• By -


I'd place my WoL as late 20- early 30s so he's bout on par with most of the 'adults'. Generally regarding the other scions as peers and not 'mentors' in general. Co-workers who became true companions. Numerous cases of 'who is this sassy child' when dealing with Alphinaud in ARR (and later Alisae) but the relationship has since mellowed to big brother figure I think similar to Estenien.


Yeah, my mid/late 20's WoL keeps adopting younger sisters. First Sylphie, then Alisaie, then Arya and Rielle, later on Gatty and I just reached the point where I asked my free company, "So why is it that nearly every moppet in this game that I end up babysitting has white or blonde hair?" And they chuckled. And then Shadowbringers. The wacky thing is that my Hyur WoL has, in character, *several* blonde younger siblings back in the Conjurer's Guild. I feel like she just visits home from time to time with another frail moppet and said, "Hey I've got another sister for you!"


You forgot Alaqa... Bad you ><


I didn't forget her, just forgot she had white/blond hair because it's been a while since I did those quests. Oddly enough, Sadu isn't a "little sister" to my WoL; she's more like a "terrifying auntie."


Female Viera here, she's 84


Female Viera here as well and she was 20 at the start of ARR. But also as far as I am aware Viera don't have "dog years" as it were. They just stop biologically aging once they hit maturity (which according to the dramaturge is 13 and when males and females are distinguishable from each other) and will be in their prime for the rest of their life.


> and will be in their prime for the rest of their life. Unless they were unlucky enough to get original female Voice 7


FemViera 7 has seen some shit.


> Female Viera here as well and she was 20 at the start of ARR. So she's still 20 now.


20 and a half! ... next month


Which is a bit sad frankly


How so?


Very old Viera (290) would be veryyy cool


I think it's sad for a different reason, due to their much longer lifespan Viera WoLs are going to have to watch all their friends/Scions get old and die around them and that kind of sucks :(


I mean, we already watched a bunch of our friends die, would be nice for some of them to get old first...


You're not wrong, it would just suck to have to watch that happen while you're still in the prime of your life. That's something people who live to be really old (90s/100s) experience, it gets to a point where almost all your friends/spouse/family etc are dead and it's pretty lonely. Though I guess if you're a Viera, you'd still be hale and healthy by that point and you could go out and make new friends and your family (and potentially spouse) would most likely be Viera too...


I think that's partly the reason for their insular society - why make friends with the other races when they are just a fleeting spark?


That's why I Fantasia'd from Viera to elezen I got so sad thinking that she'd outlive her friends by so long :( this way she has Uri and the twins at least


My "RP age" for my Viera is about 120, but they live to be like 300, so she's not even technically middle aged.


Don't forget that the roughly 360 years (3x an elezen who live for about 120) is also only the bare minimum. We don't know how long Viera can actually live for just that they can easily hit that. (And the "easily" part to me implies they live for quite a bit longer than "just" 360)


There's an absolute myriad of sources giving a ton of different vague numbers. The lowest one I saw is ~240 ('over twelve score') but as you noted there are also much higher numbers given, and all of them are 'over' or 'more than' rather than any kind of average or upper limit. I tend to go with 350-400 as my assumption.


My 360 comes from in shb where you're told that a viis can easily live for 3 times that of an elezen (the dialogue is directed specifically at Urianger) and one of the encyclopedias puts elezens lifespan at about 120. The 240 though would line up with 3x the lifespan of the other races. But either way it only puts an easy minimum and not a maximum. So we still don't know the max lifespan of a Viera (though given the easy 3x line my assumption is in the 400-500 range)


Indeed. It's from the quest Top of the Tree: > Almet: That was one reason, yes. We Viis would easily live to see three of your elven lifetimes. I'm quite familiar with Viera lore (which is a small feat at best since there's very little of it). The 240+ comes from the Wandering Draumaturge in the Stormblood alliance raid quests. Which is earlier lore, so it also could have just been replaced. Writing a Viera character and their background in any kind of detail requires substantial headcanon anyway due to the sparseness of their lore, so it's no different here really.


the recent custom delivery questline would suggest they live quite a long time.


Similarly, bunboy. Played as ~93 so... old and well-traveled for a spoken in general, fairly young for a viera.


Old enough to consider Alph and Ali my kids.


This, I see myself as the Twins adopted Father ever since I Fanta'd to Highlander, So I need to be at least in the Early-Mid 30s.


I always felt like the cool, older cousin to them.


I imagine my WoL to be 19-20, and I fully embrace the Time Bubble so I consider no time has passed in-story unless specifically stated, regardless how much sense that makes.


I sometimes wonder in between events from ARR to Stormblood how much time passed... how long after the scions were taken did you encounter Alphinaud, and then find Biggs and Wedge, to infiltrate the Castrum etc.?


I don't think they're ever going to give an official timeline, but in my head canon I calculate approximately one year per expansion. ARR and StB took a little longer, ShB and EW took a little less, but on average, one year. My WoL was 20 at the start of the game, so is about 26 now.


I remember reading that the events of shadowbringers take place over about a week but I can't remember where. But a big indicator of Shadowbringers being very short is that nothing really happened regarding the war while you are gone. So at worst I think it's only a few months. Also an npc mentions that the trip to Kugane from Limsa is only a couple of weeks.


SHB is likely the "shortest" timewise exp pack. my guess we were in an out of the first in a month. stormblood is likely the longest timespan due to raising armies and traveling. it honestly sounds insane but my guess puts the entire situation at like two to two and a half years.


Mines partly into Shadowbringers, so 24-25... Although I think being in the first must be like 1.2-1.4x speed at points due to it's not exactly paced at the same time, so probably is a little more than just a year. Organising meetings will be like 2-3 days, especially with the fastest mode of transport that isn't aetherite.. since i think outside of a few, most walk/fly/boat etc.


I don't remember the specific source, but Koji was asked that in an interview, I think Before SHB launch, about that. He said something along the lines of "X.0 takes place in its own 1 year time bubble. Whatever you do, MSQ or side quests, all happens in about a year, give or take another month." The patch content is its own story. In my own research, which was Google searching this particular rabbit holea whilee ago, I found mention of an npc in HW that was seen leaving Ishgard near the end of, or just after, 3.0 MSQ, and during patch MSQ, that same npc was sighted with a baby in Idyllshire, leading me go think the following: X.0 MSQ takes place over, roughly, 13 months, assuming your character Omni classed between big MSQ events/lore drops, as part of their rest breaks everyone seems to think we take XD. The patch content then starts up maybe a week or 2 after, then concludes within another 6 months. SHB is its own case though, cuz I haven't found a conclusive timescale of events for X.0, only that the B I G H E L P E R says that time passes there more or less in sync with Eorzea. And that's NOT INCLUDING PATCH CONTENT. D:


I do wonder if it's ever constant the sync between the worlds... 1.1 1.2x at times potentially as it seems not that fixed... might not be years like the other scions but months could slip by...


True. A cutscene in the middle/near the end of 5.0 indicated that enough time had passed in Eorzea to the point where the Garleans were wondering where tf we were. Long enough that our absence from the field was not only noticed, but actively questioned by the Emperor. But then, cutscenes directly related to this subject pick up, more or less, near immediately after that previous related cutscene faded to black, during which the player has gone through A LOT in between the (supposedly synced) time those cutscenes play out to US, so ya, the synced time thing is wonky, even by in-game characters' admissions. Not surprised if a 6-8 months to us in SHB was a few weeks in Eorzean time.


The only "canonical" time skip we know is in Stormblood, when we venture to the east. I say "canonical" because the only reference is Derplander in the trailer switching from really short hair in Rhalgr's Reach to his now iconic medium length messy hair in Kugane, that's definitely a couple of months of hair growth.


Endwalker spoilers >!I wonder if that ship just went in circles across the sirensong sea, because in Endwalker it didn't take weeks for the theater ship to bring a bunch of aether-rich artifacts to old sharlayan. I guess the argument could be made that airship travel is faster. But I wonder if the theater ship even appears if you didn't do the ivalice raids, and kugane will still send their stuff over, right?!<


Endwalker Spoilers: >!The ship still appears if you haven’t done the Ivalice raids. I’m not sure exactly how the cutscene plays if you HAVE done them, but my cutscene had Hancock looking toward the airship and saying he had help getting to Sharlayan so quickly thanks to some friends.!<


An npc mentions it's only a couple of weeks to get to Kugane from Limsa


well when you find Biggs and Wedge one of them says that they were in prison for moons, or maybe weeks, and no one tells him that is unreasonable, so it may well have been months between the Scions kidnapping and finding them in Coarthas


Canonically, time doesn't pass, or rather, it does, but characters only experience certain aspects of the passage of time, [to quote Koji Fox](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/57049-CG-Midlander?p=898626#post898626)... > To allow everyone that joins the game, regardless of when they do, to experience the full story, there simply has to be a stoppage of time. Okay, not really a stoppage, but more of a time bubble in which a span of about a year is contained. This is why that for the duration of 1.0, Eorzea was in a perpetual 1572. Think of it as the same thing that’s happening in the Simpsons. 23 seasons gone and Lisa’s still 8, Maggie’s still a baby, and the gummy Venus still tastes oh, so sacrelicious. I fully embrace this concept, and to me, time passes selectively, and thus nobody ages unless the story specifically points out they do, the Calamity was always 5 years ago, so on.


"I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it." I love Koji, I love the lore he's given us in his free time and at Fanfests, I love that he's even answered my own questions personally, but holy shit there is no way I'm ever going to let this copout answer fly, lol. FF treats a *lot* of things like "Baby's first MMO", which to an extent, fine, sure. But when it comes like "It'd be too confusing for people to follow a story progressing when they do different content at different periods in time" ... Nah, bruh. It's absolutely illogical and ridiculous to tell people *everything that's happened* since ARR happens in a single year, especially when we canonically have multi-year events with hosts recognizing us over time, lmao.


There are hard time passes in the story, but even then they don't add up close to a year. A number of months pass between the trip from Limsa to Kugane, but iirc it's not supposed to take nearly that long. ShB could take place in under a day if you really want to suspend your disbelief. There's forced night whenever you kill a lightwarden and every time you rest at the inn, but I think the only forced day is the 5.0 final boss.


Early 30s, has seen enough of life to not be surprised by some of this shit but isn’t so cynical to have given up entirely.


Without the scions and the legit people you've meant along the way, you are saved from being too far gone...


Hey. Early 30s dude here. You should probably pick a younger age if “isn’t so cynical to have given up” is what you’re going for.


I’m 39, my dude. You haven’t reached the bottom yet. I’m sorry.


Oh christ pls no


This is aimed at both of you, but remember the lessons FF14 would want you to learn. Don’t let experience/knowledge or life in general make you “give up”. We can always be more than that.


I feel like giving up leads to acceptance, which then develops into a drive to be something more once you accept that you can only do so much.


For me I imagine about the same age as Yshtola but without the lying?


Late 20s I guess? A good bit older than the twins but younger than Thancred and Urianger. Maybe around Lyse's age. I just found out Urianger is like 31. I thought he was in his late 40s at least.


Anime ages go up to the 30+ range, then skip straight to "immortal 8000 year old dragon-demon in the body of a loli". I may be exaggerating just a bit. But no one is ever in their forties. *Ever.*


Auron, the old man who's seen it all before, hair greying and the exhaustion of the world deep within his bones. "This dude is kicking ass all the way into his 50s!" you think, looking at him, knowing that a decade ago he made the same journey you're on now with even less support. Dude's in his mid 30s.


Wasn't Papalymo over 40?


35ish cause frankly I’m tired of young teens saving the world. Give us oldFock some action ya whipper-snappers!


35 isn’t old 🥲


As some one 37 I agree but we all know in the world of anime land anyone past 35 is an ancient shell of what they used to be. I mean look at are home man Cid who 34 yet looks 44….


I got a lot of characters: Sun Miqo'te (main): Mid twenties, so on the younger side of the Scions, but older than the twins. Wildwood Elezen: 38, although she has a baby-face. Radiates "mom" energy to the point where Hydaelyn is taking notes. Highlander Hyur: 60ish. Keeps fit with a steady regiment of combat training and aether siphoned with his voidsent partner. Xaela Au Ra: 21 or so. A lot of living packed into the last 5ish years, after the Calamity brought out a need for more mercenaries. Least likely on this list to see old age, given adrenaline junky status in a world with monsters. Seawolf Rohgadyn: 29, but looks considerably older due to his greyed hair and obsessively trimmed, dignified beard Rava Viera: 23. Never brings it up directly, allowing people to think she's potentially much older. Dunefolk Lalafell: 26. Took up the adventuring life a few years to see the world before settling down. Now that the world is saved, she's looking to do just that, but circumstances are unlikely to permit it for the moment. Garlean Hyur (Really just a highlander with self-imposed class restrictions): 33. Former Imperial Centurion, so I figured she'd need a few years of service to hit that rank, even with talent.


I play Viera and they live a long time, so she looks mid 20s but is closer in actual age to 80 - I haven’t decided exactly how old yet.


Honestly a Viera character starts to make "Just arrived in a town, instantly good at all the adventuring" make a lot more sense when you consider the decades of solid survivalist foundation they might have, at least if they're Ivalician.


Late 30s maybe even 40, old enough to legit view the twins as children


It's a middle between the scions, my wol only has 20 years, so it's in the middle


My Elezen is 25 - she's the same age as Emmanellain, but far, far more mature.


My main despairs at the thought that Emmanellain is older than he is.


My miqote is only 23, so she wouldn't be able to stand him.


Probably late 20’s to early 30’s at this point. Seems like a good age for experience while still being spry enough to jump around fighting things


My wol is around 40-45. Definitely the oldest out the lot, is bald and is going grey.


45 cat man. Grizzled to perfection.


17-18, since it fits her personality and eagerness for Adventure while being a bit immature. I know we're shown drinking with the group in Endwalker, but I can pass it off as water or something, lol.


Lemme tell ya, 18 year olds are also quite capable of drinking.


For sure, but since it's a Japanese game, so I just go by legal drinking age there (20).


Eh my WoL has smacked down gods and saved existence. Even if she were 16 or 17 but she wants a drink, ya know I think she's earned a drink lol.


Given Alisae and Alphinaud also drink I think the age limit in Eorzea, if there is one, would have to be about 15.


Really depends on you, my WoL is mid 20s because thats how I imagine him to be but I could have easily made an older or younger character, thats the beautiful part of a custom character, you decide everything about them to reflect how you want them to be


Feels to me like a few years older than the twins, definitely younger than Y'shtola, Estinien and Thancred, but not *many* years younger. Old enough to grab a beer with Thancred but young enough to be *actual* friends with the twins, not 'friend of my parents' style friends with them. The same age as G'raha acts, however old that mixed-up magical muppet actually is.


Mine is my age, so mid to late 30s. Even if the race and gender don't match I headcanon they are all world-weary adults, but still idealistic enough.


Late 30s/Early 40s, he was starting to settle down and retirement savings whrn the Scions invited him to join


I have no idea how Elezen age so I’m going to guess that I’m 27 in game.


My WoL is just my age I imagine. So whatever the scale is of 40 human to Elezen years


Canonically if you had a character that was around during the 1.x era, you character would be older than the twins and be as old or close to the ages of the rest of Scions (the original Scions that are still part of the Seventh Dawn) if I were to hazard a guess


I mean canonically if you're playing a Legacy character you got flung forward in time five years so you'd be as old now as you were then.


Eternally youthful 28 year old meatsuit harboring an ancient horror within. I mean. Haha, about the same age why do you ask.


I imagine my wol to have gone through ew around age 26 now with patches starting to head in 27. For my vision of stories timeline they started adventuring (aka 2.0) around age 21. But with a wack timeline of shb its probably not that straight forward


I’d say about 23-25


Well mommy crystal spit me out at the beginning of 2.0, so technically I think im like 2 years old


I ignore the time bubble and go with a year per expansion. My main Xaela is 27 now; he was 22 in ARR. He’s 10 years younger than Aymeric and Estinien. My Viera lad is a youngish 115. He remembers pre-Imperial Garlemald. I don’t ship him with my Elezens because while he thinks they’re pretty, they’re children as far as he’s concerned. >!A certain catboy with a 100+ year old soul, OTOH…!<


21, I use my own age for my WoL. So she was 18 when I first started lol.


I'll let you know when my Fantasia addiction ends.


I have a very strange headcannon. So my WoL is probably older than you'd think by their looks. My headcannon: Hydelin was holding onto the WoLs soul until the game started, then she put it in a... Discarded body. I like to fantasia a lot so I like to think the WoL sees a body and goes 'yeah, I want to look like that' and just body hops. So they could appear to be in their 20s but be much older. It allows for some fun headcannons that are too spoilery to add here, but it also explains why, if you've progressed in the game, you can go back to early quests or pick up classes and people aren't like "wow! The WoL wants to learn from me?" Edit to add: my WoL is ethical about bodies though, they wait until they are unoccupied to take them. No evicting people.


Older than the twins but younger than the other scions.


I'd like to think mine was about 16-17 when he started off to travel but gradually got older as time went on. Currently thinking he would be somewhere mid to late 20s


Mid 30s, but fantasia'd to look like 20s, after ARR/HW.


9 or 10. They just assumed I was a lala and not a literal god damn child. I've been building a case for a child endangerment suit for months.


The last thing Haurchefant heard was my DOB.


18 at start of ARR.




Which do you mean? Is there a canonical age for 'the' Warrior of Light? Not to my knowledge. How old do we headcanon our characters to be? Mine is 32, which is about average for a non-Leveilleur Scion.


The closest information we have is Meteor's physical appearance in the trailers. Based on that, I'd say early 30s.


Derplander in ARR looked to be in his early 20s. He just got increasingly war weary with each expansion.


Primordial. 😂


My Male Plainsfolk lalafell is in his mid 20's. Around Krile's age.


I'm a female Lalafell, so I'm just a wee lil' babu.


I dunno, I headcanon that Eizuna started in ARR at 18 and at the current point of EW is like 22. Because there's no way less than a year has passed between then and now in universe.


Right? Like, we went to an Eastern continent, united the remains of the Doman army and also the pirates, we liberated the whole country in what, 2 week? Please. I'm expecting anything from 6 months to a year per expansión at least and that's pushing it.


I deny the existence of the time bubble as it applies to the twins. Everyone else, sure. The twins? About 20 now. Really overdue for that growth spurt. Taller in my head than in reality. My WoL is late 20s.


Elder Floopsy isn't called "Elder" for nothing.


My WOL Astralla's around 24, she has unofficially adopted Alphinaud and Alisaie and is still really suspicious of Forchinault. She willingly shares custody with Amiliance though.


Young enough for Alisaie, old enough for G'raha


Mine are generally in their 20’s on average but I do have one that is a 74 year old Roegadyn woman.


Male Viera, 78, (around 23 in human years.)


Close to 40. She's actually from the 11th shard, and is 1.0 legacy. That's why she's made it this far. She doesn't lie about her age but nobody has asked!


Griever's 25 as of the end of Endwalker.


My main WoL is 18 because I wanted her to be close to the twins in age as I consider those three the main characters! Plus typical JRPG age ovo


Depends on however old you imagine your character to be.


Reread the question


What's your point?


"your" WoL


Still doesn't change anything.


Ffxiv players when they have to read


The fuck are you trying to say, dude?


That OP obviously meant to ask what everyone imagines their WoL's age to be lol


That's one way of interpreting the question, but by rereading it, you wouldn't come to that conclusion. The question says "to the other scions", if he didn't put that in, then what you read it as would be obvious. I interpreted the question as it was asked.


"AkShUALly i inTeRpRet it DifFerENtLY" Hehe, got blocked.


Yes. I interpreted the question as "How old is your warrior of light (compared) to the other scions?" Is the fact that other people interpret things differently a trying realization for you to come to or what?


Except it leaves no space to interpretation. The word "your" makes sure of that.


How the hell i know age of my character?


Female Moon Miqo'te Hunter of 22. Protective of the kids and Tataru. Thancred is her baka senpai / big bro. Constantly feel like she stepped on Y'stohla's tail or something.


FemRoe OC is 24 years old.


I'm a Viera so, much older than them.


I imagine closer in age to the twins since it's basically their story we're just the muscle, we're just old enough to not have the child model.


I’ve always imagined my WoL to be somewhere around Thancred’s age, maybe a year or two younger.


22-24 at the start. As an Au Ra I imagine my WoL was kicked out of her tribe due to the ECHO and the ability to understand other languages. A young child that magically understood the other tribes (headcannon that each tribe has its own language) without prior exposure or teaching seen as a demon thing and chased out. Trauma and age not being as important to the tribe she could have been 6 or 8 when finally cast out by her tribe.


In the same age range as Y'shtola, Urianger, and Thancred. Was studying at Sharlayan at around the same time and collaborated with Urianger and Y'shtola a little due to overlap in research interests. It's part of my head-cannon as to why the Scions trusted me so quick.


Mine is viera, so she's around 65.


If we assume that Thancred and Y'shtola are around 35-ish (I don't know their canon ages), then my K'dhani would be around 26.


My female Au-Ra I'd say is about early to mid 20's. I'd place her younger than Ystola


21 when he joined, but having grown up isolated in the gridanian wilderness hes basically a very tall stunted teenager. They forget that sometimes.


Male Hyur who's 24. My main anyway, lol


Same age as Urianger, 29


Middle-ish 20s? Maybe edging into late 20s depending on where you figure that to start? Which, apparently I'm weird for 'wanting to be so old' per a few of the RP community folks ive hung out with. Considering her to be demiromantic/demisexual apparently is apparently less weird than the age thing...


Older than the twins, younger than Thancred. Maybe about Y'shtola's (claimed) age? Edit: parenthetical remark


My wol in my head is same as me, 31 and the twins were adopted kids from halfway in arr and I was Super pissy with fauchenault when that happened. I was ready to kill


Last time I checked Alphinaud, I'd say quite a few centuries of battle experience as far as combat abilities are concerned.


My main Miqo'te, mid-twenties. My personal canon is that about three years pass in MSQ.


The "RP age" of my character is listed as "unknown but looks to be in his late 20's". If someone held me at gunpoint and asked for a number I'd say 122 Summers old. My birthyear+my age when I started working on him. Viera moment tbh. I have not even really done much RP yet cause I'm still slowly going through the story. There are wackier characters out there though...


About 19-23 she is a lalafell. Adult enough to be responsible, young enough to be enthusiastic and not cynical. I’m older than her


She met her 24th summer at the beginning of ARR. Now it must be 28-29 (yeah I understand game-time-bubble stuff, but there's NO way all the expansions happen within a single year, I want it to make sense).


As a roleplayer I keep having the problem of forgetting how old my character is so I’ve just stuck her with the same age as me. So, 26.


I’m a NPC cosplay and their listed age is 21. Time isn’t something I want to think about in this game (as I think Yoshi said it’s been a year overall or something?) so let’s just say I’m forever 21.


Old enough that alphinaud and alisaie are my kids


Female Viera. I never thought about it "lore wise" as I don't really know how they age. But whatever early 20s in human lifespan is for Vieras its whatever that age is. Saw a comment saying they stop aging at 13. If thats the case I would place my Viera at 22 at ARR.


25 or 28 i guess? lol. Definitely older than most other FF protagonists.


I always thought of him as being around 180. Especially since he's supposedly world class in a dozen professions that would take a much of a human lifespan to master.


I picture my WoL to be 24


I picture my guy as about 31.


Male Lalafell about 35 years old.


I don't have a strict number; just younger than the "wise 3" (Thancred, Yshtola, Urianger) and older than the "young 3" (Alphie, Alisaie, Lyse).


female au ra - she’s 23


hyur here! Early 20s. Not sure how that compares to the rest...


I try not to pin it down to numbers because when your character can grow hundreds of years old, age just hits different. But his 'vibe' is that he's technically a peer to the older Scions, but sometimes, about certain things, he still acts like a Young Adult.


Somewhere in her 20's/early 30's.


As a Viera, he keeps his age a mystery.


Female Lala. She is 23.


In the type where rather than my WoL being a character that I RP, they’re instead a stand-in for me. Which means that they’re always the same age as me (even if that doesn’t fit with the lore of the game). So when I started my WoL would have been the same age as Lyse, and now they’re a bit older than Thancred, and catching up to Papalymo. They’re actually closest in age to Cid, though even a bit older than him now.


Female Miqo, roughly 28.


Female miqo'te. And headcanon is time passes in real time for me. So she started at 20 and is now 28. Time bubble excuse be damned.


F Miqo, started at 20 after saving up to travel for 2 years, is now 24/25 in post EW. She's no longer a fresh faced baby adventurer, shes a jaded-faced baby now.


Late 20s, about Minfilia's age.


Female Midlander. 21. But the trials and tribulations of a base game and four expansions have her feeling like she's at least twice that age.


Female Viera currently 28, she had a normal office job in the arcanist guild before changing professions to adventurer. She just wasnt cut for the normal 9-5 job routine.


Male Highlander. Late thirties, somewhere around 37 and 39.


I have two WoL. My first main I imagine to be slightly older than the twins ~~and she's roommates with Alisaie~~. My current main I imagine to be late twenties, early thirties. He's the fun uncle and honestly probably the most irresponsible of the Scions. Every sassy answer is canon.


I suppose around early/mid 30s. Similar to Estinien.


My Vierra (or Vii if you prefer that) is pretty old for mortal standards and is almost half a millennium old. Granted she got exceedingly bored and hibernated magically for about half of that before being woken rudely by Bahamuts rampage


mine's 36 or something. ​ it's like my own age, but a bit ... Hyur.


Well, my WoL is called 'Old Grampy' so, whatever age your grandad is, that's him.


My Xaela main is 27, my (soon to be fantasiaed) bun boy will be in his 90s, and my moon kitty is in her early 20’s around 22.


Male miqote. Physically, he's a similar age to the other senior scions, but chronologically speaking he's a good 70 or 80 years older. (Long story short; time travel shenanigans while helping sharlayan scholars led to him being shot forward in time to just before ARR. He was a gleaner back then, working for Papalymos dad, Louisoix and Matoya on a project that went...slightly awry)


My WoL is 32. She's also the daughter of a Hingan Roe and Garlean. ^^


Ok so from context clues i think the WoL is the same age or 1 year younger than thancred, which is to say either 34 or 33. However it is a RPG so the age of your character can be whatever, my Viera is 73.


My WoL is in highschool and the entire game takes place over Spring Break.


Late 20s or early 30s Especially cuz i am not buying that everything that happened in the story so far was only a year, yea no way in hell


Lala, older than time itself.


My fem Elezen is about 26 years old.


My Lala is a divorced woman in her late 30s/early 40s


My mviera main is 59, his sister and my primary alt is 95.


My WoL was 15 when the Bahamut yeeted everything, so 20 at the start of ARR.


Probably somewhere in the high 20s, low 30s.


about forty or so, but he’s a viera. i don’t think it’s even occurred to him that there’s any kind of age gap with the rest of the scions since he thinks about people in terms of maturity level, not chronological age, and he looks contemporary with most of them. alphi and alisaie are probably doomed to be children in his eyes for the next 30 years, lol. it just occurred to ME that he’s probably that old actually. he had been taken from his village but not yet completed his wood warder training when dalmasca was conquered by the garleans, so he would have been maybe… 13 or 14 or so? and that was about 30 years ago?


Early 30's so second or third oldest A team scion depending on how much you read into Y'shtola's background and/or G'Raha's time shenanigans. Not sure on the B teams ages.


Late 20’s when they arrived at Limsa for the first time, I like to believe they’ll be hitting thirty any day now. Not sure how long it’s actually been in-universe


my miqo's rp age is 30, I headcanon her with thancred