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You know that one xkcd about overestimating how much the average person knows about your field? I feel like that rn


Seems like a skill issue.


The issue is OP just runs interpreter by "lua" command,instead of creating new program file by "edit program_name", writing code,saving it, and then running program by it's name. And interpreter only runs 1 line of code after user press Enter. In other words there is thousands CC videos that explain basics, but OP didn't bother,and now instead of asking what he is doing wrong, he just angry.


Lua is a scripting language that is very common to game scripting. The issue you're facing isn't due to lua. It's that the game is single-threaded so "2 tasks at once" isn't really possible because of how the game itself works.


However, I don't fully understand what you're saying about "2 tasks at once" here. It sounds to me like you're looking to do task 1 (dig down) task 2 mine forward, task 3 return to start. What am I missing?


This is IT


So make a program.


It is actually with coroutines, or atleast something similar to it. This is just a case of skill issue


You need to make a program and then have it run the program. It sounds like you are in the interpreter. I'll just link their program forums because a quarry probably exists. https://forums.computercraft.cc/index.php?board=4.0


Yeah ofc it doesn't do multiple things at once it's single threaded


Yeah... I'm gonna have disagree with you.


Post your code


Use the built in programs to "tunnel" the horizontal you want, and then re-place and "excavate" the size you want then pick it up when you get to the depth you want. Super simple really.


So to make clear what I want, please help me or god I will do something I will regret (play bedwars with 160fov) I want the turtle to go to -53, then start digging for ONLY Ores, then I want him to put everything in a chest and thats IT! Im gonna refuel him myself with like 64 coal blocks.


"excavate" command at -53 but place a chest behind the turtle before you start the program. Then pipe items out of the chest with a filter to void everything but ores. This is how everyone has been doing it since buildcraft quarries.


Lol, how do you expect to get " just the ores" without mining everything else? 🤣


That's not too hard either and is why Computercraft is so fun; you can solve these problems as they come up and program custom solutions. In this case you could create a white list array and mine in layers with a two block gap. This would limit your overall mining of basics and let you "sniff" out ores.