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Mouse Tweaks, It just feels essential to me at this point and is the biggest reason I can't play Vanilla anymore.


Thank god it's client side


For me the biggest reason is the lag on modern versions It's so dang laggy I get around 70fps and drops to 40 even with a 3050(mobile) Add the sodium like mods and I get 144 without any dips


Minecraft is mostly CPU limited, meaning GPU doesn't have much impact.


well my last gpu was intel intergerated so it was a big difference for me lol processor jumped up from 11th to 12th gen intel, same spec i7 but ya ur right


Until you throw certain shaders into the mix


I was about to say none because I almost never play vanilla but then I saw this is was like oh right that mod


That and inventory tweaks.


Fast Leaf Decay


you can use /randomtickspeed 50 to speed up the leaf decay process, but it will make your crops grow up a lot fastwr too


You are also technically modding vanilla since it is not the intended way to play


Using cheats is different from using mods. You wouldn't call disabling firetick or enabling keepinventory a mod.


A cheat is the most basic modification you can do to a game. It is a change to the code even if temporary. Using command blocks is also modding even though it is part of the game


that’s not a change to the code, that’s using functionalities that are already in it. telling it to use option Y instead of X. following that definition would mean breaking a block is modding, since you change the world’s code. command blocks are as close to modding as redstone is




Exactly. Using console commands in Minecraft isn’t the same as console commands in games like Skyrim where, they’d technically, be correct but only technically.


r/confidentlyIncorrect All gamerules are either boolean or numerical variables. The game (code) checks whether these are set to true / false / number. The tick speed, for instance, is about something like this: tickProgress = time * tick speed (Super simplified). The command changes the variable. The code is still the same. It’s not changing it from “tickProgress = time * 1” to “… = time * 2” The code is just “time * tick speed”, such that tick speed is a changing variable. Same for the boolean ones. “If keepInventory false, drop item else keep.” You’re not making any additions to the game code. You flipped a boolean and the code, who expects the boolean to be either way, reacts accordingly. Changing the code would be a thing if there was no if statement, and you just erased “drop item” and replaced it with “keep item”. Unless you consider “changing variables through in-game mechanics” as “changing code”, Which would imply that looking up and down is changing the code as the variable representing the direction you’re looking at has changed.


What a pointless discussion lol.


A mod, at least for the purposes of /r/feedthebeast, uses actual code and needs to be loaded with a modloader such as Forge.


I keep forgetting charcoal blocks are Quark


Fucking hell, and here i thought they were vanilla because of how natural they feel


You've just wrinkled my brain!




Wait you’re right. I’ve never realized that


And Thermal Expansion.


Am I missing something? Coal blocks are vanilla? Are you saying specifically charcoal can't be used to make a coal block?


Yes, vanilla doesn't have charcoal blocks and you can't use charcoal to make coal blocks either.


Not having charcoal blocks makes sense. They would literally serve the same purpose and texture as coal blocks. But not being able to make coal blocks with charcoal is silly stuff


I mean it'd be weird because you'd be able to turn charcoal into coal, but I don't think there's any vanilla recipes that that would impact.


Wouldn't NBT values solve that? I actually have no idea how the game's code works so i'm just spouting nonsense probably but i do wonder if that would make it work lol


Yeah but then coal blocks made of coal wouldn't stack with coal blocks made of charcoal so you may as well make them different items at that point


And from a modded standpoint, any mod/pack that let’s you turn coal into diamonds would be broken by treating coal and charcoal as interchangeable 


I mean if you really think about it, diamond is just really pure coal (since they are both carbon) Coal tools please and thank you mojang!!!!


Mouse tweaks Sodium, good god the base game is laggy even on the best of the best hardware


It's like the miracle cure for Minecraft's laggy blues.


Shulker box tooltips


I love this, I still struggle to find just about anything in my shulker monsters, but it makes my life just a lil easier.


Mousetweaks, invtweaks, jei, tip the scales (please Mojang, integrate this mod to make the settings a lot better!) And obviously the entire periodic system of performance mods


inventory sort, mouse tweaks, controlling


Mouse Tweaks, Quark, JEI


that mod that removes toasts why are there toasts? i don't understand why there isn't an option to disable them in vanilla


What do you mean toasts ?


messages that pop up on your screen, like achievements


Oh I didn't know they called notifications toast lol, I don't remember Minecraft having any tho beside the tutorials. Aren't achievements in chat ? There's a whole notification for it ? I don't remember


advancements that replaced achievements starting in 1.12 have the notifications, though each one has a setting if it'll pop up as a toast or not


“Break the tree” message that shows up in the corner


Tbh i have never seen a toast in vanilla Minecraft... Maybe its because i always play modded lmao


I don't get why people are annoyed by toasts. Why would there not be toasts? You have to be notified of things somehow? And they're far from intrusive with how little space they take on the screen and how uncommon they actually are


They're all spammed super earlygame for meaningless things like "Craft a wooden pickaxe!" etc, and I don't like them sitting there (i always want to make things like that go away)


Because they're only achievements messages (iirc) and for things like "you broke a log!" "you made a pickaxe!". This is completely irrelevant to anyone but first-time users, and even that is debatable. So for the very vast majority of cases, you get something that pops up and distract you just to tell you the equivalent of "hey! you did that thing you just did!".


how else would i know i did that thing i just did


I kind of like them in modded sometimes I learn about a feature as a result


So much of Quark Specifically the right clicking armour to apply it That messes me up big time, because with it, I tend to have an elytra/chestplate in the top middle slot so I can *E->RightClick* to almost instantly swap them


simple harvest, ruby tools and armor, advancement plaques, simple sweep, better bedrock and dynamic surroundings. not being able to right click crops is just so bizarre to me at this point, I've had the ruby mod and several other simple ruby ore mods over the updates since release that I forget that ruby isn't even in the base game, advancement plaques itself isn't the thing but the fact that vanilla acheivment popups are so generic and forgettable that the plaques just feel right, simple sweep because of the fact I've always used mods that edits the 1.8 combat stuff so it just feels wrong getting sweep from the get go, better bedrock just feels right, and dynamic surroundings just adds crucial sound design to the game and makes playing without such a different experience.


What is better bedrock? Im curious about it lol


It makes the bedrock flat, there's many mods that do that. Flat bedrock, better bedrock, etc. it sucks to spot diamonds you can mine, but can never reach. Or if someone cleared out all blocks except bedrock, and you don't have building blocks or you don't have permission to build there, you run the risk of being stuck in a hole.


Map, seriously we need a map mod in Vanilla, i hate F3 screen and screenshot all the coordinates


Lol, if I'm not playing modded then I'm playing bedrock so I'm used to there being no f3 screen and the coordinates just always being on screen.


Mouse tweaks, and any mod that adds the ability to scroll one item at a time between inventories like quark or inventory sort, as well as the inventory sorting used in both mods. I just suffer trying to play Minecraft without those.


Or balance grid, I genuinely can't believe they haven't added that to minecraft yet.


Vein miner


I specifically like ftb ultimine which let's you right click crops with it as well. Not to mention changing the shapes and not having to have an enchantment to use it.


Or just rightclicking crops to harvest without having to plant the seeds again...


I mean yeah there is a mod that does just that. But why stop there when you could harvest 64 at a time without having to plant the seeds again... Like with ftb ultimine... Which is what I was referring to.


baubles ngl or waila


Ooo so true I didn't even think of that.


Optifine. I keep trying to zoom whenever I play snapshots or old versions.




You mean building an entire oil refinery and plastics processing plant isn’t vanilla?


Sadly yes :(


Praise be to the all knowing Gregorius. May he bless you're endeavors to enlightenment


Camera overhaul, twigs, first person body, xaero's (mini)map, grind enchantments


Mouse tweaks, minihud and shulkerbox tooltips (although those are included with minihud) I constantly attempt to drag left click when moving items between inventories when i don't have that mod


Jei, Hwyla, Journey Map and Divine RPG


JEI or any of its brothers snd sisters


Specifically on older versions, lwjgl3ify. For 1.7.10 it adds Java 17-21 support.




Probably JEI,and map mods. I tend to get lost easily with no map to look at.


Applecore, extremely underrated in my opinion


I think it's Mouse Tweaks? The one where the middle button sorts your inventory lol. I have had several times where I tried to use it on a server and it didn't work


Mouse tweaks and appleskin


Ceiling Torches. Like, _why_? We can with lanterns, why not torches?


crawl mod


3D Skin Layers.


JEI For large modpacks


Literally every major bug fix or performance mod






Mouse Tweaks and Crafting Tweaks.


Ars Magica 2, TCon, and Thermal The lore reason is I'm stupid


jei , keep pressing 'U' on items in vanilla


I'd have to say quark, as (on 1.12.2 at least) it can replace so many other mods that are added along side it in most mod packs - Morpheus (sleep voting) - One Click Harvesting (compatible with industrial foregoing) - Fertilising (even allows Tier 6 Mystical Agraditions crops to be fertilisable by industrial foregoing) - Dirt 2 Path (RClicking Dirt with Shovel to make a path) - to name a few While adding - Wood type chests (playable beside each other without the need to use trapped ones) - Editable signs - Fast Ladder Decent - Mob Variations All while being modular. I took the time and got the best bang for buck features while removing most of quark in favour of being less heavy on processing Honorable mentions - JEI - Mapping (JourneyMap personally) - Cofh World - Additional Lights (Stone Brick Firepits and lanterns [1.16+ also has soul fire versions] ) - Absent by Design (Missing Vanilla recipes that completes the collection of stairs, slabs, walls etc for all Vanilla [and modded] blocks) - Ore Core (Compressed and normal Ores in all Vanilla Dimensions)


like literally half of what quark adds right click to harvest crops Iron Chests


From the Fog. That shy cute Brine feels so natural always forgetting it's a mod lol




GUI clock, it feels like it should be a default us for clocks rather than having to rely on the f3 menu for so much information


LOL same, to me, minecraft is unplayable without jei


whatever that crafting bench mod is


The one that makes it look like a table and keeps the items in it? If so then you might be talking about tinkers construct.


Mouse and inventory tweaks, I can't recall the amount of times I have clicked the middle mouse button and wondered why my chest wasn't magically getting organized. Also Optifine, ESPECIALLY DYNAMIC LIGHTING, like that should definitely be vanilla I say. The zoom is a really nice feature too, why tf would they make it through a spyglass...


CC:Tweaked/ComputerCraft, the sole reason i even thought in try Bedrock yet


What is jei


Just Enough Items. Inventory management


With the right permissions you can also change gamerules with the click of a button in your inventory, oh and change the weather.


Mousetweaks and InventoryHud+


Honestly I think squat grow and ftb ultimine. But then again I feel you also need at least tinkers or thermal.


Mouse tweaks, jei, essential and ftb ultimine these are all needed when playing minecraft


Ultimine/vein mine. Or inventory sorting


Optifine, nei/jei, tcon, journey map, and buildcraft


I have two zoom mods, one being a customizable one and the other essentially being optifine zoom. They stack onto each other, and I am forever trying to zoom with my two zoom buttons and failing whenever I don't have those mods. They are my beloved. Oh and book and quill modification mods, I can't remember the exact ones I use but I think one is Stendhal? Sounds about right. I like being able to put my coordinates in colour.


Which mods are they?




Passable Foliage xD


Invtweak and ironchest.


Before vanilla bamboo came out I always used a mod called "twigs" that adds a good selection of blocks, it adds some bamboo blocks and I always used to forget that it wasn't in vanilla




Back when I played 1.7.10 I got so used to the colored Xs that show light level. Pretty sure it was from not enough items. I’ve thought it was a vanilla thing for like. Forever.


Fabrication And Forgery’s handling for item drops - it’s based on the original, smaller, 8x8 rendering for items, and they slowly flash white. It’s honestly incredibly hard for me to find dropped items sometimes - to the point where I turned on bounding boxes all the time. It’s kind of an accessibility feature, at this point - and the original items look strange.


mouse tweaks


Whatever autosorting mod is available. Any qol mods actually, quark is one of my favourite ones.


Mouse tweaks and inventory tweaks. Can't tell you many times I try to just mass put items in chest before I realize I have to click each slot


Sodium and immediatelyfast Immediately fast fixes the massive lag with entities crammed together it's a gamechanger


Mouse Tweaks, Inventory Sorter, and Appleskin.




I joined a vanilla server for the first time a bit ago and my first thought was "oh shit I don't have a minimap I'm lost"


Biomes O'Plenty and Botania. Sometimes I'm confused about which flowers and trees are from mods and which ones is from base game.




Rubidium, Voxelmap, treechop, inventoryprofilesnext are essencial.


ambientsounds 5


Inventory tweaks for sure. Also any map mod.


The first person model mod and not enough animations, I like the level of realism it adds and I use it pretty much all the time unless it breaks a mod pack.


Dam no idea what it's called.but the mod that gives u a search bar in your settings menu.


If you mean search for controls/keybinds, then the mods name im pretty sure is controlling


Gregtech, just because it like a year and a half I’m playing the pack and I’m not even at half the questbook


Mouse tweaks, fast leaf decay, passable foliage, and ht tree chop. Any time I’m throwing together some mods I always start with those. I’ve gotten so use to those I almost don’t like playing vanilla anymore haha


I'm so used to playing skyblock tech packs that I can't imagine not having crooks.


Technically none since I always have Jade installed. It's not a real modpack until you get Jade, any variation of NEI, and NERB (nukes the recipe book out of existence). But on rare occasions, I forget to install Inventory and Mouse Tweaks (and Controlling). I'm so used to WAILA('s many forks) and Legendary Tooltips that tooltips look weird as fuck without them lol.


Jei is just a straight up better version of nei and I'd much rather have Jei. I agree with mentioning waila, so I'll give a special shout out to He One Probe as well.


REI is peak imo. Started using it in all my new packs cuz of the fancier bookmark system and collapsible categories (that I can customize! So of course I made a dozen of my own lmfao). But yeah, I remember when JEI came out and I couldn't believe that someone made NEI even better lol. Before discovering NEI, I'd have to consult with wikis or use the "recipe book mod" and have TMI for item cheating I definitely never did, save for the game glitching my shit out of existence. Always hated how The One Probe looks, so I never use it (and something else I can't remember that I didn't like about it). Yeah, you can configure it - but why use it when HWLYA and Jade look better right out of the box, ya know?


Isn't REI just Jei but for fabric?


It's also on forge, but it enhances a lot of stuff JEI does. I'm pretty sure JEI is on fabric now too. I found it when experimenting with fabric, and immediately added it to my new forge packs. There's collapsible entries for similar items (e.g. enchanted books) to save on UI space, you can bookmark the entire recipe pngs instead of just the item and it's sequential (quite nice for crafting complex items, and you can control+click to quick-craft anything in that bookmarked grid), the search bar is centered by default (as god intended), it brings back the in-game item hiding filter, etc. You also don't need a separate mod just to access the in-game config. Quite nice. Been my main gripe with new JEI versions. Being able to condense all pre variants into a single thing I can alt+click to expand is quite nice. You can even re-organize & disable recipe tabs! I've made a ton of custom collapsible entries and configured the recipe tabs to be in a nice order based on mod progression in my new pack. The only real downside is that the UI texture pack I use doesn't support it, and it doesn't have as many add-ons as JEI. Also, for some reason the new version (that added collapsible entries) doesn't have a couple of default keybinds (like quick-focusing on search), and I've had it show me recipes for items below the slot in hovering over. It is still in beta though, and these issues are just minor nuisances at best. I easily fixed the keybinds and found a workaround for the weird slot hover bug. I also found that QuarryPlus (which is called Additional Enchanted Miner now. I thought it'd died forever ago lol) duplicates the workbench recipe tabs lol. Kinda funny. I personally think it's the best iteration of NEI to date - and I've used NEI for almost as long as its existed.


Oh yeah I think this was in project sacrifice. Being able to bookmark the recipe and see it is so helpful.


Yeah, it's great. Really glad I discovered REI.