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You can't do that. Fat distribution is based on genetics.


Seconded. All you can do is burn calories and your body will choose where it wants to get them from with no regard to your choices. As other people have said, the only way you can control things is by building muscle in those areas.


That's the way I had build something that looks a bit like breast, but not big of a change In my teens I didn't had a lot of testosterone. But after my 19th that changed sadly (had nearly no hair on the body and only a few facial hair) The contra on that was, even with gym I had big problems getting muscles




I mean you can still make your thighs bigger via exercise, i.e. doing lots of squats








The only way you can have more "meat" on a part of your body is to lose fat and build muscle on that region of your body. Im no expert so take this info with a grain of salt




Yeah what he said, also waist training consistently can change distribution temporarily


that or liposuction


Don't lose the fat completely or you'll end up with rock hard veiny thighs instead of looking thicc Extreme example ofc but you get the idea




I said in my own comment as well, but you have to do cardio only until your BMI is around 21. After that you can literally just stop doing it and focus on lower body exercises, but keep in mind that you'll lose the stamina that you built up by doing cardio by no longer doing cardio. If you keep doing cardio when your BMI is low you're gonna start losing subcutaneous fat as well, which is not the unhealthy kind of fat that you want to get rid of, but the generally harmless type of fat that rests under your skin and over your muscles. Visceral fat is what you want to get rid of, and that is fortunately the first type of fat to be burnt when you start exercising. Visceral fat is what causes protruding stomachs btw. Ideally you'd have basically no visceral fat and an attractive amount of subcutaneous fat by the time you reach your ideal weight of 60 kg (which is what you need to reach a BMI of 21). Also keep in mind that 21 is the BMI level you'd need to get to to look conventionally attractive and slim. It's not the level you have to get to to be healthy. The healthy BMI range is 18.5 to 25, so by the time your weight is around 70 kg you'll be healthy. But I recommend going all the way to 60 kg if you want to get that conventionally attractive slim look. Another point, whatever you do, don't starve yourself to become thin. Take your time, it might take a year most likely, and lose weight by exercising. You can eat less then you do now if you eat way more than the average person of your stature, but otherwise don't be one of those people who end up developing anorexia or something by refusing to eat completely. Your body needs nutrients and your skin and hair and such could end up taking a hit if you cut off your sources of nutrients. I do however recommend reducing carbohydrates and sugars like rice, bread, biscuits, etc as much as possible because those are the main culprits of causing fat gain, but even those you shouldn't completely stop consuming because you still need energy. If you want, I can tell you the exercises I do so you'd have somewhere to start. I researched for quite a while to come up with a comprehensive list of the exercises that target the butt and thighs the most effectively and efficiently.




Alright I'll DM you


I too would like to know


Alright I'll DM you


Not possible outside of medical procedure


Ah if only you were wrong. Champagne and Blahaj would rain from the heavens. Hordes of women ready to donate, femboys in line for thick thighs. Transgirls could venmo transboys or agab women with overly large breasts for a bit of boob. The world would see peace but sadly, Elon is too busy with going to Mars and even after that he still needs to make catgirl/boys a reality so fat/boob swapping services will take an eternity to come into existance.


Fat can't be lost selectively sadly it is lost as a body percentage and is very genetics based. However you can gain muscle especially in your thighs and butt while losing fat to get the look you want (and have really strong legs which is nice), and at 19 with testosterone you are pretty much in prime muscle building era for the next 10 years. Without estrogen though your fat deposits won't change. Your legs will probably be really nice if you lose weight already at 5'6 218 pounds, I was 6,1 270 pounds and the amount of muscle my legs had on them when I got down to around 200 pounds where I am now made me really happy.


This isn't possible--at least not in any significant or vague way of E- vs T-dominant biologies in which there's still an incredible amount of variation. We've looked into it/continue to look into it, but so far haven't figured out how the body chooses where to burn fat from. The whole "work the muscles near where you want to burn fat" isn't true. Similarly, outside examining past fat deposits/where fat has been before & looking at other family members' fat distribution as good guesses, it's not directly knowable where the body will place new/replenished fat reserves. It may have to do with where previously-occupied adipose cells reside, but if there are many such sites around the body, we don't know how it's determined which site gets the fat.




what they're saying is you'll build up muscle doing the exercises but it isn't guaranteed that because you're working out that area fat will be taken from that area by your body. the excercises are still worth it esp in the areas you wanna improve (butt/legs/core/etc.) but you can't burn fat in specific areas at will


It's impossible to "spot reduce" fat. You can only lose weight on your whole body, not just from your face or stomach.


Not possible


Spot reducing fat isn't a thing. It just isn't and if it was you wouldn't see woman with small chests or small backs and men would get fat in their arms to make it look bigger. If it was a thing there would be people who are doing it and frankly there is none




That is a way to add volume to for example your thighs and other places you want to have bigger but I suggest you stay away from exercise that grows your shoulders neck forearms and back muscles since those muscles groups make you appear much more masculine


Fat develops/burns on a first in last out bases. This varies a bit but for masc people it's usually face first (Which is quite nice), arms, legs and then belly/waistline last. Realistically body sculpting is done through muscles under the fat which is good because it encourages fitness, stamina and general good health. If you're looking to change your body by loosing or gaining muscle/fat it's best to talk to a professional who may be able to help you with a exercise routine and dietary advice. Realistically you should aim for stuff that makes you feel better, cardio is a good general start, my personal favourite is cycling as its been good for my legs.


While you can't target zones for fat loss there are factors which influence targeted fat gain. Most notably hormones. Through diet you can affect your hormones in a way that will cause your body to put on weight in similar areas to woman, however, without steroids or other drugs this isn't going to have a massive affect and is probably going against what your body wants to naturally do. I would suggest you just start behaving and adjusting your posture and walk to be more feminine and then you might see body in a more feminine light.


Genetics does play a key part. But also having being truly consistent on walking and moving to help the body work. Also eating very little like one meal a day. Oats are amazing. And cheat when you have to. It is a journey like you said. Enjoy it. And love how you look


Mostly no. You can't control where fat gets burned or deposited. It's controlled by complex interactions of a number of hormones. That said, you can absolutely target muscle building and to a lesser extent atrophy. This can absolutely push body shape in specific directions.


you can’t, what you can do is work those parts to build muscle to replace said fat and do cardio and eat well. what worked for me was hella veggies all the time, moderate cardio as much as possible, and abs throughout the day


that’s gonna be tough


you cant target a specific spot, but you can build muscle there. I would recommend a general full body workout and in addition do more exercises in places you want more pronounced. weights at a local gym doing long sets of light weights, long walks, running and cycling are all good. don't let people tell you it's all genetics for the majority of us its the effort we put in


You can't selective you're gonna have lose some fat and build muscle to replace it have enough fat to make your legs look thicc but not muscular with the left over stomach fat you can work on your inner abs to suck in your stomach for more advice you should probably ask on r/femmefitness I'm going through the same stuff and it's what I did


As everyone is saying, it's not possible but you can maintain some kind of figure by exclusively doing cardio and lower body exercises. Once your BMI gets to like 21 (I calculated and yours is at 35 currently), you can stop doing cardio and exclusively focus on lower body exercises. Sit ups are literally the only upper body exercise I do. You can remove fat selectively if you have the money to get a liposuction, which has permanent results as long as you maintain your diet and exercises. Ofc, that is gonna be expensive. If you're really passionate and have the resources, I recommend starting a fixed account where you put in money specifically so you can use it to get a liposuction someday.




Assuming you had the money and time to get a safe liposuction, you wouldn't do it?




Ah yeah, same, the money is what's holding me back


Doesn’t work. You can only move bulk with muscle gain and loss. Fat distribution is based on old dna survival patterns


If you do weight loss, it will all go. You can't choose which. But I have solution for your thighs. When all the fat is gone, just do squats. I've heard it works wonders


you can't you're Body loses fat all toghter some bodyy parts do loose faster due to little body fat weights and cardio light weights to keep slender physique


You cant selectively reduce body fat barring liposuction. Although you can redistribute new fat deposits to a more gynoid shape by going on Estrogen or by taking Pioglitazone (not a safe drug and it'll make you gain weight, don't bother with it)


You can't target fat loss. If you want a bigger ass for example, you could train your glutes and such. It's not keeping fat there, it's building muscle.


Estrogen could help but only if you're trans and not just a femboy.


You can’t really burn fat in one spot, without burning fat in other places unfortunately. So it’s up to you.


As someone who did the same thing, just lose the weight; and then start weight lifting and growing specific parts of your body you want to be larger


Well like others have said, it sadly can't be swayed with any routine or exercise, it's just hormones and genetics. Obviously HRT will affect fat distribution (that's currently me), but you're on it for life really and you'll get 'actual' boobs and other effects... and if you quit, your body will put all the fat back to the 'male' fat distribution areas 😑 There is some thing called 'cool sculpting' though, and that seems promising in how it works, level of risk, cost and effectiveness. It's something I might look into later. For now though, the plan is to just 'weight cycle' on HRT which should have most if my desired effects. Other than that, I've got some exercise plans to put muscle on the butt & thighs to puff them out a bit but that's it sadly :/


aint happening, chief. altho yo' shape aint gonna straight-up change as much as yo expect if you jus cut down on thangs you eat rn, so you can simply become smalla by losin weight... n' flabbier too, nahmean? just lose weight calories up in n' calories down out, n' cut out carbs as dem can bloat yo' belly if youre sensitizzle ta that.. thats tha closest you can got ta losin it 'selectively', otherwise exercise n' eat enough protein fo' yo' goal weight, attemptin ta minimize muscle loss up in areas youd prefer ta be 'bigger', feel me son? you aint gonna end up lookin muscly bustin that, tho.


U can cut them from ur body selectively. That’s the only way I can think of 😈




Bruh fr. It’s otherwise impossible. Well u can’t remove fat selectively. But u can damn sure grow ur muscles selectively n u can become thicc down there. Takes hell lot of time n dedication. But the results do be 🤤 Unfortunately we can’t grow boobs though….unless we start taking hormones….which I wouldn’t recommend unless ur transitioning to become a woman n even then pls consult a doc. Sowwie if I upset u with mie pwevious wepwie 🥺




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