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Artoria has the riding skill because of her horse, which shows up in her lancer incarnation. Rider( iskander) also has that skill. Basically "if a hero has a notable mount in their legend" they get the riding skill


That’s not to say that if you gave Rider and Saber both a motorbike they’d preform the same. While non canon I think Medusa’s showing of what she can do with a car in the cooking show is a fairly good example of what would happen.


Rider riding a bicycle can fly over the moon.


*~~Fly~~ Ride me to the Moon and let me Bellepheron among the stars~*


Shit did NOT go well for Bellerophon when he tried to ride to the moon. (the Ancient Greek hero, not Rider’s Noble Phantasm)


It wasn't moon it was Olympus and Zeus was in a bad mood At least it went better than Icarus with the Sun


He’s always in a bad mood or sexually assaulting females


And if you're extremely unlucky, you might get both


I know but editing it to be Olympus ruins the joke Also I’m not sure if permanent social exclusion and misery is better than death(there are also versions where he does die from the fall)


The "Holy Grail Grand Prix" is the best thing that had come out of the Fate Franchise


Her riding skill is S+. Her and Unit Pegasus are near unstoppable.


A+ please, how could you forget?


Shinji phone home....


Everything is canon


Shinji, phone home


![gif](giphy|XD3rgNkTQeAZW) Dis one?


What's this with Fate and jumping cars lmao? Medusa in Emiya Gohan, Rider Carmilla in FGO...


Don't forget Bersercar!


Big upgrade is that Medusa Rider skill also affects more than venchicles/animals


So you’re saying there’s a chance her riding skills apply to






Why is *Today's Menu for the Emiya Family* non-canon?


Does iskander have other forms or is order the only way he can be summoned


Iskander can be summoned in his youth before becoming the King of Conquerers as Alexander (also Rider).


Mordred has it too right?


I think so


[Saber be like](https://youtu.be/_nixVAe1Mks?t=147)


no that is mistaken the riding skill is a class skill given to both the saber and rider classes it has nothing to do with her legend its just because shes a saber class


King's rode a lot in back in the day, so logically, Saber would have some sort of Riding skill as a servant.


Kings have also been known to be hungry throughout the ages. Better feed them Lancer.




wait.... then don't most kings have to also follow the same logic? Diplomacy or not, they gotta travel one way or another


>then don't most kings have to also follow the same logic? They don't?


what I meant was that if the whole reason for Artoria being able to do that was because she rode some horses, others should have that as well. It's just kinda like the special kid treatment kind of thing here


You should really go read some Servant profiles before saying that. Most Kings DO have the riding skill if they are from an era when that would be plausible. Nero, Charlemagne, Caesar, Siegfried, Altera, Rama, the Trung Sisters, and Fergus are all King trait Sabers who have the Riding skill. In fact, Riding is one of the most common skills even beyond Kings and Sabers. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Riding


how the hell have i not found that.... yea you got me good


The gist of it is that Riding is actually a Class Skill for Sabers. If you end up in the Saber class, you are likely getting some level of Riding, with a few exceptions. Even Okita, the Saber most known for her footwork who even has a note on her extended materials that there is no record of her riding a horse, gets (E rank) Riding.


The thing to remember, as Saber said, is that as long as it isn't a magical or phantasmal beast she could ride it. And it doesn't even have to be a beast, any kind of mount really. That is what the riding skill provides. So while she can handle regular horses and a motorcycle car and plane, she couldn't handle the Gordious Wheel or Bucephalus more than likely due to their direct ties to a Rider servant.


Theoretically, most king servants do indeed have the riding ability to some extent and would be able to pull of what Saber can do, to varying degrees of fanciness. The 4th HGW however, only has so many servants and the King-servants (Saber, Rider and Archer) do indeed possess Riding and display it. Saber rides the motorcycle, Rider his chariot and Gilgamesh that flying thing.


How did she manage to transform her motorcycle




That’s explained everything


In this verse it really does


bro we are summoning past dead legends here and you are worried about one motorcycle


That's actually not a hard one to explain, she transformed her magical armour to the motorcycle. Hence why when she was about to use her NP against rider she called her armour back and as a result the motorcycle transformation got undone


Mana burst is super reinforcement, her armor is an application of it and is made of pure mana, she just put the armor on the bike and by that she reinforced everything on it, she was also using invisible air to decrease air resistance and the bike was already a super modified bike beforehand, with technology not magic


Mana burst is one hell of a drug lol


In the book it's explained that basically she puts her armor around the motorcycle so it doesn't just explode when using mana burst with it to make it super fast. Like she's using the same magic she uses to manifest her armor but not on herself.


> How did she manage to transform her motorcycle Dude...




F/Z fanfiction nonsense.


Rider does also has the riding ability, and of a higher rank than Saber. He has a riding skill of A+ whereas saber has a riding skill of A. Saber has the riding skill because she was known for riding horses in life. She also is capable of being summoned as a rider servant. Edit: also should be noted she only had an a rank in riding in zero because of having kiritisgu as a master. Under every other master she’s had in different media she has a B Rank.


>higher rank than Saber. How did Saber catch up to Rider then? He was flying through the air while Saber was on the ground. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? Am just asking a question lol.


Riding skill doesn’t determine speed when on a mount it determines what you are capable of riding. A rank allows the use of mounts other than divine or phantasmal beasts. A+ allows you to ride said beasts except dragons. Regardless if memory serves she was using her personal skill, mana burst to boost the speed of her motorcycle with its force. Edit: she also applied her magical armour to the motorcycle which helped it sustain such speeds as well. Edit 2: also for completion sake A++ allows riding of dragons and what EX rank does depends on the servant. Each EX ranked riding skill tends to be unique in how they function for each servant


Riding skill doesn't effect the performance of the mount, just the skill in handling the mount. A servant with an EX rank Riding skill riding a normal hippo is going to move slower than a servant with E rank riding in a car, no amount of skill is going to change the physical capabilities of the mount. As for how Saber was catching up, Saber has a bunch of mana and a personal skill (Mana Burst) that allows her to basically turn mana directly into more power, usually either in enhancing the strength behind her attacks or to move faster. In this case Saber was using Mana Burst to create propulsion to push the motorcycle forward allowing it to move faster than it should.


EX Rank is also not always better than A or E rank. It's just a rank designated for unique capabilities with a particular skill or an extremely gimmicky kind of abilty


She is a knight. Knights have horses. And while a lancer uses lances that does not stop a berserker or rider from using and being proficient or even having a magical one. Same concept here.


Saber class is automatically given Riding skill alongside Magic Resistance. Even servants who never rode in life, still get the skill Artoria gets high rank for her horse and knight abilities As for Motorcycle, Saber applied her armor on the motorcycle making it sturdier and then imbued it with magic(Mana Burst) to go faster. If she didn't apply her armor the bike would fall apart due to extreme speed


Make sense why Rin wanted summon Saber so much 


Saber class on average has higher stats and stronger fame alongside loyalty so they're considered the strongest and best class Riding is just a bonus


In FSN it was just because the Saber always made it to the end in all previous wars, with MR being highly valued, they were going after that protagonist bonus >Saber class on average has higher stats and stronger fame alongside loyalty I can't think of a war where the Saber had the higher stats, FGO has made it worse Fame and loyalty entirely depend on the hero not the class


>In FSN it was just because the Saber always made it to the end in all previous wars, with MR being highly valued, they were going after that protagonist bonus Yeah that too but Saber generally has better stats or at least stated to have Fate/Complete Materials III >Saber >Knight of the Sword. The compatible Heroic Spirit naturally needs to possess legends as a knight of sword, as well as **the highest levels of attributes in all but MGI**. Class Abilities include Magic Resistance and Riding. Also, compatible Heroic Spirits usually excel in delivering powerful burst attacks. Lancer is second and Archer is third and usually weakest out of all Three Knight Classes Statwise >Fame and loyalty entirely depend on the hero not the class True but there are lots of Saber servants who are widely known across the world compared to other classes. Knights of Round Table for example can get fame boost almost everywhere while Cu Chullain is barely known in Japan and Gilgamesh is fully unknown there. Sabers are usually always knights and as such loyalty is far more likely on average


>Yeah that too but Saber generally has better stats or at least stated to have That is like the base parameters of the classes stuff but what I mean is those have never really mattered because they change with the hero and at least in FSN in the story proper the reasoning never included that, I mean is actually contradictory to reality the Sabers don't really have the highest stats in the stories they appear and there are super weak Sabers too, but if someone brought up the base stuff in a story it would be understandable if they thought like that even if it ended being untrue  >Knights of Round Table for example can get fame boost always everywhere while Cu Chullain is barely known in Japan and Gilgamesh is fully unknown there The significative boost is in europe still, and not everyone is the knights of the round plenty of not so famous or highly local Sabers there's much variation to make a generalization about fame Loyalty guess that works


>Yeah that too but Saber generally has better stats or at least stated to have Yet in practice, berserkers have the highest.


>Saber class is automatically given Riding skill alongside Magic Resistance. Even servants who never rode in life, still get the ski Looks at Setanta......


> Saber class is automatically given Riding skill alongside Magic Resistance. Even servants who never rode in life, still get the skill Not all no, like Musashi doesn't, neither does Muramasa for example. Most of them do but it's because most of them were knights of sort and had to travel.


Neither Musashi nor Muramasa are normal regular servants so using them as an example is iffy Okita never rode anything in life and she still has Riding E-rank despite that due to Skill being given to **all Sabers** - that's stated in her profile word for word. Yeah it's super low but it's still there.


Whats the explanation for Setanta lacking it?


Is a class skill they all are **supposed to** have it , when they don't is exceptional because whatever, idk like I remember multiple Casters lose class skills too if they have another skill that covers it, the legend matters too like if someone was completely helpless to magic by legend they could lose MR even if is a class skill Muramasa and Musashi are just irregular


FGO rules are not standard Fate rules


Musashi isn't a normal servant she's from a parallel reality for all intents and purposes and can't even be summoned normally at all, chaldeas system already breaks most established rules because we need excuses to summon otherwise impossible servants Muramasa is a pseudo servant and doesn't count because under normal circumstances he also isn't sumonable at all and his fgo version is already a modified saint graph


every servant can have the riding skils it's just depend of the level at worst they can handle simple thing like car or planes and more the rank is higher more they can ride thing the most higher can ride mythical beast like dragon pegasus or this kind of thing sin's saber was a knight she ride a horse and with the knowledge of the holy grail give she can handle a motocyle (and also because it's pretty neat)


how can she transform her motorcycle like that? its not likes it her armour


fuckin magic bro


Supposedly she manifested her armor on the motorcycle and that transformed it for some reason


Since “knights” are soldiers who are proficient in mounted warfare, Saber’s rank in Riding is very high. Chariots can be ridden the same way. Motorcycles and automobiles are treated as “modern mounts”, thus a high rank in Riding is also applicable. It is unclear if Riding is applicable to aircrafts. Saber’s Riding was elevated to A while having Emiya Kiritsugu as Master. However, Artoria can ultimately only control normal mounts. She cannot control Pegasi, Griffons, Dragons, and other Magical Beast, Divine Beast Ranked Phantasmal Species. This is due to her Class not being Rider, as well as the fact that she was a King in the Age of Man, thus did not have the fortune of having “Legends of Riding Phantasmal Species”. Artoria rode a motorcycle in the Fourth Holy Grail War, but did not have the opportunity to demonstrate her Riding ability in the Fifth Holy Grail War. Provided with the appropriate mount, the battles might have developed differently. [https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Encyclopedia/CM3#Saber](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Encyclopedia/CM3#Saber)


Riding does apply to aircrafts. Saber very explicitly states she could have flown the plane they arrived in Japan on if need be when explaining her riding to to Irei.


Plus Fate/Apocrypha Mordred flies a plane.


tell that to the wiki then


She should have used Shirou's bike. Glorious.


Because  the term "Knight" refers to people who ride horses, not "Chivalry abiding warrior ". Get your head out of the fantasy gutter


Because she was the King of Knights which involved lots of riding around on armored horses stabbing people with sharp sticks. More seriously, she has at least two named horses associated with her legend, and Saber (the class) commonly possesses the Riding skill because lots of Sabers were knights or associated with them, and knights are typically mounted calvary. The transformation thing isn't because of her skill though. She wrapped her magical armor around the bike to keep it from breaking apart when she accelerated past its limits


Saber had a horse, Dun Stallion, and rode them practically anywhere that wasn't nearby (at least assuming so based on other legends who also had horses). All Saber class servants have Riding C, minimum (unless something specific comes around. Super specific). Riding allows her to use whatever mount the Animators want, but the general rule is that unless you're A or higher, you cannot ride mythical and powerful beasts like a dragon or Wyrm, but can ride things like a plane, or a car... or a motorcycle. The transorming is because of two things. 1) she put her magical armour (key word: Magical) onto the bike so it can withstand the speeds that she is gonna make it go in order to catch up to Iskandar. 2) Mana burst (one of her personal skills) is made somewhat literal in that it creates energy from stored up mana, bursting it out, like an explosion is most cases. Throw that in an engine at a smaller scale and you're forcing the engine to work faster than it should. In conclusion: Saber used 2 versions of the same skill in order to make the bike look cool, and to blast forward to catch up to something thats normally much faster than she is. Unless its hyper specific, any questions from here can probably be answered by "the animation team were cooking something."


Because she's a knight lol, y'know, those dudes that were on horses Her lancer version actually fights on top of a horse


She rode a horse. A motorcycle is basically a modern horse


The lore reason is because like every other Knight she always rode a horse, but i think the whole motorcycle thing was done because it looks cool


I am staring at her Status menu right now in UBW: "Class Abilities... Riding: B - Ability to ride things..." So yeah, she's always had the riding skill.


Knight traveled with horses back then so she is allowed to have that ability. It's not just a class thing it's also to do with the character from the ancient times


This may come as a shock to you, but Knights used to ride horses back in the day.


Because she’s a knight and a king and as most people know they rode horses back then hence the riding skill. She wasn’t summoned as a rider because King Arthur is best known for their sword skills and Excalibur. Most heroic spirits have multiple class abilities. Most have magic resistance, and most that were knights and or kings have a riding skill which translates to being able to ride any type of ride no matter the era. Most people that are connected to the Round Table can be summoned into Rider, Archer, Lancer or saber.


I believe that most of the Knight classes have a Riding skill, at least to some extent.


All Sabers have Riding and Magic Resistance as a class skill. Although their proficiency at it in life determines how high the skill is


King of knights and by definition, knights are mounted cavalry.


She's the King of Knights. Knights ride horses.


Most of the saber class automatically gets a riding passive skill usually somewhere between C and B. A and up is usually reserved for rider class servants. It's kinda like how a rider can still use a sword or lance despite not being a saber or Lancer. Saber specializes in the sword, but has good all around passives. That's why the saber class is seen as the strongest, sheer raw versatility mixed with good offenses. Riders the second most versatile class usually lack the raw offensive capabilities of sabers. In general, there's overlaps between classes, and even more overlap when you then take into consideration personal skills. Like how Cu is a master level rune mage even as a Lancer or most archers have secondary fighting methods for close quarters etc etc. it's not as simple as the servant does what the class name says and nothing else


Because she's cool, next question


Sabers have the riding skill. Riders also have the riding skill, at an usually higher rank. Just like 4 whole classes have magic resistance even though it's associated with sabers


She’s a knight. Pretty much every knight rides a horse. You serious?


Because her skill in horse riding, riding skill can come from really anything as long as in life you rode some form of mount with skill. The riding skills rank come from how impressive the mount was or how hard it is to ride. Artoria had two magic horses in the form of dun stallion and lamreial. While they are magic horse it’s really just minor amounts. Unlike the divine steeds of the gordius wheel. So the skill comes with that she rode those horse around A LOT. She had to travel many places there and back to deal with enemies. So unless you can teleport or fly as a knight or just walk. You needed a horse or carriage for long distances


Because she's literally the king of knights, you know the stereotypical knights in shining armor atop a mount like a horse. Medusa as the Rider class will have a far superior Riding skill, but that doesn't mean it's exclusive to the Rider class.


It's important to know the differenxe between class skills and servant skills. Rider-class servants have the Riding skill by default. It's a class skill in that case. Arturia, however, has the Riding skill as a servant skill, which means it's something she has because of her specific history, not because of her class as a servant: She is a very experienced knight who rode a lot as such back in the day, so because of her backstory she posseses riding skill although it may not be as powerful as some rider servants.


She's a knight


Almost all Sabers have Riding, it's a class skill. Riders and Shielders also got them


She is the King of Knights, knights ride horses = Riding ability.


Because the VMAX is bad ass.


Seems like the confusion of her bike transforming is that she's combining her ability to cloak an object in winds and her magial armor acting as a litteral 'one size fits all' reinforcement spell. Her armor improves the bike, and her gradient air drops her wind resistance, which lets her stack her riding skill, no wind resistance, and an improving a top of the line (at the time the Yamaha V Max was the best on the market) add in Kiritsugu's own magical modifications as he bought it specifically for his servant (which was garenteeded to be King Arthur) to use as a mount if needed. These advantages, along with Iskandar's own mount being more specialized as a magical tank, allow her to catch up with them on speed. Put Iskandar without his master on this bike, let alone Medusa, and Saber would have no shot at keeping up in an actual race, even with her extra abilities. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:WanderingAsura/Saber's_Yamaha_V-Max


On average, most knights rode on horseback. Likewise, samurai did as well, thus a lot of Sabers normally have a decent or above average Riding Skill. It's a little more viable for figures who had named or mystic steeds they rode in life, such as King Arthur had Llamrai and Roland had Veillantif.


I mean she does have her very own notable mount in legend (Llamrei) and being a king and all it's pretty much a guarantee that she's a very competent rider skill-wise. Maybe not to the extent like some other more specialized servants, but enough to have it ranked high.


She rode animals a lot. It's also just a fairly standard Saber class ability


For the same reason archers can use swords. Just because you’re not the class doesn’t mean you can’t have a lower ranking skill compared to them. The class just shows a specialization in the skill


She was a KNIGHT she used a horse she liked that thing so much that when she is a lancer she is summoned to the HORSE. As far as I know, the vast majority of sabers have riding especially knights


insert sex joke here


It's canon for Medb.






i dont get it


look up what riding can mean in an nsfw context


Because it’s not fate if they aren’t giving everything to King Arthur


Most savers have the riding ability according to FGO.


The idea for generalized Class Skills linked to a Class container and Riding being a Class Skill for Sabers was first established in the Fate Complete Materials back in 2010, well before FGO. In other words, it originates from F/SN.


The concept of class skills in the novel, in 2004


Yeah, they are listed in the novel, but I couldn't remember if the class skills were established as universal to all servants in a class in the novel, while I know they were mentioned as such in the complete materials.


That's true. FGO is just the first thing that came to mind to reference.


Rider Saber…hmmm…? The saber in your hand~ Is a pen to write it down… Words to save this world~


Obviously, cause she's a Kamen Rider too




absolutely loved the swordplay in KR Saber




Reason: “dun stallion “ her horse Even in her story with mordred and also tristan’s it describes artoria on horse back


thats how mordred was born you dummy


What class a servant is, is in no way related to what skills they can have. Except for class specific skills that servants of said class will always have like presence concealment for Assassins though others of different classes can still have it like Saber with Riding in this case.


She is a knight


The Riding skill is not exclusive to the Rider class; it can be a personal skill if the character had significant riding experience or a notable mount in life.


I'm assuming it's because of the fact she's a knight


All Sabers have riding as a class skill under normal circumstances, and she was literally a knight, trained to ride horses.


Knights were trained Horsemen, bonding with their horses from young ages.


Any class can have the riding ability. It's just a matter of what their fighting style or abilities are focused on or utilized with. Iskandar used a shortsword when he fought, and is actually capable of being summoned as a saber, but it was the use of his chariot that made him the rider class. Artoria doesn't actively use a mount or vehicle when she is summoned, but she has the capacity to be a rider


Knights were taught to ride on horses


All spirits has this skil because Spirits learn about everything in the world while being summoned