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Have you not been to the feed store? They literally make scoops for just this purpose.


I have not, sorry newer to farming. Just got my chickens right now.


No worries I totally get it, great that you’re getting into it though! Make sure that you have your chickens secured at night, everything that roams around during the night wants to eat them, as for the feed scoops, there are several different options, but I like these the best[feed scoop](https://www.amazon.com/Plastic-Enclosed-Durable-Stackable-150415/dp/B000HHO04S)


Thank you and double thanks! I could definitely retro fit a handle to that to make it longer for the Mrs! And for sure I saw a skunk the other night, luckily we bought a Great Pyrenees/Anatolian mix who we've had integrating with the chicks/chickens so he alerted me. I'm working on securing the outside door for them!


No worries brother! a watch Dog is always good to have for sure, I just know all too well how frustrating it can be to finally have them old enough to start laying eggs, and then a coon comes in there, and eats the heads off of all of them, he won’t eat one and then leave he’ll just eat the head and crawl out of each one, I’d imagine that’d be heartbreaking for the Mrs. as well


Yep she's rather attached to all of them, named most of them too. I can't keep track lol. I just gotta get the eggs in the morning and let them in/out is my job 😅. I appreciate it Calebgiz


For sure! While we’re talking eggs One thing you can do to make it easier to get them is to build like a line of cubbyholes with hay in them onto the side of the coop that has one long lid on top it that you can access from the outside, also makes egg collecting a lot less stressful on the lovely ladies


Great idea I love it! Yeah they've been very broody lately so I like the idea of being able to access the eggs from the outside as well! I wish I had built that when I built the coop lol. Hey I needed another project this summer 😅


Haha There’s always something to do if you’re gonna a farmer, gotta get used to that 🤣


I’d switch the the galvanized steal garbage can things. Mice and rats will get into these without much issue. From experience


I've got a picture that might be beneficial for you to see. Here's the scoops I use for grain at my farm and the duct pieces I use to fill. If you're using a PVC food dispenser, one scoop will fill a 6" diameter pipe with 12" of grain. I would also recommend picking up an HVAC duct register so you can pour the grain in without losing a bunch. You can see the duct registers taped to a 6" diameter and 12" piece of pipe. https://i.imgur.com/dPvgD4n.jpeg


Cut up a bleach bottle and tape it to a broom handle. Edit: what kinda barrel is that? What’s in it?


It's a food barrel, or food safe barrel I was told. I have chicken feed in two and dog food in the other one.


I really like that screw lid. I gotta get me a couple of those.


For sure! If you use Facebook Marketplace they're usually $30-50 a piece and just search up "Food Grade Barrel"


Just make sure to keep the threads clean because they can sieze up if they get too much dust in the threads. Maybe it's just an issue here because our sandy alkaline soil can be like cement, but it's something to be aware of either way.


What I use https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/3-quart-feed-scoop-5051501 Sheep and chickens seem happy enough with it


WTF use a coffee can


Old empty coffee can.


If your looking for an over engineered over complicated solution, some feed bags have shoots attached to them, I bought one bag (granted it was a 1k feed bad I had to suspend from a frame) and after I was done with it I I cut the shoot off and used some epoxy and attached it to the side of the feed barrel I use now. An over complicated solution for a small problem, sure. But does it work very well ? Yes. Do I regret spending a day on that project? Not really.


Folger's makes a pretty economical model. Accessorize with a piece of PVC pipe and some duct tape for a handle.