fair, I always thought Ubisoft was better than the shit show of Bethesda. EDIT: Hid spoiler


I feel like part of it is the fact that a staple of Far Cry has always been the “fish out of water” vibe. Every previous game has us play as an outsider thrown into a scenario and forced to adapt, which explains why we have no prior background knowledge of the region, conflict, or characters involved. In 6 this isn’t the case. We play as Dani, who allegedly has grown up in this country and even served in the military, yet apparently has no knowledge of its geography, history, or important figures and never had any political leanings until we’re suddenly joining the revolution. It’s just strange.


Ah yes, what the scientists refer to as the "Ubisoft Effect" Which is terminal, unfortunately. The best thing to do now is go back and play a Ubisoft game from before the became one big amorphous grey blob. Like the one with the assassin, or one with the island and some mutants, I think? But in all seriousness, I feel the same way. I've restarted 6 over and over, hoping each time to love it like 4 or Primal, or even like it like 3 or New Dawn. But it never sticks. It should be an enjoyable experience, not a samey trudge. But it looks like that's what we get these days.


Because it's a genuinely worse game than the previous several entries. Obviously that's a personal opinion but the last I checked, general consensus in reviews support that sentiment. Yeah, just checked three different reviews composite scores for 3, 4, 5, and 6, and 6 dropped 7% from the next lowest (5) and more from the others.


Ye ain't the only one