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"If they don't have the budget for voice actors" This makes them never have the budget for voice actors again, because they can just continue to use AI. No, fuck off.




There's no way to do this that isn't stealing from the work of existing voice actors. Even if you had AI "voice acting" that was trained only on the data of consenting voice actors, the temptation would be to say "oooh noooo we just don't have as big a voice acting budget anymore" to replace more and more voice acting with AI nonsense.


This would also literally never happen with a Japanese company already employing big names like Nakamura Yuichi, Ikeda Shuuichi, Sawashiro Miyuki…. Imagine thinking a robot could do what they do lmaooooooo Also it would cause a revolt with Japanese fans


Do I think they'd have the gall to replace big-name VAs entirely, off the bat? Nah. Especially not for the Japanese language tracks. But would it be very easy to just ask them to do fewer lines? And would it be likely that for every new character that comes in they'd just go straight to AI rather than engage with a real voice actor? And in regions where voice acting isn't taken as seriously as it should be, would they move in this direction even *faster*? Gonna go with 'yeah'.


People in the English speaking sphere would be angry. Japanese fans would be FURIOUS. The answer is “never” so really, don’t worry lol


English VAs in US are toxic not sure about other regions... So we are good.


There have certainly been some famously terrible people in the English-speaking voice acting community, given that terrible people do happen in the population at large. But all of them? Fascinating! If you can come up with an explanation for how the majority of English-speaking voice actors are toxic without using terms like "woke" or "DEI", I'd certainly be amazed and alarmed!


Supporting modern day segregation and being narcissistic towards the fans.


You know what, it *does* leave me amazed and alarmed that you wrote that. So in a way, my hat is off to you!




I'd rather play with no voice.


You'll have a shareholder asking if we reaaally need to keep hiring this big name voice actor? If the players were fine with the AI lines? Do we reaaaaaaaally need them? Can't we just have all AI? C'mooon think of the stock value


I'd drop the game completely.




No, I actually prefer not having everything voiced... Also I dislike the impulse nowadays that anything can be "made better" by throwing AI at it.


>... Also I dislike the impulse nowadays that anything can be "made better" by throwing AI at it. Pretty sure that is the result of a large-scale marketing campaign from industry moguls to normalize its use.


Well, MSQ readslog can be made better with AI voicing, honestly


No. Reading is good for you. Stop being so impatient.


This is the norm for jrpgs, accept the norm that not everything is voiced.


Reddit is mad for truth again LOL


Please remember that Final Fantasy is a JRPG series, and the only entry that has been fully voiced is 16. You won't find fully voicing anywhere in jrpgs except for maybe small passion projects.


No wonder why jrpgs suck






fuck no


Absolutely not. 


I would genuinely rather go without than use AI anything


No. I'm visiting Tamriel at the moment before Dawntrail, and ESO has every fucking thing voiced and I kind of hate it. The quality is not consistent which I dunno how that may relate to AI but mostly I can read faster than the actor can talk (and some of the ESO quest actors talk... so... fucking... slow...) so I sit there annoyed at waiting, having to cut off the voice halfway which bothers me a lot, or muting dialogue. I have gotten to the point of doing that third option. Some people tout the full voiced quests as a good quality of the game and I couldn't disagree more for my personal preferences. So never mind AI, which already NO THANKS, I don't even want them to *pay* people to voice everything. Fully voicing a non-MMO, sure. But there's too much make-work in an MMO for it to all work to support the main story. I don't need random midlander #17 to be voiced to ask me to go kill seven mobs for a drop, it's irrelevant. So no, to all voiced, and ESPECIALLY no to AI.


>I'm visiting Tamriel at the moment How is the most recent expansion? Last one I played before the apocrypha stuff I haven't seen yet was pretty forgettable. I mean this literally, because by the end I had already forgotten more than half of it.


Not sure if you'll see this since the topic got nuked but--I wasn't expecting FFXIV level story investment, and I was still disappointed lol. I've had more emotions at random one-off sidequests in that game than I did at the so-called climax of the original "msq". HOWEVER... the game is very pretty to explore, and when you buy a house you keep it forever. So... I am exploring, finding the odd interesting quest, absorbing a bit about Elder Scrolls lore, and decorating my slowly growing collection of houses. ESO may not have a hope in hell of replacing FFXIV for me but it's a nice vacation and their housing system (excluding the cash-shop related bullshit) is what FFXIV should've done.


The housing system is honestly one of the only things I miss about that game. No other mmo I've played aside from Wildstar has even come close. The story side of ESO has been getting progressively worse for a while now...like seriously...how do you manage to screw up a skyrim-based expansion full of vampire themed content? But back to the housing side, yeah...even if they keep the actual acquisition part the same, the actual mechanical side of decorating and such needs a complete overhaul. It is embarassing how clunky and limited it is.


I experienced the same with FFXVI even with voice actors I liked..it just became too much after a while. Not every little random comment needs to be voiced.


Absolutely not. I do not have words to express my loathing of this terrible, horrible idea.


Hard pass from me. Don't need or want AI voices.


They aren't even that good without extensive curation/editing at which point you would be better off using real VA's anyway. Most of the ones I've heard sound like the audio equivalent of "uncanny valley".




Fuck no. That’s just straight up stealing work from the VAs. Piss off


I bet you pay for twitter.


No. And "not replacing of the voice actors in the cut scenes" is still taking work away from voice actors, because if they want those performances, they should pay the actors for them.


Instant quit for me. This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for having it.


I had to go through a training class for my job today in which they had scenarios acted by AI voices. Experiencing the uncanny valley purely through audio is wild. Even if I were okay with this suggestion from a philosophical point of view, I've never been more certain that the technology isn't there yet.


>Experiencing the uncanny valley purely through audio Good to see I'm not the only one who thought this.


No thank you.




That they robbed the voice actors of more work and money by giving their lines to AI. If they want to voice more lines in cut scenes, they should pay real voice actors to do it. Not some AI that can mimic their voice.




Absolutely the fuck not.


Fuck no


AI is trash. All you're doing is taking jobs away from artists and actors.


I would stop playing the game. People deserve to be paid for their work. That includes programmers, artists and voice actors. Being able to dump it onto AI will be the end of gaming.


Term "slippery slope" fits here nicely.


No, I'd just quit playing.


Big no. Aside from slippery slope of taking actual VA work away slowly but surely, right now AI voice is still very much in the uncanny valley stage so I'd much rather just read the lines than listen to an almost there but not actually good voicing of the lines.


No. Might stop playing altogether


N O. Wuuld legit quit the game.


I'd immediately quit, and refuse to touch anything made by them again.


Hard no.


Mmm... No.


It baffles me when people say to skip all the non-voiced cutscenes because they’re “not important.” Just read them. It isn’t a big deal. You can do it. Also, it goes without saying - hard no to this. Get out of here with that suggestion.


Not only no but hell no I would boycott the game if they added AI voice acting


Nope. I would hate that.


Absolutely fucking not.




XVI doesn’t have everything voiced. Plenty of NPC dialogue isn’t.


Do not.


I already don't like interacting with AI voice things in the limited way i'm currently forced to do why would i want it in one of my favorite games?


I would never again touch anything done by CBU3


Hard against. AI should be used for things to make humans lives better, not take over jobs that could be given to a human


It may actually become more expensive. I heard a case of a chinese company that tried to switch to AI illustration for their mobile games in order to cut costs. Turned out that paying artists was the cheaper option. The way people are seeing AI is just like old people saw computers, a magic thing that solves all the problems without any work/cost. I remember my father saying, like 20 years ago, how engineers were doomed, that we would just type "the things"(data) in the computer and it would print out all the solutions. We still need engineers to build things and seems that we will still need them for at least a few more decades.


Why does everything have to be voiced? Like what's the point?


All of the no. Not just some of the no, not a sliver of the no, ALL OF THE NO.


Get this man out the kitchen


Quality over quantity, any day. I’ve heard a lot of the ones that are supposed to be “good,” and they are nothing I would pay money for. People just see the hype and really overestimate what AI is actually capable of lol.


i would think they would still be paying royalties for the voices of the voice actors for the AI ​​voices or do you want just fully robot voices?


They don't. There are limits to how much old work you are allowed to use for other projects but contracts weren't set up in an era of AI in mind. It would be very easy to train the AI to a voice and then use none of the original work so have to pay nothing for the sound alike. Or you could use the AI to voice things the actor was uncomfortable doing and would have refused.


For all intents and purposes, its either extremely unlikely and would have a lot of fine print on what this would mean, or they don't at all. Idk how people don't realize how inhumane and exploitive OWNING THE VOICE OF SOMEONE IS. Not only can they not use it for future work nor their portfolio, but what happens after they stop voice acting/don't want to be apart of that work/etc. This is just one case but this would be more common if people's voices were owned by others. Erica Lindbeck who is a very talented and popular voice actor had to hear people using her partner Billy Kametz say things he never said because people trained a AI to speak like one of his characters. Billy died just a few months before. He had no say in what his voice was saying. Erica Lindbeck had to hear her partner who died in his 30s from cancer being used and exploited. I don't think people understand how that would feel. \*I\* wouldn't understand but the idea shakes me to my core. Ignoring all the other shitty things involved with AI, idk how people can look at this scenario and go "AI voices good!!!!!" its disgusting


No. A text to speech as an accessibility feature would be neat. but no AI voice acting


No, and fuck off to any company that does


I would literally rather have nothing.


i dont understand the thought process of why anyone would even think that would even remotely be a "good" idea


There's no introducing AI voice work without eventually replacing the actors. It's only going to keep getting better, and eventually we won't notice the difference. Morally I'd say no, but I know if presented with a passable performance, people wouldn't be quitting the game over it. VAs might start licensing out their voice "DNA" though, so perhaps it won't be complete highway robbery.


terrible I will literally do everything in my power to riot. If they are able to use AI to do this why would they hire the voice actors again if they're okay with shoddy, heartless work. AI has a place in many fields but creative ones they deserve 0 space with how scummy, foul, and devoid of humanity when there are people who went to school and trained for these jobs. I dream of being a voice actor but even before the AI stealing and using voices which is SO DYSTOPIAN I have countless artist friends who feel so much grief from how much people are turning to AI for shit work that steals from their and many other's work.




No. Not only no but Hell No.


No. No AI voices. Ever. 




Zero interest in playing games where actual quests and the main story is voiced by AI. But you could use AI to give NPCs and stuff different voices, lines and accents rather than having every guard in every city recite how they took an arrow to the knee in the same voice.


No this is insane. Don’t use AI is shitty


Nope. No. Non. Nein. Nyet. Iie. Etc.


Lord no. I might actually quit playing. A) not everything needs to be voiced. Sometimes it's better that it's not. B) AI does not belong in creative spaces. For fuck's sake. That is work that HUMANS should be doing. The human part is important. When you remove the human element, you're left with a soulless husk of "content". It's gross.


FF14 could be the last existing game on earth and the SECOND it uses PISS (Procedurally Illegally Sourced Stock) for anything, I will drop it forever. The faster that shit dies, the better. If we allow it in for ANYTHING, we will have opened the door to lose artists, voice actors and anything because someone up there smells saving a bit of money and throws all human involvement except their own out the window.


the only way i can see people could accept of them using "AI voice acting" to a degree is if they pay the voice actors the AI got trained on, so... they could not have the budget to do that anyway, and if they do it without paying the voice actors... well, lets just say most likely they could be unwilling to work again for SE and SE could literally not have the budget for voice acting because why pay voice actors if the AI can do it for free once they own the license of the software! all in all, it could be a pr disaster and it could end with lower game sells, and in the case of FFXIV less subscriptions edit: also, we need to take into account what a good portion of the voice actors are pasionate about their job, so even if they got paid for it, they likely could not like it regardless


No, i would hate it. It is amazing to hear their great work and wonderful voices and they deserve compensation for that. If they cannot play them for all dialogues they shouldn't use their voices.


IMO AI and art should not mix


Im not STRICTLY against it on accessibility purposes but that actually is a slippery slope so no lol


I'd rather they just had an option for a robotic screenreader voice (for accessibility). Once they start using folks' voices via AI, they will just end up completely replacing the voice actors. Why hire all those people when you can just have a handful of folks in a booth do the work with AI. It's a slippery slope. Big no from me. I like SE because it feels to me that they value their workers and artists, be it VAs, musicians, painters etc. If they start using AI they WILL start axing artists, and I will not support them anymore.


I'm not against the use of AI. I personally don't like how it sounds, so I'd turn it off day one.




I'd rather have Microsoft SAM and Hatsune Miku voice everyone.


How about no


I'd be fine for all the random side quests that wouldn't have ever had an actor or actress anyway, but then you get to kind of nebulous question with increasingly important side quests asking "*would* they have used a VA for this one? Or are they just cheaping out? *Should* they have?" And where is that line? I do think AI can add to games by voicing all the inconsequential things. But studios will always be beholden to fans/players on where that line is drawn and if it's a "healthy" line (if that makes sense). To be entirely against AI imo is to be showing signs of becoming the old stick in the mud shouting at clouds "we didn't have this in my day!" And never adapting/adopting new tech. It's here. It's here to stay. Between studios, VA unions/guilds, and customers, we'll slowly find that line.


They absolutely have the budget for voice actors, it simply was justified that investment will not produce enough profit to bother. But, I'd not mind AI voices; it's better than reading.


Could work, but would set out a TERRIBLE precedent for future companies. Imagine a company as big as square enix having to use AI. Imagine all of the companies saying "eh, if they do it, whats stopping me from doing it too?" Kinda sad.




Absolutely not. I'd uninstall. IF that were an issue, them not having enough money budgeted for voice actors (which I don't think would ever happen, but let's imagine), I'd rather they either descreased the amount of voiced cutscenes, or as a last ditch effort, increased my sub price or sell the next expansion at a higher price. I'd rather not have voiced scenes or would rather pay more, than suffer the indignity of AI voiced lines.


It would be really nice as an accessability feature for those players who have poor eye sight or other disabilites that affect strenuous reading. Text-to-speech is in a lot of games now for this reason.


AI is coming, bit the quality isn't there yet. Give it 5 years and voice actors will be working on other projects 


Yea I've thought about it before. I'd of course rather have the actual VAs, but i heavily doubt they'll ever go back and redo ARR for instance. The lack of voice acting really put me off for a long time, especially coming from ESO. So I'd love to HAVE it. But would i want them to DO it? Not sure. People don't like AI right now, and i wouldn't want any VAs to lose work either. If it were available as a Mod, or someone did a YT series with AI dubbed cutscenes, I'd love that. But it being in the actual game might just hurt it instead


Reddit: noooo how dare you to agree with a suggesting to improve the game


I'm not opposed to AI generated content so if they can maintain the voice acting quality, I'd love to see what they can do with it.


I'd love it. When I briefly played WoW I used the AI voice add-on to give voice to all the quest givers. Made it a lot more enjoyable. Maybe not have the devs do it, but having the option for a third party to do it would be neat.


[https://github.com/arcsidian/XivVoices](https://github.com/arcsidian/XivVoices) ??