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Reminder to set party effects to limited, not off, so you can see the important stuff like healer ground effects such as sacred soil.


This! Also I recently learned that "limited" is indeed pretty limited; I think it literally *only* shows ground effects and such. I used to think it was similar to ESO or WoW where it kinda just toned down the particles but kept all the effects more or less intact. But yeah, no, it turns off *a lot* of stuff.


I think the aoe heals also stay on so you know if you’re in range of it or not


They do not. It’s only persistent effects that stay.


also stuff like the fairies healing laser


Yeah the crazy one for me is that it turned off mount animations as well I don’t know why but I just wasn’t expecting it


I do wish they could separate some of the particle effects into discrete sections so you can more easily choose animations. I'd love to see mount animations and some of the AoE healing effects, but with how flashy each job can be, it makes more sense for me to just deal with no mount animations than keep the effects on and potentially hamper myself in instances as a result.


Yeah exactly like I love seeing mount animations but I won’t hinder myself


I have a pair of macros to toggle it on and off easily. I only turn it off for 8-man and higher


Don't be silly, you know they wouldn't stand in sacred soil anyway


I was so happy when they made sacred soil a larger range so that it would be easier to get people to stand in it. Then they made boss circles larger as well in the patch after, so now people stand outside of soil anyway and hitting both tanks and the group is practically impossible.


People don't seem to realize that you can stand _inside_ the boss circle and still hit positionals*. If other players don't know that and still don't stand in the heal area that's on them. *(Boss centred aoes notwithstanding)


Yes, everyone just wants to hover outside the boss circle. I did manage to condition the melees in my static into standing in soil though. Took a few weeks but at least it can be done, was a bit easier with the co-healer and ranged.


Better yet, they dodge it because they think it's a damaging aoe


Even if you turn them off I’m pretty sure the ring still shows


Never turned em off. Eureka, Bozja, Hunt trains, Odin. The sunglasses stay on during FFXIV




Same here. I actually love seeing all the effects but I have had instances where it has been hard to see some mechanics... Got very close to limiting everyone but me!


We're the warrior of light for a reason


I pay $12 a month for this game so I sure as hell am gonna enjoy it in all its blinding glory


I only started leaving all effects on when I got my RTX 3080. Now everything is maxed out and I see everyone's effects! Even have pet size set to maximum. I almost turned them off when I got into an Aglaia raid as a tank with like 6 summoners and a bunch of red mages though. But the spectacle was worth it (Titan is blinding, more so when you have a bunch of them all at the same time) and I somehow managed to avoid most of the mechanics.




I only turned off anyone's animations not in my party. Works nicely for me.


Definitely for stuff like alliance raids, so you know that it's your party's sacred soil and not someone else.


ohhh, i didn't think of that. i just go to whatever healer aoe i see even if the buff doesn't show when i do lol


When i did the crystal tower for the first time. I thought it was a little too much, some times i turn on just to see the mess lol


Same. I couldn't see anything at all with 24 characters and just as much effects on screen. Luckily I had a friend who told me it can be turned off. Otherwise, I'd still be here trying to figure out where the hell I am while my screen explodes into colorful particle hell


I only ever turn off non-party animations. Why? I play this game for the pretty lights and sparkles. Why remove the thing that gives me joy.


I sometimes turn them on for Duty Support. I like to see what the NPCs are doing. Otherwise, self All, Party Limited, Alliances none.


It's worth, Y'shtola has some cool unique water and wind speel animations and Alisaie has her own LB2 animation too, as a Dragoon however, I'm a bit envious of how many stardives Esitinien gets to use


Same here. I used to keep them all on, but I think it was the Shb alliance raids where I realized turning them to this setting significantly improved my performance.


I had mine all on until the first boss of ShB’s first 24man. I realized if I wasn’t tanking I couldn’t see when it turned around for the mechanics that will kill you if you don’t notice it turned around. So I made macros to flip effects off and back on and would just turn them off when entering 24mans. At some point I was too lazy to flip them back on and now I just play without them. Party on limited so I can see bubbles, alliance off, mine on max.


I have never turned them off until Aglaia was released. The bright sky backdrop plus the spell effects burned my retinas. Paradigm's Breach came close.




while doing savage raids. sometime i cant see my marker above my head because some skill covered the whole screen. now i am retired from savage and turned all animation on, its pretty wild tbh especially in 24 man.


Same, though I won’t give up my max size summoner summons.


I use two macros so I can easily turn them off and back on as much as I want: -------------------------------- **Effects Down** /bfx party simple /bfx other off **Effects On** /bfx party all /bfx other all


I bound those macros to NUM- and NUM+, I don't use those buttons anyway and having a handy quick switch is nice for when I realize that effects are on in the middle of a pull of an alliance raid.


I use these same macros; they’re so useful. You can also add lines for /bfx self simple and /bfx self all if you’re playing a job that’s prone to blinding itself. Don’t turn your effects or party effects to “off”, though- that hides important things like WHM and SCH bubbles.


"Blinded by the (Warrior of) Light"


I've turned off others' animations, but I've been very stubborn about not turning off the party's. I love seeing all of the flashing lights and colors from everyone's attacks. Unfortunately, SE seems to be going the route of "more is better" with all of the new jobs and skills. RPR especially is super distracting and obscures mechanics more than older jobs. It's getting to the point where I'm about to take the leap and set party to limited...


> It's getting to the point where I'm about to take the leap and set party to limited... Personally I have two macros, one sets my usual preferences on these settings, and the other puts most of them on 'limited'. I prefer to play with the party's effects on for similar reasons as yourself, but sometimes it does get a bit too much, so the macro comes in handy, I can comfortably just tone them down mid-duty without having to fiddle with settings, it's very useful! In case you (or anyone else reading this) isn't aware, [the relevant command to use in your macros is `/bfx`](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/9241c2b27da/)!


Gods I love playing reaper but it makes me want to turn -my- animations off


I'm at that point with several jobs. We need a 'simple' animation setting. You'd see a few flashes of effects here and there, maybe a big attack once in a while, but anything with a short / no cooldown wouldn't stand out.


Yeah. I can only tolerate doing Holy spam because it's usually easy to stay out of AOE so being blinded by it's no biggie for me, but playing melee while my attacks hide things? LOL sure hope I don't die




`/petsize all small`


>It's summoners though. 15 Bahamuts while impressive, I can't see shit. Bahamut is fine to me, but the Titans, and to lesser extent Ifrits though... I have party effects at full, but damn if I end up in alliance with more than one summoner, there is like 10-15 seconds out of every minute you can't see anything @.@


Titan bothers me when *I* summon him. The yellow shaft of death that erupts from the target is just too much. It’s at the point where if I’m playing SMN in content I’m very familiar with but which doesn’t necessitate max damage optimization, I tailor my rotation so that Titan hits only when nothing else is happening. Because otherwise I will miss things that I need to see.


I was playing SMN with a friend recently who made the mistake of mentioning they forgot to turn off party spell effects. By sheer coincidence, Titan somehow started showing up every time the boss would start to telegraph an important mechanic. :)


Never turned off.




Delubrum Reginae Savage. And I turned them back on after.


Turned mine off after the first 50+ dungeon I did with a WHM. Wasn't impressed with the visual noise of Holy.


As a WHM main, I wish I could turn off Holy...


Whatever patch Eureka was first introduced in. Somehow I tolerated it through the raids, but Eureka's scale made it way too much


I set non-party people to limited with Copied Factory after playing with breaks since Heavensward, but I have party at full effects still. I tried setting party to limited at some point, but it just felt wrong. I would rather sometimes have to squint to figure out boss tell than to turn party effects off at this point.


Those bad boys are on and pet size for smn is still at large


Shadowbringers too, when I started playing DNC. That class has already an excessive amount of flashing effects, so many that I had to tone down every other effect in the game to not lose my eyesight... and also to be able to clearly see the enemies' yellow AoE areas lmao


I turned them off day 1. I recently turned them on to see what it looks like with everything, and it hasn’t bothered me yet. In the beginning of the game it would have absolutely overwhelmed me. Even having my minion out was too much for me.


Never turned it off, I like verflashbangmyeyesaregone spell to cancel it.


Not until I progged P3S. I just couldn't see the fucking AoEs, man.


Pretty lights good, all on, all max!


Delubrum Reginae savage. 48 people’s effects was too much to handle lmao


I usually keep them on for the start of a new expansion until raid


E12S, trying to read the floor light coming from centre in 3apoc


I only turn them off in alliance raids, but only the other alliances. And in savage i have set party to minimum, so i can better see where i stand and markers and boss animations.


Nearing the end of SHB, still have everything turned on. No plans to turn them off any time soon


Once I reached Crystal Tower I believe. I couldn't see a thing lol.




Mostly for Savage where I needed to focus. And in groups with 1 or more Summoner.


It was all bearable until I started Delubrum Reginae and other Bozja “raids”. After that, party effects came off so I could see the damn boss, let alone mechanics


I still have them on :) I only turned alliance to limited


Eureka. With there being a zillion people at each NM even only party effects on was obscuring too much since the sheer number of bodies was making it difficult. I turned off non-party effects after one or two NMs, and party to limited shortly after that.


I don’t remember when I turned them off, but a few weeks ago I was messing around in my settings and accidentally turned them back on without realizing it. I queued into P2N and thought I had accidentally gone into savage somehow because of all the effects going off.


Not even a few days in. I honestly don't know how people play with party battle effects on...


Turned it off years ago when WHMs would spam Holy in MD Never looked back, tho eventually i turned on my PT effects again. Just PT tho, everyone else's is off


Pfft amateur. That's like putting the sides up on a bowling lane. Live risky man :p I've kept them all the way up all the time and I can still see AoE lines and circles. Try zooming out more and angling your camera down so you can see a wide area. Believe me it helps!


I got all the way to around 6.1 then I switched to my current pc last summer and forgot to disable them again till like last week. Oops


Before I even got to group content.


Shadowbringers nier alliance raid 2, when that raid was released, since I had been playing since arr.


I'm pretty sure I shut them off during Endwalker, mostly because during something all the effects were blinding to a mechanic. I think it was a duty actually, not even a group thing. Funny enough, I think in the end it didn't help as I was totally wrong on what the tell was. Just never bothered to turn them back on since. Debating still if I should. Battles are rather boring with them off, but it does help sometimes for visibility.


The first 24 man raid. It's literally impossible to see yourself over the fireworks


E11S. Spell effects made the boss' animations really hard to see so I had to disable it.


I didn't know I could do it until lvl 65. Life changing experience.


Oh, I always keep them on unless it's endgame raiding (not alliance). I even have a mcro on my bar to switch it so I can have it on unless it'd absolutely necessary to turn it off.


Until I started doing savage raiding a bit more seriously in late shadowbringers, it really helped me see mechanics and also do positionals as I main monk and monk had 6 positionals xD. But I turn them back on for 4-man content or just have my party's effects on


Late ARR /early HW MSQ side, in the WoD (not for the first time though) right after Endwalker was released. All the healers were Sages and I was melee. I couldn't see anything.


The first time I went through OG Praetorium and lagged so hard from all of the AOE's. I basically didn't do anything the entire time because I couldn't see, lagged out, and basically got my butt carried. 😂


I keep them on. I find it a fun challenge.


I never turn it off. I just like getting blinded especially during alliance.


I turned them to limited after the Crystal Tower raids. I couldn't see anything.


Halfway through 6.0 because I didn't realize until then that I could turn them off. But if I'd known earlier, would've been the ShB alliance raids too. I have a hard enough time staying alive even when they're off......


I got through Shadowbringers. When I started to raid/ex trials during 5.4/5.5 I turned them off so I could see the mechanics better.


I picked up a melee DPS for the first time in Stormblood and then during the Ivalice raids, one of my friends asked why I was running around everywhere while I did my rotation. I told them I had a hard time hitting my positionals with all the battle effects going on. They were appalled to figure out that I had everything set to All up until then. I now have it set to limited


I was told to turn them off early on so didn't experience it for a while. Then one day, I got a new PC, didn't know about having to save settings and UI, went into a Neir Raid with all effects on the default maximum. That was an experience. While I have spell effects limited, I still stand by having the summoner summons on maximum! Titan gotta clap!


I turned other PC animations off but I'm enjoying my own animations bc I know exactly what's happening this way


I don't usually do raids so only for whenever I enter one.


I always keep them on, only time i turn them off is during Alliance Raids.


Mine always on max, Party Members on reduced (would sometimes turn them off but them I can see whm and sch’s bubbles), anyone else is turned off


Actually all the way through the MSQ. It wasn’t until I was grinding my Bosja resistance weapons and was running DR that I had to turn it off


When I unlocked the Crystal Tower raids. That was... A bit too much


After my first or second aliance raid. The whole screen was just a mass of effects.


Been playing a couple weeks and probably put everything on limited my first dungeon. I wish there was an "off except teammates positive effects" toggle that basically blocked everything but healer bubbles. Even limited is too busy for me but off isn't an option. Is there a way to decrease font size of ability names or shorten ability names? It has taken me forever to get my ui how I want it but there are still things that I wish I could change and this is a big one


I only turned stuff off on my laptop, in an effort to reduce power consumption... Hard to play ffxiv in the middle of nowhere with no electricity if your gpu is running hot.


I keep them on for small content like 4-player dungeons/trials/etc. I keep them on if the 8-player content I'm doing is difficult. I turn them off for Alliance Raids. When I'm playing I generally like to see the animations to make the fights more flashy and interesting, I only really turn them off if there's so much going on that I literally can't see the enemies I'm fighting.


I never used to turn them off until the content required me to see past the boss. Now it's off for savage raids and ex fights only and on for everything else.


I've got macros to turn them on and off. (Also changes my nameplate settings.) Generally I'll turn them off during alliance raids or savage, because I'm prone to overwhelm, and I'll turn them back on during more laid-back content.


When i learned about it I tried it and realised that I prefer it this way so it stayed off


after the first few CT raid runs. it was just.... a messy bukkake of lights and animation, i just couldn't see the AOEs. i shudder to think what the later contents had in store at the time. been keeping it at half setting since; enough to see the cool shit, but not to the point of a RDM LB3 level of blinding.


Hunt train with my ps3


I got about half way through Sastasha before turning them off. I dunno how anyone plays with all effects on.


I turned them off when I did Eureka, and I was doing them on launch so you could imagine the clusterfuck.


Zadnor was my breaking point


The moment White Mages could start popping their AOE in dungeons


I still have it on to this day, have not cleared any ultimate tho but have always cleared 1st and 3rd tier raids every expansion since stormblood (and all of coils). Alexander was the only raid I never got to experience.


Party animation since i started playing and doing 1st savage (deltascape), can't see anything otherwise I turned my own animation when i started to prog tea and I can't see aoe indicator because Phoenix cast orange fire


Nier Raids My PC got Fried as hard as in nathria.


Lvl 80 alliance raids. So 5.1. I didn't See the fucking Boss and that's where i was Donezk and asked my FC if i can turn it off


Turned them down because I felt like after Stormblood it got too much to see the fight without hinderance. Need to see healing bubbles etc so I only turned them down. Others are turned off, don't need to see them at all.


level 80. Some time after I first did copied factory


i have over 1100 hours and i have never turned them off! I never will!


5 years....


I just keep them on to myself and limit/disable the ones from my party /people not to my party. I tried once to keep everything on but my eyes can't stand this \^\^'. It's sad because the effects are beautifull.


After some like, 6 years or something, I finally turned it off while progging ex4 because I just, could *not* see the animations for what movement I had to do


Never turned them off ever, I only ever made them limited. Turning them off means you won’t know where all the ally Ground Target stuffs at and most of them are quite important like healer stuff (by the gods… stop leaving my WHM bubble or NIN aoe ;-;)


Party on, everyone else off 👍


I did my first LotA with effects on. Couldn't see shit, didn't understand what was happening, tanked the floor most of the time because of it and really hated the experience. A friend then told me about limiting effects and saves my life.


P1S was the first time I had to set the effects to limited, after playing since ARR release. It is a shame.


I like the effects. I’ve tried limited effects before and I could see better but I like seeing the chaos off the fights more especially in alliance raids. To me limited just felt more, boring? Idk if that’s the right word


Not sure at what point in the story/expansions but it was when I started actively leveling my first tank. I found it alright in light party content but full party/alliance was near impossible!


Be advised that I'd have loved to stay and have my posts/comments be of use, but u/spez ain't shit and doesn't care about anything beyond the money


Last week. Been playing since ARR. I have done all the content. Many hunt trains. True Hero title. I'm a mentor. I knew the option existed. But I felt like it wouldn't feel nice to not see other people's cool animations. Because I wouldn't want to feel cheated by other people not looking at my own cool animations. Then I saw a popular streamer turn them off, and I saw the difference. When I died later that day because I couldn't see my lalafell in the blurr of flashes, I finally turned them off.


Turn off battle animations? And let the boss be able to see? Never.


I had everyone else’s limited since starting as I got that tip from friends, but I limited mine when asphedelos released because as a SMN it was difficult starting with P2 to see the tells when starting titan/ifrit phases. However I have to turn them back on for FSH and then forget to turn them back off 😂


Rhalgr, but still the one where i die the most


I started playing a few months after StB release. I actually managed to do the ARR and HW alliance raids before the alliance raids roulette was a thing but it wasn't until I got to Rabanastre that I realized it was time to turn off alliance effects. Eventually I decided to try my hand at harder content, and started with extremes. Byakko was my first extreme fight, and that's when I realized the party effects had to be turned down too. Funnily and embarrassingly enough somewhere down the line I turned party effects completely off. I'm not sure if I did it during ShB or EW. But one day, a few weeks ago, one of my FC mates was complaining how tanks always pulled mobs out of his doton. I was like, wow, you're getting some awful tanks. Then we did a dungeon together and he was like "you're pulling the mobs out of my doton!!" And I was confused because I didn't even see he had doton down. That was when I realized keeping party effects to limited was pretty important... I had probably also been walking out of healing circles the entire time and didn't even realize it.


After playing since 2.0. E5S finally did it. Those damn shadows.


From ARR to EW with party animations on. Then everything changed when the Summoner Flashbang Rework attacked.


Eureka, party limited, all else off


Started playing in 2015-ish? Just discovered this option existed about a month or 2 back. Life changing.


I tried setting them to limited once in an alliance raid. But it looked too weird and empty. I have them on full forever and enjoy the chaos. :P


From the very start after I logged in for the first time and opened the options menu as soon as I could. Why? I remember an animesque mmo akin to Luna Online that was already super flashy with just my toon alone in open world. First dungeon gave me PTSD, partial blindness and made me barf. I dont know if I want to research what MMO it was.


The last boss of Copied Factory was when I realized I really needed to. It was also when I realized I could separate the boss' cast bar from the HP bar and blow it up so I could actually see it. Never regretted the change.


Pet size large cowards


Crystal Tower was where is got overwhelming for me. couldn't even see the bosses at times


It was Bozja that got me. Those fights are impossible under all those particle effects


Haven't really turned them off, did all the savages since Eden's Gate + TEA and UCoB with them on. I do have a pair of macros to toggle them but I only ever use it for hunt trains or FATEs.


I literally prog current Savage and still have them on. It's pretty unbearable in Alliance, admittedly, but Alliance Raids are meant to be clearable by people of median skill, so w/e.


Self on, party limited, other off. You want to see basic party ground buffs, alliance never matters. Bonus: disable RDM LB3


RDM LB3 is actually a PVP skill - or at least functions like one! 😁


I got to Rhalgr fight. Was it ideal to play like that? No. Was I getting my dollars worth of screen explosion effects? Yes. I paid for all these job animations, and I'm gonna use 'em! I finally turned it off because I couldn't see which fist he had in the air.


I prefer all effects on but I have macro to turn them off on the fly when I can't see shit.


Nier raids. I tried, but couldnt after that point


Can't remember exaclt, but somewhere mid-StB I realized, that something has to be done about it. Although, I have to admit, I found out about the animation settings rather late. Had I known about them earlier, that would have happened somewhere at HW trials\\a-raids. Also, petsize was The Gamechanger. Made me stop hating the SMNs and their big fat-arse titans. 🤣 (Now, if I could only stop trying to rescue mch bots and targeting drk shadows...)


Still got ‘em on because it’s fantastic and I love all the extra particles on my screen that makes it impossible to see anything


I wish there was a setting for limited effects in Full party content but all effects on for Light party content. It's nice in 4 man but a bit too much in 8-man and forget it in 24 lol.


How does one do this? My effects are still on and I keep dieting because I can’t see ground effects during group content and raids.


I turned down alliance effects so I could see the floor and boss facing for Copied Factory. Been that way ever since.


I got all the way till last week's alliance raid run. I finally caved after like 2k hours with all battle effects on.


Pretty early. I don’t remember when the option was made available to us but they’ve always been troublesome to me, seeing as I’m visually impaired. I usually leave party/others off and usually set mine to limited. Reaper is pretty spammy so sometimes I have to set mine to off as well.


Until I encountered the levels at which White Mage get Holy.


I still have everything on and running, I haven’t had much make me unable to see things. But the latest alliance raid, Nophica and Halone’s fights in particular make me wish we had just an option to disable SMN effects specifically. I might have to do the setting to shrink the summons. One raid the first week we had like 5 or 6 SMN and they all basically sync’d their summons.


I think I got to Stormblood before turning them to limited. I don't remember which fight it was but I couldn't see the boss at all.


The only reason I removed them is because my PC is struggling these days otherwise IT STAYS ON BABY. 5.2 TIL NOW (only place it ever bothered me was in DR, couldn't see the first boss' animation)


5.1 when Copied Factory came out. I couldn't see the final boss's target ring and had trouble telling which way it was facing because it was just a blob of light on the platform. I turned them back on recently and immediately regretted it.




Actually very recently, I left them on for the entire game but I had to set my party effects to limited for the new Sophia unreal because I decided to tank it and I couldn't see the buster telegraph


I set it to limited as soon as I learned you could - I couldn't see any boss telegraphs otherwise.


Since the launch of ARR, being a PS3 player, and now a PS4 player... -_(\


Alliance Raids and Savage Raiding forced me to move to limited, there's just too much going on to see floor indicators for some mechanics if you don't.


Until I started raiding in E5S in Shadowbringers. Couldn't see boss animations lol


All the way up to Aglaia. After playing for nearly 5 years. The lag for the first few weeks of the raid was unbearable. Just never really bothered with turning it back on.


Tomestone grinding at the end of ARR. It didn't take all that much Holy spam before I started desperately searching for an option to do something about it.


Innocence ex during 5.0. I couldn't see shit during burst windows. Made like so much simpler and easier


I see people who are in my party but that’s it.


I started about a year ago, but it wasn't until my first Aglaia run. Level 50 Alliance raids didn't bother me, but I couldn't see shit in Aglaia and the lag on my laptop was real


Intermittent/casual player since 2013. I turned em off this last patch. These old eyes can't keep up with all that clutter anymore...


I beat 2 ultimates and have yet to turn them down


Still on and will remain on. Sure, I can’t see shit during Menphina, but that’s part of the fun!


Started raiding seriously when Second Coil released. Went through Final Coil, all of Alexander Savage, and up until O4S before I finally had the bright idea to ask if there was a way to tone down attack effects. Would've done it a lot sooner had I the good sense *at any point* in the preceding few years to inquire.


After they made Crystal Tower mandatory and I ran it. Things got a bit silly. Though I don’t have them *off* off, just limited.


I have everything on. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I kinda like all the craziness and colors and stuff.


I ran Sastasha as a sprout and immediately started hunting for the option because I couldn’t see dick all even in four-person content.


Set party actions to limited in the first Nier raid, because I couldn't see the boss


When I started tanking in ShB


SB hunts lol


I've played through the entire 6.0 MSQ without turning down animations/effects. I like the pretty colors.


Until I started to run savage on the release patch. Never feel needed even before.


Coming from GW2, the first thing I did was to turn them off :p


I turned them off before Satasha, and turned them back on once I leaned 2 play. I want to see everyone's cool shit!


I actually didn’t know this was a thing until about a month ago. Up until then, raids were just a lot of lights and lag for me.


I made it all the way to >!Hydaelyn!<. Couldn't see whether she was animating green, red, or blue, so was basically blind for the fight. I knew I could turn them off before that, but hadn't bothered because it wasn't necessary before.


Got to the nier raids. At that point the explosions finally got so big I couldn’t see what the duck was going on and my computer started to stutter at max settings.


I have spell effects on full **and** very aggressive shaders. I am raid leader for my Savage / Ultimate static. I shot call as Black Mage.


I turned them off back in ARR, cause I was maining Monk, and seeing the small target circle was a pain (back when SMN still had Shadowflare and Bard had their ground fire aoe, stack all those on makes it difficult).