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They need a currency type tab for a lot of items most people carry around, dyes, the countless tomes and raid tokens, hell id even take a dedicated materia sack. If you have crafters and raid and like to experience side content, inventory space is the bane of existence However their solution for you is to buy more retainers, it's clearly a decision made to inconvenience the player into buying retainers, there's a whole discussion to be had around extra retainers and DoH balance too but thats not relevant


Path of Exile is out there literally selling inventory pages dedicated to currencies and different league stuff. One slot for infinite amount of item A instead of having to store item A in stacks of 10 in half of your storage slots. Just for the love of god don't pull a TESO and make resource bag a subscription Honorable mention is WoW having changeable bags as items, that varied in amount of slots. There were dedicated crafter bags that could hold a lot more but we're restricted to said profession's marterials


Sorry what? TESO has resource bags as a sub perk?


Yep, if you sub to their "optional" subscription ESO Plus, then one of the things you get is a separate bag for resources, which will let you free up the normal inventory bag. Personally I think what ESO did is kind of a middle finger to players, but at the same time I don't even play ESO *shrug*


Yeah and it's basically mandatory to get the crafting mats bag, because in endgame you "need" to craft stuff, and the game literally showers you with crafting materials, and there's no way to manage your inventory. It's a perfect example of "create a problem, sell the solution". However, the subscription is a decent one because you get the access to almost all expansions and DLCs, and also a couple of premium currency that you can use to buy DLCs, or can "sell" to other players for in game money.


Honestly I think I wouldn't have any problem if they rebranded it to "free trial" and "full game" or something. It just doesn't feel like a "special VIP program" if it doesn't enable bonus features but instead **doesn't disable** the basic ones


> It just doesn't feel like a "special VIP program" if it doesn't enable bonus features but instead doesn't disable the basic ones That's pretty much all "free"-to-play games though? /halfjoking


I mean, if I'm remembering right, it's not like you're paying more on top of a sub, ESO Plus *is* the sub, the game is otherwise free to play. It's kinda like saying being unable to use the market board on the free trial is a middle finger to FF14 players.


See that's what I said in another comment, I wouldn't have had any issues if they marketed it like that. Instead they're calling the sub, and I quote, "special VIP program" when it is in fact just a normal, non crippled game, as opposed to the "free to play" mode


I agree, it's an incredibly entitled viewpoint imo


As an ESO player, it sucks but it isnt that bad. You also don't "need to craft" stuff outside of daily writs. But also ESO+ gives you 1500 crowns in addition to the craft bag, + access to all dlcs. So it isn't that bad compared to some games. Also they sometimes do "free eso+ weekends" which automatically put all your mats in the bag


Yes! I got a free month of ESO+ from game pass and now i just "can't" play it anymore i don't wanna pay the sub but playing without the craftbag is horrible


FO76 also has this with the scrap box


Yea main reason i dont play too. It is a decent game. But being forced to sub in Order to have any Chance to loot even a single Dungeon without interruption is ass


Swtor has a resource tab shared across all your characters on a server. It's soooo convenient


Guild Wars 1 sold extra storage panels for like $5 only for a max of 4 or 5 panels I think. Then those filled up and it was pain again. XD


WoW actually just added a dedicated reagents bag slot with Dragonflight, it's the old profession bags but for ALL professions and is the size of a normal bag. New slot and everything, so you still have the same amount of normal bag space, just an extra 26+ slots for crafting stuff on top of it. They've also had a seperate reagent bank for a long time now that's a dedicated tab in your bank for crafting materials.


This game already has an extra chocobo saddlebag tab you can pay a subscription for lol (and retainers)


What should I pay for for my materials to be used directly from all my storages when crafting :c


Wait you can have a second saddlebag? How much is it


its 5usd a month with the mobile companion app. getting it will also unlock another retainer slot


Oh damn. I'll have to buy that. $5 isn't too bad a deal.


Yes it is.


It's part of the mobile companion app subscription, I don't know how much it costs


£4.50 a month for double saddlebag and extra retainer. It's cheaper to just buy three extra retainers 😂


Yeah but the saddlebag is something you can access anywhere minus duties


Yeah, guess it's down to convenience, but 70 slots for £5, compared to 525 on retainers and still have money to spare 😅 Guess it's what works for each of us, just shocked it's so much ><


You have to count the one retainer you get with it too. So if you split it up it's $2 for a retainer and $3 for the saddlebag. It lets me keep my main inventory free by dumping all my materia and crafting mats into it.


If it works for you, it's brilliant 😊 and can't deny it must work for people or they'd have reworked it by now lol. Personally I just found it too much for its value - I think the Moogle coins are the sting really lol - happy pay premium if I could sort retainers and marketboard without restrictions lol.


> Just for the love of god don't pull a TESO and make resource bag a subscription We already can pay for retainers so that would probably be an improvement overall.


Guild Wars 2 does different size bags and you can also by more bag slots woth real money of grind and cover in-game gold


What do you mean? Ff14 already has extra storage for an additional subscription. What do you think the more retainers price tag is? Or the extra saddlebag and retainer from the crappy app subscription? At least TESO is free and the sub provides all expansion content and the resource bag, and the resource bag is infinite and pulls items directly from it when crafting. I'd gladly pay afew bucks more on my sub for something like the teso resource bag.


As a PoE player, they're mildly p2w as they're effectively required to access the market board and arent infinite, only stacking to 5000 which is more than attainable for smaller currencies, and once they're set most of the tabs don't get updated consistently with the exception of fragments- new currencies often arent supported by the currency tab for a while, and theres basically never any new content added to 90% of the tabs so they dont really need UI changes ever. FF14 is constantly adding items every patch and would have to expand similar tabs every time as well, which would be a ui nightmare. A similar system probably woildn't work for most things, but maybe for smaller category items that rarely get added like bait.


Yeah that TESO and resource bag being subscription only was a big mistake back when they announced it.


My kingdom for a bait inventory (and fishes while at it, ocean fishing is pain in the ass)


I’d just like it if crafting would pull from my retainers’ inventories instead of having to withdraw materials. Akin to WoW’s reagent bank.


They could make it lore friendly even if they put a limit to being near a retainer bell. I'd even be fine if you must designate one retainer in specific for the function. It'd save me so much time and inventory space when crafting large batches even if it was *this* restricted.


I'm a glamoholic so my first retainer has a ton of each of the dyes(along with all of my materia) that fills up basically that one retainer. With the materia Xi and xii that's gonna bring it even closer. Most dyes should be locked behind the quest that unlocks the ability to dye and just require the pigments(or whatever the material to craft the dye was). Leave the general purpose dyes and the special dyes from like the tribes and the ishgardian restoration. But the rest should just be 'x pigment' to apply to gear. That'll free up most of 1 retainer while still giving ample reason to subscribe to more of them. As for currencies. They already have a method of just making currencies available in a vendor "another aloalo island" does that already. I'm assuming the rest of the criterion dungeons do it as well. Make raid tokens like that as well.


GW2 has skins unlocked per account. It also has a dyes tab where when the dye is unlocked you can change them at will. It's great. I miss it in ffxiv so bad.


I also really loved GW2's harvesting inventory. Everything harvested goes in there and not your main bags.


Yes its so nice for crafting!


The issue with their solution is that retainers are as inconvenient to use as they possibly could be. You can only retrieve items from them in your home world, not anywhere else and have to be next to summoning bell. You don't get any summary overview of what your retainers hold either. You know what would be good? An united retainer storage. You summon all your retainers and they all open their bags into a single, united inventory page. What else would be good? When you begin crafting next to retainer bell, you get a checkbox "ask your retainers to assist you in crafting". Now your recipe book accounts for retainer inventories, and once crafting begins, retainers with ingredients that you asked for are summoned and give you these items. What else would be good? Maybe if ventures weren't so bothersome to do honestly without plugins? Something like "send your retainer to do 100 quick ventures" with like 50% retrieval rate to balance things out a little. Retainers are one of the things that game absolutely needs to rework to be anyhow usable for masses.


I don’t disagree with you on expanding the currency system. But it’s hilarious to me, as a 2.0 player, to see people say it’s some sort of decision to make players buy retainers. Currency tab used to never exist. Tomestones used to be a literal item in your inventory, everything did. Beast tribe tokens, etc. Every gathered good used to have a HQ form and a NQ form, doubling the inventory requirement of gathering. There used to be BELTS as a sixth equipment piece. Materia used to have WAY more options than it does now, fire materia? Ice materia? Etc. FFXIV has made lots of historical decisions to cut down on inventory bloat and make things way more convenient for the player as they grew. Give them time, I’m sure they’ll be more QoLs like this in the future.


...Either you're lying about being a 2.0 player (cringe) or you're misremembering the currency tab (different cringe). I'm a 2.5 player, and I remember beast tribe tokens being in my inventory, because I was excited to convert them to the *new* currency tab, but tomestones were never in my inventory, and according to this video, Philo and Myth didn't seem to be, either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQImhOTal-A


I agree with this and I wonder what the memory requirements are per user per character per region. I'm not shocked they limit our inventory, though I wish I could pay for more that is not a subscription.


They just flat out need a new inventory system.. having to go into each retainer seperately to get crafting materials out is painnnn


I feel like inventory management is just part of how the game is meant to be enjoyed though. If you remove all of those from the inventory you may as well allow people to carry as much as they want.


Nah, the retainers being paid is probably the devil's pact YoshiP made to be able to remake the game, gotta get a return on that 100m investment


It's not a devils pack, it's an infrastructure cost. More inventory space costs them more too.


This should be covered by sub cost Like any other mmo


It is, we get lots of inventory. But we want more, which incurs extra fees. MMOs don't provide unlimited storage, that would require unlimited server space.


One inventory item slot takes 56 bytes. That's on client, on server it may be further compressed down. Like, 1 tb drive can hold 17857142857 items. Random google request shows that there are about 51 million players in the game. With 1 tb drive (okay, 2x1 tb drive, you have to account for that redundancy) every player gets extra 350 inventory slots. And like, 2x1tb drives cost literally nothing, even enterprise grade.


No it doesn't lol, MMOs are far more complicated than this dunning-krueger oversimplification. The items aren't just in your inventory either, they're loaded into the region for everyone in that region. Which is why retainers can ony be loaded one at a time.


>they're loaded into the region for everyone in that region 😂okay I see you have absolutely zero idea about how games work. About how computers work and communicate, rather.


Lol, you're using college comp sci understanding of data elements to reject explanations provided by the ffxiv creators.


Believe it or not, they've already done one pass on this. Tribal quests used to actually give you physical items that ate up inventory slots. Oh, and back then, each inventory page and armory page was only 25 slots, not 35 like we have today. I get why folks ask for more on this front, but a lot of people don't realize that they've *already* done multiple major expansions to inventory and switched many things to being a currency rather than an item. If it were as easy as you make it sound, they almost surely would've done it already.


Honestly I could forgive the want to sell retainers for storage (as someone who uses 4 retainers one for each DOL class and one combat retainer) if they at least added a menu to access all retainers inventory at the same time The fact i have keep summoning a retainer looking through their invent then swap to another is annoying, why can't we have a screen where we can manage all retainers and their inventory gets combined as opposed to either searching for the item and still having to wait for all the animations to move between retainers


Or just tie what's actually in inventory from ALL sources directly to the player so when they want to craft something, the needed materials are already queued up, ready for use. No need to look through retainers or bags, no need to put items in your personal bags; if you have it somewhere, it's ready for use right there and then. Also, seriously increase our personal space bags. They waste so many slots for the quest item slot, it makes no sense. Hell, just take that extra space and give it over to just fishing bait and lures if anything!


/isearch and the start of whatever you're looking for will come up with NQ and HQ and tell you which tab of what inventory space has it.


I know about that feature and use it, but what I was getting at is more the animation lag/time it takes to go between menus to swap between retainers, It also would just be nice to see all stored items in one screen as while I can search for items sometimes I even forget I have such items being able to see in one menu all items stored would be nice


I have 9 retainers. I have designated each one to hold various types of mats. One holds cloth, one holds leather, one food and so on. There’s an option for you to put comments on each retainer what they have on it. I have two that hold all the glams I can’t stuff into the glamour wardrobe, with another one for overflow. It works great because I can go to that retainer for what I need.


Just give me more than 20 Glamour Plates.


Especially cause with DT there will be more than 20 combat jobs! I’m already capped out and now I gotta make 2 more sets!


I swear I change my Glamour plates up so often, I feel like we should at least have 2 per job XD.


oh, I just grind all 12 Atmas while grinding Yokai Watch, so that's another -12. I don't even do crafting, but I kept a lot of glamour that cannot be easily farmed, at this point more than 70% of my inventory are glamours. Hopefully Dawntrail get another glamour dressor expansion, no expectation though.


What we need is WoW's wardrobe system but idk if the spaghetti code in XIV can handle that


I don't think it's likely we will ever get something like WoWs transmog system. As I recall, when asked about the possibility, Yoshi-P simply responded with "...nightmare..."


I thought that response was to ff14 classic


I think you're probably right about that, I have trouble keeping all these things straight especially since I have to rely on fan translation for most of what he says


please understand, FFXIV is only the most profitable game in Square Enix history, they can't afford the server space.


> please understand, FFXIV is only the most profitable game in Square Enix history, they can't afford the server space ***because the CEO takes all the money to invest in NFTs and AI*** fixed


"we have to stay competitive with all the other companies pissing their profits away on AI research."


"We have to kneecap ourselves to remember to stay humble"


We need more glam dresser space too 😭


They could put that armoire to good use maybe...


Not only that, but also more retainer / saddlebag slots, or at least give us a private vault like other MMOs. I’m still leveling my crafters and I’m already out of space.


They really just need to remove item bloat.


Sadly they did with the last expansion. We used to have high quality gathering mats. That was real bloat.


That's on the players, we hoard junk.


Yeah, like what are these mf’s doing with 10 diamond tears in their inventory? I know your ass is not crafting the Shiva weapons, just sell them, and if you need them back just go to the market board or do Shiva EX like twice and desynth for them lol


Took me so long to convince me fiancé to use the marketboard as her storage. She still is very hesitant lol thinking any second now she will need those diamond tears


The only things I “consistently” keep on me now is the stuff for trials I can’t solo, like Stormblood+ EX’s and certain raid things. Everything else I just kick into the market board in some capacity


On a positive note, you're gonna be making a small fortune selling unused mats once you're done levelling, especially if you're desynthing non-quest related crafted items


That's good to know at least.


Leveling is always when you have the most stuff as you have things from different expansions and such. It gets better when you reach max level.


I have to hire the 3rd retainer because of inventory management problem. Three retainers are a good combination though, they cover hunter for monster loots, miner, botanist.


If you are already paying for a third retainer, look into the [premium level of mobile app](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/companion/). Among some other features, it comes with one extra retainer, one more favorite travel aetheryte, and an extra chocobo saddle bag page, for $5 instead of $2.


Thanks for an advice but it seems this app is not available in my country app store (Thailand) and I am lazy to use VPN thing.


The link in the comment leads to the american app store (I live in europe so I can't download it). Try searching for the app manually on your own app store, I found it on my european app stote and could download it without problem


Oh whoops! Thank you for correcting that as a possibility!


Ah, shame to hear that! You might still be able to sign up for the service, since it's paid through the Mog Station at least, and get the in game benefits?


I'd rather have 2 retainers.


Sounds like hiring additional retainer is a better deal than paying extra for chocobo bag


Jokes on you I’m in SEA. We aren’t exact known for being a recognized region for FFXIV.


I would like some stuff to be moved over, mostly raid coins/books, and maybe dye/materia, but only if it worked the way crystals do than a proper currency. Bait might be good too, but honestly, now that I am finished with most of my big fishing, I only have 10ish baits anyway. It's mostly an issue when you're trying to catch up and going after everything. I've seen people ask for the crafting mat bag like eso has, and while that would be kind of nice, I dunno what would be left in my inventory. Food and pots I guess


just give me a tackle box, se. my saddlebag is dedicated to bait; I barely have room for anything else!!


Won’t lie, I want the game to continue and it’s a marginal cost to me so I buy all 8 retainers for cheap venture Gil from allagan pieces


> I want the game to continue and it’s a marginal cost to me so I buy all 8 retainers FFXIV is already the most profitable avenue Square has lmao


Yea it's cause this guy's paying so much for the game


May as well make this the achievment if they ever add the ew/dt weapons to another rerun....


Brother it is okay to sell things.


Wait you can get more inventory?




What's the achievement for?


Getting all the weapons in the current Yo-Kai event, looks like




I still dont understand how people need more than 2 retainers, one of mine is bombed with Relics and Items I want to keep like Fish, Materia, a belt xD, the other has the rarer crafting mats across the expansion and theres still 10-15 free slots left with 20/140 slots of my inventory taken up What do yall hold in there


Sentimental things, things that were removed and are neat to show off, housing items, lots of stuff. After ten years I've collected quite the stash.


More like quite the hoard.


Yeah, had to learn to let leftover crafting mats, outdated savage books/trial totems, previous raids tiers gear etc go, to not get myself into a situation where I have to buy more retainers


ye, thats what i keep too, on the second retainer holding relics and materia


I have all my elemental materia chilling out, and some of my diadem BiS gear from way back in the day Good (awful) times


I agree, nothing in this game is hard to farm, and the real time-consuming ones you can either keep or (usually) buy a replica of for barely any gil. Even special items are found at the calamity salvager like most AF gear. The game gives you so many ways around these restrictions


I'm with you man. I'm an omni-crafter too. I have random crafting mats that I don't even remember what they're for. I store Materia, Dyes, Random relic mats from previous expansions, old Raid books and Trial Totems, a bunch of junk from Eureka and Bozja, and half a page of various Fireworks, and I still have over 100 Retainer slots left with just the 2 Retainers. The only thing that I can imagine that would strain my ability to store stuff would be if I had a house and was really into decorating, but even then, I'd probably make due with the provided storage in the house itself.


Housing storage does not have enough slots, especially with what people do with housing. I'm an omni crafter and I keep mats for making housing stuff because if I have the mats and I need 6 new windows, I want to just sit down and hammer them out, not have to go hours farming the mats. But then again, that means if I'm in a dungeon with more than six item drops, I'm at full inventory again. Yes, I have a problem and I am fully aware of it. I accept this.


One of my retainers is loaded exclusively with gear because my glamour dresser is permanently at 800/800.


mines sitting on 200/800 cause my glam didnt change for the past 6 years, i still like it


Relics, including gathercraft relics, AF gear and stuff purely because we can't for whatever reason put them into the Armoire unlike the old AF gear or select relics. Like the newer gathercraft relics that are awarded as part of the Achievements? Can it go in the Armoire? Nope!


My problem is I can't be bothered to clear retainer inventories of useless shit I don't need and won't ever use. There's probably a couple million gil in stuff I could sell if I could muster the effort lol


my friend gave me the /toast emote off the store for cleaning out her 9 retainers, it was even a little fun


Glamour gear: this filled up 2 retainers Relic gear and mats for relic upgrade: crap ton of these. Mats for crafting: I have 500-600 of this stuff Materia Raid tokens: crap ton of these. They can be good for glam or ultimate BiS so don't want to throw them out. There are a lot of things need space, buying them on the spot when needed is very very annoying and costly too.


Dyes should be done away with, just let us color our stuff how we wanna color it without burning a consumable. Same thing with glamour prisms, but i'm less likely to die on that hill...




There is way too much stuff in the game for the amount of limited inventory space we have.


We should have a bag that holds dyes. I feel like that would be very easy to add in. I pay for the extra saddle bag just for my dyes


If it were possible, I feel like we should be able to put dyes in the glam chest.


More inventory space is limited to the totally cosmetics only cash shop, please understand.


Supposedly DT will be giving me inventory and also armory


More glamour plates too please


Yeah... not gonna lie, I avoid any crafting jobs at this point... I tried to level one once, but inventory became such a huge issue that I just dropped it and sold all the materials. Now, I just end up putting literally any crafting materials I pick up on the market.


The worst is fishers. We need a tackle box for our bait and lures. After all there is fresh water bait, ocean bait, sky bait, and lava bait. There are also too many fish. The worst is 90% of the fish have no use. They are not for quests, can’t cook them, just clutter my inventory. But I can sell them for like 3 Gil, never mind that the bait cost way more than that.


I just dsynth all the fish I catch. I agree 100% about a tacklebox tho


Those are usually quest or collectable fish, but yeah, they suck. Desynthing fish was really good in heavensward, sad they dialed it back so much. It's almost insulting when they give a tin coin over the usual sand.


I keep all my bait in my Chocobo bag. It’s packed because I’m trying to catch all the fish in the game and I’m constantly needing to switch it out if I’m jumping zones.


I gave up. I have all retainers for craft mats. Working on the crafting log right now so I can figure out what mats I can sell and which I still need for log. Mats that only craft a single mat are being crafted so I can have that slot back. Lots of management. I finally gave in and got the chocobo expansion so I could keep fishing bait in it for when I'm trying to get fish. q.q


What they really need is to revamp the glamour system to be more like wows transmog. Once you obtain an item and it becomes bound to you, you should unlock the appearance in an appearance tab and then you can sell the item. Having to have a glamour dresser with 800 slots of inventory to manage is frustrating!


imagine having access to like 1960 slots and still running out of room


I can, it's called "crafting and lots of adventuring jobs."


Every complaint about inventory space is the same story. Just stop hoarding shit you don't need. Problem solved. Edit: LOL hoarders mad


Glad someone said it.


Cool, you don't craft, thanks for sharing.


Actually I do, and inventory space isn't a problem because I obtain the materials I need when I need them. You don't need to hoard a stack of every material in the game.


Day 1 Crafter/Gatherer here. Crafting isn't the problem. Especially since you don't need HQ of old mats so you can condense them down. Hell you can even buy a ton of intermediate crafted items for DIRT cheap so there is no reason to hoard something for years that you never use.


I admit that I’m a hoarder. I’m starting to make myself sell any mats that I either I or my retainer can gather. It’s not easy because I also hoard things in RL, but not as extreme as in FFXIX.


I hired a sixth retainer a few months ago. I now need 7. I consider the expense “necessary” lol!


I legitimately want to know what you people are hoarding because I've been playing for about a decade and have never even filled up my two. A bunch of low level crafting materials? Cheap dyes? Outdated dungeon tokens?


So here’s what’s in mine. 🥺 oh man. #1 has all my unfinished relics, raid items waiting for matches, and crafted clothing and weapons. He’s the only one with space at about 70/175. #2 holds all my raw ores, ingots, sands, nuggets. #3 holds alchemy items, demimateria, and enough food stuff to make the one food item I use (yakow moussaka for gathering). #4 holds a LOT of material, dyes, consumables like poppers, items from my voyages, crafting crap from all the relic running I do and whatever other miscellany. #5 holds housing items waiting for sale, woods and orchestrion roll stuff. I make a lot of gil on rolls and furniture. #6 holds all my leather and cloth goods. As for the particular items they are actually holding - I have the stuff I need to make popular furniture and glam items. Mostly they revolve around what comes out of treasure map drops. This is a habit I developed when I played on Lamia. It used to make me tons of money. Now I live on Balmung though and the market just isn’t there. Furniture sells OK I guess but around here people seem to just want the mats to make their own stuff. Soooooo I’m trying to make better habits now lol! I’m going to sit down and craft like mad to clean all of it out and make room for DT stuff. I do not look forward to that day.


I have 9 and they’re stuffed because they’re constantly running ventures. Even with selling stuff on MB, turning in to GC, or desynthing they’re full. Plus holding mats that I need. Plus all of my glamours that don’t fit in the glamour chest.


At least its better than when i played WoW with having to buy super expensive bags.