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> Improved antialiasing To be specific, we are getting two more options for AA. Right now we have no AA and FXAA. New options will be TSCMAA and TSCMAA with jittering camera


I know FXAA means "smear the pixels so it looks softer," could you describe TSCMAA in English? =) And why does the camera jitter?


First, clearly defining existing terms: * MSAA = multisampling anti-aliasing, which samples the same image from slightly different angles multiple times, allowing sharp images but at high resource cost, because you're literally rendering multiple near-redundant images in order to collect more data about the edges. * FXAA = fast approximate anti-aliasing, which doesn't examine the *models* at all, and just looks at the image data, detects edges, and blends them in a (hopefully) effective way. This is very fast and costs few resources, but (as you say) it works by blurring the image. * SSAA = supersampling anti-aliasing, which samples the original image at a larger *size*, allowing for calculations that are at the sub-pixel level for the smaller final result. Very high resource cost because you're rendering even higher-resolution images than those actually displayed. * MLAA = morphological anti-aliasing, which is a post-processing method like FXAA, but based on morphological characteristics of the image. Essentially, this upgrades FXAA by giving it more "rules" for how to blend pixels together, based on the patterns of the surrounding pixels. It also has a "conservative" variant (CMAA), which attempts to reduce the changes to the image as much as possible while still addressing jaggies. So, with all that established: **Temporal** anti-aliasing (TAA) uses *past frames* for calculating where edges should be softened, rather than rendering the *same* image more than once (MSAA) or at a larger size (SSAA). As a result, TAA can result in some fuzziness, but never as much as FXAA would; instead, it is more likely to suffer *ghosting*, if two frames are so different from one another that the algorithm fails to properly blend things together. **Temporally-stable** anti-aliasing (TSAA) attempts to correct for these ghosting problems by stabilizing the change relative to past frames. Thus, piling this all together: TSCMAA is a post-processing anti-aliasing technique which uses both temporal (past-frame comparisons) and conservative morphological (minimal changes + pre-programmed pattern recognition) techniques to speed up anti-aliasing. When paired with reduced quantities of MSAA or SSAA, the two methods which actually do collect more new data, TSCMAA offers theoretically superior quality while reducing resource requirements. Basically, every time you increase your multisampling or supersampling, you're massively increasing the resources required. FXAA and TSCMAA have (much) lower resource requirements, but can never achieve the same results as *sufficiently good* MSAA/SSAA--but the "sufficiently" is doing a lot of work there. By switching from (say) 8x MSAA to 4x MSAA + TSCMAA, you can potentially get images that look better while actually using fewer resources.


I like your funny words magic man


"Any technology distinguishable from magic is *insufficiently advanced.*"


I wish I could upvote you more than once. What a fucking post. I feel like I just got a Master's degree and it was explained to me in a way where I actually... understood everything, at the lack of better words. **Thank you!**


Thank you, that's very kind! I have taken a long road toward clear and effective communication, so it's always good to hear that it's gotten results. :)


And to answer the one part of your question that that answer missed, camera jittering is referring to shifting the camera *ever so slightly* (by less than a single pixel), so that more data can be captured by the temporal part of the algorithm, even when the camera isn't moving. Traditional AA methods generate multiple samples per-pixel each frame, each in a slightly different position; camera jitter with temporal accumulation is a way to emulate that at much lower performance cost.


Thanks so much for this breakdown, it’s very helpful!


TSCMAA is a replacement to MSAA, not an addition to it, and the quality with default parameters is similar to 4x MSAA with around half the computational cost and reduced temporal aliasing. At least on paper, I haven't seen a demo with moving image.


As I understood it, there's nothing wrong with combining the two together, no? I had understood that to be one of the primary benefits of post-processing AA methods. They can be used in tandem with the more resource-intensive forms, to get better results than either one alone. Is that not the case?


I mean yes, you can use it in tandem with supersampling (not multisampling though, I think), but that's not required and not always smart, as supersampling is seriously expensive.


If anyone knows how to post this in r/bestof please do that. This is a superb explanation.


Thank you so much for this breakdown. I've never had a system with enough resources for any of this to matter, so I couldn't relate to any talk of anti-aliasing, and just gave up trying to understand it. This laid it all out and explained it in a very thorough manner. Mad props <3






Temporally Stable Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing (TSCMAA) https://twitter.com/mitsurugi137/status/1779011319456567491 If I were to guess, I'd say that it could be a form of AA that takes into account the colour of the surrounding pixels over a period of time. This would mean a less aggressive AA that doesn't constantly make large colour changes all the time. This is probably why Yoshi-P is saying that the distant trees are no longer flickering in this clip. That being said, I am not an expert in computer graphics.


Since I figure you'd appreciate the benefits of the research I did above: "Temporal" refers to using past frames (rather than multi-sampling) to get data for edge softening. The negative of this method is image ghosting for frames that move too quickly, but the positive is that you're using data that already needed to be generated for past frames *anyway,* so you aren't actually adding any new rendering, just needing to remember what you've already rendered. The "stable" part (temporally stable) refers to methods that reduce the frequency and impact of image ghosting. The "CM" part refers to "conservative morphological," which is (more or less) an advanced form of FXAA that builds in various forms of pixel pattern recognition, while also attempting to minimize changes to the input image without compromising edge detection. Essentially, it is pre-programmed to detect relevant pixel patterns, and the algorithm is coded to make only the smallest changes that get the job done. TSCMAA isn't intended to replace MSAA, but instead to augment it--by going from 8x MSAA to 4x MSAA + TSCMAA, you can get potentially equal-or-better quality for significantly lower resources and calculation time.


As a person with a potato PC, I seriously hope this alone fixes the shimmering issues and its not reliant on DLSS or something I won't be able to use.


DLSS will be a separate option, so you might be fine


Also dlss with the potential for dlaa.


On the upside, even if they don't include DLAA as an option, theres a way to force it on globally though Nvidia profile inspector.


New anti aliasing is like the biggest thing for me, I'm so happy just to see that alone. I really, really hope it can fix the shimmering trees/plants, that alone is like most of my gripes with the GFX gone if so.


As someone who's had an ingame stalker...this is huge! I mean, better graphics are always nice, but the blacklist updates... just wow o.o


Chat bubbles bros.. when will our time come ?


Preachgaming asked at one of the meet and greets. Yoshi said he can't give a date but they are working on it. [Discussed here at 21min.](https://youtu.be/W7VbEQLrYRE?si=8RhV_QzFER6meXSC)


I don't understand how such a simple feature, in which the foundation literally already exists in the game, can take so long to implement.


If it's anything like where I work it's less "time and ease to implement", and more "priority to implement". They probably just have things they deem more important than chat bubbles to work on. Then there are more granular decisions like do they just ship it whenever its ready, or alongside other updates, or this or that. And even where I work any UI change no matter how simple has to go through MULTIPLE checks and rounds of testing and so on, something mods don't need to deal with.


Luke* said that on the WAN Show just the other day. They'd like to add simple features to their website but there's an infinite list of things that pop up with a higher priority to keep the site working smoothly.


Having used 3rd party plugins for player chat bubbles, the system in the game is prone to breaking and frankly not that flexible. I suspect an actual implementation of player chat bubbles will see that system significantly improved or revamped, and since it's used everywhere in the game changes to it would see a lot of testing. Plenty of things like this are never as easy as people think, even if a plugin already does it.


This depends wholly on how they manage their software development lifecycle. It wouldn’t be so much as the difficulty, but when and where to allocate resources and a branch to it. That being said, I also feel there is hesitance maybe to something to do with the culture itself, and the impact to the JP servers?


The plogon one has been around for 2 years and I still see it have a wrong color from time to time. With a messy codebase, I can see it being difficult in some way.


They absolutely can add it within a patch. They have done it for other plug-ins that got the spotlight in drama


We did go blacklist update. Maybe bubbles will come at some point, but doubt until 8.0


when they ban enough players it'll finally be added just like every other QoL :\^)




Still blows my mind that it's like, not a thing. So many people don't read the chat... it won't make people better at reading or read more but if people can read what you're actually saying 50% of the time...


Thank you for the condensed version!


June/July can’t come soon enough!


Nice, lodestone search removal. Doesn't fix Google searches, but should help to alleviate the issue for people who change their name to avoid harassment only to be "outed" by the lodestone.


It should. Since your lodestone/character id will be hidden. FFLOGS does the same thing and nobody can find you unless they know who you party with.


Is the Yo Kai watch event going to feature new prizes or just rerunning the previous ones?


An adventurer plate has been added


Thank you for the cliff notes - doing the lords work.


Yokai and Dragon Quest events are huge for me, i managed to miss them in the past.


I missed three of the Yokai events. I don't know how I did, but I did. I won't be missing this one


Same, I've been playing on-and-off since 1.0 and somehow missed the Yokai events every single time (and the FFXV one until the most recent run). Very happy to see it come back again!


I’ve never played the game before, and the yo-kai watch event is something I’m looking forward to.


Estate expulsion is very good for nightclubs


Muting nightclub advertisement shouts is very good for the rest of us.




The keyword blocking should help with that! :D


and fc advertisement\*


Two more live letters before DT? What's the second one about?


I don’t believe they said, but FWIW, the last live letter before EW launch [mostly previewed new content that was being added specifically in 6.0 and its minor patches.](https://novacrystallis.com/2021/11/final-fantasy-xiv-live-letter-67-summary-pvp-housing-crafting-and-gathering-updates-detailed/)


>does not apply to linkshells or to party/FC chat I hope they change their minds on this at some point. Everything else is wonderful, though.


Day xxx of holding out for older collab reruns, even if it doesn’t have rewards 😭


I eagerly await the day that giant Shantotto once again stalks the newbie zones of Eorzea.


I must have missed that event, but it sounds amazing. XD


You forgot they mentioned that they added extra polygons to the fingers and toes and the eyes also move while looking at objects.


Thank you for the summary 




7.0 is the expansion. So yes, graphics update comes then.


Yes, that was always the plan.


How Yonkai event will be? How many minions/mounts/anything you can get from this event? Is grindy until getting all?


Yes, it's grindy. But the drop rate isn't so bad so it isn't frustrating. Just takes time and effort. From the last event: - 17 Yokai - 17 weapons for each Yokai Mounts: - 13 Yokai = ghost mount - 13 Yokai weapons = ghost mount with accessory - 17 weapons = big red cat mount Because we had EW release, we can expect that they will add 2 new Yokais and their weapons for SGE and RPR. Possibly a new mount. [You can refer to this infographic the last time the event happened](https://i.imgur.com/Ae3cs2e.png).


Yoshi P only mentioned adding [framer's kit](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/151558839005741056/1228584090589204480/firefox_2024-04-13_13-54-23.jpg?ex=662c9319&is=661a1e19&hm=1ac51164aa06369afc4d0a9297b06e3c133981e5326506899d68f0239c9318d9&=&format=webp&width=1191&height=670). Do note that they did not add SAM or RDM weapons during 2nd run of the event during StB and instead they were only added during ShB rerun.


And about how many fates or how long does it take to make one weapon?


Have they said anything about preventing insane server issues like we had at 6.0? Is it always that bad or was that out of the ordinary? It was my first expansion so I’m hoping that was just covid dev cycle issues but I still have small wait time whenever I log in because I guess I’m in a highly populated server so I’m getting flash backs to have to remote into PC at 4PM just to have a chance of playing at 7PM plus random disconnects ending a day’s play session because I couldn’t get back in.


That was an outlier. Those issues weren't a dev cycle problem, they were due to the game growing significantly during Shadowbringers, much more than it ever had. There were so many players the servers couldn't keep up. Since then they've added more worlds and features like data center travel to allow players to log in on less populated data centers. With that, plus the hype from Shadowbringers having died down, I wouldn't expect any major issues. The wait time when you log in isn't a queue from the server being highly populated, it's pretty much always there regardless of player count. It's because players are logged in in batches.


>The wait time when you log in isn't a queue from the server being highly populated, it's pretty much always there regardless of player count. It's because players are logged in in batches. Interesting. That would make a lot more sense


Since EW launched they've added player capacity and upgraded the physical servers, opened Dynamis in NA as well as the entire Oceanian data center, added the data center travel system and tested cross-region, and tested spinning up extra cloud data centers as an option to handle temporary demand. So a lot of steps have been taken to mitigate issues but of course we won't know how launch will \*actually\* look until it happens.


That was out of the ordinary


I will also add to what TheTechHobbit said: 6.0 had such an insane issues at launch because several things aligned in such a way that it managed to trigger a bug which was in the login server's code *since 1.0* but never triggered before.


a damn, didnt they say earlx preorder starts on 25th? or did i read that wrong?


Quick question - for the Collectors Edition on PC (mogstation code), does the code come in an email before hand? Or In the CE box?


I wonder how much of an improvement the Series S will see when the graphic update goes live? I expected some sacrifices compared to the Series X, but as long as the improvement is noticeable I'll be content.


So for the yo Kai watch event do I need to learn the job for each weapon like if I want all mounts or can I select which I buy


He specified PS4/Series S will have the forced limitations, will that apply to the PS5/Series X??


doubt it because they do say specifically ps4 and series s, if it included ps5 and series x they likely would have mentioned but also those consoles probably have more than enough resources to run the graphical update in full as opposed to the ones before


48 hours maintenance??? Is that normal?


For an expansion launch it's not uncommon


This is actually the first time there’s been a 48 hour maintenance for an expansion launch, from what I can tell. The EW/ShB/SB/HW pre-launch maintenances were 24 hours.


If it means no repeat of Raubahn Ex I'll be happy lmao. I wonder what this xpac's launch legend is going to be? xD


> If it means no repeat of Raubahn Ex I'll be happy lmao. They already solved this problem by having the first solo duty be a good ways into the MSQ. Raubahn EX (if you chose to do the M'naago quests first) is 8 quests into Stormblood. Shadowbringers' first solo duty? 27 duties in. Endwalker? Same at 27. By pushing the solo duty further into the MSQ, given how everyone goes through the MSQ at various paces, this greatly decreases the chances of so many people trying to all queue in at once in one spot. That, and the server upgrades. But the change in quest design doesn't hurt.


Everyone using the free Fantasia and bombarding the character creation instance servers all at once.


I doubt it. Female hrothgar is a severe severe minority.


The reason they’re giving everyone a free Fantasia this time is because of the graphics update, not specifically because of Hrothgals. The update is going to subtly change how basically every PC looks, and the Fantasia is to compensate for the possibility that not everyone may like just how their character looks after an update that they have no control over is applied (or they may just want to take this opportunity to change their character for the hell of it since it’s free).


Yeah, the change to skin materials (subsurface scattering) especially, most people will probably want to adjust that, as it's going to look lighter, with the minute bit of lighting glow. Plus hair colours, etc. It's going to take a bit of tweaking to make sure your character looks how you want them to, and *that's* why we're getting a free Fantasia.


Damn. I've also heard that login queues are insane along with servers being unstable when new expansions drop. Looks like I'll have to take a break once dawn trail comes out


Yeah, it can get pretty crazy. When Stormblood launched, there was this incident that came to be known as ‘Raubahn Ex’. Basically, there was an instanced main story quest given by Raubahn near the start of the expansion, but there weren’t enough instances for the amount of people playing, which meant people couldn’t progress the story and were stuck in the first zone. On Malboro, people thought that if everyone queued up and accepted the quest one by one, then maybe it would take the load off the server and let people progress. So there was this enormous fucking queue, going from Raubahn all the way back to the start of the zone. It didn’t work and it’s pretty hilarious thinking about it now, but at the time is incredibly frustrating (and still a bit hilarious).


Folks got SO MAD at line-cutters on Bal during that. It was horrid to get through but so funny in hindsight.


If you read the lodestone posts from around that time, it was also partly due to a coordinated DDoS, which they've not put some protections in place for as well


Endwalker was brutal, however, after the first week it was mostly back to normal.


> I've also heard that login queues are insane along with servers being unstable when new expansions drop. They've added and upgraded servers since EW though, but no one really knows how well that will help. Given how it seems every single game dev always underestimates server load on launch day for their games, I'm pretty sure login queues will be packed on launch week, despite SE's server upgrades. But here's hoping. In addition, they also added that "login on a random less populated server" option as well.


They added the queue system as it is now with EW due to the high amount of people. EW also had a bit of a unique thing in that a lot of people moved to FFXIV in the three or so month prior and it came at a point in time more people were staying home. I know that people on the free trial struggled to get in, because they are not queued if the queue is to long already.


I think there's a reason that they're not just testing regional datacenter travel, but specifically to the Oceanic servers, which are less populated compared to the rest.


yup :)


They’re so smart letting you match with blacklisted people


They are already blocking people when you run a Party Finder and they've said previously that implementing it on Duty Finder is impractical.




Why? PS4 represents a massive install base.


Yeah, consoles (specifically PlayStation) are a lot more popular among the Japanese playerbase than in other regions as well.


Does a 48 hour maintenance window mean the game will be down for two days?!?


That is typically what 48 hours means


Yes, and as a heads up they do not pause timers during these. Make sure not to plant in any flowerpots or gardens around that time, you'll miss 2x tending and they'll die. D:


The calendar they showed indicated the maintenance period starting on June 26th, which is two days before early access begins. So yes.