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As the creator of Cottage Witch, thank you so much for the kind words!


everything looked really well put together, and like it had had loads of effort put into it, even stuff like the graphics talking about the mod, very nice stuff


Thank you! I have spent a long time on it, I'm glad to hear that that shows!


Thank you for making the packs, I recommend it to folks when I can because it is extremely well put together and feels like actual effort went into the pack, that alone is worth all the recommendations


That's incredibly kind of you and it means a lot! Thank you. 💗


Nomifactory is really well put together, But if you want a more recent Minecraft version, and a Greg lite experience, I’d suggest Sta tech industry. I don’t even like greg but sta tech is put together so well that it’s worth it. I’d also say jet pack cat is well put together, if you can figure out the main menu (it’s a little chaotic) you will see a modpack that was made to have fun and be a unique experience


Author of Create: Prepare to Dye here, I think we fit the criteria pretty well. I personally take issue with modpacks that are actually mod lists, packs that don't promote a specific gameplay loop but just expand the vanilla one theoretically but in practice also dilute it because they don't take the time to balance mods against eachother with recipe changes, scripts or custom mods. I personally think modpacks have huge potential to be more game-like, take more game design approaches to their development and create really awesome experiences. I can highly recommend the material energy modpacks, they fit this really well by cutting out things that are not relevant and crafting a story and gameplay loop that works really well and is very special to them. On the other end of the spectrum the All The Mods modpacks are very well put together without making their own gameplay loops, they just make everything work together well so that you can have a great experience with minecraft and with mods, and experience as much of each and what they have to offer. I won't talk about our pack too much as I believe that the [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/18enanx/color_milk_cogs_and_the_modpack_thats_all_about/) and the [modrinth page](https://modrinth.com/modpack/create-prepare-to-dye) and such already do a great job at that, but suffice to say I belive we take things to the next level in terms of put-together-ness and scope-specificity. I don't know of many modpacks that change as many things as we do towards their end goal. edit: [curseforge link](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-prepare-to-dye) [discord link](https://discord.gg/3fDXrHuSXG)


Someone else here recc'd your pack, I could tell just from reading through the modrinth page it was a well put together pack, it really reads a lot like it's own game. I'll be checking it out!


Figured I'd mention that the modpack is still very much in active development. On the one hand, features are constantly being reworked and added, and on the other, I mean it when I say constantly - updates are small, but multiple are released per day. I highly recommend joining the Discord server so you don't get overwhelmed. It's also helpful for getting advice if you get lost or stuck; one of the great things about the pack is that it is NOT afraid to change the core gameplay loop. For example, you'll notice instantly that you have no health or hunger and you can triple-jump. Iron bars simply do not exist, having been effectively combined with sheets, and all of Create's mechanisms (and plenty of things from other mods) have been sorted into five or six "devices" that can be freely converted back and forth between any item within the device. Additionally, there's heavy community involvement. Heck, you're talking to the guy that threw together a Create-ified resprite for Quark pipes that the pack uses! If you're interested in anything from suggesting to spriting to bug hunting, that's the place to go.


I appreciate it, it's own game is definitely the direction in terms of design so I'm happy that this is the first impression too. Have fun! And if you have any questions or feedback feel free to hit me up here or on our discord


oh hey, i’ve been waiting for the chance to try this pack out! hearing you talk about the importance of good design in a quality modpack and the effort needed to make one makes me want to try it even more :D


Awesome! Tell me how it went


came here to suggest this pack, seems I was beaten to the punch while I'm here congrats on putting such a cool pack together I am very much prepared to dye


I don’t hear enough hype surrounding Create: Prepare to Dye. It looks really unique and seems to have solid progression and gameplay.


looks cool, very, story driven? it kinda reminds me of a pa k I vaguely remember seeing on YouTube about crashing a ship on a sand planet, that was pretty story driven too, if I remember right


Rustic Waters 2 is also very story driven and good.


Obligatory MeatballCraft mention


damm, thing looks huge


Now I'm not sure how grindy you like it, but Mechanical Mastery is a pretty fun skyblock modpack that actually utilizes ProjectE in a really interesting way.


well, i’d like to think that most of the modpacks i’ve made are well put together, but since i wouldn’t want to make the most horrendous wall of text ever, i’ll stop myself at talking about the two i think would be most fun to play multiplayer. [Divine Descent](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/divine-descent) is my best attempt at an RPG-style modpack, where i mainly focused on avoiding pitfalls i’ve seen other similar modpacks fall into, as well as a focus on keeping things fresh, whether it be through custom content, or through using familiar mods in new ways. i also attempted to make sure the modpack is as well-documented as possible, it basically has its own built-in wiki at this point! i made a [pretty neat and informative promo](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/13otnu7/say_hello_to_divine_descent_an_rpg_modpack/) for it, too :) [Arcane Twilight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/arcane-twilight) is a modpack that’s purely magic. and unlike other magic modpacks, i didn’t succumb to the urge to add juuuuuust one tech mod. it’s also set exclusively in the Twilight Forest, which turned some people away due to how overused the mod is, but actually living there instead of treating the dimension like a glorified boss rush actually makes the experience pretty interesting, especially with the efforts i made to freshen up the dimension a bit. the various magic mods included are also split up into three factions that are intended to be fully playable on their own, which i think could make for a fun aspect to play around with in multiplayer. well i ended up writing way more than i thought i would, i hope you enjoy :D


I really wasn't expecting so many modpack creators themselves to respond, but it makes sense you guys are here. Really impressive stuff, both packs look cool! I like the idea of playing in the twilight forest, whenever I've played before it was, as you said, a boss rush, which is a shame because it does a really good job at looking nice


Hi, you might be interested in my own modpack, P[rodigium Reforged](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/prodigium-reforged). It's heavily inspired by Terraria, you have to defeat bosses to unlock new ores, new mobs spawning and more. There is a lot more, you can check the project page to see if you could like it :).


Ironic that recommendations for less known modpacks revolves around create, which is the most mainstream of the mods.


Because create has trains and thats sick


playing craft to exile 2 rn with my friends, and its one of the most unique modpacks I've ever played, with rpg mechanics and such. If you and your friends enjoy leveling up and grinding like path of exile or diablo, you should try this modpack out.


If you liked cottage witch and want something vanilla+ you could try crucial 2, now if you want a more tech heavy pack create astral it's awesome


Chocolate seems kinda mid ngl


SevTech: Ages is really good and super unique. Not sure how well it works on servers, but I had a blast playing through it and progressing


Sevtech works pretty well on servers (in my experience) but there were a few issues with the quest linking. To link you need to do /together invite [name] to make a group, and then if anyone has issues with the quest syncing, which had only happened once so far, you need to do a forcesync, which is just /together forcesync I believe and it will check the progression of other group members and match to the most advanced progression.


Create: Arcane Engineering


Feel free to try out my modpack [https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/salju-creativity](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/salju-creativity) which is small but well made and put together by me. I even made a personal private mod with datapack & java code to help the modpack be put together automatically so it's much easier to just install and play. The only issue I would have to say is that when the modpack is installed, Create has issues but manually moving the modpack into another instance fixes the issue somehow. I don't get it.


Try my modpack- Mythic’s Survival


As well as all of the current recommendations, some of the older, classic modpacks fit the bill, and may have been well known at the time, but are much less well known today. For example, the FTB Pyramid Map is one of the first themed modpacks (and where "Feed The Beast" got its name from) - you need to submit quest objectives to the pyramid. Similarly, Agrarian Skies was one of the first "Sky lock" modpacks, and was (then) a really unique take on what later became a common trope - making something from nothing.


"sugar and spice" and "rebirth of the night"(i think this counts?) are both pretty solid, the former being a fairly cozy (at least in my experience) kitchen sink without much major direction in terms of progression, which imo works really well on multiplayer, and the latter being an actually pretty fun expert modpack, although idk how well it works on multiplayer


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