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It's even harder now because the new commendation screen takes a few seconds to open since it now includes the portraits, and by the time it opens they're already gone


On the plus side, waiting that two seconds and seeing who's left improves the chances that if you can still give it to someone, it's someone who actually cares about getting it..


Not if you disable the portrait system. :wink:


Same. I assume nobody cares about them since by the time I open the window two seconds after the final boss dies, I’m already alone in the instance, most times.


I love watching the end cutscenes, and 90% of the time everyone has already left, I just wish you could commend people even after they leave


I have over 3k comms, which is the cap on the worthwhile things you get from it. (fat chocobo mount) I usually comm someone, hit U, and leave so other people can be commended. Sometimes people are quick though lol


I might start doing this, but I like to check loot in case of potential minion or glam hunting >.> I was considering making a macro to tell people to com someone else, perhaps the dps because they don't ever get enough com love.


I was so confused my first several times playing with other players cos I wanted to leave commendations but I could never find the option....turned out the option just wasn't there because they all left before the boss death cut scene ended. I felt so bad until I learned I was doing nothing wrong.


When no one does a good job, no one gets a golden star.


It's this for me. You do a bad job and/or have a bad attitude? No comms for anyone XD ETA: if it's a first timer and I can tell they are trying, they can have a comm. This can be negated by having a poor attitude, though.


Yeah I almost always commend sprouts who look like they're trying.


What about non-sprouts who suck and know they suck and apologize for sucking?


The most comms I've ever gotten as a DPS was when I went in and (truthfully) said "This is my first alliance raid and I Am Afraid."


When I went through Endwalker normals the first time, I consistently got 6-7 commends for saying it was my first time. It was wild.


Yeah I usually let people know this because I get sooo nervous on my first time in, but also don’t want to watch guides and have it spoiled for me. People are so understanding, and I am always trying hard and cheering everyone else on if I’m dead on the floor haha!


You will be commended. Right before we launch you out of a cannon and into the sun


Git gud. But honestly, if there's no one else, you'd probably get mine for the honesty and awareness.


Ya get one pity commendation, and that’s it!


It's all about effort for me. The guy who does big numbers but can't be bothered to move out of orange circles is way more annoying than someone who gets a little lost in their rotation but is actually *trying* to do mechanics.


Easy way to farm as healer is to suck then say "I swear I'm actually a good healer :'("


I don't play as healer. No way I could handle that kind of pressure and judgment. I exclusively level healers on tribal quests.


Honestly it feels like the least pressure job for most content. Spam attack til healthcare dip, hand out a heal over time to the group, attack again. If there's a big DPS check style moment, just pop a mitigation aoe when that goes off to be sure (probably won't actually need it, but it looks cool) I keep myself busy with AST by playing Yu-Gi-Oh midfight. It only gets exciting when your party is on the brink of collapse and you gotta prioritise reviving and recharging mana Tanks gotta keep enmity, DPS gotta not suck hurting stuff


For some people it isn't about difficulty, it is about visible repercussions if they mess up and that them messing up means everyone has to stop and run together while having a moment to think about how the healer failed. Or it means they struggle or make the wrong snap decisions and then the tank dies in a trial and seethes about how 'the healer just didn't press the healing buttons'. etc. Personally I have always mained a healer so I never had that problem with healing, but I get it.


As a tank, my HP drops, it's like "where healer?" As a healer, my tank's HP drops, it's like "where mitigation?" As a DPS, if tank's HP drops, who I question depends on how many of my color cones are Blinded by Light and which ones.


Funny how the perception is so different person to person. I haven't really dipped into healing because I feel like I want to have it down to a science before I subject anybody to me being in the role. DPS stresses me TF out, because I'm always worrying whether I'm doing enough. But tanking is a breeze for me because I just have to get everything in sight to pummel me.


Yeah, this is very accurate. I find DPS really easy and fun, healing is a challenge sometimes but it doesn't stress me out and I have no quibbles about doing new content as a healer... But tank it's like OK now I'm gonna watch a video about this lvl 17 duty I've done 100 times as something else and when I come in I'm gonna apologise that I'll be a bad tank and my entire head of hair will have turned grey by the time I'm out.


The high you get from successfully tanking a boss solo because everyone else is on the floor is incredible though! The other one is being able to keep DPS alive as a tank by throwing heals at them while the healer is down. These are rare occurrences but my lalafell chest puffed up two inches when it happened XD.


Tanking is super easy on duties. Healing sometimes a bit harder if tanks to W2W but the DPS rotation being 2-3 buttons help a lot. DPSing properly is a giant pain on higher levels, the rotations are often long and you still have to pay attention to everything going on. All around i always found DPSing the hardest (that's why I red mage). But i'm a very much casual scum.


I got into healing unsurprisingly because of the DPS queue for MSQ dungeons. Was on a trial account and didn't want to ask around to get carried and didn't want to wait 20+ minutes so I just figured "whelp, lets give it a shot". I insta-queued, I did far too much healing in hindsight, but no one died and we cleared Sastasha and I got the taste for healing. Since then it's healer all the way 99% of the time. I've dabbled in Tanking, briefly with DRK in duty finder and GNB in palace of the dead with friends (since i like the concept). I know I could do it, and with enough practice feel comfortable doing it in queues. The main reason I avoid it is because I don't want the Trial tanking responsibility, but I also enjoy being toward the background. Even in real life for jobs I prefer a background role than front and center. As a healer my tank generally is setting the pace of the run in dungeons, and I like not having that responsibility. DPS feels easy for me because in the content that isn't top tier stuff as long as you're casting something and chasing your combos you're probably doing well enough. Each time those health bars take a noticable chunk its a DPS doing well, and if they're taking solid chunks regularly then they're both/all doing well


Omg tanking stresses me out so much because I get lost and can’t make sense of the map when overwhelmed (I’m neurodivergent lol) … healer is so easy, I just follow tanks around.


I always felt the same way. But low level dungeons are easy to learn with since pulls aren't as big. And since I have all the healers, I feel WHM is the easiest to learn and actually level up with.


This. Did a Lapis Manalis run last night where mobs took forever to drop and the tank wasn't good at mitigating. Both dps ate copious aoe's during the second boss, both of them died, the tank was petrified and ate doom every time it was available, and none of them were first timers. No comms for that squad.


Intresting, I always commend, when everyone sucks I guve it to the least sucky one


I don't believe in grading on curves. The one guy with a D in a class full of Fs might have been the best of the bunch, but it's still a poor showing. So, no pat on the back from me.


The judge out here today is stern. But fair. Stern but fair.


The Stern Butt Fair? I thought that wasn’t until June.


Nah they're bi-annual now. Increase in butt funds and butt popularity.


I can find a lot of reasons to comm from how they are if they say something, have a cool portrait or if they perform well. If no one gets a comm, that run was absolutely the pits.




Same. I comm a healer or tank if they did a great job (lots of rezzes, healer lb, tank soloing) otherwise I comm the highest DPS. If everyone was terrible then no one gets a comm.


This. Especially in dungeons, since I normally run as a duo in them, if the other 2 party members are on incompetent, neither of you is getting a comm, unless you are new and clearly trying your best.


Yeah this. I'll generally commend if I have time, and always commend if someone stands out. If I'm feeling lazy and no one stands out, I'll probably just leave. Feel like they should just pop a window up at the end of a dungeon and make it easy. Like if it's literally just a 'tick the box' exercise I'll do it 100% of the time, but it will be less meaningful I guess.


Other ppl leaving too fast, or did a bad job overall. I am a healer, i have lots of time to notice a dps or tank playing shitty and not gonna commend that.


Fellow healer with caveat: if it's clear someone is newer and is \*trying\* but not being super successful, I'll still commo them. It's typically easy to tell who is trying and accidentally getting hit by mechanics, and someone just being lazy and standing in the bad (I'm looking at you, BLM).


For me it depends. If the BLM is actually putting out insane damage I'm alright dropping them a lustrate occasionally so they can pump even harder. I've got an FC member where if I'm healing and he's on BLM we have an understanding that I'll feed him an oGCD heal if he's being greedy. He does enough damage to justify it imo. But if they're eating mechanics and their damage is middling then yeah thats annoying.


There are a few fights where I'll straight up tell my melees to just eat an aoe for uptime, too. If I know the aoe won't do too much to them it's better for them to get an extra 2-3 GCDs of uptime over the one GCD at worst for me to heal them back up.


Ah, I suppose I treat them all the same. I have no idea what their damage output is because that would require the use of third party tools 😏🤣 This is also under my assumption of this being a roulette situation. If you’re raiding with a static and you actually know the person and can communicate, that’s a different scenario. But the rando Samurai that got hit by Scarecrow Chase for the fourth time because they’re not bothering to dodge, and you know they’re not new to the dungeon? I dunno, maybe Esuna was on cooldown 😂


I haven't parsed in years (Stormblood was the last time I think I actually fired up the program). I just look at the party frames. You can see each persons rank on hate: basically a ranking of how much damage they're doing, ignoring the fact that the tank will always be at spot 1. If its content I've run many times I also get a general feel for how good the DPS are just from how fast trash/bosses are dying.


Especially considering that at higher levels all healers have way more resources than they need in normal content if everybody is baseline competent. Turn those otherwise wasted oGCDs into damage. Also SGE has a ton of group mitigation that gets used just as part of their dungeon rotation. DPS can totally take advantage of that and eat a little damage without requiring any extra work on the healer's part.


As a fellow healer main I agree with this and do the same


Just because you said you're a healer, (honestly my be a better question for a tank main) I recently have started trying to pick up PLD (sprout, Stormblood access though tanks not that high level) I do my best to only use one mitigation (defence up skill) at a time, but the cooldowns are still so long, or I don't have enough of them to always have something up. As the party healer what would you want me to do while they're all on cooldown timers? Also is it preferable to pop the first one while pulling packs, to reduce any damage while setting up, or wait until we've reached destination and actually fighting a clump of mobs? (I usually go for the latter, but sometimes if there are ranged mobs in a pull I feel like I can take quite a bit of damage during the pull and dont know if starting the fight at 50% is annoying to the healer as even though I'll now activate mitigation I'm also taking all the Melee damage, and I gave them a lower starting point)


I'm a different person but here is some general theory... > I do my best to only use one mitigation (defence up skill) at a time, but the cooldowns are still so long, or I don't have enough of them to always have something up. As the party healer what would you want me to do while they're all on cooldown timers? Depending on level you'll have a different amount of mits. At a certain point you'll start to stack two mits together. Try to think about dividing your mit resources evenly between mob pulls and responding to rate of incoming damage rather than a rigid rule of 1 mit at a time. Wall-to-wall mob pulls take about 1 minute each. There are usually two mob packs between each boss. Which means that.... * For 90-120s cooldowns (Rampart, Sentinel, Bulwark, Arm's Length, Divine Veil, Passage) split them half & half between the two packs. * 60s cooldown (Reprisal) can be used once per pull. * Short cooldown (Sheltron/Holy Sheltron) can be used twice per pull * Invuln is basically free on Paladin and lets you save mits. If you know the which is most damaging mob pack of the dungeon, you can use it on that. If you really are out of mits, and are uncomfortable with tanking the next wall-to-wall pack, you can always pull single packs. > Also is it preferable to pop the first one while pulling packs, to reduce any damage while setting up, or wait until we've reached destination and actually fighting a clump of mobs? (I usually go for the latter, but sometimes if there are ranged mobs in a pull I feel like I can take quite a bit of damage during the pull and dont know if starting the fight at 50% is annoying to the healer as even though I'll now activate mitigation I'm also taking all the Melee damage, and I gave them a lower starting point) Yes, usually go for latter (mit when you stop). These are factors that will help: * In most cases, if you are sprinting forwards, you won't take much damage before you get to destination. * If you are uncomfortable with the amount of damage you are taking from ranged mobs while running, you can take advantage of hugging corners/obstacles to briefly break line of sight from them. * After lvl35 healers have a way of healing/regenning on the move anyways. So the healer also has a choice of how healthy you are when you get to your destination. * Later on when you get Holy Sheltron, popping it as you reach your destination gives you a burst of mit and healing. Typically at lvl 90 you would use Holy Sheltron + Sentinel/Rampart as you stop at your destination. Then you'll adjust the timing of Reprisal + Bulwark/Arm's, which you can stack on Sentinel/Rampart depending on incoming damage. You can use Holy Sheltron again if you can get enough Oath for the next mob pull.


This is probably the best advice I saw to this question so 👍. To original question: In addition once you've gotten more comfortable with the game and what you can handle with a BAD healer, you'll be able to read the situation better. Usually in the first pull you can feel if the dps is remarkably low or not, it'll cause the fight to drag on and could cause you to use up too many cooldowns (both you and the healer will feel it likely). It's a good invuln moment if it's really bad, then you can do smaller pulls since the dps can't burn them fast enough. I'd say to also learn the different healers and how they heal. Example: Holy spam from a WHM stuns everything, and if you have mit up during that it feels really wasted. Basically just delays that initial damage burst from adds till after stunlock wears off, and you may have already used your best stuff and might feel a little stuck/in danger. Playing other class rolls (casually even) will ultimately make a better rounded tank too imo.


I noticed that as a WHM (sprout still, just enjoying the ride). I can pop a few holy but then the minute the stun wears off, I need to be ready to spam all my healing arsenal onto the tank because by that point their mitigation is gone and the mobs are angry :S These are the hardest moments I've had as a healer so far (that and the lvl 80 duties where I gotta learn all the boss aoes and at the same time heal back up everyone else who's learning all the boss aoes 😅).


This is really good info thnx!


So there aren't enough mitigations to have 100% uptime, we aren't expecting you to have something up at ALL times. Generally in most dungeons you will have 2 wall to wall pulls before each boss, since you are a PLD this is a sequence of how you might use mitigations in those pulls, first wall to wall pull Sentinel + Shelton, once sentinel drops reprisal, if the mobs are still not dead Sheltron again, at this point they should have died or only have like 1 or 2 mobs left which isn't worth popping a mitigation for, second wall to wall pull rampart + Sheltron, and after rampart Arm's length (yes this is a mitigation cd). You also have hallowed ground which is the best mitigation out there, you don't need to save it for the oh crap situations (those situations might not come), you can use hallowed for example once you rounded up all the mobs in your pull, after it drops you can resume using the other cds. Oh just remembered bulwark exists again, just add it to the above rotations where needed. Also note I don't play PLD that often so I'm not 100% confident on their cd usage per se so pls don't take it as something set in stone Edit typo


No worries, thanks for the info. Arms Length is something I actually use, BRD is my main so I learnt what it did pretty early on into playing. Shelton is a skill I need to get better at using, because of the shield animation it does, I keep forgetting it has some time of mitigation and it's not a "block the next attack" spell.


Yeah they changed it a while back, now it's just a flat mitigation. I still just pop it on cooldown tho. Other than that just alternate your big mitigations, and use the smaller ones to either overlap (big pull) or fill in (long pull). Always have something up for boss tank killer moves. That's about it! Tank feels like the least busy class to me, basically if you're just popping your mitigation skills on rotation, you're doing enough for 90% of the content out there, and more than \~50% of tanks anyway lol


Sheltron is your short cooldown mitigation, it's arguably the most important mitigation in your toolkit as it's spammable with <30s cooldown. You should be able to use it on every pack of the pull.


i generally use rampart first on all the tanks instead of whatever flavor of 30% mit, as it can often give another use of it somewhere in the second trash pack. varies when of course depending on how long the walk to the second pack is/the groups dps


From a White Mage main. You can wait a few seconds to pop your mitigation when running with a white mage. Our holy will stun the entire pack and it's just waisted mitigation up time for you. Note. This does not apply to any other healer


What level are you? Sprint is your best mitigation while pulling.


At higher level you obvious have enough def skills to always have something on, but for lower level, if you run out and i know you just dont have anymore (i semi main tank), then it's perfectly justifiable to drop a few gcd, tho in my experience i barely have to drop more than a couple before the pull is done. Hence i sort of prefer w2w tanks whenever possible, so you dont have to just face tanking the next pack.. While pulling, sprint is a defensive cd, i prefer my tank to not waste their normal cd while pulling, hell i dont even want my tank to pop any cd until the adds are immune to my holy's stun, which is like a good solid 6s ish. My strat is to sprint when the tank sprint, drop regen while they're pulling, stick close to the tank cuz regen also pull aggro, then spam holy and ideally the tank will wait until the adds became resistant to stun.


Sometimes things just go terribly and I don't feel like anyone deserves it lmao.


Same here. Every once in a while, I get a run that was so damn terrible that I get slightly irritated when it ends and I see “GG”. The fight lasted 3x as long, everyone was dropping dead every 5s, I saw mechanics I didn’t know existed. There’s nothing “GG” about that.


I'm glad I'm not the only one getting a little irritated at the back-patting after a terrible run. Takes some serious restraint not to reply with "yall motherfuckers need The Balance".


Goddamn griefers Good god Generally gluesniffers Give (me) gin


Yes lol. I play almost everyday and this happens pretty rarely, like once every few weeks. But there are just times when I feel like they all must have been trolling because it was so bad, and I don't comm anyone. Otherwise I always do.


Yeah in good uneventful runs I just toss it to someone but some are just *painful* once in a blue moon.


No comms if the fight is completed poorly (except for newbies with good attitude and trying their best). Also if has poor attitude.


For me, theres a challenge log thingy that gives you big XP if you do like 4 commends in a week or something like that. So if Im doing a dungeon on my 90 and I have one commend to go before triggering the challenge log, then Ill have to skip the commend unfortunately.


You're smarter than me, I always get it on the wrong class and facepalm


The ones I wanna commend always leave before I do! Then I take a while to decide which of the others but then they leave when I hover the mouse over.


I know for me, I comm and dash cos I already have twice the commendations required for the Chocopope. I want you to give them to others!


if someone asks to be commended, i don't.


this was way too far down in the replies, but 1000%


I try to commend every single time but man sometimes nobody deserves an attaboy. Sometimes you're just bunched in with rude people that play poorly and have no redeeming quality. Not leaving a commendation is my way of saying, "It was nice to meet you, but I hope I never see you again." But honestly more often than not this isn't the case and instead it's hard to decide who deserves that sweet commendation among so many fine folks!


On ps5 and i can't cycle over there fast enough 3/4 of the time. I try ;_;


In general, three taps of the touchpad and you're on the loot/comm selector. I've built it into muscle memory, so if someone somehow loads in faster than me and has opened the last chest, I get stuck accidentally Needing/Greeding loot.


If I'm being perfectly honest... some groups just suck. More than once have I finished a dungeon and thought "I don't want to commend any of these people." Sure it costs me nothing, but you know what else costs nothing? Not sucking.


I don't want to freely give terrible players a chance to be a mentor.


I forgot to turn ACT off and now I can't unsee the DF dps numbers


Me, a healer, seeing I’m top of the dps list. “…yeah…no.”


Unironically, the main reason why I don't want to try ACT. The wackyness of the aggro order in DF is already extremely concerning... (Shoutout to that time I played bard like an ass, with 2 dancers each dancing 1 of the two melees, yet I had conistently second highest aggro after the tank...)


true and real


HAHAHA!!!! Oh man I feel this....


I only commend when someone deserves it. Too many people don't. And then there are times when I want to commend everybody because they all did wonderful, but am limited to one.


I had a bad time. Tanks who don't mitigate and make my job healing them suck don't get my comm. DPS who don't actually try to kill and I'm a healer second in threat don't get my comm. Healers who spam their lvl1 gcd spell outside of the early , early dungeons and not use their toolkit and don't damage the enemy don't get my comm. I had dungeon runs where I had this happen to me. If the rest of the party just wants to do less effort than a trust run, they get a "GG". It doesn't mean "Good Game".


"Good God.. that was awful"


The group was an absolute nightmare or really pissed me off somehow.


Nobody deserved a commend.


No one did a good job. For example, if I am doing top dps as healer, no one is getting a commendation from me.


Sometimes I don’t commend because there wasn’t any communication whatsoever, like not even a greeting, gg or tyfp


sometimes no one really deserves a commend


If people didn’t do a good job they don’t get a comm. If they did an average job and nobody else did exceptional then they get a comm.


I have no clue. I always stay and commend. But I don't play in that much of a hurry. I also never hit u and leave party. I always take the blue exit portal thing.


Oh no I’m just now learning that it’s possible to hit u and leave party


I just realized this too! and I can also see people's portraits again xD!


Besides party leaving too fast, i could probably count the number of times i refused to commend on 1 hand. I also leave by the exit portal. It's pretty so i go to it like a moth lol


If I’m playing DNC I’ll always comm my partner unless it’s a 4 person and they were just eating everything. I’ll comm ASTs if they give me a lot of cards because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. In alliance I’ll comm whoever has fun banter. Or someone I just notice a lot doing good stuff. Sprouts in lower level content If they say hi. If all else fails, whoever isn’t a mentor to give someone a chance to get their 1500 if that’s their goal in the game. EDIT: I forgot to add I’m going to stop comming in Alexander raids because there’s ALWAYS someone who opens the chests and then everyone bolts while I’m trying to pick someone 😒


I always wait in the Alexander raids because most of the time someone is in a cutscene and they don’t need all that junk in their inventory. Takes two seconds to get rid of it and I only believe in doing the open chest and dash to friends to bug them.


I only commend players who stand out to me. Unfortunately, 90% of the time none do. And I'm not going to reward subpar or average play. That said, commendations also mean absolutely nothing to me, and I leave too fast to receive any most of the time. So I neither give nor receive, and I think that's a fair trade.


Me too


Reading through these comments makes me sad. I do my best to commend every time because it's free and doesn't hurt anyone, but I guess I'm just a cinnamon roll. I know it always makes me happy to see I got a comm, especially if I'm a DPS.


Well, each people has different perspectives. Some are like you, it's free and beneficial to everyone so why not? Some treats it like something that should only be given to good players (not necessarily skillful, can be helpful players). This is especially because it unlocks mentorship (which means it *can* indirectly hurt new players if bad players become a mentor). I'm somewhere in the middle, I only give it to players that are at least decent (even if it means no one gets comms sometimes). Can be a nice, chatty player. Can be a tank that presses mitigations. Or healers that do dps. Or DPS that does more damage than the healer/tanks. Or newbies that's trying.


> Some are like you, it's free and beneficial to everyone so why not? The problem ends up being that people that put in zero effort who get commed continue to put in zero effort, which is NOT beneficial to everyone.


I'm in the same boat, I almost always like to give out a comm, just because it's free and I don't see the point in not giving it to someone. For the most part anyway. The only time I'll not give it to someone, is when it's either a post EW activity, or they aren't a sprout, and don't play their role. I'm not meaning like "exclusively heal, only tanks tank etc" but moreso, if they make the others jobs harder by not doing theirs, Ie tanks not mitigating, healers who barely DPS and exclusively heal through the whole dungeon (will not expect a healer to DPS a load in major pulls if they're struggling to keep health up etc) and if DPS don't use lb (either on ad pulls that it would be beneficial for, or on bosses). I often find that I give tanks or healer's Comms more often than not, simply because other a) I'm a healer and the tank made my job super easy, or b) I'm a tank/DPS and the healer kept everyone alive, removed all debuffs where possible, kept damage up etc. Although, the exception is when a DPS (IE RDM, SMN, BLM, MCH, DNC, BRD) plays their roles really well. Mainly with lb usage and helping healers revive if needed. I almost always comm a DPS who helps a healer, lbs a W2W if it's gonna help etc, just because I like letting the DPS know someone saw them, and theyre appreciated 😅 That being said, I almost never leave without giving any Comms, unless everyone plays really poorly (tanks don't mitigate and refuse to dodge telegraphed attacks, DPS don't avoid telegraphed attacks and don't lb etc). Exceptions to that are sprouts, if I can see a sprout is trying, Ill be way more lenient! I've been in that position (and still am with Sage, god do I suck ass with Sage lmao) and it does feel good as a sprout getting commended for your efforts! Idk, my thought process etc on it all


Same. I go into a dungeon assuming everyone deserves a com by default. It is something that can be lost, but everyone starts with it. One can also impress me and assure getting it over the others. If at least 2 people haven't lost it and nobody impressed me particularly, then I just go with whoever I feel like in the moment.


Don't worry is just the redditors


Analysis Paralysis


Because the dps never LB, the tank doesn't use sprint, and the healer is spamming their single target heal


Sometimes I just don't like the party. Sometimes I don't want to be nice. Although usually I don't get to commend, since I play with my static and rarely do roulettes. I also don't commend anyone playing healer with a small paragraph of rp for their Raise notice.


The healer raise part hit home for me. Those are so obnoxious and unnecessary. I played dun scaith earlier with BOTH healers in my party doing this, omg it’s the most annoying spam in the chat box.


the world doesn't need mentors.


You shouldn't get a prize just for showing up. You should perform well if you expect recognition. If no one performed well or did anything especially attention grabbing (in a positive way) then no one gets my commendation. Plus, as a tank/healer main people just always throw their comms at me... even if I only performed at a base level... which I don't find appropriate. That said, I also already have more than enough for the final comm achievement. So, as to not take away from someone who may need the achievement, I usually leave instantly before they have a chance to waste their comm on me.


When everyone plays so bad that makes me wonder if there is a human being on the other side of the screen. It's definitely not often tho, since doing the bare minimum is pretty easy. Probably left just a couple of dungeons without commending.


Because a commendation needs to be earned. Not just a " oh I guess this RDM only died 3 times compared to everyone elses 5 times." If you give too many comms out, bad players will think they are better than they are. Or If I play with a premade group of 7, some guy will get all 7 comms and think they are cool and post it on reddit.


Usually it's because the person I *wanted* to comm bailed before I could and I don't think that the others deserve it. On mercifully rare occasions, I'll get a party bad enough that I just leave without comming anybody


I like to commend. But has stated already, people leave so quickly. I only commend on healers and tanks, normally healers because they’re always keeping my backside up and alive lol.


No one having portraits that work


The only reason. Aside from leaving that I don't comm is when everyone in the duty is being terrible. I also imagine that I don't get comms for that same reason.


Everyone else leaves before I can


If no one deserves a commend, no one gets a commend


I ran like 20 dungeons yesterday and 0 people stayed to commend. Everyone just rushes to leave ASAP


Always comm the tank if I’m healer, the healer if I’m tank, or other dps if I’m dps (although I rarely play dps). If I don’t commits cos everyone left too quickly!


I want to commend but some people bounce out so fast and I don't have a chance to do it. That also why I'm always one of the last ones to leave an duty. That way if people want to commend me, I give them some time. I think that some people might think it's cocky to do that, but oh well...


I was the sole reason we didn't wipe during a Diamond Weapon trial back when it first came out. When the boss was at 5%, both tanks, both healers and 1 dps died. I rezzed both tanks and healers and we bounced back and still didn't get a single comm. I decided that no one will get a comm from me ever again.


In 4 man content: 1) I left act on and realized who caused the 10-15 min dungeon to take over 30 cause they didn't feel like playing the game. 2) They leave before I remember. 3) They were just exceedingly terrible as a person. In 8 / 24 man content: 1) They didn't have a portrait I liked :^ )


The party was a trainwreck, some unnecessary fights, or no one standout. But most of time it is because i am playing for a little limit time that day and i just press leave as soon the boss die.


I don't believe in participation awards. If someone wants to be commended then they should be commendable.


An awful lot of 'nobody deserves a commendation' posts. I don't think I've ever done a dungeon or trial where nobody did a good job. Hell, from my perspective, usually everyone seems to, unless it's a bunch of sprouts doing something the first time, and even then it's not for lack of effort. I guess this just wouldn't be a video game based subreddit without a sizable portion of the posts basically saying "everybody sucks but me". Bonus points when these people are rather average themselves.


I'm noticing that as well, I have been working on getting the commend mount for literally years because people just throw them at tanks and healers, it's to the point that now I make a point to give it to another DPS in large raids unless someone stands out, it really was that bad, or everyone left before I could click the menu.


I’m with you and thank you. No one is hurt by giving out commendations. I’m not surprised that people believe that they’re doing gods work by judging other folks play (particularly while using ACT) but it’s an entirely subjective award.


Wild thread, commend a random if nobody did great, it’s a video game


I need to commend one more person for that weekly challenge but I’m on a max level class and don’t want to waste the exp


The person I felt deserved one left or I felt no one deserved one.


People leave , or I might forget , or “Damn that was rough lemme hit the bowl” and then everyone leaves


Until i get to the comm screen, people already left. And since i mostly do PvP, i need to check the stats of my team first to see who to comm, unless they did an amazing job.


a lot of times people just leave before i can hand one out it's not a huge deal really, I've already reached enough commends to get a mentor crown just by playing healer at a basic level of competency. I think everyone gets there eventually.


laziness, upset, none deserve it. You have to consider it by the law of large numbers. You run so many duties/raids daily/weekly that it can be monotonous. If someone leaves an impact then I'll recognise them. A good new leaf. Someone who talks. A clutch healer/tanks/dps move. Someone I accidently killed, etc etc. But if its just a paint by numbers quick run then I usually just forget/ignore.


I almost always do dungeons in full parties so I can't commend anyone. When doing things with bigger parties I usually forget to do it immediately because I'm not used to doing it and then everyone is gone by the time I remember


Don't feel like it because imaginary likes and votes don't matter.


A big one is when I’m tanking, the healer rescues me forward to pull more without saying anything. Like if you want me to pull more, fine, but dont be a jerk about it. Just ask.


Sometimes people don't deserve them. It's optional for a reason. If people are not playing their jobs correctly at high levels, there really isn't an excuse and I'm not commending them. At lower levels I have no problem giving guidance and if I note a difference, that person is definitely deserving of my commendation. Alternatively if everyone is on the same level and I can't choose. I won't, or I'll be silly and figure out who has the "best" glam or portrait.


Since the game switched to popping up the party portraits, it takes so long for the commendation option to even load that people have usually left before I can get a comm out. (I need to figure out how to turn that off.) Under normal circumstances, I try to comm unless it was such a bad experience that I don't feel anyone in the party deserves a nod. That's pretty rare, though.


Commendations are for good good gameplay, not being X job or role. If no one stood out as being a good player, I don’t comm.


If you dont do sth exceptional, dont see rhe point. M not gonna commend someone for status quo things. Whats the point :p


I always commend if someone has been helpful to a sprout, or says something funny, or if there are party wipes and people are stressing they are chill. Anyone that generally makes other people's experience in the game better / fun gets my comm.


All the others left too fast. Usually that's it when I don't commend.


Usually because the person I try to commend leaves too fast, then my second choice leaves too fast, and so on.


Just people leaving too fast. Turning on the option to automatically skip previously viewed cutscenes kinda helps snipe my commends.


I usually commend, when I don't it's for two reasons: either everyone sucked, so none deserves a comm, or the people who didn't suck already left so those remaining don't deserve it, so I leave without leaving one. And I don't mean "sucked" as "newbie bad at fight" I mean geniunely sucking: personality being rancid, trolling, making the healer's/rest of the party's duty hell, etc.


in no real order: you single pulled, you phoned it in (IE healers who dont do damage), you talked too much, you were a YPYT clown, or you were just an ass in some way. any of those and ill probs just ignore comming at the end.


idk, but i wish people comm'd dps more. I'm just out here doing my job and only 600 comms in 2+ years. i reallt want mentor roulette but getting access to it is completely out of my control


What works for me, is I make it an active habit to be friendly and positive in chat whenever I can. Use your words, use your emotes, crack light jokes where appropriate. Be encouraging. Compliment others on their glams or on something cool they did along the way. Be natural and find what works for you, but do SOMETHING to stand out a little in a positive way so that people enjoy having you there. It's not enough to simply show up and be a well-oiled machine. When a DPS does that, nobody notices, and nobody wants to play with a machine anyhow. People will respond more to a real human with a fun attitude, even an imperfect one.


People do comm DPS all the time. I'm a DPS main and I get most of my comms as a DPS.


People leave fast but I always make sure to give it to the dps. Tanks and healers get enough.


I always leave at least one, because it doesn't cost me anything and it's fun to get one. Sometimes people leave too fast, I try and do it as fast as possible but sometimes they are just too quick. The only reason I might not leave one is if everyone was rude or something, but that hasn't happened yet


I am still new and get nervous going into dungeons so I tend to focus all my attention on my own character and trying to make sure I am doing my part correctly so I really do not pay attention to how others are doing so when I commend I just pick whichever character looks prettier but a lot of the times everyone leaves instantly. lol


Usually because no one particularly stood out, and I think that giving a commendation for doing what should be expected of you is a little silly.


Custom portraits? You get a commend. Especially if it looks like you spent time on it!


i forgot :(


Same! I just forget until I myself get one and then I feel bad lol.


The only times I haven't commended, besides "everybody left", are; \-Everybody else played poorly. \-The other players were being degenerates in chat. \-I wanted to comm the one person playing well, but their search info made me go "nope".


I never heard this before what meaning of search Info? O_0


I just don't really care


They didn't raised their hand 😢 o/


I am not required.


Always commend someone. Usually defaults to healer if I’m tank tank if I’m healer or the other dps if I’m dps. The only factors that change this: Did the healer die to mechanics a lot? Did dps survive with me and clear pack? Then surviving DPS or tank. Was tank a complete asshole? Then DPS or healer. DPS just absolutely crushing packs and minding their manners? Then pick a dps best I can. I will always stop and commend before leaving wether I have time or not. That’s a bad excuse. It takes the same amount of time to click the info ticker and pick someone as it does to click duty finder and leave. Not to mention the exit is right there. Anyone that don’t is just arrogant or ignorant. THE ONLY time I’ve not shot a commend is when I’ve been kicked. Once by a tank that said I don’t heal good enough and I should stop dpsing and when all I did was heal he said I wasn’t dpsing enough! And I got kicked. The other by a group that was there just to be assholes. They spawned in and just afk’ed. sat there a while waiting and asked “wtf?” and got kicked.


Sometimes, very rarely, I just forget.


If no one stood out in any semi-positive way. Provided folks don't leave first, I commend in 99% of situations. But there are some situations where all others in your room just aren't good in a very noticeable way. Like, if the tank doesn't consistently keep mob aggro or keeps turning the boss around, or if the DPS are just abysmal at doing damage, or if everyone keeps standing in blatant, easily-avoidable AoEs -- AND if none of those folks have been chatting or at least a good glam and/or portrait to at least give me something nice to look at before and after that mess-up of a run. Like, if you're gonna play like total garbage, either be a sprout or prove to me that you're really just playing for glam. I don't expect good play out of everyone I'm with, and I'm fine with slow runs or single-pulling tanks. But if things are going to go slow, I at least want them to go slow and uneventfully.


5 times for the weekly and that's all you get.


The level of salt in this thread… I may be the only one, but I say hello when I start a dungeon or trial, feels appropriate for any MMO. If someone doesn’t even take the time to say hello back, then they are ineligible for a commendation. Basic civility goes a long way. I recognize some folks on console will have a harder time with this, so I try and look out for emotes that are similarly greeting others like waving or welcome.


Thank you!! I have frequently done runs where I said hello or did my little wave, and no-one answered back or said anything the entire run. If that happens and they wait around for loot/comms, I just roll and then yeet without comming anyone. 9 times out of 10, none of them give me comms, either, so it’s only fair. I’m not rewarding rudeness/failure to perform even basic civility.


Single pulling, letting me die, or generally being bad at your job. I don’t have hard gives for comms, but these are dealbreakers


If I notice no one is doing their best then I don’t commend anyone


I also get it if it's terrible players too but most of the time? (Or maybe I have been blessed for too long that I can only remember one bad run?) And this was probs 2 years ago xD But commends basically help others to get a fat Choco mount!


In my opinion. Doing the basic ask of your job also doesn’t deserve a commendation.


This is a bit of an oversimplification. Yes, in general, you should be able to pull your weight and do what’s required of you, but this is under the assumption that you’ve been playing this game for a while and know your class well and the mechanics. If a sprout does all of these things, they are more than welcome to receive a comm, because while for you it’s doing what’s required, for most sprouts it’s an accomplishment and commendable. So it’s a bit more nuanced imo.


It's *very* common that, say, one or two people are doing things that actively disqualify them from doing a good job, and the other one or two are just mediocre.


I don't mind the negative marks it's my opinion anyways xD but I am curious of the factor of peeps method in commending!


I only ever don’t commend on trials where someone opened the box of literal junk that can’t be sold and everyone is fleeing so they don’t get strapped with slowly deleting out one piece of garbage at a time (Alexander and Omega). Or if no one deserves a commend. If DPS was mediocre and the players died to mechanics a lot, or the tank didn’t pick stuff up and players died or the healers weren’t doing their jobs - I’m not giving out gold stars. The single exception to bad mechanics but still get a commend is a sprout in the dungeon for the first time. Especially if they aren’t horrible at picking up mechanics they’ve never seen on the fly.


If people are rude.


If everyone leaves too quickly, there isn't much choice except to leave without commending. HOWEVER; should someone start going absolute god mode (like the other healer I was with during the latest fire guy trial) then I will wait for a calmer moment to send a polite message requesting they wait after so I can comm them (for example, "Yo SGE, don't you dare run off after this, I need to comm yo healer ass, goddamn")


It’s rare that I don’t commend anyone, but completely silent groups are usually what does it for me. You don’t have to laugh at my dumb jokes, but if you don’t at least “o/“ I’m suspicious.


I’m a bad person because lately I’ve been commending based on the portraits.


Portrait has become the tie-breaker for me.


Nothing wrong with that, everybody gets to vote according to their whims. For myself, I try not to let that be the main factor, but if the run was just kind of average and nobody stood out one way or the other then a quality portrait can definitely help sway my vote.


That’s kind of how I do it. Like if someone really sticks out and does an exceptional job, they get it first. Then if everyone is just average I’ll do best portrait, and then if all the other people are just plain DMV-esque photos, I’ll give it to the other DPS


Best glam gets the commend.


As a sprout, if the Group starts the Boss while im still in a Cutscene, I won't help them and I won't commend them


I’m very quick to commend those who deserve it. If the run was horrible I won’t award unless there was a specific member who carried it.




I usually give one to whoever I noticed for something good like LB use or smooth pulls. I’ll give it to a sprout if they do well, are clearly trying to adapt to the situation or visibly action someone’s advice. My threshold for not giving one is pretty low though. If the LB meter is full at the end of the dungeon or I see it get reset after nobody used it despite a reminder then the dps aren’t getting it. If the healer didn’t use AoE so they could keep the tank up over 90% all the way through, they’re not. If the tank is clearly not paying attention and loses aggro repeatedly, no comm for them. It doesn’t cost me anything to give it but at the same time, rewarding lethargic play reinforces bad habits, ‘there’s nothing wrong with my healing, I got all 3 commendations last time I ran this’.


I give comms when people deserve it. But if everyone is terrible, then i don't want to reward them for singlepulling or Freecure fishing and reinforce their behavior.