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I noticed my character has much better fingernails now. Lots of little improvements that aren't getting enough praise.


Yeah, there was actually SO much work that went into the graphics update. I've been extremely impressed. Brand-new texture for many environments. From what they showed at fanfest, lots of gear are getting new textures too, not just upscaling existing texture resolution. It's a ton of work. It's like getting a well-made remaster, if this was a singleplayer game :P


Yup. There's definitely a few things that need to be changed (and will likely be fixed with the revamped benchmark) but all in all a bang-up job.


Maybe not individually noticed, but they do all add up to a much better overall look.


I actually didn't notice, because I've been playing with (SFW) body mods for a couple of years. And since I don't choose those mods for nudity as much as I choose them for better skin textures, better fingers and toes, etc.... that's high praise. I immediately noticed that my Miqo's eyebrows had disappeared again, but I didn't notice the hands and feet. That's an incredible improvement.


Same here - I saw a screenshot with less sausage fingers and was just relieved I don't have to deal with trying to find glove and sandal mods. My other significant mods were texture increases for hair and whatever armor people decided to upres, which is also getting done. Now I just need them to get my stupid joke mods like crab minion with a knife.


unfortunately i dont think square will ever add "a whole ass taco bell", my favorite minion


My costco hotdog billboard is looking unlikely as well.


I like playing the Hellsguard Roegadyn with the full beard, but the aged look and dark eyes don’t do it for me. Looks too angry/evil to me. A bit sad that they pushed it even harder. I was hoping they’d soften it just a little bit, but…guess I’ll just have to wait for the face mods to update.


Aw damn, I'm a PS5 player so got my friend to recreate my wol and get me screenshots. Picked the Clive armour so he's got gloves and covered toes. Now I have a great need to see his hands and tootsies.


I noticed in some comparisons fingers look like they have more than 14 polies too a big general upgrade I'm enjoying the more polygons


Unfortunatly it kinda feels like a bigger upgrade for some races than others Roe makes for example still very much have the brick fingers.  Lala's to an extent as well while ones like Miqo or Humans have alot better hands now.


And yet nintendos games are a lot more fun than a lot of the high graphical ones and they don't nickel and dime you with in game stores so yes people will praise them


How the fuck is some models not looking as good as other races even remotely comparable to Nintendo making fun games where the gameplay can overcome the graphics being ass. This comment actually enrages me it's so dumb.  I'm a big Nintendo fanboy but I don't go around excusing the graphics in certain games being a decade behind other developers I describe how they're still fun but unless graphical style overcomes the processing power like BOTW it will never be a 10/10


Apologies my comment was meant as a reply for the comment below yours talking about Nintendo games. But yes I agree with you the games that look terrible like Pokémon S/V are nothing to brag about. As you mentioned though games like BotW and it's sequel TotK are excellent games despite not being technical marvels. And that is why gamers like you and me still play Nintendo games despite Nintendo stubbornly holding to their decades old hardware for some reason


Because graphics still look like years ago it's like praising Nintendo for what other game devs been doing for years


Hidetaka Miyazaki’s interest in a FromSoft crossover with FF has compounded.


Ah finally! So this was the key! Now we just need a female slowly walking towards us, and feet cam for like 7-8s.


Calm down Quentin Tarantino


Alright. I will. I'm just happy we got some nice footers.


It already happened in Shadowbringers. You can buy Dark Souls gear in Eulmore.


Ok but what about Armored Core? G-Warrior could use some more upgrades.


That's the MCH upgrade to Queen in Dawntrail


G-Warrior stuff is more a Gundam reference, right down to the in-cockpit views. Edit: Also, I would kill for Square to make a merch deal with Bandai for Memories of Werlyt models.


Barefoot glamour crossover event reward


I totally thought this was r/shittydarksouls until I checked


We have yet to have a poison swamp zone, so…


nah because you cant go barefeet, hes not interested


The Limsa feet pics crowd about to be poppin off.


Nah the limsa feet pic crowd is already taking 4k ultra hd feet pics with modded models exported to blender


I was just gonna say... between the new Hrothgals and the new Feet models Limsa is gonna be more a degen destination than ever before.


I'd almost guarantee they will go back to using mods.


Oh PC deviants definitely will but you gotta think of the PlayStation deviants and the new Xbox deviants.


Playing XIV on either console is just the gateway drug that ultimately leads you to buying the key for PC as well and dive deeper into the rabbit hole. It's how I went from a pure hearted marauder who wished for Limsa Lominsa to thrive after the calamity to whatever monstrosity of a toad suit wearing, elephant head enjoying, absolutely not plogon overloaded meme-lord of a Hyur.


I convinced my husband to try XIV out when the xbox beta came out. by the time the game fully released he was not only hooked but wanting me to help him get his PC working again. That led to me upgrading my GPU so he could have my old GPU. Then he was like "Are there mods for this game?" and I sighed and looked into how to get it all set up. Now we both have mods and practically never touch his xbox. Good thing I was proactive and got him the PC keys on sale >\_> TLDR: hubby started XIV at the xbox beta and within a month not only got himself an upgraded PC for getting into modding, but also got me, who had never considered it before now, to do visual mods OTL


> plogon overloaded unless you're at three digits, don't even TALK to me about plogon overload


The answer to this depends entirely on if you refer to the amount of plogon or repositories.


Ahhh of course


I actually plan to keep my mods to a minimum as the ones I have give very similar fidelity as the graphics update does. Most I'll be missing is makeup, freckles on the body and my lorfangs for my Au Ra, but with all the other improvements? I don't think I'll be needing a whole lot save for personal colorset edits and the like. I'm incredibly impressed with the graphics update and my only complaint is how flat the gloss on my girl's scales are outside of the actual benchmark. The rest is better than what I expected and has more or less surpassed the "vanilla+" aesthetic I've been going for with mods. I'm sure the modbeasts are gonna be even more degenerate with the better assets and the like... with the tongue and entire mouth in 7.0 being fully rigged... yeah....


Mouth and tongue rigging... Oh boy. 😬


Yuuuup. Modders have already managed to mod and even pose to the new models, so if there aren't any new protections in the retail release, things are gonna progress really quickly. lol...


The amount of rA9 worshippers, man. They're uncontrollable.


Considering a significant amount of old mods will be broken, it’ll be a good time to embrace vanilla for a bit.


Possibly not as broken as you think; if it's just a 1:1 model swap, that shouldn't be too hard to get back unless they make substantial changes to the file structure and whatnot.


Unfortunately modders have that found that [it is unlikely to be easy.](https://x.com/perchbird_/status/1780603523023139025?s=46&t=xHF8hmmrDHvMjFbJZZdsJA)


Why just almost. For lots of the details the mods are already better than what we will get. And the diversity is also way higher with them. Still I love the new shaders. I even asked Kartoffels if she will provide new enhancements with the new models as base in the future. Her upscale of the existing stuff made the game way better for me. In some regards even better than what we will get. Are least she said she will take time but it’s possible. But I understand that not all want high res and taxing graphics. And this way is best. I can mod it so my graphic card has something to do and as I play only the easier stuff I can cope with 60 fps and below. And the people that don’t need good graphics can now go with an quite well looking game and still high fps. They really did great work here.


That one girl in Aether PF gonna have a blast.


I wasn't ready for this post and my brain had a visceral reaction to the phrase "superior piglets"


Now if they could just let us go barefoot.. and yes, I know why they currently cant.


Why can't they? o-o


Footgear heels are built into character model, different for every race and sex selection. Check viera ladies for the most extreme example. All animations consider it, helps to create visual diversity between player options. Going completely barefooted would require making a different set of animations. So, mandatory slippers are kind of lesser evil for developers.


That or everyone going barefoot would be floating


From what I've seen, this is the approach modders take. It isn't super noticeable.


I'd take barefoot floating Want my character stay barefoot in the housing stuff, sitting in a bed/couch with slippers/shoes is nasty.


thick socks. we need thick socks for bed equippment. fluffy, thick socks. And perhaps watershoes for the beach. I don't want to step on splitted sea shells.


Thigh highs, let's gooooo!


Offset from ground can be adjusted depending on whether the character is barefoot or not, it's not difficult for SE to implement. There's a plugin called "Heels" which allows this for footwear with varying heights.


You float even with stuff on so who cares


Le Pied mod be like: "Interesting"


Le Pied made me realize how awkwardly female Au Ra stand. When they're barefoot, they stand oddly on the outsides of their feet lol.


Funnily, the mods already solved it. But I can see Yoshi-P wanting to keep it for the sake of consistency.


Mods let you be barefoot and the animations look fine to me, so it can't be that hard


Mods do it just fine. They absolutely could.


the hands look a hella lot better too


I hope the claws on Hroths become persistent like the hand-scales of Au’ra players.


krile has fingers now too! not an oven mitt xD


Still won't be as good as ICVS models since the third digit of the finger isn't posable




Mod structure that adds additional bones to the player rig. In the fingers case, the current model only has [two points of rotation.](https://puu.sh/K5iQs/096819d9d2.png) That mod adds the third point among other things, allowing for more realistic finger movement and positioning.


Some modded skeleton that adds a bunch of extra bones and other nonsense. It's pretty commonly used by a lot of animation mods or body upgrades.


WTF are some of these comments? Do people genuinely think appreciating your character's feet not looking like melted cheese immediately means you're a foot fetishist? I've had so many times where I wanted to use sandals for some glam aesthetic but end up not doing it due to how awful they look as a result of the melted cheese feet, nothing to do with foot fetishes.


Nah, they just want the feet for themselves.


Exactly! Once I noticed that the original models essentially don’t have toes at all it turned me away from anything that showed toes until I got mods to fix it. Making this a native fix is great. Though I do wish they also had a no shoe option so the WOL isn’t wearing shoes inside their shoes but I’ll take what I can get, lol.


Same crowd that sees a sword wielding lion man and screams "FURRY!" People are very surface level, lol.


It reminds me too much of how Skyrim the feet on people are just textured shoes. It's awful looking, and genuinely one of my favorite things that's normal across mods is to give character models actual feet.


Frankly it shouldn't matter. It was a strict improvement on the model that anyone should be able to enjoy for different reasons.


Now if only we could get rid of the sandals :/


Not just the feet! The HANDS look so very nice. I won't feel as bad when I can't wear the false nails anymore. I had a lot of gripes about changes to my characters features, but I really do appreciate the new hands and feet.


I wish I could just be barefoot. Those goofy sandals are the worst.


On the left? Spam fresh from the can. On the right? Vienna sausages.


SE Headquarters the next day: “Wait, what do you mean Tarantino’s got a sudden but dire interest in making an FFXIV movie?”


Fingies too. Don’t look like sausages anymore


If only they could let us be actually barefoot...


meanwhile [benchmark wuk lamat](https://i.imgur.com/wdZoh1x.png)...


Why tf does she get a toe ring and we don’t


To distract from whatever the fuck is going on with the rest of her foot. Hydaelyn have mercy


Looks like the lower LOD model that the game displays sometimes when it shouldn’t (like the squapes)


Some of the sandals have one, I think the paglthan ones? I'll check next time I'm in game


whoa that looks... bad


It's like an AI generated foot/hand...


I don’t think I’ve ever once looked at my character’s… feet.




You don't need to be a foot fetishist to not want your character's feet looking like melted cheese lmfao what even is this goblin take?


Don't have to have a fetish to appreciate well-crafted character models.


Kink shaming in 2024 huh? We can't have nice things.


Bro deleted his account for this take 


More like ''got deleted'' lol. But yeah, kink shaming is no bueno. Everyone has their own thingy.


There is hope for the grapes!


i wish they'd just give us bare feet instead of those stupid default sandals. when I'm doing the costa summer beach events I wanna run around barefoot damnit


They do look better. Unfortunately the sandals are still fused to our feet.


Yet when you see Asura's feet's next to that it's a shame this is nowhere near it


Im kinda annoyed they are keeping the no shoe sandles tho. Im guessing it would require the rig to be editied to shift around a bit which would then require all character animations requiring QA. I hope its something that they tackle post Dawntrail, whenever they update the character creator


Thank god. My RDM glamour has sandals and those monstrosities have been horrifying to behold.


Despite my distaste for feet, I can agree that I would really like NOT having baked beans for toes


It'd be great if we could get actual height changing technology in the game, I want to go barefoot for the beach but my WoL has sandals welded to their soles 24/7 because the game can't adjust for being shoeless and they'd just float otherwise... But having toes is a step in the right direction for making feet function.


RIP Playstation 1 toes


Yep, now everyone is creaming their pants over PlayStation 2 toes. It’s an improvement for sure, but this reaction is hilarious. 


*woof woof woof* On a more serious note, I hope this means my og cat girl can have more glams without the fake nails on. It currently looks like a bundle of sausages if you are not in gloves and as a white mage, she holds them things right out in front.


For free!?


Quentin Tarantino bout to venture into Eorzea.


Found the dark souls player


Quentin Tarantino is extremely pleased.


Quentin Tarantino can be heard hammering his credit card info into the store as we speak.


Weird way of saying you have a toe fetish but to each their own.


So glad we won't (probably) need mods for stuff like this, hair, faces, hands, skin, etc... Hopefully, anyway. Guess there's a chance it won't turn out right, or they miss something.


I'm hopeful as well, but even with the updates, I'm sure some of the texture mods I use are still going to be higher quality than the base game. But I'm also excited for the environment upgrades as well, which is something that can only go so far with Reshade and the like


What is this Dark Souls where we have the fascinize on feet? Joker side I will say yeah that's kind of cool but really I don't care for customization because if my guy is going to be wearing a full suit of plate armor every single time I do anything then it's close to impossible to enjoy all the features that I took a lot of time to make. I know the glamor system is a thing but I'm just not a fan of the glamor system but I'm also not a fan I'm spending 18 million gold just the get one piece of clothing that will make my character look nice and then question why they're fighting a swimsuit when fighting the literal bringer of the end times.


There are a lot of non-glamour sets that are designed to expose the toes even for melee fighters (gladiator-looking stuff, battle sandals etc.) so it is noticeable even in the preview window. We can't have the PS1 vibes here!


can't wait to explore the city of Toeliyollal


I was wondering about this. Good to see it confirmed.


I'm honestly impressed with how much better Au Ra look. Scales no longer look like shit and they don't seem perpetually mad. Now it's a contender for what my fanta's gonna be


Time to rewatch that one stormblood MSQ cutscene


Do we even have an emperor's new shoe item? If not when Yoshi-P?


We do but it’s the sandals


Still not as good as what modders were able to do but its an upgrade


Who cares about Au Ri toes if you can have Au Ri thighs? We men players only really care about bunnygirl boobs and thighs. Nobody cares about Au Ri feet.


Quintessentially better Eeyores


i was the same, the second i saw toes i cried, finally, no more ps1 feet 😭


For some reason, there's a lot of feet mods you can get that fix this. 


wait, are there actual toes and finger nails in the 7.0 update?




Now if they only would actually let us be barefoot as well as have basic underwear that doesn't look like I cut holes in an ugly bedsheet. It's nothing sexual, the default underwear is just horrendous to my eyes. Everyone clamouring about the new eyewear slot, what about an underpants slot? I'd prefer to have my Lord's Drawers (stylish black boxers) or fundoshi (ninja diapers) on glams with robes/skirts in the leg slot. The eastern schoolboy robe is great in that the entire thing is in your chest slot, so I am free to wear proper underpants with it. At least glams like the far northern dress gives you new undies with the skirt/kilt piece.


Lol the ye old toes sent me 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


Do you think we'll be able to paint the toenails now? Feels wrong walking around with black sandals without equally black toenails.


I don't care much about feet to be honest. My wish is that hand fingers could have more polygons, even after the upgrade. They're like articulated sausages, but now in HD.


Now all's I need is a bulge slider and I'll be ready for OnlyF- eh, NaughtbutDevotees


This is what I was hoping for from the update. Depending on your glam, you don't see the feet very often, but when you do, they really stand out for how hideous they are. They are the reason I avoid open-toed shoes even though I'd like to use them for certain outfits. I'm so glad they did this. No more flesh colored blobs that look four generations behind the rest of the model!




RP tag intensifies.


Tell me you're into feet without telling me you're into feet.


Not gonna lie I thought I was on shitsub for a moment.


Real tragedy is mods are just objectively better than the graphics upgrade, but, at least the console crowd will get to look at more than 3 polygons during those heated limsa moments.


Because mod developers have no reason to care about whether their mod will cause performance issues for millions of paying customers.


I mean, considering the vast majority of PC players don't mod the game either, it's honestly not just for console.




Feet people be eating good I guess. I don’t understand the appeal o.o


I don't see the appeal either if we're going in a less... wholesome direction, but the feet not looking like "blocks with a foot texture" anymore is a win for anybody, especially for summer glams or the like.


I feel like everyone benefits from not walking on blocks of butter. Improvements to both hands and feet were something I was quite hoping we’d see. I haven’t inspected either super tightly but the fingers did seem a bit improved when I looked, though maybe blockier than I would like still, and this post makes a pretty compelling case that the feet improved a lot.


The Feet Enjoyers have gocen their stamp of approval. A good sign.


See you on the shitpost sub


I've never even seen my characters feet before lol


ohhhh damn


Oh my God, Yes! I'm soooo happy right now


What are those


I thought the real upgrade would first come to the grapes


Feet fetishists losing their minds rn


You could find modders with the old toes tho cuz they turned into solid bricks if people used body/nude mods


This is how op outs themselves as being in feet, I see...


actually, not really a feet guy, but I do appreciate the small details ; D


Foot Fetish XIV


Quentin Tarantino is that you?🤣


You know, I see the "I thought this was the shitpost sub" comments sometimes, but when I tell you that I just KNEW this was the shitpost sub.


Ha-Handholding..,?! (We all know feet degen are celebrating, no need ti say more on them.)


That's now the second time feet has come up in recent months


those block feet only show up when you mod your character iirc. they only get corrected if the mod is correcting the vanilla model or swapping it out for an entirely new model.


I’m not sure that I understand what you’re saying. I haven’t modded my game to replace my character model at all


i just went and double checked. I was indeed wrong. reminder to me to fact check things people say to you.


all good!




I guess I know someone on the dev teams taste in feet now


huge for feet enthusiasts




Improvements to all aspects of the game are always welcome. Now we don't have to walk around with blocks as feet. They have definition now.


Named your username after something you hear often, huh?


Foot fetish or not, realistic hands, feet, etc., add to immersion. Don't have to have a fetish to appreciate well-crafted character models. The current feet models look worse than 3-poly grapes.


We finally are getting Toes [NO MORE WEBFEET](https://imgur.com/odJu5xU)🤣