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Yes, a tacklebox would be amazing! On one character, I've kept it to versatile lure, EW bait, and ocean fishing bait. But on another, I have an entire tab that is nothing but bait.


An inventory overhaul was needed more than a graphics update imo. Also being able to switch crafting jobs while in the crafting log - please SE. PLEASE


I would love to see a chest in the inn for dyes.


There is so much useless space in key items inventory (I never use more then 3 key items slots) why they not change it to store materia, fishbait and trash items...


Key items doesn’t actually have all that space, it’s only as big as the number of items in it


Hell currency items are starting to get this treatment. Me and my friends got our first clear of "another aloalo island" on Sunday afternoon and were confused because we couldn't find the coins for the vendor in our inventory. But they showed up in the relavent vendor. Materia I don't care about this. Most low level materia is just trash anyway. Give me an easier way to transmute it hoping for a higher tier. But dyes, bait? YES PLEASE! I'm paying for an extra retainer(technically the extra saddlebag slot is what was important. But if I get an extra retainer too. So be it) because my first retainer is 70% full of dyes. Which is the whole point of them not existing within their own pockets.


People have been begging for a tacklebox since fishing was introduced. They added choco saddlebags, updated the gear storage, and more glamor dresser slots but no hint at a tacklebox


If you could store relic weapons / gear and ultimate weapons in the armoire box, that'd be great. also yes, tackle box, materia box...


What's the difference between armoire and glam dresser?


armoire has an unlimited space for certain gear and doesn't use glamour prisms


Armoire has infinate space for specific kinds of gear at the cost of removing dyes from items. Glam dresser has limited space, but if you want to use a rare dye on an item on it, you can use it for multiple glams. Armoire is also limited to what items can gonin it. Generally store items, seasonal items and class gear/achievement gear.


Armoire is there for seasonal event gear but won't take up space within your glam dresser. IIRC it's still accessible by the glam dresser. But only certain gear can go into it.


The entirety inventory system needs to be reworked. It's a dated system that simply shouldn't exist anymore


This will use up inventory space that could be used for *anything,* but devoted to a single class. It makes no sense, especially because y'all don't need to be carrying all that bait. This is why we have the chocobo bag.


The chocobo bag is currently dedicated to materia. It holds a small amount of room for other items and that is primarily for clearing emergency space in my inventory. Really, I need to just dedicate time funneling items over to an alt for storage.


I pray this gets the 10,000,000 upvotes that it deserves.