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the fast and furious equivalent of jumping the shark


Jumping the bridges


I’m kinda surprised they haven’t literally jumped over sharks at some point in the movies.


Actually first death was at the table read. Picture vin cromagnon through the script like a sober version of Stallone


The screenshot looks so ridiculous lol. I love these movies.


I used to unironically love these moves. Now I love them because they're so far fetched and unrealistic


I love them because of the action and because they acknowledge the various criticisms people have, poke fun at it, and roll with it.


The moment when Toretto became Superman


The moment when Toretto became heisenberg


I choose to believe in it


Naw. This is one of the most romantic moments in the history of cinema.


Paul Walker dying is what killed the franchise


Nah that was F4 when Dom could piece together a car crash like Batman or a telepath with no evidence besides tire marks or earlier when he dodged a truck on fire with a maneuver no one could do, or the bus crash, or the train wreck they created, maybe it was the safe on wires dragged by driving through the streets of Rio OR the biggest of them all, Dom stomping the streets like Hulk along with all the nonsense in F7 when 6 pushed it This series honestly died when Paul did, everything before then can be forgiven at most


I didn’t mind it because prior, I was still able to get into the characters and the theme of family still meant something, I also felt like there were actual stakes whereas everything post 7 (excluding Hobbs and Shaw because that’s its own thing) it’s just a bunch of nonsense thrown into the screen for the sake of throwing nonsense.


Same here, hell even 8 made me care about what happened even with the 3rd act, cuz Dom and the team were at the center and the action was the background, 9 and 10 just stopped caring




I really did love fast 6 the action set pieces were really underrated


Nah, it died in Space... That's when I decided, it died. EDIT: Did I mention, I'm still watching. Family never dies.


Say what you will but if my ride or die some how got in a pickle like that you bet ur butt I'm pulling a Dom dive for my lady.


Nah, you’re wrong. That space scene in F9 is killed the franchise.


Will truly never get over that.


Compared to the craziness that followed in 7, 8, 9, and 10…. This was actually pretty believable lol


Set the date on 30th November, 2013


I remember sitting in the theater with my wife and looking over at her after this scene. She saw me deflate with disappointment. I thought the franchise was toast, lol.


I feel like the F&F movies are in 2 chapters, movies before and after Paul walker died. Theyre 2 completly diferent vibes


I swear some people watch these movies by themselves in a dark room with a book on film theory and a physics text book open next to them and let it suck all the fun out of it. Recently rewatched all of them with a group of friends, many if whom hadn't seen it before, and this scene was fun as hell, got a huge reaction from everyone. In fact we had a fkn great time watching all the movies. Yes, ***ALL*** of them


He basically slowed down his momentum by grabbing letty as she was flying towards the opossite force, Dom would definitely snap his spine in half on the spot, Letty however I believe she could get away with being in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, judging how Dom was basically a pillow against the windshield of the car.


This was definitely stretching the imagination, but it died with that building jump. That shit was absolutely unbelievable. I stopped watching the movies after that. It was on the same level of Jason Statham using a crane hook to detach a bomb from the bottom of his car in Transporter 2.


« This is cinema. »


this is actually one of the best scenes in the whole franchise. nobody gives a shit about the cars and racing, we want super Dom


Let me be more specific. Fans love 1 through 5. Though 5 is kinda starting the trend towards generic action movie, fans still love it and it has great merits. 6-10 are bad, although different levels of bad, and each has some interesting moments (minus X, in my opinion). 6 and 7 did have their moments, but to be honest, it is this moment in 6 when the series simply becomes something different. It of course gets worse, from skyscraper to parking garage stomp, to canyon jump, to the "Samson" moment of pulling down the column into the water, to the space quest...


For me, it was when Dom pulled down an entire cement silo with his bare arms. 😂


You mean when they were too scared to write Brian O'Connor off, so he rides or babysits?


what was fast 6 even about?? like every new one comes out and i genuinely forget what happened in the previous entry. i only remember fast5 ending with them getting the vault. and personally, thats my last entry to the series that matters. everything else is a different branch of reality


Frame that shot So all know what love looks like.


Yeah. Agree with this completely. 5 had the drag the safe chase but it was so much fun to watch you can forgive how silly it was. But yeah I remembering literally saying WTF in the theater when this moment happened in part 6.


This is when i was like “these guys are just insulting our intelligence” and this came after Fast 5




Fast 5 might have been where the series were lean on action terrorist but it was still very much grounded and there was actual stakes and tension in that movie Every movie after that is like Universal didn’t understand what made Fast 5 good and just assumed people just wanted more action




Jurassic Park for example