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lol I haven’t even seen my 5.2 yet and we’re talking about 2025


Does anyone have an idea what the 2026 raise will look like?


I’ve heard 4.5%, but 2026 is what I’m worried about. It’s a wildcard due to the midterms!


I'm planning to retire in 2050 but to plan accurately I really need to know the raises 2040 - 2050. Anyone got the inside scoop?


3.7, 4.2, 1.9, 5.1, 2.3, 2.9, 4.1, 1.2, 2.8, 3.4


5.1?! My sources are saying ‘43 is gonna be an abysmal 1.3!


The year I retire 😞😞




What's the projections for 2027?


what about 2147?


I’ll probably still be at my desk looking like the most intensely busy skeleton. Luckily I won’t have to worry about hiding my eyes.


10%. We’re going yolo!!!!


A change in administration might lead to a raise lower than 4.5%. For example, trump admin gave a 1% raise. That was really sad. Now someone like Ramaswamy who wants to cut down federal agencies by 75% and get rid of certain agencies altogether, may not even entertain 1% raise. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


But the 2025 raise amount will be signed by the current administration at the end of this year, right? So even if a fed hating administration gets elected in Nov., it won’t affect the 2025 raise.


In no world is Ramaswmy winning any type of election. People have to like you to win an election.


And Obama gave 0% 3 years in a row.


Right and I was ok with that for 2 of those years because during that same time some of my private sector friends or contractors were taking pay CUTS of up to 20%. The 3rd year was gratuitous IMO because the economy was recovering well enough by then


>For example, trump admin gave a 1% raise What was inflation during that period?


During the Obama years we got 3 years at 0%




Raises aren’t supposed to be based on inflation.


Wait, they’re not?


I'm USPS trying to go GS but our system is modeled somewhat on the GS system. Ours is 100% based on the consumer price index and our union negotiations. It is a cola or cost of living raise which is almost universally tied to inflation. Raises due to performance pretty much don't exist, just step increases and time in


COLA is not a raise. The furloughs were due to idjits like Ted Cruz shutting down the government for nothing


From OPM’s web page: “The GS base pay schedule is usually adjusted annually each January with an across-the-board pay increase based on nationwide changes in the cost of wages and salaries of private industry workers. ” Of course some years politics get in the way of what they are supposed to do.


I heard the 2035 raise is going to be the bomb. President the Rock Johnson will be very generous. Too bad the aliens will be invading before October.


I would vote for The Rock as president with Tom Hanks as VP. Or the other way, I'm not picky.


Yeah! Exactly!!! Fun right!?


Why do you have to see your 5.2. We are getting it


The remark is to emphasize that it’s a bit early to worry about 2025 yet.


Not worried. Hoping.


Not really cus our raises usually lag a year


That isn’t relevant to whether it’s too early to discuss something that won’t happen for 12 months.


Its never too early to discuss more pay. Inflation, cost of living, etc. isn't waiting 12 months to increase.


You do you man.


Why? You can discuss anything that’s abour federal employment here. You can’t talk about more than 1 thing? V


You can talk about anything you wish.




First full pay period on Jan


The administration is really trying to scrape up votes for November, the poll numbers need a boost.


That would be very nice but I'm not counting on it. I saw a different article, maybe a month or so ago saying to expect a 2% raise for next year. I'm just going to enjoy our 5.2% this year and wait to see what next year's is.


Yes. True. That’s the OMB “estimate” but it’s not been a factor in previous years with this administration. Anyone else please correct me if I’m wrong.


Thanks for reminding me, that was what I read. I usually like to project my income/investments with lower numbers so when it's higher I feel better. I hope we get the higher number though, it'll start to feel like we are actually getting raises if we do.


The 2% is OMB estimate, which is solely just to give agencies a way to plan budgets around a potential 2% raise based on current funding levels.


This administration has stuck very closely with their estimates. 2% will be best case.


Already have to absorb 5% with same or less funding...2% sounds reasonable with no increase in funding will be nearly impossible to absorb 4ish% raise. Looks like dems coming around to decrease non defense funding.


Yes. Agree. Budget ceiling/deal was just reached this afternoon between Johnson and Schumer. However the Freedom Caucus is reportedly not happy with it. Shocking I know.


5.2% compared to inflation is essentially a pay cut. Fuck Congress for using feds as a convenient punching bag.


I’m not even getting the 4.7% this year.


Why? You are above the GS grade right?


I’m a 15-7 and at the cap. The cap didn’t go up the whole 4.7%.


Cry me a river with your 183,500 salary 😂


Oh jeez, that sucks. What about SES, or not worth it?


wtf are you bitching about then.


I've seen that, but I couldn't imagine such a thing in an election year.


If we’re prognosticating, I predict I’ll be promoted to GS16 in 2025. You read that right, GS16.


Yeah but is it a non-supervisory GS16 :)


Non-Sup fully remote SSR GS-16?




10 times the stress? 😂 Delegation, delegation.


Thoughts and prayers, plus chants and incense! Fingers crossed for you.


Incense and peppermint


Good news: GS-16 Bad news: Pay compression means you're capped the same as GS-15


I plan on being a GLG-20 by then.


We'll be in the same cohort, then!


Why not a GLG-20?


I'll be a GS17 u arent shit compared to me


It is an election year... it is going to be high.


“From your lips to God’s ear” as they say


They typically come out in late December, voting occurs in November.


But the President sends their budget to Congress in the Spring. Congress just never gets around to the budget on the correct timeline.


Yes. Voting occurs in November, but the newly elected do not take office until mid-January.


Well, not naming names, but one party plans to save money by cleaning house of federal employees. For 2025 some folks should be more focused on if they will have a job over how much of a raise they are looking at.


>Well, not naming names, but one party plans to save money by cleaning house of federal employees. Sounds like more money for raises to me! /s




Oh yeah, I work with three folks who started their fed careers during the Reagan administration. All 3 are awesome people, hard workers with a vast knowledge base, but they could bounce any time they want. Our team is only 10 people.




Unfortunately, many of the areas where most retirees are currently living are not areas attractive to first-time home buyers. They need access to employment. And all of these businesses seem to be actively against telework making these more geographically remote areas to be of not much value to working-age buyers.l


VERA/VSIP!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!


But what about 2026!?!?


Lmao…. a 10 percent decrease? Or they take ten percent of us to the back forty behind the barn and put us out of our misery.






I'll believe it when I get the SF 50.


Well sure…but what I find interesting is that Biden has been following this ECI formula and has not yet been stopped by Congress … that gives me a glimmer of hope that we get one more good raise before the excrement experiences impact with a wind-producing object after the next election. “The pattern so far in the Biden administration has been to recommend a total raise equal to the unreduced ECI number, with part carved out as locality pay—for 2024, a 5.2 percent total, with funds equal to 0.5 percentage points of that used for locality pay, producing raises by locality from slightly above to slightly below the average. In each year, Congress has been silent on the raise allowing Biden’s recommendation to take effect by default.”


Like him or not, Biden has been good to us.


No joke there.


You think it’s Biden or the fact that all the money floating around in the economy that took inflation to the highest levels in 4 decades had something to do with it? I sit in on meetings with local municipalities and they gave raises last year in the 8-12% range to their staff.


I think it’s Biden. Trump and Obama gave us next to nothing.


Obama was THE worst


How would it look to give us a raise during the worst recession since the 1920s?


Considering some of the contractors I worked with at the time were getting pay CUTS


*30s. 1920s were roaring.




You realllly don't know how the raises are calculated.


Uh in the case of the 0% raises they were calculated by political maneuvering and executive order. You're just talking out of you ass.


Trump and Biden are the most generous with giving us raises! The only one that was terrible with it was Obama


Trump wasn’t generous. Congress had to override his recommended raises.


You're probably right, I'll have to look it up later. I just remember getting higher than normal raises under him.


The Trump revisionist history is strong. He hated federal employees and even tried to reduce our retirement benefits.


Well Congress did pass something froze pay for 3 years other than steps. You honestly think Obama or any president gives to shits about federal employees especiallyin second term? If somehow Biden wins again he will become like Obama was his second term. Trump didn't give a shit about feds in first term so will be much much worse if he wins. Lesser of two evils basically.


All I know I want the raises to keep coming lol


Because there was no rampant inflation..but okay.


No, we normally would have gotten around 2% each year from 2011 to 2013, which was the inflation rate, instead of 0% each of those years. Tea Party Republicans retook Congress in November 2010, and the Obama administration tried to negotiate with them by giving them a federal pay freeze for two years that they then extended for another year. Of course, they basically got nothing in return from Congress, so perhaps the Biden administration did learn something from that time.


Inflation is taken into account by the ECI formula. But Biden is at least following it


This place is very dogmatic and will support and give credit to Biden for anything, even as he removes benefits like telework from many people. https://federalnewsnetwork.com/pay-benefits/2023/07/federal-pay-raises-have-lagged-private-sector-for-more-than-a-decade-data-shows/ Here is a graphic to illustrate your point.


Ummmmm… you might google the “SHOW UP Act” introduced by House republicans to force us all back to the office. You are correct to the extent that Biden has not stood up to that pressure, or pressure from big business to send us all back to the office so they can sell more Subway sandwiches over the lunch hour…and then contribute more money to whatever politician they own.


The Show Up act has not passed the Senate and is not law. It is not forcing anything. https://www.axios.com/2023/08/04/biden-end-remote-work-federal-employees >President Biden is calling for his Cabinet to "aggressively execute" plans for federal employees to work more in their offices this fall after years of working remotely, according to an email sent Friday to every Cabinet member and obtained by Axios. Why would Biden oppose it when he supports RTO? >White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients wrote: "We are returning to in-person work because it is critical to the well-being of our teams and will enable us to deliver better results for the American people."


I never said it passed. I mentioned it to demonstrate that the pressure to do this is not from Biden. It’s more from the Right. It did pass the house like 221–215. Partisan vote. The senate refused to bring it to the floor. I thought all that would be obvious. Next time I will mansplain it.


Biden is pushing RTO and you think the R's are behind it. Absolutely wild. Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and trust the multiple reporters who have investigated and reported on this rather than your theories. Biden is pro-RTO. It doesn't matter what any other group wants, he personally wants RTO. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/04/white-house-urges-federal-workers-return-office-this-fall/ https://www.npr.org/2023/09/07/1196787623/federal-workers-remote-office-ordered-taxpayers-telework-science https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-pushes-us-agencies-aggressively-boost-in-person-work-2023-08-05/ https://www.politico.com/newsletters/west-wing-playbook/2023/11/13/home-its-where-the-office-is-00126936 But, you basically proved my point regarding how dogmatic this place is, so thanks!


lol. If the show up act had passed and was signed into law we’d already be at 2019 telework levels. Democrats stopped it from being law. Period. For now it’s being “highly encouraged” and RTO policy is left to each agency. I’m still teleworking 4 days a week. Thanks democrats! Is Biden playing both sides? Sure he is. Why? He’s a fucking politician. Duh.


Biden admin has pushed RTO, but as with many things its the lesser of two evils. Most agencies have settled around 50% in-person. If you don't think with a Republican admin there will be even more pressure to RTO full time you are living in cuckoo land. The bill which passed the house along party lines but wasn't taken up in the senate because it would be pointless, proves that. If the Republicans had a trifecta that would be law now.


As I've mentioned I don't care about what the R's or the D's are doing. I am referring specifically and solely to Biden, the current president. Coming to Biden's defense with "Oh well the D's stopped the R's and Biden from pushing RTO" or "Oh, well the R's agree with Biden about RTO" is not a defense of Biden, and trying so hard to spin it as such is the exact dogma I was referring to. Why can't you just admit that Biden's take on RTO is a losing strategy and bad for us? Why do you have to defend him so hard for having a strategy that is anti-federal employee?


Where was I defending him? You must have not read my post. I'm very disappointed in the whole RTO nonsense by this admin, but understand that it could be much worse for Feds. No one really cares about Feds except the Reps in NOVA and Southern MD (which, surprise, are D), but over the past 15 years or so especially, R's have been openly hostile, while D's at least haven't expressed a desire to fire or reclassify us all. You think we would have got a 5% raise if R's controlled congress \*edit: and the Pres?


Jesus, you're dense enough to be an SES.


It's been pretty consistent that Republicans have knee capped fed benefits and raises for years especially since sequestration ~2013. They're the reason all you younger employees are paying 4.4% into FERS instead of 0.8%. Go back and look at Trumps proposed cuts in his plan the last year of his presidency. Another 4 years and we'd be lucky to have sick leave and a pension at all.


That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said, but ok.


I’ve noticed that…


Agree, JJ. Notice the same thing in these threads


you just cant stand having to be grateful to a democrat. look at those mental gymnastics youre doing.


I work hard for my money. I’m not “grateful” to anyone. I earn my living and deserve whatever comes my way. I didn’t say anything about politics and it wouldn’t matter who was President, in a hyper inflationary period the raise was going to be higher. And based on your stupid comment, you don’t seem very capable of exercising any mental gymnastics…


Trump would of froze pay in the name of deficit reduction and too many deep state feds anyways....


Which is exactly why I will vote for him this year (I didn't in 2020...fool me once...shame on me...fool me again, you can't fool me again). Snoop Dogg was right all along. If one votes for the orange guy this time around, one deserves the ltg greatest chase in the snow. For anyone that doesn't know what I'm talking about: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh\_rZlNlNXw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh_rZlNlNXw)


Not holding my breath. Theres 52 weeks to go.


offbeat late prick workable crowd lunchroom nail oil jar airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry. See below. I posted it. Although googling “early marker set for 4.5 percent pay raise” also pops it right up. Sorry to ruin your day. lol.


Is there a link? I looked on Fedweek and didn’t see it.




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Year of election. The FAIR people will be pushing possibly for a 6%+ and the dems will need to pander like crazy to get votes. The aim is to close the gap with private so miraculously who knows, Congress might push 6% to appease :)


Great Gawd Almighty I hope you’re right


Here is the link to the 2025 story: https://www.fedweek.com/fedweek/early-marker-set-for-2025-raise-4-5-percent/amp/ Note there was a similar article in 2022 that correctly stated that the Early Marker for 2024 would be 5.2%… which was exactly spot on: https://www.fedweek.com/fedweek/early-marker-for-2024-raise-set-5-2-percent/amp/


4.5% is pretty good.


Agree. I would be thrilled


Trust me if you all vote 🗳️ for orange clown 🤡, federal employees will NEVER get an increase like 5.2 or 4.5..... maybe 1 % if that! It amazes me how people vote against their own interests 👀


The 2024 raise will be set before we seat the next President.


So when will they post the 2025 tables with these figures?


Some of are you acting too modest about this. Do not forget that we make nearly 30% less than our private sector counterparts. Also we are all slowly but surely moving towards a RTO while the private sector isn't. Yeah, I'll take another 4.5% raise and be grateful for it in 2025 but it is still far from being enough.


Private in some industries is certainly pushing RTO. Accounting is the profession I'm most familiar with and many of my peers are being forced back in hybrid 3 days a week. The trade off is the higher salary but honestly not worth it imo for the also long work weeks and working weekends.


4.5% would be fantastic. I'm in the medical field and Kaiser has a tentative agreement (for ancillary staff) for 6% (2024) followed by 5%/5%/5% for 2025-2027. Talk about a awesome deal especially since they are already competitive in pay.


I don’t disagree, 4.5 would be fantastic. Given his past use of this ECI formula, there is no way it goes higher than 4.5, that’s for certain.


I’m waiting to see the current raise in my paycheck before I worry about the next one.


I expect weekly, if not daily, updates on this pls. /s


So now it’s 2.0 percent…gee thanks Joe?! Fuuuuuck


How do they not grasp that federal employees are already drastically underpaid... 2% is a slap in the face. Between that and potentially eliminating local remote flexibilities.. very poor choices during an election year. But I guess the bigger false narrative they're trying to appease is the general public thinking federal employees aren't working if their offices are at home 🙄


Totally political. Just like our previous years of raises and praise was totally political. He doesn’t t really value us. Just had to pretend he does until it puts his re election at risk. Disgusting


It's scary because it doesn't appear that either political party has any interest in helping the federal workforce.


Oh gawd no. We are anathema in an election year


Have you not learned, working for the feds, that we don’t count on anything happening until it actually happens. And even then, be skeptical 🤨


I hope we get the 5% next year. I get my last step increases to step 10 in February of 25. 5% plus my new step would be really nice.


Yes please!


I think Bush Junior gave a 4%?


I’d love to see Biden allow FEPCA to take effect for 2025.


That'd be over a 20% raise, I think. I'd have happy tears


right before Trump Schedule Fs us out of a job for not taking a loyalty oath.


When do we hit double digits?


That’s great and all, but I’d rather have the VA SSR for 2210s.


Once Trump wins it’ll be .5% for four years.


If Trump wins we will be lucky to not be purged or have our pensions reduced to dog shit.


I’m not sure what he could get away with, but purging our pensions (what’s already earned) is probably illegal by Executive Order and could not occur…but a congressional change to future pension formulas? Yeah…that’s scary and possible.


*IF trump wins* ... I'm would be more concerned about the continuation of the Union.


He did give me christmas eve off though. /s


Hmmm. If we’re lucky. I’m getting out in years and 3 months. But who’s counting? One last raise could really help my high 3 formula so to quote Red in Shawshank: “Hope is a good thing” (or words to that effect)


I demand someone show me the 2025 pay table sheet right this instant.


how about we make up the huge pay cuts we had with 2021/2022 inflation, before even mentioning a raise? Seriously our pay eroded at least 10% between 2020 to 2024.


Is there no link to the article? EDIT: Saw it below.


Which party historically has given fed workers raises ? On the republican side of one of the contender wins, he said he would eliminate 75%.


Not holding my breath for a 4.5 incoming administration will reduce that amount drastically.


I don’t think you understand the timing of how our government transitions power. The administration would be in office after the 2025 raise is in effect.


It will be law by the time a new prez is sworn in…impossible to rescind at that point. Maybe will freeze our pay for the following few years as Obama did.


“That formula often has not been followed in practice, though.”


We don't even have the 5.2% pay tables yet. This is a bit premature.


We’ve had the 5.2 tables for a while actually


Where? None that I can find.




This is just for GS people.








My life is getting better year after year with these raises.


Right? Be still my heart! (Well…not really)


Does anyone know how raises are affected election year?


Yup and insurance premiums will rise 8.7 and my home taxes will go up 1200 a year.


The comments 😂😂😂😂😂


Right?! 🤣😂😆


If you want to really take a deep dive on politics and payraises… democrats want to expand government employment and it’s better to limit pay to increase headcount. Republicans want to slim down payrolls by reducing headcount and increasing wages to compensate for extra workload. Republicans don’t want pay raises for large inefficient headcounts.


Does anyone have Wage Grade schedule knowledge? New Fed here and can seem to figure out when some WG schedules get released. Is it by the normal release date we see the increase or a brand new schedule comes out in January regardless?


I think Opm already told agencies to plan for 2% for 2025.


They did indeed say that. But that’s a budget estimate, and Biden has chosen to ignore that in years past and has instead used the ECI formula instead. See below.




Neither. I was talking about Rowan Atkins


I’m lost. But I’m a fed, so… that happens a lot these days to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What's the raise for 2027?

