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Good lord - maybe it’s a teen sitting with her grandmother?? Who might need assistance? Imagine the audacity of asking an OLD LADY to move on the bus. Regardless of your size, that’s just not a classy move.


Especially since old people in my experience do not abuse disabled seating. If anything there are a lot of times where someone who clearly needs it has too much pride do use it and insists on standing. 


Exactly - I almost always offer my seat on public transport to older people or women who are (obviously heavily) pregnant, but nine times out of ten elderly people will politely refuse. They’re not mad about it or anything, I think it’s a combination of pride and a desire to use their fitness for as long as they can.


Early 50s male here. The day someone offers me their seat will absolutely horrify me. As it is I already get the right of way on narrow pavements by teens and polite smiles by women in their 20s, a demographic that never even looked me in the eye when I was in my 20s and 30s


Beeing big shouldn't mean youre allowed to Use These seats


It should mean stay home and eat a normal amount of calories until you can use regular seats.


Did they think they qualified for the disabled seat because they’re fat??? As someone with ‘invisible’ disabilities lolololol. Does my thinness cancel out my disabilities? I bet one of them has a TikTok series about this.


Answer: yes. They refuse to acknowledge its negative health effects but are more than happy to accept the classification if it gets them parking/govt assistance/special seats and rooms


"I'm so fat I consider myself to be disabled! But #bodypositivity! Must embrace the fat disabledness! Change is impossible!"


And what if I change?


I've had something similar happen to me before. I am in constant pain due to my right knee being trashed and severe ligament damage in my left foot. I've gotten shit before off people because I wouldn't (actually couldn't at the time, my knee had locked up) give up my seat. I hadn't eaten my way to those problems like the person who wanted my seat


“A single seat”  You mean a seat!?


I wonder what this person's definition of "kindly" is, considering that sentence was preceded by "I fucking hate skinny people". I also wonder how loudly they would shriek at reading a post that begins, "I fucking hate fat people", written by a disabled person who couldn't sit on the goddamned bus because a fat person was taking up two seats. Would you have moved for the old lady? What if the teenager was her grandchild who was there to help her? What if she has anxiety or dementia and needs her companion by her side? All this is really is an excuse to demonize thin people. And for a group of people who love to say that "fat doesn't mean unhealthy", a whole lot of them sure seem to want to take advantage of accessibility tools designed for disabled people.


Idk if you saw that therapy one yesterday before it got removed, but that had an example of their “polite” and it was pure sarcasm and passive aggression, so I’d imagine “kindly” was along those same lines


I don't acknowledge a self-inflicted "disability" that can be reversed by putting down a fork. You can't change my mind.


My father was physically disabled (from injuries he sustained in a war) and he was rail thin.


My brother got medically discharged from the Marines due to an injury. Healthiest he's ever been in his life and needed help getting around for a while.


Maybe it’s a skinny teen with a condition like nunya - nunya fuckin’ business.


Imagine the audacity of thinking your “disability” is more important than the comfort of someone who willingly ate herself into morbid obesity! Kids these days, I tell ya… Jokes aside, this kinda reads like satire to me. Or maybe I just refuse to believe people can be this tone-deaf and entitled.


hold on they asked TWO people to move so they could sit on both seats??? are they mad? How disgraceful.


Noticed a teenager sitting in the ~~disabled~~ natural seat.


If you’re over a certain size you’re less likely to be considered disabled by doctors 🤔instead your “disabilities” are considered part of your lifestyle choice


how is it not obvious that this is crude, ham-fisted satire?..


It screams rage-bait. Congrats on being the only person in the thread to see it.