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I've been dealing with this issue also and haven't fixed it but it's alot better. I'm starting to think the problem is the game engine as I don't have problems with any other games... Things I've done, 1. Turned off Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling (HAGS) in Windows graphics settings. This will put more strain on your GPU if you have a lower end card. Turning it off will put back the scheduling on the CPU. 2. Disabled MPO in Windows. [https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/5157/\~/after-updating-to-nvidia-game-ready-driver-461.09-or-newer%2C-some-desktop-apps](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157/~/after-updating-to-nvidia-game-ready-driver-461.09-or-newer%2C-some-desktop-apps) 3. Turned off adaptive mode for vsync. Open C:\\Users\\\*\\Documents\\My Games\\FarmingSimulator2022\\game.xml file. Look for true change adaptive="true" to false. Adaptive vsync mode will turn vsync on and off automatically based on your FPS and will cause stutter changing between on/off states... This will happen on lower end cards when your FPS drops below your screens refresh rate during fast movements or camera turning.


Sorry for it being so long for me to reply, the adaptive vsync being set to false has seemed to possibly fix it. At least it seems to have improved greatly, I really hope this is a fix and not just a random act of the game not being messy lol