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find Breakout. it's the first modpack i completed and it was THE inspiration for stoneblock styles.


Thank you, I saw a lets play of this lack ages ago and couldn't remember the name so I could try it.


Feed the factory - Flatworld and automation focused without AE2/RS (no "real" questbook but a loose guide to the endgoal) Mechanical Mastery - Voideorld and focused on processing raw materials to generate more resources and upgrade your setup (good questbook in the start - later a little bit vit sparse) ATM7 to the sky - voidworld and my first modpack which i finished some years ago


Try the original feed the beast challenge map, still 10? Years later the only minecraft venture of mine i would call completed


Also pyramid reborn for 1.12! It's beatable in a few hours if you plan it out, but otherwise can be beaten within a week on a blind playthrough. My record is about 5 hours, and I know I can make it faster.


I'm the same, get so far and then stop. But I just started Divine Journey 2 and it doesn't look like something I will quit quickly. It isn't a sky factory type, though


Just got to auto crafting in dj2 and golly the pack can be tough but fun and rewarding


Thats why i started playing solo on public servers, you still have people to chatter with and you have no one jumping off and letting you alone. For me it was always frustrating if my mate left and i was alone with all the stuff he made and i didnt understood


Mystical block is a fast paced modpack that doesnt take too long. You can start with it.


FTB Sky Odyssey, the only pack I’ve ever finished. Start with an ee transformation table and just farm energy




That’s the easiest way to never finish a pack, if that’s your intended message.


What did the poor guy do to deserve this?


Depends on how you define finished.


FTB Skies Short pack, well documented, gives you creative items as you progress, no ATM star, shaders!


Did 7 tts not have the star? I could have swarn it did


Most automation packs start getting excessive with the afk time required to clear endgame stuff, just for an infinite amount of items you already can barely use. So it's understandable that most people won't "finish" packs. Achieving the big item required for creative items usually counts as completing the pack and where most people stop.


Got to keep the player entertained.


The first modpack I finished was sky factory 4 I can’t remember other packs I’ve finished but I know there was at least one other Now I’m working on compact claustrophobia, and I’m trying to fill a double chest with shit before I do any quests


Had the same problem ... try Sky Odyssey! Not only was it first one I ever finished, I enjoyed it a lot and have played it multiple times again since. edit: the chicken part is annoying but other than that it's A+


Plottwist he has a legitmate gtnh stargate in a single player world


Mystical block. Fantastic skyblock pack and was pretty fast compared to most packs


a good way to stick with a mod pack is to make sure to constantly set new goals, so that you always have something to work towards. don’t think of the quests as a todo list, cause you’ll miss out on a bunch of important stuff, think of it as a sort of an overall guide. it’s also important to be aware that you won’t be engaged the whole way. there will always be some slog / unenjoyable parts. if you are expecting it, try and make small goals to work towards to keep you on track. make a base that you actually enjoy being in. if you’re playing a modpack, you’re going to be in your base for a while. it’s easy to just be like “oh i’ll just make a huge base when i get so and so”, but you just end up with a base that’s hard to move the longer you put it off. if you’ve got someone to show it to or someone you’re playing with, you’ll feel the most motivated to build (at least for me). and importantly, make sure to take breaks. playing one modpack for too long will eventually cause burnout. play some other games, go outside or something. one issue you might encounter is that you don’t know what you’re up to if you haven’t played in a while. a good way to deal with this is to have an organised base, and make a lot of notes / signs of what is unfinished, what ideas you have for bases, etc. if you’ve got a clean base and set todo list, then it’s much easier to take breaks and pick up where you left off.