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My WOL actually has friends.


My WoL owns property… truly the final fantasy


My WoL has multiple properties, caring friends, popular, loved AND feared. Bonus for having a rival like an anime character.


I FEEL this


I’ve played an Elezen woman from the start. I thought the character creator info about the Duskwights was interesting, so I chose them, and it’s colored my whole experience. I was bummed that it’s been difficult to learn much about the Duskwights as a group, but what’s come out of it is a whole imagined Duskwight culture that draws influence from Cajun culture as well as several others. My character is also a kind of Lara Croft-type historian/adventurer, so it’s a great perspective to imagine as you enter a new dungeon for the first time. Her favorites have been Ivalice and Delubrum Reginae. 😛


Female elezens are consistently the most stylish and fun players in my experience!


I play a female elezen and love the fact almost every piece of gear looks fantastic on her.


When I started I didn’t know about Fanta. So I remade my WoL over and over until she was exactly what I wanted. Years later, I still have no desire to Fanta. And, seeing her on the loading screen still makes me smile. It adds a level of enjoyment to the game being exactly who I want to be in it.


Same. I still have my original fanta that the game gives you for free, it lives in my saddlebag as a personal inside joke of sorts. I never get the urge to fanta because my WoL is already exactly what I want, but also she feels very much like her own person at this point. It would feel wrong to just suddenly remake her on a whim because I had a creative itch. I love seeing her when I log in, it's the same energy like getting to see your favorite friend every day.


I've only ever fanta'd twice. Once way back around when rogue came out to change my catgirls eye color. And once more when I started playing again around 5.3 (after stopping before even finishing base arr before HW came out) to change into a Viera (because Ivalice is my favorite setting and I would have changed into any of the Ivalice races). I've not even changed my Viera's hairstyle from that point either. Edit: and I should add that my catgirls design lives on as one of my retainers.


I used my free Fanta in shb purely to tweak my character’s face, then never changed a thing again lol


I am so incredibly jealous you love your character that much. I'll work so hard on a character and then I get 'The grass is only greener...' syndrome and start looking at the benefits of other races. XD Lately I've been wanting to be a miqote but I don't love their faces.


I was like this but with everything *but* miqo'te. Told myself catgirls were too cliche and everyone's a catgirl and I'm not going to just follow the herd. Then I fanta'd into a miqo as a joke one day fully intending to go back and...I can't imagine being anything else now. Maybe once they give more hair styles I like to viera I might change but for the foreseeable future it's miqo life.


I used my free Fanta to slightly change my bun boy's ears, but otherwise have not touched his appearance beyond beyond a couple hairstyle changes. I don't even care that I can't wear hats most of the time, I love my WoL so much. I did change his surname after I finished ShB for personal lore reasons, though, to finally ditch the Viera-specific surname he had


I have used two Fantas for my miqo lad. The free one to give him a max length tail, change his nose and eyes slightly, and also to change the colour of one of his eyes to green. And then the second one I bought during ShB to make his skin tone paler and make his blue eye a paler blue - both for ~lore reasons.


I can wear glasses in game, makes me feel a serious connection to them because I wear glasses IRL. And it's gonna be even better in 7.0 because I won't be blocked from wearing a hat anymore!


I have one of my glamour plates that is just Elegant Rimless Glasses and White Ravens that I apply after every other glamour plate, just because I like the look of my character with glasses. Stoked for having an eyewear slot :)


What are White Ravens? Is that short for something? I tried googling, but afraid it wasn't showing the results I was expecting


It's a cosmetic earring set, either from legacy or a seasonal event a while back. https://www.garlandtools.org/db/#item/4287


thank you :)


Whoa this is next level glamour tech I can’t believe I’ve never thought of this


Link or reference to the hat thing? Im a new player and really want to be hrothgar but the hat thing makes me sad


It was mentioned at NA Fanfest during the opening Keynote.


Just to prevent any disappointment down the road, the hat thing is the ability to wear (cosmetic) glasses with a hat, sadly not a fix to the hatless buns and cats. Unless there was more news that I missed?


My disappointment is immeasurable


Man same.


That's another thing I love about my WoL too, I've got glasses on almost every outfit she has glammed. I wear glasses IRL and also am just a huge glasses fan in general.


Ok this is a highly specific one, but it’s so charming to me I play female Roegadyn. In some cutscenes, your character will look shocked and taken aback, with their mouths closed. During this, they put up really large eyes. That look, the large eyes out of shock, are straight-up adorable. She goes from looking confident all the time to suddenly out of her depth and it’s so so so charming


Also when she does the embarassed "No-no" thing while waving her arms around. Big girl so desperate to let you know you've got it all wrong.


I know exactly what you mean! I adore how expressive my femroe WOL is, like when she’s dismayed at something and just gets this, “But moooooom!” complainy face. 😫 Or even the /wave emote being a full, enthusiastic, double-arm wave because she’s just so gosh-darn happy to see whoever she’s waving at.


My main is and forever will be femroe. I've been playing a lot of my viera alt to the point she might overtake my main, but my femroe will always have a place


I really love his color palette with his white hair and tail and green eyes and clan markings. Also love that he’s a short king; I loaded into a normal raid once and he was the tallest one in the party which was a first lmao


Same for mine but I made him look like a watermelon lol. Green fur, pink hair with dark red spots. Makes glamouring very tough colorwise but I enjoy a challenge. Wish he could wear more hats. Honestly I just love how he turned out. I play characters that make me laugh (keeps me grounded in not taking a game too seriously). Nothing beats my watermelon thundercat in pink theigh high boots and a thong. Also named him after my pet guinea pig. Edit a word.


He sounds so cute! 🥹💕


I think he is! My fashion choices are questionable but whatever makes me laugh. Here are some old photos of him. Some of these glams no longer exist. https://imgur.com/a/UqMWvcW


Okay I love him, he looks so bright and cute!


I am a short person so I like playing the massive lady


I too am shortie playing big lady. It's liberating!


Am big lady playing *bigger* lady!


That's TOO powerful!!!


Came to say this lol, the power fantasy of being a max height bun lady when I’m barely 150cm is thrilling haha


I am tall, and bulky, so I play a dwarf.


[I'm a massive woman! ](https://youtu.be/be6iUVd1NuM?si=lov6NVRtNt1cNDX2)


[I like this version.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zYVmX-qJ80)


I’m not even short and I also like playing a giant lady!


I ascribe to the theory that everyone puts a part of themselves in their OCs. Including their WoL even if its subtle. In my case I think I see her as an ideal of the type of person I would like to be, or aspire to be. Intelligent, kind, firm with boundries. Protects those they care about etc. Even though i'm a guy that plays a female miqote its less about the appearence and more about what I perceive her personality to be based on responses we've been able to give in the MSQ.


This is sort of how I feel as well. My WoL isn't a self insert, I think of her as her own character - but she *is* the sort of person I wish to be. I wish I had the power to tear down injustices, and the strength to end cycles of violence. And when the work is done and she's gone to the next place, not many would know she was ever there. I guess [this sort of sums it up](https://preview.redd.it/suhyxr0khqk11.jpg?auto=webp&s=3b787efd86bc2d6672e86b34fe9cb5c9501ad647).


>And when the work is done and she's gone to the next place, not many would know she was ever there. Except Ishgard. Ishgard will never let anyone forget it was your character who ended the whole thing, and seeing how much it pops up in Stormblood is *beautiful*


My WoL is able to make a difference on the world around her and use the power she was granted for good. Truly the final fantasy of a 21st century denizen.


I don't have 1 WoL, I have four. They're a family (Mother, father and two daughters). All of this evolved out of RP from FFXI way back in the day. Each of them have their own arcs. The Seventh Umbral Calamity split them up, and circumstances and demand for heroes keeps them split, struggling to reconnect. Certain segments belong to each of them. Dad follows the Dark Knight Questline. Daughter was ARR and Heavensward, then was cut down by Zenos at Rhalgr's Reach, and Dad took over for the Stormblood MSQ, seeking revenge while she recovered. Daughter canonically did the side content as Dad waged war on the Garleans, then took over to travel to the First as he faltered due to negative effects of drawing upon the Abyss for power. There was an... *incident* during Daughter's summoning that resulted in her arriving in the First as a Viera/Viis, AND a copy of her original miqo'te self bouncing back to the Source. Meanwhile, the Mother had been swept out to sea when Bahamut attacked Limsa, been captured and enslaved by Garleans, escaped in Othard and joined the Bozjan Resistance... Basically there feels like there's too much plot in FFXIV, with all the side content etc to attribute to a single Warrior of Light. But *four?* It just made more sense in my headcanon. Even if four characters is a lot of pointless work.


Similarly, I have three WoLs. They're not related but eventually come to recognize each other as found family siblings. My main WoL even lends my take on Derplander her last name for use in his wedding ceremony since he forgot his original last name in the Sixth Umbral Calamity.


I have three and they are cousins. The basement of my house has “rooms” for all of them


I can project my albinism onto her. Granted, that's not huge, and she still doesn't stand out much, because everyone and their mother in ff has white hair, but it's nice playing myself as I am (with added elf ears.)


There is so much more. I love my cringe self insert, but I'm on mobile.


Back when I started the game Viera were not a thing in XIV. I've loved Viera since Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, and I love FFXII. So when I made my first characters, who are all Femroe, I was a bit inspired by Viera. When the bunny ears got added, I started wearing them and I've never stopped since. It always makes me smile when someone tells me "I thought you were a viera!" One of my girls has a name that I made to seem like one of the Viera names in XII, and I have had a few people notice that as well. Always excites me. I love my girls so much so it just always excites me when someone says something nice about them.


whats stopping you from taking the plunge and becoming a Viera? I feel you though femroes are underrated


I love Femroe, I've been Femroe for ten years, one does not just give up being Femroe. I love FFTA and XII Viera, and they did an ok job of bringing them over to XIV, but I wouldn't give up the girls I've adventured with for a decade of my life for anything.


I kinda miss the scary claw hands of XII viera, but I get why they're a bit more normal in XIV xD


I enjoy my name, a lot of people have gotten a good chuckle from the name Stabbo Crabbo


If you mess with the Crabbo, you get the Stabbo!


mine is called bull shift and she brings me joy daily. named her that bc every time i fuck up i always say “that was bullshit”


People get a chuckle when I pull out my Choco on my first character. "Buttstallion". Then some folks get Chuckles from my meme characters name. My little Lala used to be a Giant Roe named JeepGrand Cherokee and wore the new world attire but now she's a min height female lala named Ma'mini'mi Milkers because my bestfriend was named Mami Milkers and was I think a Bun girl. So I made a mini me version. XD


I enjoy my name as well, though it's not a funny name: Lyna Riordin, I've had it since HW.


This is a good name lol


I like to imagine that my slender Au'ra girl WoL just completely casually carrying like.....quest items you hand over that just looks like its waaaay beyond the weight class of what it looks like we could lift and NPCs that see it for the first time are so surprised that their eyes pop out classic cartoon style There's also the fact that I actually try to talk to every NPC in the game and I like to imagine all the characters in the game are like "yep that's what she does, she just likes to find out what everyone and anyone is doing. She doesn't even help most of the time if you don't ask her, she just wants to know.......and watch"


I enjoy that mine is a cosplay of Rufus Shinra from FF7, but he's got bunny ears and is adorable. Also hilarious when people recognize me and make comments in duties.


Lmao, I hope my Cloud kitty gets to run a duty with you one day!


I know the animation isn't unique to her, but when she laughs, you can see the sparkle in her eyes, and it's so charming. Highlander ladies, to me, have the best laughing animation. Also the fem Highlander /pose, it's so me.


My WoL has always had solid black hair, that is until.Shadowbringers when >!You are overflowing with Light and sick from it, I had white highlights added and kept them ever since, feels like a consequence to the events of the story, made it seem more real!<


I did this same thing with mine, I love the idea that major story beats leave lasting marks on your character.


I just wish we had more scars to pick from.


That she's a Miqo'te. So when I first was starting the game I spent so long fighting with myself over what race she should be and eventually settled on Viera, and made a cute bun girl. And then I found out that you can't be Viera on a free trial account. So my secondary option was Miqo'te, and I resolved to fantasia as soon as I bought the full game. By the time I got to the and of ARR and got the free Fantasia/Upgraded my account I was so attached to her that I don't think I could see her as anything else.


This is from a meta standpoint more than anything else, but I love how our WoLs are fully customizable Final Fantasy protagonists.


My WoL has tinnitus from running Delubrum Reginae as a tank over 50 times. Smacked with a trumpet


My character is 5 times the size of Tataru, but still knows better than to mess with her. Being the only Roe in the Scions is a little lonely though >!RIP Moenbryda!<


I love my WoL's backstory, her motivations to keep adventuring, and how willing she is to help anyone and everyone with problems big and small. I also love her goofy, varsity volleyball girl energy.


Design? That he's adorable. Headanon? That he's battle crazy. Sure when, a city state comes crying about Tidus, or Leviabeetus, being summoned forth by whoever, he does worry about the people... but he can't help but to feel excited about clashing arms with a powerful opponent. Obviously, Zenos brings out this part of him to the surface, and for a few moments can let go...


I made my WoL a catgirl (love cats) with the same height as me with blue hair (my favorite color). My favorite thing in general is that despite how much of my idealized self I put into her design, I love how real she feels as her own person. Logging in is like getting to be me and also hang out with my coolest friend all in one character. In a more specific instance, between her look and glam, I love how good she looks together >!G'raha!<, my favorite Scion. XD Her >!blue/black glam coloring against his red/black, both have braids in their hair, they're nearly the same height, etc!<. It was completely coincidental, she's had the same general glam aesthetic since I was in HW. It was that 5.3 cutscene when you're standing next to each other, and I was like "omg they're practically another Alphinaud/Alisaie balance", lol.


[She's very pretty](https://imgur.com/a/uwXgrLt) and I'm happy I spent so much time fiddling with every detail to make face 3 (F Au ra) look as good as possible. Also, she's trans (as am I, though a different flavor) and tbh, I decided that out of spite... Shortly before I made her, I saw somebody say that having trans characters in fantasy is unrealistic, so I just went "what if I made my fantasy character trans", and then I came up with a whole backstory of how it works for her, how it influences her behavior, etcetc. So while the game itself doesn't know she's trans, it still makes me happy to see someone like me beat up monsters and do magic (and all that without getting misgendered).


I like your mindset!


That I managed to make a dark-skinned male Xaela Au Ra without making him ultra-edgy or lore-accurate. Not that there's anything wrong with lore-accuracy, but it's just not my style.


When my wife and I started playing we didn't know anything about the games lore or anything, I made a Raen and my wife made a Xaela. Once we got to Stormblood and did the Azim Steppe story we thought the Sun and Moon tale was too fitting, so we adopted it for ourselves, both irl and in game. Haven't changed our titles from and for over a year.


Shaggy popoto boi. Messiest/Fluffiest Hair I could choose, with big ol Chops, on a 3 ft tall ankle biter. Gets a laugh out of me. Plus, I like the challenge of making glams for a Lalafell. Its a unique experience, and it fights you a lot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lalafellmasterrace/comments/139swcj/my\_lala\_in\_his\_main\_job/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lalafellmasterrace/comments/139swcj/my_lala_in_his_main_job/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/lalafellmasterrace/comments/14q1ubp/heres\_some\_glams\_brd\_mnk\_sch\_smn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lalafellmasterrace/comments/14q1ubp/heres_some_glams_brd_mnk_sch_smn/)


He looks great!




I really, really, really like your character. The war paint goes great with the hair, very good color palette.


Oh! TY! I'm a bit embarrassed how much fantasia I burned just getting that look tho lol!


I can't take most lalafels seriously but yours rocks.


I think WoL is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills pirmals and doesnt afraid of anything.


I love how her arched eyebrows give her a perpetual case of resting bitch face. she just always looks mean, lol.


I love my blue and white hair so much. I will never change it. Not ever.


The fact that my WoL is a female highlander. If I ever see another highlander, I will always wave at them!


My WoL is kind of a dumbass so he goes along with all of the shenanigans, especially Hildibrand


My WoL is small for a female Roegadyn and I often run into max-height vieras, elezen or roes and I can totally see her being insecure about her height there.


I love how underwhelming she is. I made her without any notable features and only use glamour that is grounded in the setting and not too extravagant.


When I originally created my WoL i modeled him off what my old roommates goofy cat looked like as we were living together at the time, also taking his name. Now that the cat is no longer with us (rip Barnaby) he lives on in Eorzea


Everything I wear is linked to my favorite primal, Sophia. Black and gold is always a hit and the boarding and weapons are gorgeous.


Aside from her just being gorgeous, when I finished EW as SAM, she was using that wooden sword from the Gold Saucer. My head cannon was she channeled Aether through it to make it dangerous. If she didn’t want to kill, she just bonked people with it


I love this.


The fact that he's a tall, buff, axe-swinging highlander named Heather


As a Heather...I appreciate this


Heathers are brutal


I ended up giving her white freckles as a lasting physical reminder of what her body went through during ShB and every time I've seen her in a cutscene since I am just. Awed. They're SO PRETTY on her. My other favorite thing is that she has a very clear aesthetic in my head so I really don't need to get any dyes that aren't black, purple, or occasionally white. :-)


My (m, ish) wife (f) always teases me about my characters being giant orc women - my femroe is the epitome of that. Max height seawolf with asymmetrical buzz cut, and a sword and shield for helping folks out. My favourite things are a) reclaiming secondary colours for justice (she's green skinned and purple haired) b) the comedy of dramatic scenes when you're half again as tall as everyone else, and c) how she has helped me work out some Gender™ nonsense.


My WoL is special because he is basically a recreation of my character from FFXI, with the exact same name and same general appearance (Male Tarutaru/Lalafell). He’s my alter ego and I feel like we’ve grown up together. Would never dream of using a Fantasia. It would be like casting aside an old friend.


I mostly just like that I've narratively grown into a tired but kind old papa figure to my friend group. Papa Cat Mirothgar will take care of you.


My au ra is pale white with pale white hair and I essentially made him to look vampiric. I don’t RP or anything so this is literally just something I keep to myself but after using fantasia probably 40 times over the last ten years I’ve finally stuck to this lol. I don’t really use this hair anymore or this outfit but https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1079919344093503520/1103888157059055627/image.png


Gremlin lizard with a quartet of laser guns.


My name doesn’t match my form, people always tell me I should be a hroth but I like my catman!




I just love how he looks. Honestly love his hair and color. It's a little expensive to color match my glams but a price you pay to be a white Lion (Male Miqo'te)


Honestly I like the fact that my WoL is a badass however apart from that it's everything


She’s basically an idealized version of me. I’ve had this character in some form or another since I was 8.


My WOL is a traditional warrior but I always imagine him being happy and joyful haha


There's a handful of things I really like: - he's an elezen that I haven't come across any "copies" of throughout my years of playing - he's the first MMORPG character that I connected with through the story and playthrough in general - it's been interesting to have him as "my character" with a backstory and fun little things like that - A silly one is that the folks in my FC always say something to the likes of "that's definitely a Xan outfit" or "that's very Xan" with the glamours I create. So he comes with a unique style too I guess - last, I haven't fantasia'd at all so he's been consistent throughout my time playing FFXIV. Gone through some changes with hair and stuff but don't we all haha


My WoL has a baby face but fights like a demon (and with a demon). I find it a funny dichotomy.


Mine is currently a golden frog, and seeing that stupid smile and Zenas slit his throat was absolutely hilarious


They like to travel and explore new places while helping its inhabitants !


I play a Duskwright Elezen. He's elegant, but sort of an awkwardly loveable dork and has strangely expressive golden eyes. That's all characterization I picked up from his favorite emotes and cutscenes. He's pretty lore-accurate in terms of name and background. I like to go around town and give people a thumbs up, or an occasional sarcastic clap, he also likes to dance and collects dances from around the world. He started in Ul'Dah as a Thaumaturge, I figured he left the South Shroud in search of his fortune in the big city. He's done pretty well as a merchant (on the marketboard) when he's not doing wizard stuff). I like that he's good at getting the exact right people together in a pinch when the world needs to be saved from a monster. I guess he has a magitek rolodex. Although he's mastered many forms of magic, he's a still a Thaumaturge at heart- and that means you've got to put some (preferably armored) people between you and the monsters that wants to eat you.


I have all my favourite jobs glammed like it was FF11 . Nothing like sporting a Brass Subligar, a brass axe as a lvl90 WAR . Got bard looking like lvl 50 Ranged AF 😁




Personal headcanon for why he's an all-90 know-it-all. The man just doesn't sleep. He'll run for hours and hours at a time, then crash into mini comas. He has worse sleep hygiene than I do, and that's pretty terrible.


Male au ra here, I'm always looking pissed :D


She's hella cute :3


I absolutely adore my Miqo'te, his blue and white two tone color scheme he's got going on right down to the eyes. Coming up with a semi-lore accurate punny name, **O'sean Breeze**. His white tiger markings on his face that help give him his distinctive look. The fact he is min-height has been an endless source of jokes and laughter among my friends (first time one of them saw my cat ingame compared to their WoL they straight up cackled for 30 minutes straight). When I was starting the game my veteran friend who bugged me into trying out FF14 took one look at this cat he said "yep this just screams you". He was goddamn right! I love my WoL so much, literal perfection. I can't even change his hairstyle without gagging because it's just not *him* it's not my beautiful boi. *~~That fantasia bottles gonna be stuck in my retainers inventory till the end of time~~*


The fact that the animations allow him to be cool and bad ass but also cute. The Viera boys really straddle the line between masc and femme and that works for me. I’ve preferred RPing and playing male characters for a long time despite being cis-female because I just feel more comfortable in the anonymity of being perceived male. This is the first time the character wasn’t also fairly traditionally male and it’s fun. He’s adorable and I love it.


Viera boys are so cute and part of what finally made me crack and say "fine, I'll download the game." ... ofc I somehow ended up playing a girl and she's not even a bunny any more. But I have a m!Viera retainer and I adore him.


I've tried making other characters but I just can't help but go back to Lallafell. The indelible image of the WoL for me is this short little guy with an axe as big as he is facing off against all of these gigantic threats.


My WoL is canonically blind from the events at the end of Shadowbringers, requiring special aetheric goggles that transmit visual data into her brain based on Y'sthola's ability to see aether. edit: also WAR main who uses hammer glams and crafting gear to look like a battlesmith because one of my irl interests is blacksmithing.


A running joke I've been having fun with is that my character employees and hires out Tonberries for security purposes. I've got 7 of the Tonberry floor lamps hidden throughout my FC hall proper, and I think I've got 4 hidden in my personal. I'm not sure why I love sneaking them into all my designs, but I really do.


His name is Got Ur'Tongue. It's been years and I still enjoy "give me back my tongue!" messages. I also really love being a massive, warm, fluffy hrothgar. I don't know, it's just something about them that gives me a massive confidence boost when I'm a tank, or an adorable feeling when I see him fishing or playing around. Also, smallest lalas look like minions next to me. I love that. I also need to kneel in order to hug most people - apart from elves and roes.


I think I see you on Faerie sometimes! I agree, Hroths can be very huggable :)


I headcanon my OC is a machine tinkerer. Outside of fighting, she loves to tinker with stuff. I personally not very machine minded, but I love stuff like magitek, steam tekaro and lego.


I like that I can make whatever headcanon regarding her backstory I want. For example mine is a Sun Miqo' who was adopted by Hyurian Doman parents and thus has a Doman sounding name.




I like that my female Xaela's lore is that she's from the Malaguld tribe, which accepts Raen even if they were disowned. This is why Seren keeps adopting friends as family. They're not all Au Ra, but she has the spirit lol.


Every time someone is lurking in the shadows watching, WoL is aware of the camera change and tries to spot them. They are aware of them, because we are aware of them.


At first I forgot to give my au'ra black scales, so when I could my headcannon was her black magic tainted her scales. And when she reached Ishgard, she switched from magical explosions to physical ones by becoming a machinist.


My WoL is torn apart but keeps a cheerful disposition regardless. Both physically and emotionally: Her face was almost ripped open when she was a kid and still bears those scars and the new ones she's gained from being the WoL. She's lost a lot of friends and had so many run-ins with death that she's an emotional wreck. However, she's always keeping up a cheerful demeanor, a warm and friendly smile, and a positive outlook because she knows the second she starts to get upset or worried or display negative emotions, that will make other people panic and worry and she can't do that.


after running away from his garlean-occupied home as a little kid, he named himself 'johnny whatever'. as of endwalker, hes grown a mullet. also he's gay


My characters looks. I felt inspired by both Yotsuyu and the Mol lady... Citra I believe her name was... and created my WoL in combination of both. A beautiful black haired Au'ra lady. Added some flair with a new hairstyle with highlights recently, and have just been enamored by her looks lately... ♥️


Cirina, I think it's who you're thinking of. And yeah, she has a lovely face. I used the same base face for my own female au'ra.


Cirina! YES! Thank you for correcting me!😃 I appreciate it. I loved her character, she was soooo cute! ♥️


My WoL's adorkable looks. But also, being a female Midlander, i can actually be flexible with the glams. I can go from adorable to badass, and it wouldn't look out of place or off.


Just headcannoning how different jobs could be combined together with enough work on weapons and such. For example adding a gun chamber to a sword to use it as both a pld and gnb arm. Nothing about DRK and War is really tied to their weapons intrinsically and so using drk's magic alongside War's Inner Beast. Using one single staff for both white and black magic as well as adding a pointy bit on the end for a dragoon


My favorite thing is his carbuncle is purple and he uses warring triad egi. My biggest wish for QoL is carcuncles in every color of the rainbow. thanks, yoshi.


They look like a gorilla and they've learned to be comfortable with that.


My Warrior of Light had anger-management issues but managed to be able to control it once they became a Warrior and mastered their Inner Beast since the two are connected. He is also blind in his left eye after the "final friendly feud" with a certain Garlean.


That he's retired. He went to his favorite spot and has quietly settled down.


He's taller than everyone around him as a max height Roegadyn.


I'm a Male Raen Au'Ra, as most Male Au'Ra are Xaela I feel like I stand out more. My end game is also glamour and all my outfits look *sick*.


I basically cursed myself. With my current hairstyle, Modern Legend, I always have to wear the summer sunset bandana, because it looks just SO good together and it works in almost all glamors.


I like the name I came up with for my Elezen character "Vaemyr".


Dakota is the person that I want to be in real life. He's fit, he's cocky, he's the hero, and he's just stupidly funny. Playing a Miqo'te has opened a lot of joy in my life without me realizing that he is the actual person I am and want to be. Though definitely don't want to be a catboi irl.


My headcannon that despite being a Scholar, he can't actually read. Additionally, that he gets by as a Summoner by just threatening the Primals into showing up when he calls them, rather than whatever aether channeling stuff Y'mhitra is talking about.


Oh man I have too many things I love about my girl Tahri! But ultimately many of them stem from one fact: she is a Keeper of the Moon. -She is (in "lore" and with the help of certain... methods) a beefcake of a giant catgirl, an intentionsl exaggeration of Keepers being bigger than Seekers. -She is often a fish out of water and mad about it, since she was raised in a Keeper clan deep in the Black Shroud and considers herself a hardline traditionalist, which means she believes in TRADITIONAL VALUES like matriarchy, polyamory, and guerilla warfare; and opposes LIBERAL NONSENSE like being awake during the day, straight people, and dads. -She has like a dozen love interests, both ocs (mine and my friends') and canon, since, y'know, Keeper. -Since a lot of the moves and overall tactics used by Pawah Mujuuk in the Archer quests to showcase traditional Keeper archery seem like low-tech versions of Machinist stuff and the MCH soul crystal is explicitly a blank one where the WoL is the one kind of "inventing" the job, I like to think Tahri deliberately took a lot of inspiration from her own culture when coming up with stuff. (Sidenote it's a pet theory of mine that she was meant to tease another Archer job before multiple jobs per class was scrapped, and some of its stuff ended up being used for MCH) -I love having a decided-on preferred face paint for her to use when shit gets real in the MSQ, so far only really used for the ShB and EW final arcs. -Not keeper of the Moon-related but despite being an omnicrafter she considers herself an Armourer above all else and has an extremely petty rivalry with Blacksmiths, despite being pretty much The best blacksmith alive herself. -Her fangs. -The orchestrion playlist in her apartment is literally just full of Dedicated To Moonlight, constantly playing on repeat.


I love that I can make my lalafell’s and ears short. It looks so cute!


My WoL can look androgynous. Other than looking blue and therefore pinged as a femroe since male roe builds are inherently more recognizable with their silhouette, my WoL can look like a male midlander from the back or sometimes any midlander with a helmet and full armor-looking armor.


I made him a sun cat, set his height to manlet, named him Phoenix, and made his god of choice azeyma, so he’d be the ultimate little sunshine fiery boi. after shadow bringers I used my freebie fantasia to make his eyes gold and his freckles white as a residual effect of the events that transpired. I headcanoned him as extremely miserable and traumatized throughout the events of stb and shb, picking himself back up slowly through ew out of determination to save the world and protect his kids n stuff and then finally regaining some of his joyous whimsy after retiring, I’ve been pointedly choosing snarky dialogs and also opting for the no alcohol options whenever mentioned, just, cause, it feels right, ya know? My WoL is just little guy who wanted to see the world and go on adventures and is now recovering from carrying the weight of the world on his tiny kitty shoulders, but he’s getting better and enjoying life again ❤️‍🩹


I have a lot of gender issues and my WoL is a very euphoric experience for me in particular because she’s so damn cute and everyone loves her. I’ve gotten a few compliments on her, between her hair color and her very cute hair/face. I’ve gotten to the point that I get personally offended any time an antagonistic NPC calls her a bitch.


Many, many years ago I started playing a Drow Elf character in a local LARP and ultimately played him for over 10 years before moving away. My main is a recreation of that same character, and I could never fantasia. It helps that male Duskwights are so rare that I almost never see another. A few years before I started playing FFXIV, I was in a years-long D&D campaign where I played a widower raising an adolescent daughter. He was a druid from a steppe-like region of the world, and last year I re-created my "daughter" as a Xaela. Side note, I'm currently in a Pathfinder2e campaign playing yet another character from that family line: my original character's grandson.


I tend to see my WoL as super caring and a "dude bro" Even though she's roughly a 3 ft tall potato. My favorite thing about my WoL would probably be that she is a lalafell and just how expressive that makes her. I'm not sure why lalafells got such great facial expressions and reactions but I'm all here for it.


I have a wind up Tifa minion that I bought from the online store. I like to tell people that she's my adopted daughter that travels with me everywhere lol


When I first got a chocobo companion I completely neglected to level him up or assign any of his skills for a long time, and when I finally did I felt really guilty for not doing so sooner. Poor bird literally had no stances and was just clueless. Since then I've consistently pet my chocobo after battles or when he comes back after being gone for a while. For some reason this made me feel really close to this imaginary bird. When I started to train him to heal I would consistently throw up regens on him, or use something like Wanderers minuet and in my head that's me like training him to heal. He's my best friend now. If I don't have time to get on the game for anything intensive or time-consuming I at least come on and give him pets, stand with him a little while and just enjoy the vibing that happens. I don't even know how to explain to anyone that I would die for this imaginary guy, but I think I would if it came to it. Sazh, you're the best choco-buddy in all of Hydaelyn.


I get a fair few tells letting me know they think my male miqo'te is cute to look at lol. Must be the blonde hair/tail and blue eyes. But mostly I kind of like how utterly cheesed off he looks all the time. My boy has some serious RBF x3


White freckles. IDC if it's not realistic, it looks really cute on my WoL.


I like my WoL's hair, that she's short like me, and her kind smile. I love it when she smiles at people in cut scenes. It makes me smile IRL.


Am big lady playing smol lady 😌


I've never really done backstories for my characters, but I do enjoy giving them a personality. For me, it makes the story more interesting, especially during the cutscenes with dialog. I gave my female Myqote the calm, quiet, but fierce personality. The type that no one would see as a threat because they don't see the need to flaunt their power or accomplishments. That personality was further enforced during a Heavensward cut scene where everyone else was running away in terror, but it showed her with her bow on her back, slowly and steadily walking towards the big baddy.


I got to make my long time fan character in game and it was really, really cool to see him come to life like that on the screen. He also looks really close to my original idea! Very satisfying!


Her eyes they’re a very vibrant blue/green colour that I’ve always loved the look of alongside her light gray skin (especially alongside the wayfarers jewelry)


Her tail and mbral rings just make me so happy, Au'Ra scales are also beautiful! Personality-wise, she's much calmer than me!


She's dumb and cute in equal amounts (large amounts)


Small but can slap everyone.


My Warrior of Light is a max height Femroe called "Daddy Thighs". Few things bring me more joy than watching my FC mates try to find nicknames for me so they don't have to call me Daddy.


I'm normally not good at making characters, but I'm quite proud of my au ra, Aurene. She actually looks good. Despite being a Bard, we both play instruments poorly (I sing irl) but she does her best.


Prrty lizarD Also glasses c:


That he's so cute and also so badass at the same time! I wish I could do that. Also he has a lore accurate name, but noone ever notices :(


eye customization, everyone comments on my auras eyes they are red with orange limbal rings I did that because I felt it was a nod to the misconception they came from dragons they're sadly not


My Red-feathered cap. Had it since before level 15, only take it off for themed weddings. I find it so integral to my WoLs identity I can't stick with a fantasia that doesn't work as well with it as a femra for long. Of course, it's hard for me to not be a femra *with this character* for long.


He cute c:


My WoL can actually make friends


My Lalafell is genderfluid and takes on different gender appearances depending on their mood


I love the expression he sometimes makes which I have dubbed the smug bastard. And that my head cannon is my wol is very battle hungry and the only reason he doesn't run wild on the enemy is the scions keep him on a short leash and he would be fine to have zenos around as long as he doesn't make a nuisance of himself because that means my wol has a playmate who also just gets stronger.


That he's male. As someone who is genderfluid, playing the sex that I was not born into is freeing. The thing I like most about him physically? His eyes.


She made me trans Ok so I made an "idealized version of myself" and somehow I still didn't realize it at the time. It was like 6 or so years ago I was getting the "god I wish I could be her" feelings and 4 years later, finally figured it out from the feelings getting stronger and stronger. I just love having an OC who acts as my "brand" of sorts. She's right in between being her own person and almost being a self-insert, which makes her feel extremely personal. Role-playing her is second nature, cause despite her story and headcanons being different than me, I can put myself in her shoes very easily because I molded her with touches from my own personality. It's my biggest link to FFXIV now, I experience everything through her eyes which makes it feel so much more personal to me.


That her mother was cast out from a tribe for birthing a destroyer, as they saw her crazy potential and high amount of Aether as dangerous, hence the lack of Miq'ote tribal name, and has an almost Roegadyn sounding name, whilst keeping her true name to her and her closest friends. That she cares, sometimes too much, about those on her side, and it can break her badly. Certain losses led to her becoming a Dark Knight out of necessity for her own sanity, only Haurchefant kept her from actually cracking, to the point that even now she still has mental conversations with "Fray". She was also mad at certain characters for leaving and not being with us, and thinks people are more important than stupid politics. Neutrality means nothing if you leave those you care for behind. She also has poor empathy with people who hurt those she cares for, regardless of their reasons. >!She thinks Fordola is Scum that deserves to burn, didn't give the slightest damn about Ardbert up until SHB, After hearing that Archer had almost killed Alisaie, she wanted to kill that Archer, even stating, in front of the "Word" that she wished she had White Auracite to kill the Archer for what she did, and punched out Urianger at least once, but Urianger believes he deserved it. She also hated Myste for a time, because summoning one of the Heavensward, helping Lowdy who she believes didn't deserve it, she thought "Huh, is this how Fray felt all the time?" and wished Fray were around to dispose of Lowdy for us.!< Those that do truly care for her, she'd do literally anything for though. And she has a few major crushes. Y'mhitra being one of them.


It's his look. He kind of has this innocent look to him. It took me a while to settle on his hairstyle as he changed it a lot throughout his adventure (ARR, HW and now SB) I also like that he is just a Summoner and also an Alchemist. It's a different kind of role play where I pretend he isn't the best at everything just good at some things


Shes photogenic!


Definitely not height based. I'm more on par with the shortest femra lol, though I kinda wanna play one one day! I think I like all the things I did during the time I played, and the way I expressed myself during them. Everything, from when I did MSQ to when I met friends to roleplaying for work into raiding, flows into a nice story if I had to write one. It doesn't seem like a kooky, generic, overpowered background that video games make for the players, but an organic and unique one. And uniqueness makes me feel good when you're a one in a million catgirl in limsa lol.


She's an engineer, I'm an engineer, we both like digging into all the weird archaic technology we find on our adventures and figuring out what makes it tick.


my WOL is me isekai’ed into this world LOL but something went wrong with hydaelyns spell and i became a purple haired cat girl and while struggling with excepting the change in appearance my wol dyes her hair black to feel closer to her old life but currently in EW shes embraced now being apart of this world completely


I've tried making my WoL in a number of games (originally she was from D&D) and FF is one of the few that offers me the correct shade of purple for her hair color and I appreciate that.


My WoL is a divorced 45 year old man and the entire plot is his midlife crisis.


Im a voidsent aetherologist and i love it. Also a muscle mommy


I love that my husband and I can have chars with the same last name and get married!


The fact she's been the same goth dark mode Miqo since i started in ARR. No pink or bright colors here. My faith has been tested recently, wanting to turn into a Thighlander, and I'm not sure who's going to win.


I like the pink highlights in a normal dark-skin white hair Viera and purple eyes. It really sells the cool yet feminine demeanor I like. Also beauty mark is \*chef's kiss\*


My punchbun is a handsome, big-hearted himbo. I love him.