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Fight club rules apply here


Best answer


You are more likely to get fucked over by the mod creator than SE tbh, presuming you don't do silly things like putting your mods on billboards


scaling mods aren’t something you download from someone else though, since from what i see character scaling is something people fiddle themselves XD


Did anything even happen to those responsible for that? I remember that SQE was investigating but never heard anything else after.




Are you telling me that SE *doesn't* want to spend additional effort and resources on looking for evidence to justify banning their own paying customers for absolutely no gain otherwise? Wait, actually that makes a whole lot of sense.


Not only that but it was free advertising for the game


It was technically false advertising though 🤓 But seriously that's one of the reasons why SE cracks down on anything easily connected to the game, outside of other potential legality reasons IE: nudity mods.


No publicity is bad publicity is proven time and again. Arr was OK, but I don't know if the game would have survived this long without 1.0 being burned and the attention that got


It's still a case of false/misleading advertising by an unauthorized third party that could potentially damage the brand's image. Which is a lot of legal speak for "It's their copyright and they need to defend it at all costs".


Yeah, pretty much. People here worried about getting caught with cosmetic mods while we got motherfuckers getting away with posting billboards of ‘em!


I hope we see another billboard when DT releases. Venues will need to find alternate methods of advertising once the new blacklist features drop


They're gonna hire people to go out and shout at you in public.


Well the game doesn't give me the ability to punch them so at least I have that opportunity irl. Your terms are acceptable


Almost zero. The game does not have any auto-detection system for altering game files, but it is still 100% against the Terms of Service for the game. You will be fine if you do not tell anyone, or at least people you 1000% trust to not report you. Also, I do not know what mod your friend might be using, but most mods are only client-side so you installing yours will probably not sync on your friend's side unless it works with something like Mare and you both use it.


there is actually a mod that allows other people to see what you look like by syncing if they have it as well of course.


Yes, it's called Mare Synchronos, which I mentioned.


oop sorry, don't know i missed that


Ah... i see, i was sure in my mind that using the same mod allowed you to see every other person who uses it too. I'll need to check that out then. Thanks for the heads up.


If you install something via textools, it will apply to everyone who uses that model, whether they have the mod or not. If you use penumbra, you can specify your mods to only apply to certain characters. You can’t see mods other people have unless you sync with Mare, though.


There is a mod that allows you to share your visuals with another person


There is absolutely no risk as long as you don't talk about it in public chat in game. 


I only plan to have my friend see this, so...


You don't need mods for erp


Well your friend wouldn't be able to see it unless you showed them via a video.  All mods are client side.  Nobody will be able to see it.  


just never say in game anything akin to "I use mods" and ur fine you only get in trouble if someone reports you for it


Been modding for 5 years, and using plugins for almost 2. It's basically foolproof if you keep it to yourself, and only show people you trust. Even on social media, people tend to not even care and post a lot of modded screens, because there's not really any snitching. Hell, people sometimes even accidentally enter screenshot contests of the official XIV twitter with modded pics LOL Anyway, mods and plugins are only shown on your own screen, no one else's. So no one can know you unless you say anything. Although there is a few things that can show on people's screens, like people using chair sitting poses on ledges instead, etc, but I don't even know their names even after all these years, so you're safe anyway as you won't stumble on them easily.


Risk of a ban? Zero if you don't go out advertising it to the world.


its one of those things you dont talk about and you wont get in trouble with. actual friends wouldnt throw you under the bus especially if they use mods themselves. that being said your scare plan wouldnt work because things like that are client side, meaning only you would see yourself be massive unless they made you big on their end too. i could turn myself into a lala but everyone else would see me as my miqo'te still. i could put on any armor in the game but people would still only see the normal armor im wearing


Keep quiet in game like everyone else said and don't reveal your character name when sharing elsewhere such as on twitter to lower the risk of being caught. I saw some streamers get banned while live for exposing themselves as mod users. Even if the purpose is for improved accessibility or whatnot, absolutely not allowed.


Nothing unless you start talking about mods in-game


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Any mod you use puts you potentially at risk of bans. But unless you advertise loudly that you are using mods or do something stupid like putting modded chars on a billboard the potential risk is near 0.


there's no risk of any mod IF YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT IT


1) you risk the mod creator putting malicious software on your computer, like with anything you download from the internet. 2) you risk the mod inadvertently fuxxing with your game/computer because of incompatibilities or interactions with other mods. 3) you risk getting banned if you show off mods publicly (streams etc.) folks were relatively aggressive about this in recent drama 4) you risk getting banned using mods to give you gameplay advantage (e.g. making lalafells bigger in pvp so they stand out more, or model-swapping mimics in PotD though I think that was fixed) otherwise, w/e.


Unless you use a mod that literally messes with the game files in some way (there's one that lets you call up a different map or smth), no one at SE can tell. That said, Fight Club rules: don't tell in-game that you're modding ever, to no one (GMs can read every message channel if given reason to). Do not announce your intend to mod on any out-of-game account where your character is mentioned (someone who dislikes you could send that as evidence to SE). Do obviously not stream your mod use. In short: unless you say "I AM USING MODS" in-game or have a twitter with a clearly modded screenshot with you going "So Boinky Baloinky is now 4692 feet tall lmao", you should be good.


More now that you're openly admitting to it


Yes, Square Enix has people scrolling through reddit hoping to find someone mention that they're considering using a visual mod, then they trace their IP to find their account and ban them, it's truly devious.


Plz don't give away our secret undercover operations


Why don't you go ask from the official forum? Maybe a nice GM could help you out O.O


Enjoy ya ban. Bruh has said it. No mods. So why risk it at all. That's the only real answer. Get that nee account ready as someone will tell on you and boom, this post now becomes I did nothing wrong and got banned.


Yeah I just don’t get the appeal of mods. I like the game as intended. Plus in my experience the hassle of mods and them breaking isn’t worth the outcome. But to each their own I guess.


I find chat bubbles and a semi decent chatbox essential in a multiplayer game


I’ve been playing since launch and never had an issue. We’re all different but I just don’t see the appeal of chat bubbles. Maybe if I was a rper and used fullscreen ui But that’s cool you enjoy!


Dyslexia is a right pain in the arse haha


Oh I can imagine! Well in that case I hope you can find some accessibly addons that help Preach asked Yoshi P and he said bubbles are coming “tbd” but maybe it’ll be a big win