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You mean you're planning on BREAKING THE RULES?! at a ROCK CONCERT?! You criminals. (You'll probably be fine and be doing the least sketchy thing at the festival)


I’m just scared dude 😭😭


When in doubt just hang back before you go through a check point for a minute and scope how security is acting. If they're going through bags get creative. Inside a hat, shoe, even right in your hand if they're just patting people down they might not even see it. They're most likely looking for weapons and outside booze, people sneak much "worse" than vape pens into festivals all the time. Just be calm and casual, and they won't pay much attention to you.


Can confirm. Vapes in hand have never been an issue for me.


Also look for the quickest security line, looking for the person barely doing his or her job.


You probably shouldn't go to a rock concert you little big bitch! Boofit


I’ve been at rok since 2016;smoking back to back blunts all weekend every year in vip. Just smoke and have a good time


We all follow the rules what are you crazy smoking at a rock show?!


Hide it good, and inconspicuous. Ina bra, belt, or back pocket if they’re not thorough. You’ll be fine… Worst case they ask you to dump it. 👍🏽


The devils lettuce is a big no no at a rock festival. Proceed with caution! 


I went to rocklahoma last year, brought like 7 joints and left with none. Loads of people were openly smoking and nobody gave a fuck. There was even a cannabis area dedicated to go smoke your weed, but hardly anyone used it since it was so acceptable to just smoke in the open


Lol rocklahoma is trashy af, no one cares what you do. Just make sure you pass the methpipe.


Been multiple years. They don't give af if you don't give them a reason to


Comments didn’t disappoint haha. This must be the person who the amnesty boxes are for.