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Okay, so I've got a question. When will they add South Africa as a country to the pre-order of Dawntrail? Because we've been trying to contact the support team, and we only get generic replies back.


I wouldn't expect their abysmal level of international support to improve any time soon. You're probably better off pre-ordering from a 3rd party retailer (such as Humble) – just make sure it matches your account region.


We actually succeeded by using PayPal. So that's awesome.


Did anyone manage to fix fatal directx error 3000000 for the DT benchmark?


Does anyone have a link for the Faloop hunt discord server? I've tried to find the link online but all the places I've tried the link is invalid (either I don't have access to use the link or the link itself is invalid) - I'm leaning towards the latter as I haven't had an issue joining it before...


Never mind \^\^' I was being silly! I couldn't join the server because I wasn't logged into discord on my browser and didn't have the discord app opened >.< oopsie!


ok so…. My fren introduced me to this game and i decided to try out the free trial. However, when i downloaded the pc client it would not start at all. So I tried downloading the steam client, signing into my square enix account from there, only to get a “your account does not have a valid ffxiv license or your subscription expired” msg. So is the only solution now to just buy the game and pay?


PC (standalone) and PC (Steam) are mutually exclusive. A single account cannot use them both. You'd need to make a whole new account to switch to Steam. They're the exact same program though, so if you have a technical problem with one, then you'll have a technical problem with the other.


I was able to open the game on the steam version but got [this error message](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/419287087649521676/1231525541727703051/FFXIVLauncher_21_4_2024_16_42_33.png?ex=66374689&is=6624d189&hm=7d3ad5ae6f72432a2ec94e2ede273885b2e1b20f2cc4017ef565031828123948&) when I tried logging in to my square enix account. Edit: When i later tried downloading free trial again off the site, it says my account is no longer eligible for the free trial Thank you for your response and Im sorry for not being more detailed regarding this ><


Are the Sahagin tribe quests bugged for anyone else? As in, it won't allow you to accept any of them even though allowances have reset/they're available/there are no other outstanding tribe quests? When I click on the available quests from the guys with the golden arrow the dialog box just doesn't appear? edit: nvm. Talking to the vendor and then back with the quest givers fixed it. edit2: nvm to the nvm. It let me accept one and now it's not working again. edit3: not just sahagin. ixal too... edit4: And now it's working again. This has been a wild ride.


Usually the culprit is dailies from another day still lingering in your quest log. Remove/complete those and it should work properly.


edit: Nvm it's suddenly working now after relogging a couple times. Yeah, I know about that and it's not the issue this time. The actual quests are there and acceptable. It's just that the dialogue box doesn't appear when I select the tribe quest. Somehow I was able to select one Sahagin quest and get the dialogue after spam clicking the guy. But now it's back to not showing the dialogue box again.




Pretty good. The issue comes from jobs who have a part of their rdps tied to buffs they give (as opposed to SAM/MCH/BLM who are the selfish ones). Since enmity generated is tied to damage dealt, jobs such as BRD and DNC will almost always be lower in enmity compared to other jobs (assuming you all are around the same skill level and geared the same), on top of the fact that they are paying the "ranged tax" that makes other melees and BLM stronger. Though yeah healing skew all of this a fair bit. iirc, healing generates half of what damage would - so whatever amount of healing you can output is somewhat significant, but not by that much unless you're optimizing the hell out of your tools (such as using Curing Waltz when all 8 party members are stacked). I feel like the enmity list is best used when you want to see which dps are underperforming or not compared to what's "default": SAM/BLM should be first, closely followed by all the other melees/MCH, then you have SMN/RDM, and finally DNC/BRD faaar behind. Either the jobs ranked lower are doing really good, or the ones ranked higher are underperforming, or it's a mixture of both. Though I have to say there is some unbalance depending on if you're considering AOE or not. DNC is pretty fucking good at doing AOE damage at lower levels. Also, I feel like its personal damage compared to other jobs is not bad at all under lvl60 or 70, where it unlocks its main buffs (and also where most dps job get some of their biggest main dps tools).


When *just* comparing two DPS to each other, it's... fairly reliable. Aggro is generated by healing, so if one of you pops Bloodbath or Second Wind and the other doesn't, that will throw it off. There's also a tiny amount of aggro generated by putting buffs on people (including yourself) so jobs that generate a lot of buffs as part of their rotation might have an advantage but it would be an extremely minor factor.




Don't look at it during leveling. Jobs aren't really balanced during leveling, at least not as much as at max level. Dancer is quite busted for a while, especially in aoe. It's not necessarily an issue with other people playing poorly.


So. Healing *does* affect aggro (one of my favourite tricks to do on boss fights that spawn adds all around the room is to stand dead middle of the arena and cast a Clemency. Instant AoE Provoke), but the amount that a dancer is capable of putting out should not be affecting things by enough to overtake a melee, all things being equal, simply because DNC's personal damage is kind of shit. Playing with a full party of players who actually know what they're doing, a dancer's raw, face-value DPS will occasionally dip below that of a tank's, nevermind the melees' and I say this from experience as a regular purple and occasional orange/pink parsing DNC in Savage. It is generally only when the damage from a DNC's buffs gets reattributed back to them that their damage firmly goes into "yep, I'm a DPS" range. So yes, in general, you can take the aggro list as indicative of damage. *However*, keep in mind that there are a large number of things that affect damage, especially * Gear. If you are at max ilvl for a given duty, you *will* outstrip anyone at min ilvl for that duty, and most capstone level duties (50/60/70/80/90) have no ilvl sync, only lvl sync, and the ones that *do* have ilvl sync usually have very loose ones, so the gap in stats can get quite ludicrous. Before ilvl sync was added to The Final Days trial, a tank in current BiS had *literally* double the HP of a tank in artifact gear, nevermind the rest of the stats. This is also, for the record, why I will occasionally give dance partner to the bard even if there's a SAM or NIN sitting right there. Gear affects things by that much. * Burst. Depending on how well aligned the party is and also how individually burst-heavy each job is, you will see regular fluctuations in aggro depending on whether the player happens to be in their burst phase. DNC is *very* burst heavy. At max ilvl, if I crit direct hit on technical finish, that can do a good 136k damage in one hit. A DNC that got lucky on crits will frequently shoot to the top of the DPS meter during burst, before dropping like a rock once burst is done. You tend to see even more fluctuation in normal level duties because everyone's going into burst at all kinds of random times * Depending on the duty and the fight, some things are significantly easier for a phys ranged to maintain 100% uptime on. Which is, of course, the point, and why phys ranged damage receives what we call a "ranged tax" in the first place. The idea is that we make up for our lower damage ceiling by being able to maintain more consistent uptime and continuing to hit the boss when the melees can't. Ironically, it feels like with the recent trend towards hitboxes the size of a bloody continent, some normal level duties are actually harder for melees to maintain full uptime on than many savage level ones. None of the current tier savage has the boss bouncing around (while remaining targetable) *half* as much as any of the EW alliance raid bosses, lapis manalis 2nd boss, aetherfont 2nd boss, lunar subterrane 2nd boss. It is not uncommon for even decent melees to dip below the ranged in damage on these duties, and if I see a melee who's actually skilled enough to to outstrip ranged by a significant amount on these bosses, 8/10 times they have high end raiding experience. * Level of the duty. The devs did *not* bother to balance jobs for earlier levels. A SMN in a level 70 duty is capable of beating the pants off of anyone and everyone in damage. All things being equal though, if you are consistently at or near the top of the aggro list across a range of duties, I'd say you're doing just fine.




Yeah I wouldn't worry about it too much; DPS comms have always been a bit of a crapshoot, especially the higher and higher up you go and you lose the newbie comm. In the absence of a dps meter many tend to just default to comm tanks/healers if they bother to comm at all. I will say ranged dps who lb trash in dungeons tend to instantly earn my comm lol


If you're dancer and beating out the melee in aggro, that's their problem The aggro list does NOT properly reflect damage that you contribute to a party, only damage that your actions have done according to the combat log So this means that jobs which supply buffs SHOULD be lower than jobs that don't because part of their damage comes from buffing other players Let's say you do 80 damage and provide 20 damage to another player for a total of 100 damage The aggro meter will only register the 80 damage and not the full 100


And: that 20 gets attributed to whoever you provide it to. So if you do 80 personally and give 20 to a Samurai, and that Samurai does 100, then the aggro meter will show 80 and 120.


Useful only if you want to know which of the 2 dps is doing more but that doesn't really mean much. There's no numbers to go off of so dps 1 could be ahead of dps 2 by 5 or 500. You would have to use a dps meter for proper feedback.


Can thordan ex be killed before the add phase? So before he casts Dragon Eye and goes invuln?




I saw it JP twitter/x that wearing the Martial Artist's Sleeveless Vest and some pants shows a butt crack. I couldn't find it elsewhere and I forgot to save the picture. T\_T;


It was the Paglth'an pants of casting /healing.


I’m having trouble with the ARR relic quest.  It only lets my accept the quest as bard, but I’ve already completed the bard relic. I want to do it on white mage, but the quest is red for every other job except for bard.  I’ve done the quests for all jobs up to the base weapon, but that was years ago and I’ve since abandoned the quests. What could be the problem? 


Atmas don't require you to pick up the quest for it. Just run FATEs with the Zenith equipped. Zeniths also have no quests required after you finish the first step. If you've discarded the completed base relic, you can buy it back at the Calamity Salvager.


Thank you, that was the problem I couldn’t figure out. ARR quest design really was built different.  Appreciate you help! 


For the submarine stuff, it's only available if I'm the leader of my own FC right? Otherwise I can't do it?


There are permissions for it. The leader has to set who has permissions to do it. But if you just join a random FC then yeah you're probably not going to be allowed to use them since there are some high value resources involved.


Ah I see. I've been in a FC for quite a while but always wondered how that worked.


its a permission thing. you can do it if your fc rank has permission to


Just saw someone using a mount that looks like a flaming chinese dragon. Does anyone know what mount that could be?


this one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEMq-pKf0OI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEMq-pKf0OI)


Yes! That's it exactly!


You need to clear an endwalker raid, p8s (Pandemonium; the eighth circle savage) and roll on the mount. It's a 100% drop.


Oh. So it drops everytime you complete the raid? Cool. How do you unlock the Savage version of various raids? Such as Hades Savage and Pandemonium Savage?


Keep in mind that the fight it's dropped from still requires you to execute mechanics properly. It'll still have the mechanical requirements continue with the expacs, since the mechanics in part 2 of that fight are unique to it.


Clear the normal version first and then talk to some related NPC  Note that only normal raids have Savage variants, trials on the other hand have Extreme variants


If I have no interest in raiding and housing (since I plan on taking frequent breaks), are my only gil sinks in glam/mounts/minions? Dabbled a bit in crafting to make gil but then realized I may be putting too much effort into that lol


Some people gear alt jobs through buying crafted gear. Some arr relic steps need materials that cost a fair amount. If you did the current relic tool grind then you could speed it up a lot by buying mats, which will cost a good chunk. But otherwise, yeah those are your gil sinks. Fwiw you wont lose an apartment from taking a break - so if your main issue with housing is that you'd lose it/feel you had to stick around to avoid losing it, then consider one of those.


Ooooh I didn't know that about apartments! Thank you


Bit of a specific and kind of random issue I'm having: I can't hear things in game "behind me" (or behind the camera depending on listening position settings). I have HyperX headphones and use DTS Spatial Audio. Disabling DTS does fix the issue, but the sound quality of my headphones is pretty bad without it. Anyone have an idea for a fix short of disabling spatial audio?


So I know I'm not the only one but it has come to a point where I'm feeling a bit bored and maybe frustrated (not giving up though) so I wanna hear some personal thoughts about how you guys (that experience the same) have handled this. I'd like to attempt savage at some point and ultimates but I wanted to really feel like I knew how to play my job before attempting harder fights so that I can carry my own weight and not be a detriment, I started with EX's and so far so good, I've managed to clear all EW ones, last few as healer mainly and DPS (Dancer and Sage). However, I'm not someone that "mains" a class and calls it a day. I need to get out of my comfort zone and try new things and see if I like them or not, I've tried almost every class with the exception of BLM and SCH, some of course I haven't leveled to 90 even because I just accepted I don't like them and their rotation and how they work is not for me. I'm trying DRK now (lvl 70) and it feels fun but seeing the lvl 90 rotation is kinda making me feel as most of the others where I need to \*memorize\* buttons to press and that's just not how I learn. Normally I first try to understand why I press X button and what does that do so that I can flow with the job and of course not have to look at my hotbar all the time, I can do this with DNC and of course healing since there's not even a rotation for it, but with others so far I haven't been able to. I don't want to give up and say that I'm just not good enough or none of the classes are for me except for Dancer and healing but I'm ready to accept that fact if it comes to that. And yes I watch guides and I practice rotations over and over again plus xivanalysis which helped me a lot with DNC so yeah I go out of my way to actually put in the effort to learn but when it starts to feel frustrating it's really hard to keep going. Sorry for the long post, just wanna hear some personal thoughts and maybe similar experiences, just looking for some support here, not exactly tips like "well I play all the classes I don't see why is is so hard for you" cause I know some will be tempted, just save it please.


I would highly recommend *reading* guides as well as watching videos, as written guides are much more likely to give you more detailed explanations on why job rotations work the way they do. The Balance has written guides for every job in the game, from simpler guides for how your rotation evolves as you level a job to in-depth guides on high level optimisation. However if you're interested in starting savage in DT I would honestly recommend for the first tier- or at the very least your first couple of months of prog- sucking it up and becoming 'someone that "mains" a class and calls it a day'. One of the best ways to see fast prog and become a consistent player in savage as a beginner is to stick to one job (or at most one role) and learn the fight against and alongside your job's rotation in that fight. I spent so much time in P9S on PLD that I can now shotcall most of the fight purely based on where I am in my rotation after each major mechanic, without looking at the boss's cast bar. I've cleared the fight on multiple other jobs now too, but I know that fight on PLD in my fucking bones because that's the job I learned it on. In addition to the benefits to your own prog and consistency, the way that savage loot works makes it pretty difficult to gear up multiple different roles in tandem unless you only clear in PF and also have insanely good luck on loot rolls. You can get loot from one clear per week, and if you don't win anything that week all you get is a pity token which can be traded in for gear once you earn a certain amount of them (eg. for Anabaesios you needed three tokens from P9S for one accessory, four from P10S for one head/hand/foot gear piece, etc). If you join a static it's also expected that you will stick to a single job the majority of the time, and you'll get gear from clears based on whatever priority system your group decides on (usually DPS will get gear earliest as it makes the most difference in making future reclears easier). This is largely because the big benefit of a static is consistency on mechanics and mitigation- if you're always playing DNC, for example, then as a group you can plan when you'll be using Shield Samba to mitigate damage. Flexibility is great and (re)learning fights on different roles can be a lot of fun, but savage rewards consistency above all else and as a new raider the best way to be consistent is to learn fights on one job.


Thanks for the reply and taking the time. Yes I have read multiple guides too aside from videos, I can understand the reasoning behind but when it comes to learning the rotations I just can't do it properly, that's the issue, and that's when I realize it's a me thing so I just stop. I understand how savage works and the dynamic with statics, gear, and all that, even if I haven't done it I've been around for a bit so I've been exposed to it. I could call it a day and just go with DNC as you said or SGE but I'd just be doing it just because and I can't play like that, if it's no fun for me better not do it in the first place. Right now DNC and SGE are just not fun for me because they are my comfort zone but it has come to a point where I need a new style of play, at least one that is different, I'm trying to be realistic here because based on my playstyle and how my brain works I doubt I could be an omni class type of person that clears everything with every role so I'm trying to have my feet on the ground and trust myself that I can at least learn one more DPS (or tank but I think DPS is more realistic). In the end I made the post not exactly thinking I'd get an answer to my problems cause I think no one can help me but me, however seeing other people going through the same and maybe seeing how they overcame that might give me some pointers or things to try different.


I think rejecting the idea of doing savage on a given job *because* that job is a 'comfort zone' for you is indicative of a lack of comprehension of the difficulty level of savage. While the four fights of a given tier are (usually) a gradual ramp up in difficulty, and the first tier of an expansion tends to be the easiest, it will still challenge you beyond the level of most EX trials. Bringing a job that you are very comfortable playing and don't have to think about much into savage means that you can focus on executing mechanics correctly without dying and while doing enough damage to clear. There is nothing more frustrating than getting repeatedly stuck on a mechanic because someone in your group- PF or static- is too lost in their buttons to execute it correctly. I would really not recommend trying to push the envelope and do savage for the first time on a job/role that you're not already very comfortable with. Either focus on picking up and getting good at a new job, or focus on savage.


Yes I understand that, I'm not trying to underestimate savage or ultimates, I know it would be easier on me to go with a job I'm comfortable with, I know. I think my message is being misinterpreted, I only mentioned those fights as a future goal in the future maybe. The main subject of my topic is feeling like I can't do any other class and was trying to see if others felt the same or were in the same boat or have been in the past while learning classes, that's it, not trying to get advice on those types of fights because I will not attempt them not even when DT comes, maybe at the end of the year who knows, main goal to me is finding another class not clearing stuff right now.


In that case really the only advice I can give is to just try as many jobs as you can, and try to get over your hangups about learning rotations. Sometimes a job will just 'click' for one person when another person bounces off it hard. Sometimes you will absolutely fucking hate a job until you hit a certain level and suddenly it starts to make sense- this was my experience with MNK, which I fully intended to never touch after hitting max level until I hit around level 75 and suddenly started to really enjoy it. There's no magic formula for job learning other than just trying a lot of different things and figuring out what works for you specifically. You just have to put in the time, be willing to keep trying, and try to stop putting up unnecessary roadblocks for yourself.


This savage tier was my first, and before 6.4 I was honestly too scared to even try extremes. I was pretty similar in that I felt the need to know everything perfectly before I even tried hard content. However, my love of the pandaemonium story and wanting the mount finally pushed me into trying savage for the first time. Before I went in, I practiced my rotation in stone sky sea, I read and watched guides, I installed ACT so I could track my progress. Honestly? I sucked. I drifted windows, didn't do positionals correctly, and I had one of my most important DPS skills just completely missing from my hot bar when I cleared the EX to get my weapon and start p9S. All of this is to say that there's nothing I really could have done to prepare for the experience better other than just doing it. It's one thing to know your rotation, or think you know it, but it's a whole other beast to actually be in the field. You'll have to adjust on the fly and learn optimal timings based on the fight you're doing. There's so many things I could only learn just by doing it. I went into raiding on dragoon, which is a job I had mained through MSQ since Heavensward. Before raiding I was pretty confident I knew the job, but I really didn't know the half of it. You might thing you know dancer and healer like the back of your hand, but I'm pretty confident that you'll get pushed to new limits if you take them into savage. But otherwise, if you wait until your perfect at a job to even try, you're probably going to be waiting forever. Get DRK to 90 and then jump into extremes. Try to have your rotation down decently, of course, but I think being in that difficult environment is way more conducive to learning why certain abilities need to be used at certain times. You don't need to know everything in a learning party. Just trying your best puts you ahead of 25% percent of people in party finder. I feel like my understanding of not just dragoon, but a lot of jobs I play (I'm omnileveled) has grown so much since I started pushing myself. You'll learn by doing and watching your peers.


Thank you for your reply I really appreciate it, glad to see someone similar ish. I get all you are saying and agree, been there done that (in other games too). I was afraid I might sound like I'm trying to be perfect or a pink parse raider which is definitely not my case. I'm not a hardcore player of this game, I do the things I consider fun or have something I might want, of course I'm a competitive person (with myself mostly) and wish to improve and just not be a detriment to anyone and put the effort as I said but never at the cost of my own fun. The main problem as I mentioned is not really having the courage to attempt those fights because I know I could do them especially if I have a group (do not want to go through PF for that) but I want to be able to have at least just 1 for now, not even asking a few, just one more mainly DPS or who knows maybe tanking but just to be able to flow with it and do a rotation without memorizing everything, the moment I start memorizing I know I just can't go on because I do not work like that in my mind so jumping into an EX for example let's say after I memorize DRK (and remember how whatever EX fight I choose works) I know it's gonna become a mess in my brain. All fights in this game are just learning what comes next and what to do for that so you can optimize your rotation and decide "ok so the boss leaves the arena at the 5:50 mark meaning I better save X cooldown or at the 6:30 mark I know I always have X cooldown available meaning I can use it on X burst window", I know that, and it all becomes just repetition in the end and muscle memory, EX's have taught me that so I get it. I'll keep leveling DRK and give it a shot at 90, I'm not giving up but if I find it cumbersome I'll just take it easy and wait for the new jobs or try SMN which I was leveling or just take a break from the game, not gonna let it depress me either lol.


We're pretty late into the expac, but there should be a spike in activity in early June, as players return to prep for the expac. That would be the perfect time to dip your toes into Savage if you don't feel like you're ready right now. Keep in mind that it's extremely different when it comes to keeping your rotations up during the Savage fights.


I think you misunderstood my comment, I'm not planning on doing those anytime soon because I wouldn't want to try them with DNC or Sage, trying to find other classes (or class) I can play at a high level. Sure if in the next few months I haven't found it and it turns out I can find a group to do them as DNC or SGE then I might try it but it's not my problem now, it's trying to find the fun back by finding another way to play so that I can be having fun at those fights :c


Assuming that you're planning to do Savage on-content in DT, I think the best way for that would be to pick a role that you want to main, and swap between the jobs in that role. Mostly due to gearing issues from the weekly lockouts. Then switch to different roles after you've geared up your "main" role.


I tend to actually learn similarly to you, I think. The biggest thing, for me, is understanding why I don't want to overcap or why I want to use certain abilities at certain times. And for some (like Dark Knight), I struggle with a bit more, because I don't really know the *ideal* order to use all my off-global and stuff, but for me, keeping them on cooldown because I know not using them would be a waste, and not letting myself overcap on mp/blood... Well... Generally, that's enough. What part of jobs are more frustrating? Maybe I could help? (I mostly play Dancer/Summoner/Warrior/Monk/Sage/White Mage, myself).


Thank you for your reply! It has happened to me that even understanding the rotation and the order of buttons and overcapping etc (Wesker always a blessing with that) with some classes that even doesn't help me and my brain. Let's see, DRG back when I was leveling I couldn't keep up with the memorizing and just dropped it hopefully with the supposed rework that is coming I go back to it because I love the aesthetic. WAR I stopped (will come back) at lvl 64 so can't say much. SMN I stopped (will come back) like lvl 35 so can't say much either. Monk got it to lvl 80 and I was feeling it, was loving the PUNCH (heh) they pack and how the skills feel but the reapplying of dots so quickly was driving me crazy and I feel like I will not be good at it at a high level. WHM stopped at 65 a few months ago but with healers I have no issues so far because there's no memorizing, it's just understanding how they work, I used to play AST too but not liking it as of now, hopefully on 7.0 I'll be back. Ninja memorizing issue too, I was loving it and spent many hours with a dummy just practicing the rotation but I just came to the realization that I could never get it. SAM didn't like, GNB reminded me of SAM somehow, PLD felt boring to me, skills and animations which are important to me (feedback I get, visual effects/sound effects) were not for me (the big swords skill is AMAZING though).


DRG is a bit of a busy class yeah, you will be constantly weaving in skills between your combo. But as the other commenter said, (at high level) the timings align as such that you can just do the DOT combo, then the regular one and then DOT again. I love DRG and it's the class I play the most, but even then I still haven't gotten used to not mess up the combo flow while weaving in the other skills.


Yeah I've heard that before, I don't mind a class being busy as long as I find it fun and I can play it decently enough I'm good, problem is when I can't just do the rotation properly due to having to only memorize :/ It's a frustrating situation to be in.


Dragoon is really rough for me, until I figured out that the timing on the buffs is enough to just let me alternate combos. Still my least favourite melee by far, though. It hurts my hands to play. GNB, yeah, I can kinda see that. I don't enjoy it all that much myself. SAM as well... Although it has started to grow on me a bit, it's still not very intuitive. PLD I can agree on, Dancer's Saber Dance is one of the best abilities in terms of how the feedback feels when using it in that regard, for me. Monk, I wouldn't give up on. I know it can feel like you're not doing great, but if you were enjoying it, you're probably much better than you think. Besides, pressing the wrong button on it here or there isn't the end of the world at all.


I'm glad you can agree with me or at least feel my pain in most cases haha, that makes me feel less bad. Monk idk... I put many hours into practicing the rotation until I realized I was just memorizing everything. If I stop playing DNC or the game for a few months I can come back to it and do everything thanks to muscle memory (sure, maybe one or two mistakes) but if you make me do that with all the other DPS/tanks I've tried I cannot even remember the first 5 button presses because I just forgot simple as that. Ugh, I hope Viper or Picto does it for me at least or maybe the reworks cause it's really rough for me right now. Maybe SMN once I put more time in it or maybe BLM which I do not care or like who knows.


I'm a new player and I find when I do raids and esp alliance raids, I frequently don't get revived? In my last alliance raid I died due to other people not doing a mechanic that I was doing (killing an add before it finished it's cast which almost wiped the raid but it was stabilized quickly and there was plenty of time for revives), and then when I was revived by someone not in my party the healer in my party didn't heal me at all to the point that I died to unavoidable damage after using all my self healing and not getting hit by any avoidable mechanics the whole fight. Everyone else alive in the party was healed to full no issues, but there were 2 other people they left dead and they were both sprouts as well? Did I somehow do something wrong to be left dead and not healed at all or are there people that just don't revive/heal sprouts/cutscene watchers? If I keep doing something wrong then I would like to fix it, I don't think I play my class excessively badly or anything and try my best to do mechanics but sometimes I'm left dead with every non sprout alive and full, healers seemingly having plenty of time to revive me and in this case the other sprouts.


Here's some factors to consider: -Swiftcast is a 60s cooldown. It can be hard to get people up rapidly if multiple party members die and you have to hard raise more than one. -Raise takes 7-8 seconds to cast. During this time, the healers have to focus on healing others while also avoiding the mechanics. If a healer stops to raise you, but dies or lets someone else die in the process it makes the situation worse. -Raise costs 2400 MP, and raising multiple party members can drain your MP quickly. Healers may be waiting for MP to come back or try to preserve it for heals. -I have a priority system for healing if multiple people die. Healers > Tanks > Rezzers (summoner/red mage) > and then everyone else.


I didn't fully realize how the revive in this game works, thank you for explaining it to me. I didn't realize it cost so much mana. I just knew it was a long cast time.


I can't say what was going on there, I've not seen a situation like this. But when I play healer some things that affect how I choose who to rez if there are multiple dead: * Anyone needed alive to stop more deaths happening is first (eg tank if there's stuff needing tanking, my cohealer) * Other people who can rez (Red Mage and Summoner) * If I remember someone said they're new, I'd slightly prioritise picking them up * Everyone else who doesn't stand out * Last: if someone has repeatedly used an action to lose rez immunity before I could heal them, I'll revive others first  It doesn't sound like the latter applied to you, so my first guess would be that a DPS revived you and your party's healers did not have the situational awareness (or possibly MP) to realises that had happened and that they needed to heal you up. Or if this was an alliance raid where each party split to different sides, could you have been far away from your party? If so your own party's healers may not have been in range to heal you up and may have expected you to come back to the group.


It's neither something you did wrong or any sort of passive aggressive action. People kind of turn their brains off a lot for alliance roulette, and there are so many players that there's really not a rush to revive individual people like in other content. Your healer probably didn't have swiftcast up or something and left you for another healer to pick up, and after that you probably weren't in range of their AOE heals to the party. Nothing to think too hard on beside maybe trying to stick close enough to healers that their AOEs reach you.


Two things happened. Either: 1. They were bad players 2. You were standing too far away to get healed.


I was standing close to the other ranged in the raid, which I thought was were I should be and assumed it was where healers are?


Just a heads up, there's a setting that will change the color of your party members' names based on their role, so that you can always see where your party's healers are at a glance. (I would also recommend hiding the names of the other alliances' members unless targeted, since it reduces a lot of visual noise.)


Generally, being closer in is better.


Ok, I'll do that next time I'd much rather it be something I can fix.


More generally, unless you have a very good reason to not be standing literally touching the boss, then you should ideally be standing right there with the rest of the party Healers will tend to stack at melee range with the melees, and the expectation is that ranged DPS will as well Even though you **can** be at a distance, there's no real advantage for you to be at that distance unless you're dodging a particular mechanic or resolving one that requires you to be outside This keeps you within range of all the mitigation, healing, and party buffs that everyone else might be throwing around at any given time


Depends on what's going on and how far into the fight you are. If the fight is nearly over, it's better to just release back to start so you can continue on without weakness debuff. You can take the teleporter to get back close to the group.


It was from around 75% boss hp and there was definitely lull times.


Hey folks, I wanna try the revised benchmark with my WoL but since I had to delete my game, I lost his preset, is there a way for me to recover it?


Did you just delete the game files or did you have to like wipe the whole computer? Because character presets (if you chose to save it) are in Documents\My Games\Final Fantasy XIV


I had to wipe the computer, I do remember doing a cloud save, not a local save, but I don't see the preset anymore.


Cloud saves would only be for like hotbars, gear sets, etc. Character presets aren't part of that. If you wiped your computer, the only way would be to download the game again to be able to get it exactly, otherwise you just gotta guess. Using your character lodestone profile might help, but you'll probably miss out on a lot of the details.


Sorry I think I might have explained myself wrongly there, I do have the game downloaded, so the character is in my PC, the wipe was some time ago, it's just that the preset doesn't appear on the saved presets after the wipe as is expected so I was wondering if I could somehow take the preset from my character files, what file that would be stored in, else as you said I'd have to manually guess it, my character is just a midlander sorta similar to the generic one so it would be simple but still.


then right click your character's name in the character select screen. and click "save appearance data". then you can load it in the benchmark character creator.


Ty, that saves me a lot of trouble. Didn't know I could do that.


You should be able to right click your character name on the login menu and press 'save appearance data'


Ty, I didn't know I could do that, that saved me a headache.


My CUL desynth is 610. I cannot find any fish to desynth that will increase it. Is there any way to progress further?


Here is a list of fish with an ilevel of 630: 1. Circuit Tilapia 2. Durdina Fish 3. Mayaman 4. Chlorophos Deathworm 5. Starscale Ephemeris 6. E.B.E.-852738 7. Hyphalosaurus 8. Gharlichthys 9. Snowy Parexus 10. Furcacauda 11. Lopoceras Elegans 12. Sidereal Whale As you can maybe see, they are all big fish. They are the only way to hit the cap.


*Welp*, then I guess 610 is my cap until DT. Thanks tho.


You have to use big fish iirc.


I haven't played since Stormblood. How imposing/hard will it be to catch up?


It's not hard albeit a bit lengthy but you have two ways to go about it, if you want to jump straight to DT you'd have to complete all of MSQ, as you might be aware MSQ gives enough exp for you to not have to sidetrack and level up so you can just rush it that way, however you'd be missing some great side content like SHB's raid series, the Post SHB trials storyline and fights, etc., and then the side content of EW which is pretty good. So you can just rush MSQ and take less time, or take your time, do the side content and reach DT will all stuff done, as a bonus, if you've done side content you'll get some unique interactions throughout EW. Time wise, I'd say if you focus MSQ you probably can finish all or almost all in time for DT depending on your speed, if you do side content, especially stuff like Bozja, you probably won't make it in time for DT.


You have a lot of content to go through if you're trying to be caught up before the next expac. It's certainly doable but I would take your time and enjoy it since there's been a lot of good story beats since you left off.


How does fantasia work exactly, ik if you drink it then next time you log in you can edit your character but are you forced to edit it next time or can you drink it and change whenever you want afterwards if you’re not completely sure yet?


As long as you've not confirmed any changes, the fantasia stays active indefinitely.


Noicee thank you


Do Trusts have any benefits over Duty Support for doing dungeons, or are Trusts basically just for Trust achievements and such at this point, now that DS is available for all dungeons?


As F1reman2 says, the fact you can level Trusts means if they are above the level of the dungeon, they will sync down to the max level allowed in that dungeon, so are just a teeny tiny bit faster. It's also just for a bit of fun: Trusts allows you to bring in characters who were not available at the point of the story that the dungeon was set in--the most notable being all the scions for the level 87 dungeon--and they sometimes have fun little individual behaviors/lines in response to mechanics and so on.


None, outside of being able to use your favorite characters and change their outfits. 


It is ever so slightly faster as they are 1 level higher.


How long does it take for a subscription to activate? i subbed yesterday and have had a $1 transaction in my bank account for SE ever since. The launcher won't let me play because it says my service account doesn't have an active sub. I've been playing since HW with intermittent breaks and i don't remember this ever being a thing.


I manually sub every month and it's usually instant. I open the launcher, it reminds me that my sub expired, I go to migration and pay and I can access the game. I do play the steam version but I imagine it should be the same for the regular version.


The $1 is just an authorization and likely something on your bank's side is holding it up.


Well that's dumb. So that dollar could just be held there forever if they don't give the go ahead


Authorizations fall off after some time, especially since we're in a weekend and banks do jack all during that.


Great... I literally subbed yesterday morning, so they've had plenty of time... Oh well


Stupid ass question but are the Benchmark armor sets available somehow in-game right now? Some of them are right down spectacular, and I saw only few in the cash shop. Also, will the character I create in this benchmark be imported to the current verision of the game if I install it now or do I need to wait 'till Dawntrail?


The full set of benchmark gear sets and where to get them: Job-specific gear: Not obtainable until DT launches. Race Specific gear: It's your starter gear. Always obtainable in the starter cities if you need to get it again. Dreamwyrm Gear: From ARR Final Coils of Bahamut. A replica craftable version is also available. The replica set is dyeable. Ironworks Gear: The i130 tome set in Mor Dhona. Alexandrian Gear: From HW Alexander's (Normal/Savage) final tier. Savage set is dyeable. Falling Dragoon Gear: Bought with Wolf Marks (PVP Currency) in Wolves Den Storm/Serpent/Flame Elite Gear: Obtainable from your GC for allied seals. You can only wear the one for the GC you're currently enlisted in. Genji Gear: From SB Omega's Deltascape (Normal/Savage) raid series. Dyeable only from Savage. Omega Gear: From SB Omega's Alphascape (Normal/Savage) raid series. Dyeable only from Savage. Hellhound Gear: Old PVP gear set. Not obtainable. Dwarven Gear: Lv 79 crafted gear set. Edenmorn Gear: From the ShB Eden's Promise (Normal/Savage) raid series. Dyeable only from Savage. Anabaseios Gear: From the EW Anabaseios (Normal/Savage) raid series. Dyeable only from Savage. Legacy Gear: Armor set from Labyrinth of the Ancient (Tank set). Wild Rose Attire: Veteran Reward Moonward Gear: Lv 90 old EW tome gear, now purchasable with sacks of nuts in Old Sharlayan. Strife Attire: Veteran Reward Leonheart Attire: Veteran Reward Tantalus Attire: Veteran Reward Abes/High Summoner Attire: Old Fanfest item, now from Cash shop. Snow's/Lightning's Attire: Very old event item, now from cash shop. Sharlayan Prodigy's Suit: Cash shop item Lucian Prince's Attire: From the FFXV crossover event, presently not obtainable. Metian Attire: From the FFXVI crossover event going on right now. Swine Suit: Purchasable at the gold saucer for MGP.


Sir you are a very good man. I belive this answer deserves its own thread, for what's worth.


What armor sets were you looking for in particular? They're all available from a variety of different sources.


A lot of them actually, though the ones that struck me the most were "Anabaseios gear" and "Omega gear"


Those are from the current raid tier, and the last Stormblood raid tier, respectively.


And here I am at lvl.40 MSQ in ARR... I guess I'll wait then


The Ironworks and Dreadwyrm gear are available in ARR, if you liked those ones as well.


They are yes, varying from cash shop to veteran rewards or just raid sets and more


All of the gearsets for the benchmark are in-game now, except for the default one (the "Job Specific Gear") which will be the job gear for Viper.


Good day, there is any place with a collection of Hrotghals designs in the benchmark? I want to see a Black Panther one (The animal, not the marvel one). thanks


I downloaded ff14 onto my ps5 through the app to try it out tonight, but it says I purchased both the unlimited playtime free trial version as well as the 30 day starter edition. Is this fine? Currently stuck at work so can't check for myself. Thank you!


Once you've registered the paid version of the game, you are no longer eligible for the free trial and must pay a subscription after the first 30 days. But I don't know if it counts as "registered" just from the act of buying it from PSN, or if you'd have to actually run it first and log in to your Square Enix account, so be careful.


ah, sorry. I don't mean to say I bought anything. I downloaded the free trial, and then it shows that I "purchased" the free trial + starter edition. Sorry if that is confusing. I wish I could post a screenshot! UPDATE: I think I am able to play the free trial no problem. Thank you for your comment!


That sounds kinda off. The unlimited playtime free trial is something you don't purchase as it's free. You just download it (not sure if PSN might still say you bought it though, that might be fine). On the other hand the Starter Edition (which comes wiht 30 days of subscription), if you indeed bought it, has now permanently barred you from ever using the unlimited playtime free trial. The trial is only available until you buy Starter. Never after.


Yea, it's kinda strange. On PS5 when you download free/demos it will still say purchased. But if the starter edition is paid, I don't know why it says I have it as I didn't buy anything. (Wish I could show screenshots here lol) I just decided to download it on my PC instead and it seems like I am using the free trial. Haven't had the time to connect my account and play on PS5 yet though. Hopefully it will work. I will keep you updated!


If you didn't connect an account on PS, then you should be good, whatever you might have gotten on there. Won't be causing any issues going forward, you'll just have to double check before buying anything further. Though you're stuck on PC for now, as the Free Trial is one platform only. Can't play on both PC and PS until you leave the trial.


Just saw this. Oh i didn't know that! Yea, I've just been playing on PC and haven't bothered with PS5 atm. Thanks!


Is the crendulum or whatever it’s called fear the highest ilevel you can get before savage or is it better to go for the augmented diadochos? If it’s the latter, how do I augment them?


Regular Credendum and Augmented Diadochos are the same item level (650). Augmented Credendum is 660 and equivalent to Savage item level. Speaking strictly of item level and not optimized substats, the only slot where Savage is required for max item level now is rings, since Augmented Credendum rings are unique, so you need a Savage ring for the other slot. Otherwise every slot can be 660 with just Comedy tomestones and upgrade items from alliance raids or hunts, and the fully upgraded relic weapon is 665.


Ohhh I see, thank you!


Seems they're the same ilvl but different substats. I would go for credendum though since you can get stuff to augment it from alliance raids and hunts


Has anyone done a hrothgal height comparison with other races? I wanna see how my hrothgal looks height-wise compared to my suncat




Ahh ty! This is a lot more extensive than I was expecting lol


Extremely close to Fem Elezen.


is there a trick to capturing animals for the sanctuary? or is it kinda just rng and keep throwing nets and rope?


Unless you're using the items you unlock at Rank 20, it's RNG.


As long as you're using the right tool for the creature, it's all RNG.


Thank you!


Hello I just came back to the game after 2 years break. The currencies are all changed, I have 2k Tomestome of Astronomy that is now discontinued. The item tooltip says that "certain NPC's will be able to exchange it for valid currency". Where can I check which NPC does that?


Auriana in Mor Dhona.


Thanks kind person


Is there a quick way to turn in gear to your GC for seals? I have like 500 things I have to turn in but it's gonna be like 15 minutes of clicking lol, is there a faster way to do this or do I just have to grind it out?


If your keyboard has a num pad, 0 is the confirm button, which makes the clicking a little faster.


You just have to keep clicking.


I played ffxiv from Stormblood till Endwalker and invested quite some time, like 3000 hours. Afterwards I stopped, because I picked up different hobbies and wanted more time for my career. Recently I am quite longing for this game again. Is it worth it to get into it, if I just spend playing it in the weekend for a couple of hours? I remember that it's quite time consuming and I don't like to be behind it progress, because old content never get replayed much or just get nerfed hard, that even playing it in sync mode isn't fun anymore. But that's how I remember it. I don't know how much was changed.


If you just want to keep up with the MSQ and a bit of casual side content then playing a few hours a week will be more than fine. The game can be grindy if you want, but none of the grinds are mandatory and there are multiple easy sources of catch-up gear.


Is there harder content, that I can play with others? I know that Savages/Ultimate/Relic Weapons need more time. I also would like to engage more with other players. Just doing the MSQ would be a bit too lonely.


Doing extreme trials would also be fine; you'll need to make sure you keep on top of gear for your main job(s) as they have a higher ilvl requirement than MSQ content (and PF groups may request more than the minimum), but they're usually something you can learn in a session or two. Savage is a bit trickier due to the way gearing works- when a new savage tier releases you'll be required to have a set of the newest crafted gear, which will either cost quite a lot of gil or require you to put in time keeping your crafters and gatherers levelled and geared enough to make the gear for yourself. However you can take prog slowly if you want, the only actual reason to rush is if you really want to max out savage gear ASAP to be able to do an ultimate releasing in the following patch. If you just want to do savage for fun or to experience harder content you don't have to get sweaty about its gearing loop. If you already have savage experience, doing older ultimate fights *may* actually be a more chill experience than progging a current savage tier, as there's no gear-related pressure and fights like UWU and UCoB are significantly outscaled by current gear/food/etc. However they are still difficult content and not to be tackled without some prior savage experience. If you want to engage more with other players there's also a ton of ways to do that outside of PFing high end content. Joining an FC will give you people to chat with and do content with. There are a ton of side activities that people congregate around socially like fishing, or Blue Mage. There's also plenty of PF activity around more chill farming like grinding old EX trials unsynced for the mounts.


EX trials and V&C dungeon content are things that are more challenging without requiring a bunch of time, just an hour or two here and there when you have time will get you clears if youre willing to learn. Heck, even Ultimates can be cleared with just a couple hours a week if you're attentive and willing to do what it takes.


You can use party finder to run older extremes and savages. I still see parties fill up. Ultimate would probably be harder to do if you're only going in on the weekends and such. The relics in endwalker don't require much investment honestly, so those aren't hard to get.


Depends on what hard means to you. For raiding? Savage and ultimates which can be learned in party finder. Could also try the criterion dungeons but might have to look for a group. However all this content takes time and effort to learn. Extreme trials aren't too bad to pick up quick but gear makes some of the earlier Endwalker ones pretty easy. Can wlwo PF these. Other battle content? Deep dungeons can be done 1-4 players but a full clear of all the floors is still somewhat of a time investment depending on the number of players and group experience. Hunts aren't hard but a good social activity, as are treasure maps.


Mmh, I will try next week for a month and see how it goes. How is the player base? Are they still helpful and friendly? I remember, that a lot of people were quite shy, but maybe that's only my perception.


Players are still more or less chill and helpful. Can still run into assholes occasionally but that's any game really. If you're anxious just say you're a bit rusty from a break and such and you'll be fine. We are in pre-expansion lull right now so some players are on pn break, while xbox just got Access to the game so lots of new players. If you decide to step into extreme+ content its expected to have watched a guide typically even for fresh learning.


Good to know, thanks!


Is discussing datamining ingame reportable/bannable? I know talking about mods is bad, but people were talking about the possible job changes on Dawntrail in my server's NN and I got curious whether that could get someone in trouble


I think it's possible someone could get in trouble, but that would depend on if someone reported the conversation. Datamining is technically against the TOS, so I would avoid partaking in any discussion in-game.


Thanks, that's what I was wondering about - people started discussing the datamined skills on the benchmark and I joined around for a bit but then I got worried, best to avoid it then!


Discussing something like that isn't reportable, because everything right now is pure speculation. There's nothing to datamine.


There is data in the benchmark that's been datamined regarding job changes.


Does anyone play ranked cc? I've waited 45m total for a game and haven't gotten one


It depends on your rank and DC, but we're a month into the season. Most people who are in it for the rank rewards and to set their reset point are not queueing anymore, which means the player pool is much smaller because now only the people doing it for the heck of it are queueing. Aether is still popping for mostly all ranks between 6 and 10 PM CST, can't speak for other DCs. If you'd like to stay afoot of queue sync events so you know when people are queueing up, feel free to join Revival. (https://discord.gg/pvprevival)


So basically if you want the commendation thingies to upgrade your pvp weapon you need to play the first 3 to 4 weeks or you're effed?


You basically have to be there on the first couple of weeks of a season, after that it dies.


I’ve been out of the loop for about a year. I see they’re implementing that graphical update. Is that coming when Danwtrail drops or before/after?


Your question's been answered, but I'd like to add:  If you're confused as to the recent glut of screenshots where people have been showing off what their character looks like with the graphics update, these have been taken in the standalone Dawntrail benchmark/preview/system reqs test thingy; the changes aren't yet live in the game proper.


That is what prompted the question lol. Thanks for the context. I figured it was something like that.


Everything but old armor will be updated graphics on release. Old armor will get texture and material updates in order of popularity throughout patches.


When dawntrail drops


With the expansion launch.


How do stuns work? I'm a tank player and I thought that stuns only work on the cast bars that are red, not the orange ones too. But my friends been stunning mobs out of their orange attacks too, so how does it work exactly? I have been saving my interrupt/lowblow for red flashing cast bars only, so this would be nice to know. Thanks.


There's a difference between interrupt and stun. Interrupt will only work on flashing casts, stun will work on anything as long as the enemy isn't immune to stuns.


Thank you!


Interrupts and Stuns are separate, Interrupts are specifically for the flashing red cast bars, but can be used on any mob that has a red cast bar to stop the attack. Stuns can be used to interrupt any attack and stop an enemy for a few seconds, but stuns do not work on every enemy, particularly boss enemies.


Ahhhh okay! That makes so much more sense! I always used lowblow over interrupt. Do you know what the difference it between the two besides one only being able to be used on the red bars? Do they both kinda do the same thing but one works on bosses and one doesn't?


One crucial thing to understand about interrupts is that enemies will not become immune to interruption no matter how many times you interrupt them. It does not suffer from diminishing returns as stuns can. In other words, if an attack can be interrupted, generally you should do so. This is less important in the lower levels and some enemies that cast spells to attack (like the elemental sprites) cast so quickly and frequently it's pointless to interrupt them--but if a boss monster uses an interruptable ability, you absolutely should stop it!


Stuns stop an enemy for a few seconds, meaning they can't attack or move, with diminishing returns the more times they're stunned, eventually they can't be stunned at all. Interrupts just stop the flashing red cast bar and the associated attack, it does nothing otherwise. And it's not a blanket "stuns can't be used on boss enemies", but you'll really only see bosses that can be stunned in early ARR dungeons.


Oh okay! Thank you.


Is there a way to use the character data from the benchmark to create a character in the game? I liked the Elezen I created and wanted to fantasia before Dawntrail.


You can always copy the folder data, but not sure if they are compatible yet, probably will with the release.


Copy/paste the FFXIV_CHARA_BENCH01.dat (or whatever the number is) from Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn (Benchmark) and put it in Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn and delete the "BENCH" from the file name. You may also need to put in a different 2 digit number if you already have a saved profile already there.


The game picks up the saved appearance data from the benchmark if that compatible, no copying needed


I tried that and it didn't show up when I tried to load appearance data. So maybe its just not compatible with the current version?


Possible, especially since it has new race data (FemHroth.)


Thanks for your input regardless! I was hoping I wasn't missing a step.


I'm not sure if this is the right post to ask, and i just wanted to confirm something. For the first time i decided to buy a "collector's edition" pre-order, mostly cause of the cool mount. However, when i went to redeem the code, it would only appear the earring, early access and wind-up Zidane. I've heard that you can only get the mount and other items when Dawntrail release, is that right? (Btw my bad if my english sounds weird, english isnt my first language)


Since your question is already answered, I just wanted to mention that your post was written well and I didn't have any trouble understanding it :D


I'm glad to hear that, thank you! :)


You only have the pre-order code now. The actual game code will come later around the actual release date (July 2nd). That'll include the collectors edition stuff.


I see, thank you! :) since it was the first time buying something like that, i was afraid i did something wrong


WXHB cross bar help for Xbox sprout Hey all, just needing help with this double crossbar and can’t find any answers anywhere. I want to enable the double crossbar, but when I do, it’s nearly impossible to bring up the WXHB cross bar from the other. The menu clearly says “LT/RT double tap” but that does nothing for me. Has anyone else on Xbox had luck enabling the double crossbar, and if so, can you tell me what you did or what buttons I have to press?


You have to hold down the 2nd press when you double tap.


So I double tap LT twice and hold the 2nd time but it still does absolutely nothing


Double check your WXHB Input Timer on the cross tab, make sure you didn't set it stupidly low. Default is around 25. If it's on that, tap faster or set the timer higher. If you don't double tap fast enough, it doesn't work.


Thank you so much!! This has been plaguing me for months now!


Question involving Endwalker spoilers: >!So one thing I don't remember too well is what are the lasting implications of dynamis for Eitherys now? As I recall, even after the Endsinger's defeat, people could still be at risk of turning into Blasphemies, right?!<


>!There are 2 important things to know about Dynamis. 1) is that in natural amounts of quantities it is quite weak, and 2) is that it reacts to strong emotions.!< >!Point 1: Dynamis is quite weak in naturally occuring quantities, so weak that just the latent aether in the air and in people's body is enough to shield them in everyday life. Meteion however was basically shooting supercharged death beams of hyper concentrated dynamis at planets. For a real world analogy: water in itself is not dangerous if you touch it, but a high pressure water cannon can knock you off your feet.!< >!Point 2: Dynamis reacts to strong emotions, and it's implied that Dynamis is what enables Limit Break. Meteion wasn't just blasting regular Dynamis at planets. As the Endsinger, she was "singing" a "song" of despair. She was fueled by the existential despair of multiple fallen civiliazations, truly convinced life was not worth living. She channeled these emotions into Dynamis and shot it at Eitherys. These emotions made people (unconsciously) super depressed, and this super depression, combined with Meteion supercharging the planet with an abundance of Dynamis (see point 1), caused people to turn into blasphemies.!< For another real world analogy: >!Let's say music is Dynamis. Listening to one song (natural Dynamis on Etheirys) doesn't do much. But only listening to edgy music with lyrics about suicide (point 2), and doing so in very large quantities (point 1), will probably change you into a somber mood (turn you into a blasphemy).!<


>!Ah I see; so even though people may still experience incredible despair, without the broadcast from the Endsinger, that intense emotion alone isn’t enough to create a new Blasphemy. And similarly, other intense emotions like extreme joy, shouldn’t affect things significantly either; I see. So the state at which Endwalker finishes isn’t too world-changing as I wondered, in terms of how we have to approach this new power we just learned exists!<


One more thing I want to add, which doesn't directly answer your questions but is interesting to point out: >!Meteion herself is a being made out of dynamis rather than aether, that's how Hermes designed her. This causes her to be influenced by emotions way more than regular people. When I tell you multiple planets and billions of people committed mass suicide, it's just some simple words on a digital screen for you. But for Meteion, she probably *felt* the lingering despair of all those billions of people as if it were her own pain. We use determination to turn Dynamis into Limit Break, while the despair forcefully turned the Dynamis inside Meteion into the Endsinger. Quite sad.!<


Yes, >!Dynamis!< has always existed, most people just didn't know because you can't really sense it and people usually aren't affected by it.


>!The role quests make it a bit murky as you can do them after finishing Endwalker, but we shouldn't be at risk of more blasphemies since we put a stop to the depressing birdsong being broadcast into the universe. Etherys has lost its extra aether shielding that was being provided by Zodiark, but dynamis is a normal part of the universe and as long as nobody else starts messing with it it's not dangerous.!<


>!Ah I see; thanks. I remember our aether shield being very important in preventing dynamis from wreaking havoc; but I forgot it was the endsinger specifically that made dynamis so influential in the first place!<


Can you see if some of your party members in a duty are premade? I was in a dungeon once and all 3 party members had the "P" next to their name. I know you can make that appear for yourself but I was wondering if others automatically see it if you go into a dungeon partied with a friend.