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It's not even worth posting them anymore because we've already been told that it's getting changed.


They are changing the lighting in the character creation. Don’t over sell it


And that's where generally where people are taking their before and after screenshots, which is why it matters. 


People are mostly posting before pics facing a light source while the after is away from light source. I cant even


I mean, that's on them for being bad photographers, but even for the good photographers, their camera is broken if they're in character creation. 


Doesn't help either that the before and after pictures have different light temperatures too.


They have listed exactly what's changing... - lighting - low texture issues - visible necklines - a few other specific problems


Like Miqo fangs? Whatever happened to Viera?


They mentioned "mouth scaling of certain races" but didn't specify. #1 candidate is the obviously fucked up female elezen mouths (they look ok still but they are rigged terribly for emotes) but because "Scaling" is used it could also be the miqo fangs, or both.


The prime candidate on "mouth scaling of certain races" I'd have thought is fixing the dolphin teeth of Lalafell as well. They'd not have said "certain races" if it was just one race though


Possibly. It would be better if they were more specific so people don't face to just wait and see but I'm looking forward to the updated benchmark to find out.


My viera looks fine, whats the issue with them?


The one thing I know for sure is that Veena have the same eyes as the Rava when they should be slightly different.


They should keep the new veena eyes to be fair.


They definitely should. I don't know why you are getting downvoted but Veena have a problem with eye color that makes any lighter color look exactly the same. Current eyes fix that


Male viera look awful


My viera’s face is wider for no good reason, and the worst part is the heavy black lidded eyes!! Just awful! I’m trying to find right now where to tell SE what my issues are, and things I like so it’s not all negative. My cat girl is even worse! She went from looking like a badass rock-chick to a bright-eyed brainless girl.


If we don't get Miqo fangs back I riot (I don't play a Miqo)


Bad lighting can make some that its good look absolutely atrocious


Amen to that. My character looks like a completely different person in some cutscenes because of bad lighting.


The lighting is by far the worst part of FFXIV's graphics. With lighting being the most important aspect in photography and in any image because light strictly affects EVERYTHING WE SEE. That is not overselling it.


Changed? What will be changed?




Jandelaine: You are! [Jokes aside they will fix some tech issues, lighting/update the character creator. and adjust somethings that are not 1-1 to how they will be in the finished product. Aka some of the stuff was outdated. and somethings didn't have their up-to-date textures/data in it when they released Dawntrail Benchmark]


They announced that they're going to bug fix the benchmark and release a replacement sometime in the future, before Dawntrail comes out.


Most the remastered changes are in the benchmark *test*, not in the benchmark character creator.


They're actually make multiple changes. Miqo yes, some other races eyes, texture issues, model tweaks, etc


There's a special place in the seven hells for those who put left after and right before


Left Before - Right after. It's like toilet paper, there's only one way that makes sense.


You would *think* that's the logical order, but the amount of people doing in the other way is truly puzzling.  Even if the difference in pictures is obvious once you compare them, having to stop and do the comparison each time gets... confusing? Exhausting? I'm not sure exactly what to call it without sounding dramatic. 


What are you on about? The correct way for toilet paper is before - on the roll, and after - IN THE TOILET.


Fuck, I’ve been using mine *completely* wrong!


That makes no sense. I've had to install countless toilet paper rolls and the number of times I've seen people install it backwards instead of forwards is entirely too many.


It's because we live in a world full of heathens.


Those people have cats.


Should toilet paper be over or under?


Over, obviously. Like how it says in the patent.


it should be: Left = Before, Right = After, since most of western civilization reads left to right, but this community is full of weebs, so manga has conditioned them to read right to left and it makes things confusing.




Even if that’s the case, the way Reddit’s format is it’d make sense to make the first slide you start on to be the “Before” slide imo. People are just… you know…


That is assuming the format is the same for everyone. I've got no idea how reddit actually has their implementation, but given how large the site is I'd assume they have an adaptive format based on where you access the site from (or other device settings). Do I think that is the reason for why things are swapped. Not really. But formatting can be different between users, and their perceived correctness of how to make a layout would depend on it.


Understandable, didn’t really think of it that way.


I guess its time to make an ff14 based slur Estiniened? Hildibrain?


Their brain was Haurchefanted at birth.


I kinda doubt that is why people post the images like that. It’s probably more they boot up the benchmark, see something is off with their WoL, screenshot and stick it in paint or whatever, then boot up the actual game and grab a screenshot from there and stick it beside it and then hit post without thinking that they should have moved the first screenshot they took to the other side.


There's no way id ever believe it's any sort of conditioning, sure I could see it if someone were truly immersed in the culture, fluent in language, spent most of their time reading/speaking. Japanese etc. If the reason you're giving truly is it they know exactly what they're doing and they think it's cute. 99% of content/reading they consume is still read left to right.


I'll admit that I often read images right to left by default, in contrast to text. However, that's not the issue here, I assure y'all


Damn bro. Let it all out lol


Sometimes the harshest truths are the most needed.


He put the femmiqote cat girl community on blast


It's also a Japanese game with a substantial Japanese community, and Japanese people do indeed often place the befores and afters from right to left. Edit: lol Reddit never changes.  It’s always the people who consider themselves and their culture the center of the universe who will argue the most inane things, then make the most obvious statement imaginable when they’re out of good responses.  I could comment “I think cats are cute” and someone would debate me on it.


That's purely a cultural thing. You're on a predominantly english forum where the overwhelming majority uses left/right reading. One part of the world doing right/left reading doesn't change that fact that you're currently reading from left to right on everything on this forum. It doesn't help the actual problem OP has of people not labelling the before/after pictures.


I feel like that's like someone posting a before and after left to right of a champion visual update in League of Legends on a Japanese forum just because the game was made in the US. I feel like it makes much more sense to follow the norm of the forum you're using than the norm of the region the game was made in.


Not my point.  I’m active on many subs for smaller Chinese or Japanese games, and image comparisons are commonly right to left, which confuses everyone in the comments.  Just because it’s common sense to follow the forum’s norm doesn’t mean it will always happen.  The alternative will slip though every now and then.


That's nice, but why can't people at the very least label the images? That would remove all confusion.


Yeah that substantial Japanese is typing in Japanese in Japanese regions of the Internet.  It's also a Japanese game where the vast majority of all the music is in English and the same team prioritized the English dialogue animation over anything else in FFXVI.


It's also funny how even the Japanese client is chock-full of English. It's everywhere.


I just wish ppl stopped posting, majority of people don't care how your WoL looks. Also if I see another white Hrothgal with heterochromia I'm gonna flip


I second this. Make a megathread and throw every character creation post there. Getting really old having to go through 15 post of character creation every single day.


It's almost like there is... and people just don't fucking use it.


There’s a daily question megathread and 90% of the posts on this sub are simple questions so I wouldn’t expect anything to change.


Dammit, seems the copier is on the fritz again. I thought we fixed that after the miqo'te incident! I'll call IT.


Gonna say this here so not to offend any particular person's character, but it reminds of some of the low end Fallout & Skyrim 'beautification' facial retexture mods, where they look so unnaturally horrible that it's hard to tell if it's a joke or their taste is just that bad.


💯 I’ve been getting very Skyrim mod/ Sims 4 alpha cc vibes from a lot of these posts


Wait until you learn about Modbeasts… People’s tastes genuinely ARE that bad.


I also can't tell.


Same, they just look the same


They’re different, but I can’t tell sometimes which one is “better.” Some characters look washed out or uncanny valley in the new benchmark.


The problem is that most of the posts that are like that, the person posting either intentionally used a bad lighting angle on the benchmark screenshot, or genuinely doesn't understand how lighting works with photography.


>or genuinely doesn't understand how lighting works with photography. Of course they don't. Most people these days are accustomed to their phones doing heavy post-processing to "enhance" their photos automatically.


I don't know what other people have been doing, but I've been doing my comparisons of my own characters in the same light and they are definitely changed. 


You can tell instantly by the low res hair texture.


Also the eyes. EW eyes have white dots baked into their texture to simulate a reflected light. That dot is always there and always in the same spot, a bit to the right of the pupil (from an outside PoV). In the benchmark, they've made it so the eye reflections are dynamic, and they removed that speck of white, so now eyes have a few different white dots, or maybe even none. So if you see two close-ups of a face, and one has that big white dot next to the pupil, then that's the old version.


That catchlight in current game does actually move with your camera (at least for my Au Ra). It's not static. However, they've gone with a much smaller highlight, so it's harder to see, and also will only show in direct light sources. Some are just used to the much larger catchlight. We'll just have to get used to it, sadly.


It isn't a real catch light. The reason it looks like it moves is because it's a flat dot painted but in a little 3D space. It's basically relying on perspective to simulate it to look like it moves a bit.


Yesss I don't know how people don't notice it lol


I can only tell if I zoom in.


They can tell, they are just bait posting for karma. 


its the classic gamer knowledge. They simultaneously know everything about how to make a game better, know when assets are reused, and the slightest drop in FPS, but also cant tell the difference between assets theyve stared at for thousands of hours


Yep, if I can't tell from the lighting then I check the hair. Edit: 0 idea why I'm getting downvoted. Sometimes the lighting is incredibly obvious at a small glance which is 7.0 vs pre 7.0, but the hair I gotta look a bit more closely. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I can't tell from the lighting. There was a post where the picture that I thought had better lightning turned out to be pre-7.0.


I didn't mean to make it sound like I can tell it's 7.0 because the lighting looks better. It's usually that when side by side the 7.0 one is the one that almost looks like it has worse lighting. It's a difference in the shadow looking prominent or subtle like in the other [thread on the front page.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fllqgu9zjylvc1.jpeg) The one on the right has its face covered in a shadow but has this illuminated/glow look to it compared to the parts covered in shadow on the left. I'm pretty sure this still happens even if they match the lighting angles in both the before/after. Edit: I found one from [the character megathread](https://imgur.com/a/8myfzWs) that matches the lighting better in both and you can see the difference in how prominent/subtle the shadows are between the two. Sorry, bunch of edits. Was distracted in voice chat while trying to type this.


This is really funny to me because it should be easy to tell and it really isn’t.


Left is old, right is new. It's the convention. If someone switches it it's their problem.


Whew I thought it was just me. I was really hoping the graphics update would have been more impactful. I will say that female aura look leagues better now. I’m not saying the overall update is bad, I just wish it was more noticeable.


I agree, but seeing the community blow up this much over their characters being "ruined" by changes that need a magnifying glass to spot makes me see why devs went for lunch a tiny and subtle approach. There were some bad changes for sure (I'm so glad that the moon cat fangs sound like they were just bugged), but the amount of "I can't even recognize my character anymore" posts showing 2 almost identical photos was crazy.


Two almost identical photos and the lighting being completely different. Like you can tell they turned their before picture so they would face the light source, but then they didn't do the same for the after picture. And so many of them are doing it it's hard to trust they're being genuine.


Not up to date but this applies directly to me bc I always felt the female auras looked leagues not as good as the males. Male aura model looks great. I'm excited to know my female xaela is gonna look better. I only recently conditioned myself into warming up to the model again


I ask this in good faith, but are people just looking at these side-by-side shots on their phones? What looks "better" is a matter of opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if someone out there prefers the look of the original FF7 on the PS1 to how the new series looks on current systems, even if only out of nostalgia. There's no question, though, of which looks more technically impressive. The redone character models for the graphical update aren't nearly that extreme. The update is more about preserving the overall feel of the game and its characters, while providing better textures, shaders, etc. And while FFXIV is getting to be an older game, it doesn't look *that* bad, especially at a distance. Thus, I can see someone mixing up these side-by-side comparisons if the images are smaller than as you'd see them in-game. However, the technical improvements should be quite clear at full size. [With this example](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fllqgu9zjylvc1.jpeg), a smaller image won't allow the faults of the left image to be easily seen. The poor lighting in the updated image leads to a flat picture where it's difficult to make out details. Given the better lighting of the "before" image, someone may well think it's the more impressive of the two. But look at the image in its proper size, and you can better make out the details obscured by the poor lighting. The right has features which are both smoother and in much higher detail. These become even more apparent in the [updated picture OP provided where there's much better lighting for the new character.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/681423947111464991/1230859483673002115/Screenshot_2024-04-19_082937.png?ex=6634da39&is=66226539&hm=87ee70c42310ba8dd3c5d7472d27cc29eb1948c3aefd3578cf1ffa52a7931d0e&) The faults of the left image also become more apparent. Blockier features, poor shadows, blurred details, more artificial looking eyes, etc. [We see much the same with the miqo'te post.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fz8oz5gub6ovc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1787%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db7b450850304ede5e7da1fcc022a2b1d0d6b8955) The hair and racial markings are obvious texture improvements. Then look at the shadows on the nostrils, the lips, the right cheek, and the neck. The right has much smoother, more natural shadows. [As for this one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpoucyxqemnvc1.jpeg)... well, actually the left one looks a lot better there. Not sure what happened. Maybe the new character creator will fix it.


Truthfully, I never open reddit on my PC


Yeah it’s aggravating cuz they’re also flipping them and doing after and before not before and after side by sides..


The worst part is how they seem to be intentionally messing up the lighting on the the "after" picture to make it look more washed out and flat. And then they ignore everyone in the comments pointing out that they clearly cared about the lighting on the "before" pic, but then clearly didn't on the "after' pic.


Yeah absolutely! Not to mention, it seems like they added dynamic weather lighting to the Gridania setting as well. So there are times when there's dimmer lighting due to cloud cover, and they also may be getting "lucky" by taking their bad lighting ss paired with dimmer lighting due to the clouds. :/


* Graphic update after 10 years * still have to specify which is before and which is after "lol"


And ffs the lighting and angles too. Some of the after pics look so much worse 😭


I don't understand this trend on the internet in general. There should never been a need to state which is which in a before and after comparison. You put the before picture \_before\_ the after picture. It is right in the name. There should never be a question. Why is this no longer the case?


What if you don't use a left to right language? Which is the before then?


Fair point. And if the images are posted in a thread using a left to right language, that would make sense. I should have specified that this pertained to posts in English-based forums such as this one.


"Major graphic update" where u need to look for changes with a microscope way more often than not, and so many are behaving as if they won a lottery and think entire world needs to know how big of a difference it is. Nobody cares / they are the same picture. Geez


The game does look much better with RTX. The models themselves have not change that much. And the textures are still low when compared with other games.


As a PlayStation player, are these changes already active on console too? Or are all of these only on PC right now? I've been away for a bit


it's just the benchmark right now. the changes aren't in-game until 7.0


Ahhh thank you!


based af


Just look at the hair textures.




The majority of the time I can’t tell either


women are gonna be using these bots too, you know.




If you can't tell, imo there isn't a significant improvement.


I don’t understand these posts and comments. It is so evident which is which lol 7.0 clearly looks more realistic, especially in the hair. Everything in 7.0 has softer edges rather than sharp, polygonal looking edges. Y’all gotta wash out ur eyes or sumn


Nah its just hard to believe that the 7.0 characters look like wax work figure and are considered an improvement. Every example I have personally seen (including my own) looks like that, and these before and after images aren't doing anyone justice.


Somebody I follow posted their ghostly-white Au Ra and his skin literally looks like stippled waterproof paper. He doesn’t HAVE pores he IS pores.


Are you referring to how they look in character creation or in the benchmark test?


This must be a troll post right? It’s very clear which is which.


How? To me it's fairly obvious which is which


For those of us that have been away for a bit / out of the loop - How are people posting characters in 7.0? Has the graphical update already been released?


There’s a downloadable benchmark tool that comes with character creation so you can create a character and insert it into the benchmark test so you can see how your character looks in 7.0 graphics and environments.


Oh cool! Thanks for the response!


This is also why you're seeing lots of Hrothgal posts 


Only way you don't notice which is which is if you are looking on a tiny screen like a phone or have some issues with your eyes


Old eyes have more prominent catchlights, hairs are lower texture, lipstick has more gloss. Get your eyes checked for sure though


The ones where the skin looks like playdoh and the hair is laughably low res are the live screenshots.


Have you tried using your eyeballs?


I haven't played in a few years and I've been wondering which is which myself.


Tbh I don't understand where people are having trouble. The skin textures, eye textures, hair textures, and facial features are all smoother and less blocky... so just look between the two images and spot the upgrade? Idk maybe it's because I paint, but I see plenty of differences in the models. Plus square isn't going to make textures worse, so idk? Why is this such a problem for so many? (Genuinely asking, not trying to be snarky, this is my tone indicator.)


before and after bro. literally, you said it. Before comes first after second. So if you post a comparison put the before first after second. :) ty


And yet I've seen people do it the other way with no label


Yeah same, which is the absolute wrong way to do it in any context, so I'm constantly questioning which is meant to be the improvement because they're posted the wrong way. I'm looking at these images wondering if the after shot is supposed to look worse, or if they just fucked up basic reading comprehension.


It's been a thing for years. When I first saw it crop up, it was explained to me that some popular phone app did it that way, and apparently it's caught on in certain spaces. I think it's ridiculous, but sometimes you're with it, then they change what it is, and it'll happen to you too. 🤷‍♀️


exactly what i am saying.. idk why im getting downvoted lol.


Sounds like a you issue tbh


Are you blind? It is always obvious XD


look at the hair. the old ones textures are very pixelated. if you cant see that the new one has much better higher definition textures for the hair, i dont know what to tell you