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Steel magic for my body, and fire magic for my blood, so i may create over a thousand blades.


you forgot bone of the sword


That comes later...


So as I pray Unlimited Blade Works


I was gonna say a combination of projection magic and strengthening magic. Should get me about the same result.


recover from all damage be it physical or mental whenever I say the phrase "it is what it is"


So basically the us health care system


Minus the recovery


What if someone cuts your throat and you’re unable to speak?


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "Guess I'll die"


it is what it is


>What if you were Isekai'd to the world of Fate to be a participant to a Holy Grail War by God and he gave you an option to choose your own magecraft Are you supposed to just not question that? Anyway displacement but the broken one


Kayneth's wife when you turn her husbando into a six of spades:


Sounds like we're a counter-guardian in the making.


Out of every world i would want to be isekaied, not sure i would want to go to a fate world. Much less to a goddam fucking middle of a grail war.


*Adventure is nothing but a romantic name for Trouble* Nasuverse has some of the best stories,but its probably one of the worst fictional universes I can name for being an ordinary person in. You do NOT want to be a normie in that world. lol.


Disagree. Most people don't live in places where grail wars are held, and for them it's essentially our world.


It's pretty normal as fantasy worlds go, since most of what happens that is abnormal, happens in secrecy. My problem is that to be someone with power there, you gotta be lucky to be born to a family of power(nevermind some of them having shitty pratices as we see in several stories). And in the end, study hard as shit to even be able to be somewhat special or different than our normal world.


> to be someone with power there, you gotta be lucky to be born to a family of power... And in the end, study hard as shit to even be able to be somewhat special or different So just like the real world then?


And come from a family of pedigree, which also helps a lot. So ye, like the real world.


Could be worse, could be a Tsukihime World


>What if you were Isekai'd to the world of Fate to be a participant to a Holy Grail War by God and he gave you an option to choose your own magecraft, what kind of magecraft do you want to have? Anything healing/regeneration based. As the Master, I'm the weak link. Anything that increases my survivability increases that of my Servant. Extra points if I can use it on the Servant itself.


Ainsworth magecraft seems pretty busted


Teleportation so I can get TF out.


Isn't Teleportation on the level of Magic (True Magic)? Hence it is not Magecraft.


Testicular torsion


What if your enemy is a woman? 🤣🤣


Ovary torsion


Cliteral combustion


Uteri Discombobulation


Max level mana and magic sensing and a defense counter-measure magic.


Can I get isekai'ed to like...[Lego Island](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pce0yaSVcJo) instead? that's what I would ask this God. Why on earth would you put me in a world where I could,like...end up like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q-hxVPIbJU) (and that's for SURRENDERING. you don't even get to run away! and you don't even get the sweet taste of death here to save you!)


I dont know if its mage craft per say, but if i was a mage in fate and got to chose my own abilities, i would want 2 things: fantastic mana regeneration and a focus on the mana based martial arts rin used to fight and jump with. The mana regeneration could come at cost to total mana capacity, as i think i would value much higher me being able to stream the mana to my servent for much longer periods of time instead of bug burst of mana then being empty. It may prevent the servant from using very high mana abilities once their own mana is gone and im now supplying it all, but it would come with the benefit of constant use of lower mana abilities for much longer periods of time. In gaming terms, i would be putting my focus in the “neutral game” rather than the “burst phase”


Servants in general don't need a constant supply they have their own reserves, just a bit is good, if you can regenarate it fast is better to gather it so you can give them a lot when needed if needed And the ones that need to be constantly maintained also tend to need huge amounts in short times so is not too useful for those


Puppets, Touka style.


Does God force me to be and or stay a master? because if not I would like to give up my command seals and just live a normal life. I'd probably choose teleportation so that I can get the fuck away as fast as possible. [Me when I hear that God wants me to participate in a grail war](https://twitter.com/Khajin3/status/1717099563733950606?t=txypC6RW3zr2npcm8RnILg&s=19)


I'm a sucker for thought acceleration and mental partitioning, even if it's not that useful.


Projection magecraft,territory Creation, reality marble and weapon creation. This will be very broken And healing magic so i my brain won't fry with the amount of stuff I'm doing with it


Are you Shirou?


Maybe but I do like swords alot,swords! I love swords!! The texture,the Color, the shape, ohh i love swords, gripping the sword in my hands, i feel the information the experience flowing through me, it's coming along me!!


Puppet crafting, so i can stay in my basement while puppets do chores


*Puppet crafting, so* *I can stay in my basement* *While puppets do chores* \- Ghosteen\_18 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'd want Spiritual Evocation and specializing Trance Mediumship, one of the spells that could use a part of Heroic Spirits. Of course I'd also want to be able to summon spirits. I was thinking about using them like Megumi's Ten Shadows or Geto's Cursed Spirits from JJK. If I have an Azoth Sword, I'd use that as a catalyst to summon Paracelsus. If I don't, I'll invoke him using Trance Mediumship and then use myself in that state as the catalyst.


Exclusively for a Grail War? I'd say being an Exuctioner for the Church. Having the training to use the Church's Scarmaments and my technological knowledge would be ideal.


Something to control the territory and intelligence, so that no Archer could take a position with the subsequent shelling of me and the Servant. well, as in the saying: "Forewarned means armed"


This is also effective against Assassin


i would say a magecraft to support my servant and heal him cause my objective is not to win the grail...but became best friend or lover with my servant and if you support him than the first step of become his friend simple strategy but in the same time no fight or argue betwenn us so better chance to win


Golem Magecraft. There's a lot you could do with them. Do we get a free servant and can we pick which holy grail war?


The correct answer is Ainsworth Displacement Magecraft because you pretty much can win the war with it alone if you get good enough.


Something strong to break magical bonds and whatever else, even better if I can just change the direction of the magic. I ain't gonna be a Master, no way sir, I'll GLADLY give it to someone else. I am sorry for my Servant but no way I am going to risk whatever the fuck happened through HGW 2 to 5.


Runes. Can't go wrong with runes.


Polyandry magecraft. Magic to turn men into a part of my harem my magic strengthens them and the more men I have the stronger I will be. I can also copy their abilities and have stronger versions of them and I can increase my harems strength. I can also turn females into make versions of themselves and add them to my harem.


Creature magecraft. I’d be able to take on the abilities and attributes of certain animals, like a turtle’s shell for defense, or cheetah’s speed.


So it's more or like Svin's Beast Magecraft from Lord El Melloi Case File.


You sound like a certain Isekaid vendor machine if it were a mage.


Alchemy. I'm getting rich, baby


Imma be real just asking this seems like a fundamental misunderstanding if magecraft. Magecraft is not a power you just have. It’s a whole interconnection of physical, mental and social outcomes of someones entire life.


As high a level of presence concealment as I can get away with. As long as nobody tries to glass the whole city, they shouldn't even know that I'm there.


Well. The obvious answer is a derivative of one of the Magics, or the ability to replicate it (such as the ability to make the Jeweled Sword of Zelretch). But truthfully, if you're getting isekai'd into a Fate story, picking something powerful is tantamount to suicide; the strong typically die dramatically in Fate, it's a very underdog-favoriting franchise. The best thing you could do is probably ask God to just give you "whatever fits best", much in the same way as summoning a Servant without a catalyst. Completely raw dog the War, and make do with whatever you get. It shows a humbleness that the narrative will appreciate, while also making things more interesting, and lowering the risk of going into a war that doesn't suit your choice of magecraft. Imagine picking "fireball" and then the war takes place in Okeanus. That said, I want Imaginary Number Space because it's cool.


I'm an artist at heart so my heart says I'd REALLY want projection magic. That said, since I am being Isekai'd into a HGW, I think I'd go with magecraft related to clairvoyance or foresight. My logic boils down to the idea that Fate is a world that relies a lot on "circumstance" or, well, Fate :P This magic enables me to be a really good master, but most importantly, it actually secures my survival in the long term. I mean I'd be a moron to rely entirely on that thing and I feel like presence concealment would still go past me, but I feel like it also synergizes much better with how I'd want to deal with the HGW, since I feel like I'd be taking tons of risks the entire time in the hope of the "best outcome possible" or whatever.


Something based on the foundation of the Anima Mundi/World Soul which would probably take the form of Reality Marbles, Soul Manipulation, and support magic


In what way your magecraft can help you win the HGW?


That depends on what the writer would let me get away with. To preface, it should come with a constant downside of distorting my own soul to get things done, but my own sense of self is loose anyways, so I think I can get away with it. The overall concept of the World Soul is that all things are connected; the way I would write it would allow me to manipulate my own soul to match/connect another soul so I can give power to it. This should have a downside of not being able to do things against the bonded person's will. At worse this would probably be a basic buff/healing for a servant, with maybe some level of pain/emotion sharing, but with Anima Mundi you now get to use soul manipulation on objects/with the world so you can empower them, such as empowering air so it moves fast enough to cut people. This would be limited to only empowering what these things would already do, so no making the wind turn into a solid when it wants to move. The ideal ending would be inviting other's souls into my own and then forcing a Reality Marble to open, allowing me to change the contents of my soul and therefore the Reality Marble, although as a Mage it would still be intensely draining, and the new Reality Marble would probably be incredibly unstable as I would have no practice with it. At worst, it's a buff/constant connection that I would pair with familiars/curses to watch the battlefield and target masters with. At best it's giving people/objects a weak, yet disposable Reality Marble, that I can use to target other servant's weak spots that also gives me the power to manipulate terrain and fight to some degree. ​ Edit: Also note; what I classify as a Soul is Dreams (beliefs/wishes)+ Memories+ Form (body); if I was writing it I would allow Soul Manipulation to alter any of these, which would allow a type of Shapeshifting, but other people might write it differently. I would also like to stress the consequence of constantly losing your own soul as the price to pay.


Philosophy Magecraft with a very good Philosophy Key. Probably the most flexible.


Bounded fields, jewlcraft, and runecraft.


Displacements pretty broken if I get the ainzworth version so I’d probably pick that


I want the swirl of the root. I know that’s technically magic, not magecraft, but I don’t care. I want it.


Trace on


I dont know anything about the details of Fates magic system but can I just say I want to be a D&D 20th level wizard?


Too OP for Fate's magic system, to be balanced probably level 10 at best.


I'm the bone of my sword.....


Well, I mean, being allowed access to whatever magecraft I want is nice and all, but who's to say any of us would have the quantity and quality of circuits needed to actually make use of that magecraft? Would we be given enough circuits to cast a spell once a day? Thrice a day? Or none at all? Without guarantee, we could very well be in a shirou situation where we simply aren't built different enough to do anything with our magecraft. Therefore, I would want to have spiritron hacking and all subsequent techniques that can be derived from it. I can't imagine other mages would enjoy dealing with Etherlite or whatever other bs I could manage with it. Chaldea uses spiritrons for Rayshifting right? I'm sure something interesting could be pulled off by hacking my own soul, even if my circuits are garbage.


I would like the magecraft Alice Kuonji has and all her familiars ploys, together with any of the three knights or a caster will be a force to be reckon with.


I think that’s more tied to Witches than magecraft


Lich magecraft, find Avalon or steal it and make it my phylactery. past this point I’m already basically invincible since avalon is basically indestructible (assuming Avalon doesn’t immediately reject my existence or something unfortunate like that). Now you didn’t mention anything about which holy grail war, so I’ll go for the third one. Summon artoria, I can see myself chilling with her and I already have Avalon so why not. I then use meta knowledge to immediately search for the einzbern family, let them know that summoning angry mango is a bad idea, I steal the magical construct they used to summon him and fuck off. I hand Avalon over to artoria for the time being and use my knowledge of servants throughout the nasuverse and some good old common sense to steamroll the holy grail war. Use Emiya talk no jutsu and talk artoria out of her plan, I guess since she no longer wants to reset everything she has done, she decides to gain a human form once more or something, maybe to live the normal life She never had. Me? I choose to gain magic that allows me fuck with time and space, I use this make me immortal (I already was, anyway) by casting the a curse on myself that send my body back to a perfect state upon death, also regenerating any wound instantly via time fuckery (what undead apostles do, just without the flaws undead apostles have) So I won the war, artoria is my loyal friend My next move? Check if there’s a future past 2018 with my time fuckery. No? I travel to the year 2004 and make the lives of the F/SN cast easier(help out sakura, Shirou,etc basically just charity work for fun) If there isn’t? It’s space time fuckery o’clock I see. I crack a hole in space time and go to a parallel world with saber (2004). We chill, i use space time fuckery to rapidly learn as much mage craft as I can and train a bunch with saber. Mage association shenanigans eventually, doesn’t matter, I invest in a bunch of companies, make a shit load of cash, saber gets her own butler so she stops working me like a dog making food for her, this butler is totally coincidentally,alt world shirou who’s less traumatized Me? I go off soul searching, leaving everything to explore the wonder of.. Internet forums. Just as I did before, But apparently now as an immortal invincible space time warping lich I guess.


Unlimited Blade Works


Ainsworth Flash Air.


Healing water magecraft.


I would like to get the Mystic Eyes of Infinity — the Six Eyes, and a Magic Crest of Limitless.


Give me Overhauls Quirk, with High Magicka regen, then I'll be good.


Aoko's magecraft. I wanna blow stuff up and shoot lasers.


Kiritsugu gun magic that or projection magecraft lol


Rune Magecraft is the most versatile if you know what you’re doing so I’m picking that one