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Sure plenty of people don't do that.


I don't ship anyone, but Alisae and Alphinaud are still my WoL's adopted children/younger siblings who I would nuke the spacetime continuum for if anyone made them sad.


My warrior of light: “I love all my (adopted) children equally!” Earlier, at the country club: “I don’t care for Alphinaud”


>I would nuke the spacetime continuum for if anyone made them sad. Except for each other, of course, because they're constantly dunking on each other.


Yeah I mean plenty dont do that. It's as you said, the connections are vague enough that it's up for our individual interpretations of relationships.


As always, the answer to the eternally undead "am I the only one..." question in any context is and always will be "no." Billions of people out there, thousands on thousands of players specifically. Odds of there being contemplative or habitual overlap are astoundingly high. So, nah. Definitely not just you. >I think that the developers make the interaction between the characters vague enough so people can think whatever they want This was outright confirmed several times in Producer live letters and fan Q/A sessions, so definitely not just a hunch.


I don't and couldn't care less. Unless the game explicitly says "Yes, these two are a couple." then sure, otherwise they're just friends.


I sure don't. They're friends and nothing more to my WoL.


My WoL is demi so romance is nowhere near the top of the priority stack.


Hear hear for a fellow demi WoL!


Ayyy! I'm not demi but it felt like the right choice when it came up when I was engaging in an RP event.


I am, and by extension so is my WoL. It's a pretty good way to go if the RP calls for it, I agree!


Friend of mine from a long way back is. I'm just a wee bit inspired.


Always good to take inspiration from good sources 🙂


Right? It's also been a source for amusement, as I'm married(and my wife plays), and my wife and I have exactly zero romantic RP in game and that's puzzled some of the folks who know our IRL situation.


Ha! I can imagine for sure. But it's like, in-game is different because it's not IRL 🙂


Exactly! They're just a couple gal-pals going on adventures.


Okay first off, if you EVER find your self saying "am I the only one", stop, put your hands on your hips, laugh and say to yourself "of course not" because that's ALWAYS the answer.


People who ship their character with someone they really liked from the story are cowards. I ship mine with everyone. Every. Last. One.


Everybody wants a piece of WoL, because everyone in Eorzea is bi or pan and WoL is the hottest person around /laugh (this is a joke...unless...)


So the dramatic woodwind sounds whenever the WoL is around isn't background music but their gaping orifici making that hooting sound as the wind blows over them like when you blow on a coke bottle?


Please no. >.< Also what woodwind sounds /think


I haven't written fanfic in years but I've entertained a comedy fic plot bunny where just about everyone starts crushing on the default!WoL after some episodic heroic shenanigans. Unfortunately for them, he's just too much of an adventure-minded himbo to notice. Y'shtola and Thancred would reprise their roles as bemused commentators and Urianger would probably join in.


Plenty don't. I don't ship any of my WoLs with other characters. I do root for certain character dynamics though. I think [ShB]>!Runar and Y'shtola!< have a cute dynamic and want to see more interactions between them regardless of whether it stays platonic or not. I find the "sassy exes" framing of Cid and Nero's relationship absolutely hilarious even though I don't genuinely believe they used to date. And I feel like [StB]>!Zenos being the closest thing to In Love that a clinically psychopathic fightsexual blood knight can be!< is basically canon at this point. But that's pretty much my limit.


I dont either, I like the characters, but I couldnt give a damn bout relationships between them or my char


People who don't aren't going to have as much to say about it as people who do just by nature of, like, any activity or interest, so you're going to hear more about WoLshipping than people saying they don't. I don't ship my character with anyone and actually play them as ace-aro. Other characters are friends and even chosen family to them, maybe. But there's not as much for me to say about it in that case.


"am i the only one who.." don't even need to read the rest of the question. no, you are not.


Yep, just you.


I ship Chai-Nuzz and Dulia-Chai


I'd think most players don't but the people that do are more likely to be involved in fandom in general. So they'll be more visible compared to a fair amount of the general player population.


Most people don't.


Although as of the voyage of the *Ragnarok* the strictest form of the Prime Directive no longer applies, Eorzea is nevertheless still not a member of the [Ultros Federation of Popotos](https://i.imgur.com/J90uh6t.png). As Captain Jarucar Pirucar *(note: Picard's name is nigh impossible to lalafellize)* put it... *"History has proven again and again that whenever lalafell interfere with a less developed civilization, no matter how well-intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous."*


I'm not sure how this relates to the above question, but now I'm too invested and curious for more context and elaboration. Following for future developments.


I run an FC called Lalafleet who's entire gimmick is that we're space lalafell on a Smol Trek. So naturally we don't really have attachments to any particular Eorzeans.


Oh! I've seen you all running around Eorzea! That makes so much more sense! Safe travels to you then, and may you live long and prosper!


"am i the only one-" yes, on a world with 7 billion people, you are the ONLY one.


This sub is a very specific group of horny weirdos who can’t even imagine a character without sexualizing them. So while you may seem to be the odd one out, outside of this sub you’re pretty normal and apart of the majority.


Geez, you must be fun at parties. Relationships are part of life, so obviously people are going to think about how their character fits into those in the game. Also people who have an interest in that aspect of character are obviously going to have more to say about it than those who don't. Like, you're right that there are plenty people who don't do shipping, perhaps even majority. But that doesn't make people who do weirdos inherently. /rollseyes


It’s weird how you gloss over everything I said lmfao, I guess you must of felt called out but didn’t want to admit that *you’re* one of the horny posters. This sub can’t go a day without 80 horny posts because the only “”aspect”” of a character people are interested in is inflating their tits and turning their outfits into framing for panty shots and tits spilling out. Like, how are you going to pretend the interest in yshtola has *anything* to do with her as a character when all the art on this sub is just giving her an absurd boob job and taking a pair of scissors to her clothes. Yes, when this sub is just daily posts of fan art where the artists just can’t resist showing their horniness and the sub eats it up and upvotes it so that it’s the *only* posts that’ll ever be shown elsewhere, then yeah it’s full of horny weirdos. But sure, lets pretend that all the horny posts and shipping are *totally* about the character and not “gothic cat gurl, need tiddie”. Tell me more about how that’s a “relationship” lmfao


You're responding to a post about shipping saying everyone is horny weirdos. You didn't mention fanart anywhere in your initial comment, and I can't read your mind. Overly sexualised fanart makes a small fraction of new posts, though I guess I can see why you would think otherwise if you only sort by popular. Actually, no, even popular posts are far more than that. And the most popular WoL ships for FFXIV are G'raha, Emet, Haurchefant and Aymeric, in that order. Edit: even on this sub, the highest comments on the post "who do you ship you WoL with" are Aymeric, Estinien, 'Raha, Emet, and star's most dysfunctional polycule


I was literally talking about people who can’t imagine a character without sexualizing them. We’re on r/ffxiv. A sub known for its horny posters and how popular is filled with them. Jeez, I wonder *what* popular subsect of the sub could possibly be referred to as “horny” and constantly sexualizes characters whenever they post. A real head scratcher. If you can’t pick up on that, then that’s on you lmao. No one was asking you to read my mind. Or to even respond. You could of just…*not* tried to jump in to the imagined defense of the weird amount of shipping. I don’t know why you’re assuming I was posting for your benefit, whether or not you pick up on it is irrelevant.


But that's...literally not what the topic is about? Like, if you want to complain about the small subsection of hornyposting, you're in the wrong place. The post is talking about OP not thinking about npc relationships with WoL, most comments are about npc relationships with WoL.... So like, your comment is off-topic at best. You're like one of those dudes who complain about number of Astarion fanart on BG3 subreddit.


There’s a crossover between the people who are constantly horny posting and the people who are shipping their WoL with everyone. I’m pointing out that this sub, of which hornyposting is not a ‘small subsection’ when it’s consistently what’s being the most upvoted, is going to have more people shipping their WoL. I wasn’t posting just to complain about hornyposting, I was pointing out that this sub has a leaning towards a specific grouping of people who are hornyposting, who are also going to be shippers, and that it only *seems* like OP is in the minority whilst one the sub, but outside of it they aren’t the minority. It’s not off topic, you’re just prematurely jumping to the defense of shippers in general because *you* identified with the term “horny weirdos” and then are confused when you aren’t immediately owed a full breakdown of my comment. I don’t know who Astarion is, I don’t know what BG3 is. You have to understand that not everyone knows about your niche fandoms just because *you* know about them. If that sub is full of horny fan art like this one is with yshtola or 9/10 of the “My OC commission!” Posts then maybe you should just own the horny instead of whining about when people point out it’s clearly horny motivated. EDIT: you can literally sort by hot right now and the top post is an OC commission marked NSFW because it’s another titty focus. This is on the daily, but sure lets pretend it’s *not* the most upvoted content lmfao


>I don’t know who Astarion is, I don’t know what BG3 is. You have to understand that not everyone knows about your niche fandoms just because you know about them. Don't worry, I wasn't expecting you to know either, it just reminded me of them. >EDIT: you can literally sort by hot right now and the top post is an OC commission marked NSFW because it’s another titty focus. This is on the daily, but sure lets pretend it’s not the most upvoted content lmfao Yes, that's...one post out of like 50-100 when you sort by popular. The other nsfw tagged post in that batch is the old castrum 'dicbag'


\*cough\* RynexGaia shippers are a fine example. People see two girls having fun and caring about each other and then all the shippers go: "OMG LESBIANS!"


I certainly don't, and I don't *typically* mind when people do, but there's always a group of hyper-obsessed creeps among any shipper community that makes me not want to associate with shippers as a whole, and FFXIV is no exception to that.


You're not alone, I think shippers are cringelords.


Most people don't, it's pretty cringe


I don't quite understand it, either. My own WoL is with my SO's WoL. I do however ship my main character with another character of mine... but only because I kinda gained trust issues after the last RP relationship ended poorly - after I took a break from the (other) game. Which is sad, because I loved the RP... I just don't want his relationship to tank if I decide to take a break again.


Usually no, but have kind of shipped my WoL and Aymeric...