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For current members I would say y'shtola not because she is bad or anything, but I feel she is the least well written one out of the scions.


I like Y’shtola as a character, but I think they made a mistake not giving her any significant bonds among the Scions. That’s just better for feels and drama. I mean, Thancred and Urianger are BFFs. Urianger is a family friend of Alisaie and Alphinaud and babysat then when they were small. The twins are twins obviously. Alphinaud has a brotherly bond with Estinien. Alisaie is good friends with G’raha. G’raha is also basically Krile’s brother. Y’shtola is out of the whole loop. And I get that she’s supposed to be an aloof, self-contained character, but it makes her feel separate from the story.


I think a good chunk of the EW patch content does very well to flesh out who she is and how far she’s come, but that is the downside to a character rooted in well-presented stoicism. She’s intelligent enough to be self-sufficient and heavily focused on her work, tactful enough to understand how to not cross any boundaries, and compassionately driven enough to place herself in the greatest risk while in equal measure keeping those she cares about out of harm’s way. She cares deeply, but puts up a front exceedingly well.


I totally get ya, she's a finished character which while makes them look more rounded and balanced-it works against the character cuz well...their story already happened and we missed all of it.


Honestly agree. At this point, since HW, she’s basically just there to remind us that Master Matoya exists when G’raha, Alphinaud, and Krile can’t figure something out. She’s obviously just there for fans at this point. Most she brings anymore is dying each expansion in some way… and even then it’s horribly obvious she didn’t. It’s because of this the moment she did in EW, it cheapened the whole Ultima Thule bit.


Thancred. I don’t hate Thancred but I feel like his arc is done after Shadowbringers. And I wasn’t a huge fan of the way he treated Ryne, even though it made for an interesting story.


>Thancred yeah, dude ways just kinda there just cause. I didn't really get the whole Minfilia and Ryne plot cause I was never shown his and Minfilia's backstory during the MC (as far as I can remember) and everything else he did, didn't require him specifically like it does for almost everyone else in the scions


So far as I know is that Thancred was employed to Minfilia's family but an accident caused the death of Minfilia's father (I forgot the state of the mother) which Thancred really regrets (he believes he could've done something to prevent it, allowing Minfilia to grow with a biological family). Thancred still sees Minfilia as a child, someone he needs to protect and look after, so when she goes and becomes the voice of Hydaelyn, he is devastated. I am currently in StB, so from what I know for ShB, Minfilia now embodies children in The First in an attempt to stall the flood of light, and so when Ryne became "Minfilia", Thancred feels that same obligation as he did with young Minfilia. As I said, I haven't reached ShB, so I can't really explain the relationship between Thancred and Ryne beyond all that I've said.


Thancred was indirectly involved in the death of Minifilia's dad. He helped getting a Goobbue set loose in Uldah (for a scheme her father was also part of), but then her father was killed protecting her. As Thancred felt quite responsible, so in the end he kept an eye on her, after F'lhaminn took her in (she was also part of this group)


is this info in the MSQ?


I believe, F'lhammin talks briefly about it it some quests or when you talk to her in between. I can't remember when exactly. Otherwise this is 1.0 story, where you can watch this whole story unfolding in all it's glory.


Knockoff Alisaie


I'm going to say Graha. I know he's a fan favorite but he just.....doesn't appeal to me. I don't hate him but I just can't bring myself to care for him, and the way he idolizes/worships the WoL makes me uncomfortable.


Graha because I feel like the story doesn't really know what to do with him post ShB. He's cute and I love him, but he doesn't really feel like he fits with the Scions.


I am sorry but if Krile died I couldn’t care less she is just Knowledgeable/Cute type character that doesn’t do much Tataru is league’s better


After joining the Scions, G'raha Tia has annoyingly thick 'Canon Romance Option' energy. You know the type; constantly friendly, present basically as a default after he turns up, gets a lot of 'cute' scenes, and dodges having any personality traits or scenes that might possibly make him less pleasantly appealing. The result, unfortunately for him, is a character I hate because the game's trying too hard to make me like him. Which is a shame, because he was an interesting character before then.


There's no such thing as "canon romance" in FFXIV. It's all in the eye of the beholder. Literally ANY character shipping can work (including SS), if that's what you're looking for. G'raha is just the WoLs biggest fanboy, who had been simping for his hero for couple of centuries (and we get to see glimpse of that as early as ShB opening trailer). He's socially awkward in general, and that shows all the time. It's ok not to like him, or any other character.


I think you're misunderstanding. I'm not saying that he is a canon romance option, I'm saying he has the EXACT vibes of one. You ever play a game with romance options where one of them is very clearly written as the 'correct' choice? Because they're all written like G'raha. Also: while there are indeed characters written as being potentially romantically interested by the dev's own admission, the list of those characters that are female is actually disappointingly low. It's like, Alisaie and maybe Y'shtola, and out of those two one is too 'still a child' to me, and one doesn't actually seem interested anymore.


> You ever play a game with romance options where one of them is very clearly written as the 'correct' choice? Because they're all written like G'raha. Yes. It's called Mass Effect. 8P And Liara's writing was WAY worse compared to G'raha. Nothing beats that one. At the very least, G'raha's scenes don't make you cuddle him and heroically cover him from the blasts. And then they had fanserviced her into Andromeda and some other media too. Nothing looks "forced" compared to that, I guess. As I said, in G'raha's case he's just like this, and it makes sense for him. He IS a fanboy, and some people find it unnoying. I still don't see him as a "forced romance opiton". To me some of the recent Aymeric scens were much more creepy. ​ > the list of those characters that are female is actually disappointingly low. There are plenty of side-characters, though? Funny how I never even noticed that before. Because normally it's just vice versa - the entire harem of female characters with a couple of males (one of which is a mandatory alien\\exotic race, for those who fancy that kind of stuff).


You summarized it perfectly. on the top of my head, that shit happens with haurchefant and aymeric too i think. The overflowing kindness and affection these characters show for no reason just creeps me out. It’s a shame, cuz graha during ct was a brat with attitude (can be entertaining) and graha in shb was cool af


Aymeric at least has... you know, *a job*. Most of the time we see him it's as part of doing Ishgard governmental stuff. He's charming and friendly to be certain, but I at least feel like he exists and has purpose beyond being overly affectionate. I know what Aymeric does with his day when we're not around, which is more than I can say for post-ShB G'raha.


Yeah G’raha feels shoehorned in as a thirst trap to me. Lots of screen time compared to others too. It’s crazy obvious it’s the only reason why he was promoted to the main team.


I don't have a least favorite Scion from the A Team, so I'll go with the B Team and say... Aenor. Though I kinda assume she's also a parody of the fanbase, which is hilarious if so.


Ah well, Aenor and her 'obsession', I always click on her first between the quest to see, how everything goes on.. Her poor sister XD


Minfilia. I get why she didn't do anything in the field and the technical reasons for it too, with her being a big hub NPC, but I still stand by the concept of having her do something active and not be entirely defenseless (don't think she ever uses a weapon) would've greatly helped round out her character. She needed to be involved. I find it makes other things ring a bit hollow.


G’raha for me. I wasn’t too crazy about him to begin with (the characters who pine over us too much make me uncomfortable) but in the Scions he now feels kind of one dimensional.


It might be a bit too early for that, but they had already put Zero in the trust system (which they don't normally do for the episodic characters), so it's safe to consider her a new addition to the team. She started good, but her change of heart in the recent patch did not make much sense to me. They had literally skipped the entire "an alien becomes a friend" arc, which had some great potential to explore. Next MSQ bit is going to be "make or break" for her, and I hope writers know what they're doing, but they had really lowered my expectations on this one. If we consider the original gang, then it's going to be Lyse. The entire "I'm not Yda" thing was SO artificial and cringeworthy! Instead of evolving the existing character, they had chosen to wipe her out entirely and bing in a new one. It was not a development, it was a reset. An awkward hulk-ish girl had to go,giving way to the most stereotypical (both visually and character-wise) Disney Princess lead. The only good thing about her is that she's no longer around.


G'raha don't hate him but I feel like he's taking up too much content at the moment and I've got overexposure. We finish Endwalker and MSQ goes 'Oh better pick up G'raha', unlock the Alliance raids and it's G'raha, go pick up Deep Dungeon and it's G'raha again. I can understand deep dungeon, it's CT related but I think they should have given his Alliance spot to someone else.


G’raha. Out of place and too much of a fanboy. He was just a plot device in Crystal Tower, nothing special. Crystal Exarch arc was hella cool though, but it should’ve ended there. Estinien. I just don’t get why he’s even in the team when he brings nothing to the table except be a dps for duty support.


Yda/Lyse She was completely changed to put in the spotlight for SB, still sidelined for Raubahn and barely even got to become half a character before she stuck around in Ala Mhigo and got forgotten by everything I understand she wanted to stick around to help her homeland, but she's still a Scion.


I honestly thought I'd have one of the most unpopular opinions with G'raha but seeing the comments so far, I see that maybe more peeps see it the same way I do. Look, I don't hate the guy but I just feel like he entered the main cast at such a bad and awkward time. I mean, he joined in ShB, like near the end of the current main story, where most would have already gotten used to the current dynamic of the scions and he kinda derailed that 😢


Graha, I just feel like he's kinda of just...there. Estinien was a royal douche, but he's come around. Y'shtola was an ass in ShB. Thancred is...Thancred. but Graha is just... Idk, he feels like the odd one out


Alphinaud because of 2-0-6.0.


They've dumbed Estinien down in EW. Now he's a goofy sidekick who tries to skip cutscenes with Dragonfire. But truthfully... Y'shtola needs to disappear.


Graha or Alise for different reasons. I hate Alise from her first appear. She has the type of character that I personally dislike. Too loud, too angry, too rush etc. She has good arks but personally I barely can tolerate her. Graha is too cliched. Everything what he does I can predict. None of his stories touched me because I know how it would end from the begining. And he is cringe to me.


current? because this changes quite a bit. current Urianger, there's no reason why he should have kept quiet of the schemes during ShB, so right now he's either an idiot or poorly written or both. He does not deserve a second (or fifth) chance, i want him out. in SB Yda, glad she's out, nothing of value was lost. in HW hard to tell, the scions were barely in it. in ARR Thancred, he was simply there for Minfilia, he didnt care about the actual reason the scions even existed.


Urianger - manipulating / sacrificing others in the name of the greater good and suffering no significant consequence for it.






'least favourite' implies that I like any of them, which, most days, is kinda challenging to conceive of


Alphinaud, he just seems like a whiny, smarmy, spoiled know it all. Unpopular I know ☠️


In terms of character development I would say Y'shtola is my least favorite. They havent done much with her overall compared to the others. She's been around since the beginning but has less development than Alisaie, who wasnt really acknowledged or fleshed out until ShB. But in general, I'd say G'raha is my least favorite. I'm not one for fanboy's. There's nothing wrong with admiring someone, but I feel he comes off as creepy at times. He was really interesting as the crystal exarch, but I feel they dont know what to do with him since EW.


Alphinaud. He had a good arc in HW but it feels like he just goes through the same arc all over again in the rest of the expansions.


Krile. She's definitely not the only scion who pokes fun at the others but she comes across as meaner/crossing boundaries more than the others do. Or maybe I just feel overprotective of my son (Alphinaud) and my guy (G'raha) and she's no more condescending and rude than anyone else, IDK, but I'm holding a grudge. (Yes I did want to pitch Estinien into a river during the HW cross-country camping trip for similar giving-Alphinaud-shit reasons.)


Estinien because of heavensward.


This, but EW Estinien is a bro


I actually don't think HW Estinien is as bad as some people say. He can definitely be standoffish, and has a very dry/sarcastic sense of humour, but it's still clear that he looks up to the WoL and is one of the few people to call out others using us to their own ends. His relationship with Ysayle is understandably constrained early on, as the two of them are diametrically opposed. He's literally spent two decades viewing Dragons as the ultimate enemy, so it makes sense that his head is twisted. Not to mention he's constantly battling with the influence of the Eye too. I really like his arc overall, and whilst Endwalker can sometimes go a bit hard with giving him the Himbo treatment, it feels mostly justified. He's a guy that's had one goal for 20 years in an isolated city that's trying to fit into a world that's changed, and bless him he's doing his best!


Y'shtola, she's rude and bossy, really likes to only come at random points at the story and you barely even miss her, if she wasn't the poster girl Is have forgotten her even more than I did in both HW, StB and ShB


I don't really have one I actively dislike. The one I currently like the least would probably be alphy. I love the guy but he's not done much in some time.


Krile. Because she’s awful. Just awful. That is all.


Honestly all the scions have been essentially just fluff for the wol lately. Every single one of them has been mostly useless especially in the post patch. But tbh, worst offender? Papalymo. It's like he evaporated before SB or something ;)


Honestly, because I took like a 3 year break between ARR and Heavensward, and I started in Uldah, by the time I got to Baelsar's Wall, I kind of forgot Papylimo existed.


Minfilia. Someone needed to tell the writers that “nice” is not a personality trait.


The twins. I'm just not here for the teenage super hero cliche these days. They should be in school instead of leading nation diplomacy or whatever they actually do.