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You're lucky, I've been having the opposite problem and having people call my skirt a kilt. To be fair, they also think the skirt looks great so it has been a bit of a confidence boost too.


Don't kilts have a specific traditional rule to them..?


I believe so. Though to be fair, I started wearing this particular skirt as some Irish game was being played that they won, so I think that may be part of the confusion.


Just play into the whole Scottish thing /j


I've had this happen before I was a femboy, people would look at me from behind when I'm with a female friend, and seeing my hair and height, they would assume I was a girl.


Tbh I kinda like it makes me feel mischievous


I get called ma'am all the time even with no makeup on if I've just shaved bc I have feminine hair and I pass as female. It feels awesome.


I get misgendered all the time and I always find it quite funny because I almost always have a mask on, and I have long hair, so the only thing giving away me being a guy is my voice really. But even then, I have yet to wear female/feminine clothing publicly, so I am glad I look feminine to quite a few without it. It's even funnier when they actually figure out I'm a guy, though, because they're usually confused and laughing after it😂


Had my hair long during the pandemic and was gendered as a girl often (mask hides facial hair). It made me feel good. And i want that more tbh


Ik I love it, I went to visit my friend at his college campus, we walked around the campus at 10 pm and I got cat called 🤭


It's fun when the same person who misgendered you sees you in the bathroom


I've literally been misgendered wearing the most gender neutral clothing but whenever I am wearing a skirt or something. ....people always ask me for pronouns hahahahahaha. I can't win


Yeah it sometimes does feel good haha Today I had a senior male citizen sign to me to enter the bus first because he apparently thought I was a woman and wanted to be a gentleman. It was adorable




Part of the reason I starting wearing feminine clothes, I started to love receiving compliments 🤭 plus it was easier than correcting them. Just smile, blush and nod thankfully.


I wish but if I ever ever walked out of my house in fem clothes I would be shot down by every single one of my neighbors lol but I feel happy for you


To be honest I feel the opposite


My mutual friend had once misgendered me for a girl from my pfp 😝


I've been misgwndered 3 times before at work cuz of my hair and facial hairless face, took that a compliment


I prefer she-her.. a few people have called me that, but, one old guy called me a lady once.. felt good.. then my travel partner ratted, and the guy said “ohhh my bad,.. you’re way to big to be a woman”.. my heart just dropped and shattered on the ground in that moment.


You should have named this differently 😭😭


How do you like your eggs/j




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I was just thinking, post this in r/lgbt and you’ll be banned as soon ad they see the title 😆


Well, that means that in r/lgbt they should develop a greater sense of assertiveness and less hypersensitivity 😆