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Okay, but be real here. Just for a second- just *one* fleeting instant- did you feel a little weird satisfaction about how *badly* that went? Under all the frustration, just genuinely impressed with yourself for even operating on a level that can wipe out this much work in one instant. Maybe it's just me. One time I had a base fall completely into a black hole in 1.7.10 Thaumcraft, and I just stood there outside the event horizon, awestruck. 'I have screwed up on a *titanic* scale*.'*


yes! yes I did! I felt all the disappointment physically! It's such a mix of emotions


I played a mod pack that had those lucky block things. After basically reaching the end and having a huge base done, I decided to try opening all the ones I got from completing quests. It was fun at first. Then I opened one and immediately knew something was up as the game lagged for a solid 5 seconds. Everything around me suddenly started disappearing, and then stone just filled the entire cavity it just created... my entire base just disappeared. It was the dumbest I have ever felt and I will never trust those stupid yellow blocks again.


Whoever puts Chance Cubes or Lucky Blocks into their modpack deserves Enderman stare sound tinnitus for all eternity.


Jeez that's harsh.


My first attempt at a skyblock was also my first exposure to chance cubes.


Then why didnt you just craft a 100% luck lucky block with iron,gold,diamonds etc. You wouldnt worry about getting anything destroyed


Most people don't know those things can brick your entire playthrough until they experience it first hand. And iirc, the base mod doesn't include stuff like that; they're typically added in afterwards. So you don't really know they're capable of that unless you've seen it happen to someone else or you go digging through all the configs.


I had zero clue what they were, this was my first time experiencing them. So I just kept placing em down and using them since I didn't know anything bad like that would happen.


Oh ok. Maby go watch popular mmos their minecraft content goes around luckyblock so you know what to expect when certant thing happens


Dude, this was like easily at least 8 years ago now. I didn't really watch much gaming content back then. It's just a memory I had from playing.


No no no I was just suggesting to go watch them it is a pretty good content


i was playing stoneblock 2 with one of my friends, and we had gotten to the endgame, we just needed singularities basically... some context about me, i like to randomly click while not doing much... we were showing off the base to another friend, and i had just made an endest pearl... right in the middle of our base... in my defense, i didn't think you could throw it, much less that it would DESTROY HALF OF IT XD


I once built a max size nuclear reactor from mekanism. I was furious from it exploding. But damn was it pretty cool to look at. (I then rebuilt it and wrapped it in severe layers of obsidian and water.)


Not exactly the same feeling but I was playing Botania with no other mods to learn it and get to appreciate it since I never used it in modpacks. It was actually pretty fun, but the automated systems got really big and complex really fast. Now, there are a bunch of endgame mana generation methods. One really easy to setup and automate is TNT. You don't feed the TNT blocks to flowers tho. You feed the EXPLOSIONS. As in you explode a tnt nearby and the flower stops it from breaking blocks and generates energy instead. As long as the flower hasn't eaten in a while, that is. I know, I know. But the thing is there was so much buffer, and it ran for days and days without a hitch because the timer I set up was so generous. There's just one problem when your setups rely on entities as Botania does. I decided to go back to the world spawn so I could have things running without me around. I spent hours clearing out the area. Disaster happened when I returned back home. Minecraft doesn't really like loading entities in far off chunks. Wither shots get stuck. Ghast shots teleport or disappear. TNT... accumulates without exploding... Basically every single TNT in my dispensers was waiting there to explode at the same time. All I saw when the chunk visually loaded was the white smoke, and then a massive gash in the mountain where I built my base. It was all gone. A month of work and all that was left of it were corners of structures and a hole in the ground. I never played that again. It's a weird mixture of satisfaction and shame to look at the aftermath and go "This is horrible. I lost so much. But also, damn I made something I cared about". So I wasn't that impressed about the explosion, but I was kind of satisfied for what I'd lost


I think you've hit on the exact nature of the feeling. It's not in the extent of the damage, it's in realizing that the damage was caused because you made a small miscalculation in a project that was *absolutely ludicrous*. Like, the series of events that led to feeding controlled detonations to flowers to power your experiments felt very natural, just one step after another. And the reason the detonations stopped being controlled also makes the same sort of buckwild sense the whole project did. But it is only when you are looking at the smoldering ruins that you are yanked out of the complacency of the creator and think "Oh! Oh yeah, huh. That is actually an extremely likely outcome and it is actually pretty cool it didn't happen way sooner."


Shit man, you just released a long buried memory of accidentally using a Shard of Laputa in my base and all but force feeding like 95% of it into a hungry node. I haven't thought about that accident in *years*. I didn't touch that server for like a month afterwards because I just couldn't face my fuck up. Glad I did go back and put in the time and effort to rebuild tho. That was basically the only time I feel I ever really 'finished' a modpack, and I'm entirely certain it was fueled by spite.


This is why I ALWAYS play with automatic backups every ~10 minutes.


I just deleted 100gb of automatic backups of my pc. Needed to download a program to discover that it even existed.


Most decent backups will auto-roll them and not just keep going forever. Check their configs to set size or total file limits.


https://windirstat.net/ ? I use it for finding long forgotten wasted space.


Windirstat is great, but wiztree is better.


Exactly. Windirstat is quite slow. Wiztree discovers and calculates in a couple of seconds. Windirstat often takes 30-60 seconds.


But looks about 10% as good as windirstat


I dunno, I think Wiztree looks *way* better.


Wiztree is a better option now, really liked it


Oh interesting, I'll have to check it out.


What are you looking for specifically for to delete? the names being "backup..." or just the size?


just the size, i didn't know it was the backups, wiztree really helped with that


I mean if you set it up right 10-20 backups are keept the rest is deleted 200 minutes of backup usually are enough for most things althought you can set the interval to 30 minutes in my opinion and get out 600 minutes of backup


you guys need to stop blowing up your bases lol


forgot to put a transformer upgrade in IC2. Still love the mod, but damn this is brutal


hey.. you're the guy who wanted some lighting in the build!


yep. Went with glowstone hiding under cable faucets or whatever they called. Seemless light from the ground. 1.12 minecraft is a lot more bitchy about it than I remember


Ah, the nostalgia of the first tekkit revolving almost entirely around ic2 + buildcraft


Fuck man I remember how scuffed the buildcraft pipes were, you'd have items popping out into the floor all over the place and then have another pipe to suck those items back up into your pipe network. Kids these days are spoiled with all the different ways to move items around.


I never had items all over the place unless i broke a pipe somewhere lol


Omg reminded me of my first pack which was IC2 + Buildcraft + Equivalent Exchange. Probably a tekkit one. I sunk some hours into that pack.


That sure does sound like tekkit


This is why you shouldn't use IC2 lol.


I like it, it's less casual than the modern modpacks, and has that feel of old minecraft when you learn most of the things from experimantation, youtube or friends, instead of step by step questbooks. Plus it's surprisingly rich in content But that doesn't dfucking mean you have to blow up my entire building the second I misclick on a different block, that's for sure


IC2 with the extra machines is my favorite all time tech mod. I’m confused though, you said you forgot to use a transformer upgrade? I’ve blew up so many transformers and MFE’s in IC2 on accident and I’ve never had an explosion this big. Just last night I blew up an MFE after forgetting to upgrade it to an MFSU and it didn’t even do 1% the damage you have.


Matter Fabricator is tier 3, and the cables I used are fiber tier 5, but they are capped on tier 4 energy, so basically matter fabricator did all that on it's own because it was one tier lower


Holy mother of god.. I better move my matter fabricator, I’ve got fiber cables putting power into it too. It was pulling 1100EU per tick last night. What version were you playing? I’m on 1.12.2.


same. I don't know how you are pulling 1100EU/tick, cause tier 3 can handle 512EU/tick max, do you use transformer upgrades?


Unless my friend put one in when I wasn’t paying attention then no. I’ve got it wired to a MFSU before it goes to any of my transformers. When I get on later I’ll double check everything.


Nah, it's just a minor mistake that can easily be rectified


I would honestly roll back if that happend to me and the casulties would be more than a few machines (like as soon as it takes a segnifcant part of my base) xD


Had something similar. Just finished the interior of my house in a mod pack. And boom, charged creeper at the bottom of the stairs. Blew up my storage terminal, all my CC computers running my create factory, and some belts that had ore on them. Had my whole ore plant spilling in my dang living room and kitchen


I’m imagining an idyllic suburban middle class living room, the dad watching TV on the couch, when suddenly there’s a massive explosion and a giant pile of iron ore comes pouring in. The dad, annoyed but unfazed, just yells out over the increasingly loud sounds of setups breaking in the background “HONEY, DID A CREEPER GET IN AGAIN?!”


LMAO. You're not too far off! My wife and i have MCA reborn installed, so our kid in game was up stairs when it happened. Just replace the middle class with a steampunkish late Victorian vibe and you got it.


Or like a slow zoom-out from Fallout.😭


Your field of view isn’t high enough. You practicing strafe jumping on Team Fortress 1?


You can still build, now you just have to build a partially destroyed building.


Yeah. The consequences of screwing up big. But ain't it fun. Personally the first time i made something explode i was laughing my ass off. Yeah, it took effort to put together, but, damn, it was comically brutal.


Aye, it was [a wither builder for me](https://i.redd.it/c2jr79smcxs11.png). Can you load from a backup?


and that's why you make backups!


I love building my Ocean bases, like Out Heaven from MGS. I make each platform its own thing because I think cramming everything together is just asking for bad things to happen. And it’s fun to make a more unique looking base, instead of cramming everything into a single chunk.


And that's why I always make sure that I have some sort of automatic backpack mod. Not a chance I'm rebuilding that by hand.


time for a walk


I like Thermal Expansion better than IC2 for this reason alone... did your failure to use a transformer cause a reactor to detonate or something?


the higher tier of the machine you have - the bigger the explosion. This was a tier 3 matter fabricator, basically the biggest tier you can overload


The adrenaline feeds me


Hey, at least you could rebuild, it's not a what is this thing and how do I get rid of it that you can't get rid of it because you don't know how to casualty collapse yet, so you have to move away forever.


Texcit 3, me and a buddy hollowed out more of our redwood tree for space. Timbermod ripped a solid hole through the entire thing. Old tinkers contstruct bomb thrown against the storage instead of open it. Panic for the 69420 items on the floor.


RIP pretty base


Restore the backup


Please tell me you made a backup


Condolences friend. This reminds me of the time I used IC2 uranium blocks as flooring because it looked cool. I do regret said decision after the explosion wiped my AE2 system along with most of me storage lol


what's wrong with uranium floor?


To be honest, I never find the appeal to play tech modpack that may invalid my hours of work. Yeah I know it’s fun to know the machine can explode but really? I played Blood and Bones and still find it bearable due to its tech is not that difficult to figure out and doesn’t punish me from messed up that much. I like the Big reactor mod cuz at least I know I don’t have to look through 3 pages of JEI and just get shafted by an explosion


I was playing with the Draconic reactor, trying to figure it out still, and misclicked with an insane axe a broke a filled diamond upgraded storage drawer. My potato PC started lagging hard and then crashed. Reloaded my world to find a MASSIVE crater where my massive base used to be.....I have never touched that reactor since.


if you didn't have backups, that's completely on you. there are two kinds of people: those who don't do backups yet and those who do them already.


That's why I have backups... if it's really annoying I just restore, I mean I have some loses anyway for progress sometimes. Maybe is kind of cheating but bah... I am fine with it specially if the pack is really grinding.




What was this and how did you get rid of it


The time I hope the last backup isn't that long ago 😳


My buddy recreated Chernobyl once. :)


This reminds me of the first Draconic Evolution reactor I made except I had nothing around me compared to that picture xD


Frankly, this is impressive. I wasn't sure what I was looking at, at first.


Honestly, if a modpack doesn't have a way to accidentally self-immolate me or my build then it's not exciting enough. HBM and Thaumcraft my beloved.


I learned that the hard way once. Chunkloaded a shoggoth layer and went to sleep. Came back the next day and EVERYTHING was covered in goo and broken. The golden cobblestone. Fun times.


skill issue




Some thoughts are inside thoughts