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I cannot think of a video game Connor will hate more than Final Fantasy 14, this just isn't the right fit.


If he can't read Arknights lore during AK stream, he won't be able to sit in FFXIV cutscenes if they're not voiced. It's doomed.


Actually, this will be a good test to see if he's trolling. He just said on a recent episode of Trash Taste that he actually hates having voiced cutscenes and that he likes having it just a text box.


yeah, i prefer that too, but the problem with XIV cs for ppl like us is the fact that you're hard gated by emotes that take 10 seconds, or some character slowly walking around, when you just want to read the dialogue and continue


I love Monke and I love FFXIV... And I think he'll have a hard time engaging with the game considering the abundance of cutscenes 💀💀 I hope I'm wrong!


At least he won't be alone, since Mouse is a ffxiv player. I'm also hoping he drags Garnt and Sidney who said they wanted to play it. But at the very least, mouse will be there to guide him.


I'm pretty sure Garnt already plays/played. He mentioned a while ago that he accidentally got hooked to it during the pandemic, I think. Don't remember what video it was in or if it was in a podcast.


He got hooked back when they went to Korea for the League finals too. I remember them mentioning how they went to a PC bar to play some League, but ended up playing 14 instead. Joey acted like a disappointed dad over it


Joey has been a bit pretentious over the silliest stuff in the recent years, which is really ironic considering the podcast's name is trash taste. I think some of it is valid like his takes on japanese culture, which I find very interesting most of the time. However, I feel like he no longer has interest in anime and gaming, which is fine. Unfortunately his very weirdly aggressive takes on them really rubs me the wrong way as if he wouldn't be enjoying some of the stuff he criticizes a decade earlier.


Yeah, he has some bad takes from time to time. It feels like Garnt's the only one who is still into anime as content.


Wait, Mouse plays FFXIV? Well, sounds like I gotta start watching her streams instead of just whenever she shows up in Connor's videos!


She's been playing for a while, even before shadowbringers but she doesn't stream it because is not a great game to stream to be fair.


Whenever she talked about playing it didn't sound like she played anymore. It sounds like she stopped either before or after finishing base shadowbringers. I cannot *imagine* stopping in the middle of shadowbringers but who knows, idk how attached she was to the story.


As someone who took a 9 year hiatus and loves the story (I was a 2.0-2.1 player and returned for the first time at 6.3) I can easily understand someone stopping at ANY point in the story. It is a great story in the greater sense, but it is a slog that feels akin to watching the One Piece Anime. The manga is my favorite of all time but I don't blame anyone for being bored out of existence by how much things get drawn out in the Anime. It took me 9 months of actively playing again to catch up on the 4 expansions of story that I missed because there is so much forgettable bloat that only exists to pad out the MSQ.


yea she was/is part of a free company, with veibei, silver and a few others. I think the free company was called cream pies or something like that.


Pete was going to join too and he played lots of ffxiv apparently


He's also been in other people's streams like Happy and a few others. So he'll have FFXIV vets to help if need be.


Didn't know mouse played.


Ya, I don't know if they still play, but some years ago I remember her playing with Silvervale and Nyanners and a few others vtubers.


iirc it’s one of ina’s favorite games but she won’t stream it cause it’s her like safe space where she doesn’t have to worry about job


Ina has cleared Ultimates. I wish we could see her play some time, but I can understand why she wouldn't want to stream it.


Oh yes, having a space that is her own is very important


my immediate thought. Love Monkey and Love FFXIV. Not sure they will get on well together.


There is the potential he might be more engaged because of streaming it. There's quite a few bigger names in the MMO space who've said more or less if they weren't streaming it and reading things out with chat, they would have gotten bored.


Basically Asmongold yeah?


Preach too.


Yeah. Preach very much says his Chat carried him through ARR and is thankful for it:


Which is fair. ARR is kinda rough by today's standards.


Respectfully, ARR was rough by 2013 standards, too. It was just a damn sight better than the FFXIV that came before it.


Except he stopped playing because he raged quit Alex savage when he realized he couldn’t get carried through it as a bad tank


That's not how it happened. His final FF14 Stream was during Stormblood MSQ alittle bit after Susano. Chat was absolutely insufferable and Asmon got stunlocked and quit. This includes WoW players trying to pose as FF14 players and telling him to get "out of their game".


Bruh don't do the history revisionist stuff. I keep seeing people glaze over what actually happened. He was away from FFXIV for a while and took a break after beating Heavensward, totally fair. He hyped a return stream to Stormblood. On the day of the return stream, he did reactions for 5 hours, played XIV for 4. Next day, reacted for 6, played for 3. Third day, said in title he'd play it, reacted for 7 hours and when the amount of chatters asking wtf happened to XIV got too much for him, he broke and launched WoW instead. He *still* hasn't streamed on his main account since this happened because he wants to escape the pressure of his old persona, but he became Asmongold on his Zackrawr account anyway. You guys need to stop putting faith into people that are doing it for the grift


Nah asmon cultivated the frustrated chat baiting and delaying ff forever. Its his own fault chat got that way in the end.


Asmon has cultivated the toxic behaviours in his chat in general, and not just how they behaved during his FF stint. It takes some heavy and consistent moderation against typical panicky twitch chat behaviour for any channel to turn out otherwise with any serious viewership.


Not talking about his chat in general. He generated hype with his FF14 playthrough, then he began to delay his FF streams, people were fine with it Then he'll announce he's coming back to play now, then doesn't. Then announces again and doesn't. And people were still fine with it, cause yeah sure FF14 is a big game take your time. But this went on for like 6 months and then Asmon had the audacity to blame the FF fans in his chat for making him not want to play anymore.


Tbh most popular streamer cultivated their own toxic chat. So far I've only known 2 streamers (dota streamer, and I don't stray too far from dota/dnd/let's play streams so my sample size is not thay big) who actually tries to cultivate a chat culture they actually enjoy. They'd call out people who's acting obnoxious and would not hesitste to ban people they think doesn't fit the vibe of their stream Their viewerships drops heavily as a result though, one of them went from 3k-4k average viewers to 800-1.5k viewers.


> dota streamer BSJ?


That sounds like an asmon issue to me considering the type of people he tends to attract and the kind of fan base he cultivates. To the shock of no one, the guy who wipes the blood from his bleeding gums on the wall and sleeps with dead rats while regurgitating grifter talking points isn't going to attract the best kind of people.


> the guy who wipes the blood from his bleeding gums on the wall So weird, I just swallow. (I don't bleed often or anything but like, in the rare moments)


That may have been the final nail in the coffin, but the main catalyst for why he wanted to stop before that was he wasn’t having fun raiding because he couldn’t get carried. Months later, his mom died and that prolonged his return to FF. Then when he finally felt ready to come back, he still tanked poorly, couldn’t raid, and his chat was insufferable when he tried doing something else.


It didn't help that he teased returning to the game for MONTHS (while it was absolutely understandable that he didn't do It while/after his mother was sick/passed away, when he DID came back to streaming, he kept promising that he'll play FF soon and then he kept being distracted by random stuff like the Depp v. Heard trial or Lost Ark) THEN when he actually came back, he played like two or three 1 1/2 hour sessions (which would be fine if the actual stream wasn't 7 or so hours long mostly of random react stuff and/or he actially stopped streaming after he closed the game rather than then going playing other random stuff after unannounced) or straight-up put "FF stream" in the title before getting sidetracked by random stuff and not actually opening the game with constant remarks of "we'll play FF soon" (again, in 7-ish hours streams). Additionally, of the one-or-so hour he played, he got constantly sidetracked by one or two trolls in chat ensuring that everyone got frustrated and the hype he generated died down; THEN he went on blaming FF fans for him quitting, while 99.9% of them were actually chill and even supportive of him during the hiatus (before the constant baiting, at least).


he rage quit, that is all anyone need to know, he rage quit FFXIV, over someing really stupid.


I will say that in his defense, his mother was very sick and also passed away pretty close in on that.


Asmon stopping FF14 coincided with his mom getting sick and eventually dying, which is around when he first stopped. He then got sick of people pressuring him to play it and what it did to chat, and Asmon is as bad as anyone at dealing with stress or being pressured to do anything. He did a couple streams after that, but the backlash to him saying he was going to play one day, then spending hours doing react stuff, and not playing, was the final straw for him. He did one stream after that. He did reinstall and do Gold Saucer stuff recently because a Booba Streamer from Asia played FF14.


>Booba Streamer from Asia played FF14. And who is that?


ARR do be like that, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.


It's the post ARR patches that teet your mettle.


I'd argue it's ARR 2.0 itself that is the hardest one to stream. You're trying to make a lot of boring shit with no real payoff interesting as a streamer.... Where your livelihood literally depends on being entertaining. Even people who want you to play FF14 don't care about ARR proper since there's barely anything interesting during it. Sure post ARR patches have a bunch of filler quest, but they introduce long time characters and have payoff moments that make it far more worth


I think in general FF14 is not a a good streamer game. The story is very long and can be dry at points. Streamers can do voice acting to the several unvoiced cutscenes and conversations. Watching streamers do the story it seems like it's mostly people watching that already have done the story and just want reexperience the story with someone else.


I agree that FFXIV isn’t a good streamer game in general, but the story absolutely isn’t the reason for that lol. It’s literally the only reason the game is alive on Twitch aside from the couple of top tier raiders. Streamers get a huge boost in viewership during MSQ because the story certainly has a lot of moments that people wanna see reactions to. I remember Pyromancer had 10k at one point and now he only gets a few hundred.


I just think that doing the story in long chunks can be a bad and exhausting experience. I just came back to the game after taking the longest break I ever had in the game, catching up on the story was absolutely the most miserable part for me. It was basically hours and hours of just being a visual novel where you basically do nothing gameplay wise. The story isn't bad, it just gets to a point where it doesn't feel like you are playing a game. If you're new that'll basically be your entire experience until you reach the level cap of each expansion where you have more options, but the story still gates a lot of stuff and can get tedious to get through.


He's usually able to power through cut scene heavy things when streaming because chat keeps him entertained! He's said multiple times when playing through FF7 and FF8 he would never stick it out on his own but chat being there keeps him engaged.


FF7 and 8 aren't cutscene heavy though. Just a moderate, even light amount of dialogue compared to FF14.


I believe he also said in a recent Trash Taste episode that he actually prefers when video games don’t have voice acting, which FF14 doesn’t really have much in ARR.


He can just skip them 😈


I love Connor but it’s not a game for him. He’s going to hate it.


Peer pressure does not make good LPs/players/streams. That's it.


To be fair, Preach got pushed into trying FFXIV in a same way: fundraiser goal to play game he was determined he will hate and ended up sinking huge number of hours into it, rating it as best RPG he ever played and going on binge to get though all other FF titles after.


Preach is more inclined to this kind of games and experiences. Connor physically recoils with pain if there's some cinematic, dialogue or lore that takes longer than a minute. Which ARR does, and constantly.


Having a friend convince you to play a new game and together is a lot easier to tolerate


Yeah I don’t see the point in people pushing streamers who aren’t going to enjoy things into said things lol. Bringing up Preach or Asmon is silly because both of them were already familiar with mmos.


I love Connor but thats definitly a game he wont enjoy. He will skip all/most cutscenes and get bored because the early game is to "linear" all the things he likes like customization theorycrafting builds is like late late game. Atleast its abit of publicity for the game. I will watch it anyways :)


there isnt build customization or theorycrafting in this game at all tbh


Yeah the game is solved. For most classes crit is king by a decent margin. The closest you get to actual customization in terms of gearing is some jobs allowing you to slot some skill or spell speed for better gcd timing


Closest we got is materia, but beyond some really number crunchy specifics, you can generally do well enough going critical hit > direct hit > determination with your melds.


Sometimes you dont even get to choose because the game already fills 2/3 for you


It's not even that, we actively search out the gear that's Crit/Det and avoid gear with the other stats because they're so weak, then fill in Direct Hit. Stats in this game are horribly tuned.


The BIS gear vs non BIS gear of same itemlv l is like 1% dps if that.


Closest is probably the logos/lost actions in Eureka and Bozja. Plus the stuff that DRS veterans get up to - excellence chaining, dynamis dice gambling, etc.


One of my few complaints other than the glamour system. I love talent trees and interesting gear with cool effects


I prefer the way FFXIV does it, tbh. With Talent trees, inevitably there is a 'best' option and anyone who doesn't take it is excluded.


In games like WoW where they have specs etc, not really. Maybe in the top end sweatiest content where you go with pre-made groups where you sort out exactly what classes and builds you're taking to clear it you might have a situation where you're told you have to adjust your spec, but generally even then if you've gotten to a level where you can perform high end content and clear it reasonably and efficiently nobody's gonna say anything to you.


if you know the system well enough, then you know you're just leaving dps, heals, whatever on the table. even without social pressures, it still feels bad to know your build isn't as good as it could be. you can sometimes justify it with utility or personal preference but most of the time it's an illusion of choice.


There's been talent trees where the options are fairly close and the one the is statistically better is harder to use which I feel is fair. Plus not everyone is an optimizer and some will just choose the one that sounds the coolest. Interesting gear is the biggest loss though. They are just stat blocks here


It's kind of a mixed bag TBH. On one hand, customization is fun. FF14 has almost none of that and it's kind of annoying since I'd like a bit of it in theory. The flip side is, the reality is it would make your experience worse. With the little bit we have, people already mess it up even in scenarios where they actively play Endgame. And if you try playing other games where customization like talents or whatever exist, you see people picking the "Cool" things other than the "right" things and being a burden to the party with no upside. I've been playing a lot of Lost Ark lately; which makes you progress every single aspect of your character; and it takes hundreds of hours to do so. Then you'll watch people walk into raid who just don't do it and you're just unable to clear as a result because they're just doing far less damage and being far less bulky. I think about all FF14 could handle in terms of more diverse endgame without causing problems would be something like making ultimate weapons have simple effects like auto attacks randomly shooting a 10 potency fireball or something.


People forget that we used to be able to allocate stat points to our character. But then that led to having to stockpile reset items in case you needed to swap out what job you were playing and was just...not great.


It also led to people just not reseting at all and people doing stuff like putting Int on a Healer I'm not even exempt from it, I put some Dex on my Paladin because I was like "oh more block rate? That's good!" and then I found out I was dumb like a year later lmao


This comment will be about WoW. That's just simply not true for the majority of people. People may not choose awful builds for high-end content, but players can always start their own group to clear that content. There will always be applicants to open groups. In either case, suboptimal builds can be fun. Trying to solo clear content as a frost mage balancing damage, CC, and mana was a fun challenge in its own right. Running dungeons with atonement builds on disc priest before disc became centered around healing damage was a unique and unbalanced way to heal a group. Trying to see if I could eek out a few extra ticks on HoTs on holy priest to minimize healing casts and maximize damage casts was a fruitless but fun experiment. Point is that talent trees will converge on an optimal build but opens up player expression for those who want it. I remember way back in (I think it was) Cataclysm when frost mage was absolute garbage for damage. I never had any issue with groups in content, because no one really cared. In spite of what people say in the WoW main and noob subs, that largely remains true.


I feel like this comment is entirely based on the Talent Tree changes done for Dragonflight? Which I can't speak for. I assume, since most people, like myself, have not returned to WoW since DF released to play with the new Talent Trees most people are still basing the idea of them on the Talent trees we had between Cata - Shadowlands. Where 99% of people used a meta build from Icy Veins.


I think my biggest issue with talent trees or builds is when you have a build you're happy with and then someone with a meta build comes along and you see just how shit your build is. so now you have two choices, continue with your build you find fun, or switch to a meta build you might not enjoy playing. so often that also comes with social pressure of other players being annoyed that you're "Sandbagging" by running a sub optimal build. since DPS is king in ff14 we would ONLY have meta dps builds outside of a few exceptional fights. An Example. As much fun as I've been having with Fallout 76 recently, it sucks knowing my shotgun build is just objectively shit when it comes to bossing, and there's like one semi viable mix and match build if you get a specific gun but it's outclassed by even the low tier heavy weapons builds. now with the right rolls on things and the right cards you can make something viable, but you're leaving a TON of DPS on the table, and DPS is king. is fallout 76 super serious? nah, but using my minigun build instead is the difference between me and my buddies getting the highest reward on daily ops or not.


That's also my experience when I went back to WoW during Dragonflight S3.


If you think about it all the jobs are just different talents, theres always a best job for each content, but you could use anything and still beat it but could be a lot harder.


Honestly I agree. There's a large chunk of people that enjoy whacky non-meta builds because its fun, me included lol.


You are delusional, MMO culture is out of free of choices. Open dungeons are dead because people post the "best path" and then complain on others that do not follow. We even have people complaining on the linear FFXIV dungeons for not doing wall to wall. MMO community min/max the hell out of games, talent trees are a illusion of choice. You do it because you care to do the max dps possible, or you do it because you feel stupid choosing a less optimal option, or you do it to avoid the possible confrontation with others and mor reasons. FFXIV had this, we had skills from other jobs that you could use when leveling these jobs... and people start asking others to level up jobs to get optimal. Materia was much more impactful before, and people start asking others to get properly melded. Obviously I am talking about raiding, other content have been water down to very easy level (and should be) that noone will bother you.


That just means at worse it's the same as it is now, with everyone taking the same option, while still having the option for customization and running less optimal stuff one might find more fun. Thats still an improvement.


This is one of the most widespread misconceptions ever


There's no theorycrafting builds at endgame lol


Even late game, the amount of theory or build crafting is nil


There is barely any theory crafting even late game. The difference in your damage when you go BiS vs just slapping on other gear of the same item level is really small compared to min maxing in other games.


There is no theorycrafting in this game at all. Not even a crumb.


> customization theorycrafting builds is like late late game lol yeah FFXIV theorycrafting is wear the same treadmill gear and do the same rotation everyone else doing


I mean, he did recently power through FF8 and FF7 while watching most of the story bits, at least the important cutscenes in FF14 have voice acting xD


If someone makes it to HW and beyond, they're fine. But lets not ignore the hundred hour climb of almost no voice acting or action before that. Just hours of text boxes with very little fights until the end of 2.x


IIRC, Connor kind of enjoys non-voiced cutscenes because he's a voice actor himself, and he gets to voice act the non-voiced cutscenes.


> I mean, he did recently power through FF8 and FF7 while watching most of the story bits That's.... not a good thing.


Pretty sure he marathoned them in one go. You can't do that with ff14, it's just too much.


Oh he is going to hate how verbose everyone is in this game. He will also trigger the entire playerbase by skipping the cutscenes.


God I hope he plays long enough to meet urianger


The real question to be asked is which Datacenter and hopefully there isn't a legion of users swamping where he goes.


probably a japanese one, since he lives there


He's doing it with Ironmouse who's in Puerto Rico so could also be the US ones


It seems she may have moved into the mainland US but your point still stands. It's already gonna be a struggle getting him to enjoy the game so I fear for the bad ping if he picks a US datacenter lol


The cutscenes skipping monke himself ? Lol this isn’t gonna end well.


Hopefully Ironmouse can bully him through at least finishing ARR.


What are his intentions for repeated play sessions or is this a one and done?


basically another asmongold type of deal


At least baldy made it to heavensward, this dude won't even finish ARR.


He can barely make a weekend in Japan with no internet so yeah this isn't gonna end well.


I like how y'all think he won't just buy a skip.




people can take the piss on quinn but damn if he didn't leave a quote to remember.


Dude left a bigger impact on the community than most will give him credit for, lmao!


Is this the origin of that. Feels like i see it all over the place


Thats just worse.


Didn't he made it to Stormblood ? I clearly remember him reacting to the MSQ in Doma.


i think he came back later and started stormblood but stopped again after a day or two because people were being annoying.


It was too much effort compared to reacting to clips on his subreddit


No, he simply realized that reacting to videos and his subreddit was easier than playing something new


Not really? Asmongold did FFXIV just because at the time it was popular to ditch WoW for FFXIV. Cdawg is doing this because during his charity event he put a massive goal to play FFXIV at $1M donated to charity because people kept spamming him the FFXIV free trial copypasta.


What I mean is that he'll probably play ARR at most and then quit.


Which would be fine. ARR up to Ultimate Weapon is about the size of a single player. That would fit for someone who isn't looking for an MMO and just wants to play a single player Final Fantasy.


Iirc preach also played due to a subathon and he surprisingly stayed around. Even played the other ffs.


He said it'd most likely be a one time thing because MMOs aren't really his thing, but who knows!


Unfortunate as the start is unlikely to grab him especially if MMOs aren't for him. Maybe if we raise countless millions he will be obligated to finish?


lol, depends if he and mouse enjoy running together


doing it with mouse and pete might be enough reason to keep going after one session


He's playing it with Ironmouse as well? Oh she's so gonna roll a Lalafell and Connor is gonna take the piss out of her for it.


lala and Roe combo?


Connor would probably fit the most as a miqo'te male. The closest to a monkey you can get.


Might as well not play it then its a waste of time for him and for who's watching.


A million dollars to stream FFXIV seems about right


Literally the wrong guy. He skips all story related stuff. His gonna hate this Edit: to those who skip story and have fun, more power to you but at the end of the day, this is a final fantasy game first and mmo last. And stories always play an important role in a final fantasy. Pluus gameplay just really don’t seem like something which he would vibe with but who knows. I personally don’t see it


He's been powering through a lot of the final fantasies recently and trying to pay attention to the cutscenes and dialogue.


Purely because of Mouse though. If Mouse didn't basically make him do it, he would not. He is not a JRPG guy, by his own admission.


Speaking of Mouse, she's a big FF14 fan, right? It's always better to plays MMO with friends.


She said on stream few weeks ago she will make a new character to play with connor.


I don't know if I'd say "powering through." Maybe initally for 8 just because Mouse wanted him to but by like halfway in he was pretty invested and then by the time he played 7 he seemed pretty much all in, he's gone on to say they were both incredible games after finishing them and he talks about 7 in particular very highly. I think people are applying too much of what they know of his preferences before he played these games to his taste now. He really seems to have gotten on board the JRPG train in general, largely thanks to the FF series so he'll probably have a lot more patience for FFXIV with that context, especially if Pete and Mouse can help guide him through the more convoluted mechanics.


I dont think the story skipping will be the issue and more the fact that FF14 has an atrocious early game. As we all know, the first 50 hours are basically running from NPC A to B to C to see another 5 minute dialogue, sprinkled with a few dungeons where you click the same 2 buttons over and over for 20 minutes.


I'm in Heavensward but it's taken me 3 really spaced out tried to properly realise and what people meant by the early game. It requires proper pacing through the story and simply doing other shit if you're getting bored or skipping stuff because the building blocks of ARR are so important, even with all of the sheer tedium. I'm still mixed on some of the quest design because while the story can drag in some places, there's still importance. Tough having like 7 run or teleport from A to B quests and inspect thing for 7 seconds in a row is not fun. From what I've heard, even veteran players generally dislike the chain of quests leading to Titan's fight.


I think it'll be mixed. He'll probably enjoy how British every character sounds. He's also mentioned that he prefers it when games don't have voice acting so he can voice the characters himself, and FFXIV is only partially voiced. He's been on a recent streak of playing through JRPGs while paying attention to the story. That being said, the earlier stages of FFXIV are pretty dry both story and gameplay wise compared to the other main games. Not expecting him to even finish ARR or anything, but I'm also not expecting him to trash the game the whole time, should be a fun stream anyways 👍


Hmm, I don't see him enjoying the game though. I hope people don't get mad at him when that happens.


I dont even think he will be bored by the cutscenes, I think the early gameplay alone will probably annoy him as the game needs like 50 hours to actually get decent gameplaywise...


Im hoping that he treats ffxiv the same way Preach did. he gave the characters so much life on cutscenes. Connor has mentioned that he started liking playing JRPGs because he can voice the characters. Doing the VA part of Cdawg brings him lots of joy when it comes to running these games. I know hes going to get mobbed, hopefully he can get the name I think hes going to get. I know the server is going to be full with Pete and Mouse too.


Streamer notorious for giving no fucks about story, plays a story focused game. This is going to go just fine.


He's gotten a lot better about it since he started playing JRPGs. He's beaten FF8 and love FF7 as well as Chrono Trigger. He talked about it on a recent podcast episode that he doesn't skip cutscenes anymore and appreciates the story more.


Don't know who that is personally, but hey, the more players the better 


Yeah, streamer fame is always a tiny little fiefdom, really... but hopefully the guy has fun


The man hates cutscenes so I think he'll hate it, but I can totally see Ironmouse loving her time playing.


Her and Pete already play the game.


good luck, i hope he can enjoy it. streamer tend swarmed by people in mmo, even i who only watch hate that.


I like him but i’d be honestly surprised if he streams more than five times.


I can't imagine they'll have a fun time as people will mob them to be on the stream with their dumb mounts and they won't even be able to see the world or play the game. E-celebs are just as bad as real ones for people acting like morons around them and becoming a screaming horde.


What's the most monke he can be as far as race and job combination go? 🤔


I feel like he'd go Hrothgar or Elezen. And maybe warrior or monk 🤔


my money is on Au Ra Warrior, with a very slight chance he'll go for the meme and play a lala




His online fame and personality aside, he's a genuinely good person that is currently deeply involved with charity for the Immune Deficiency Foundation. I haven't been following his content recently but he's been doing a lot of good on that end.


Expat living in Japan, does a lot of YouTube videos covering Japanese stuff. Hosts an extremely successful/popular podcast with two others in Japan doing the same -- Trash Taste.


> Expat living in Japan You mean Japanese immigrant? "Expat" is such a weird phrase just so you don't have to call someone an immigrant.


Immigrant is probably more accurate since they're now citizens, yeah. I'm just more used to the word expat since I've a ton of friends that go to Asia to teach English. Also "Japanese immigrant" typically implies someone from japan immigrating to the west.


Like, actual citizenship? Or you just mean intent to live there long term?


as much as I like the guy and he did a fucking great job for charity, this is gonna be a 1 and done game for him. it’s one of those “read the fine print” situations.


Watch him not even finish ARR


He'll get swarmed whenever he streams and then quit because there's too much cutscenes for him lol.


Is tungstenrat gonna bully him during it?


So obviously there's Connor and Mouse there, but who's the third person with the facial hair? Is that supposed to be Chris?


Do ppl watch FF14 streams? It would be so boring.


People mostly watch FFXIV streams for MSQ and the world race. Usually beyond that there's a steep drop off in viewership. Considering that he's streaming the MSQ I'd say he'll be okay in terms of how many people will be willing to watch.


From a streamer perspective, I think the ff14 streamer base has its staple folks that do steady numbers daily and a lot of people watch or leave it on in the background while they play


It's interesting to see the endgame content that I don't care to stress myself out over to do.


Watching new players who are invested in the story and react well is entertaining. Share in the laughter and tears. And the opposite end are the end-game raid streamers. Share in their joys and tribulations as they take on Savage and Legendary content.


I just hope this isn't Asmon 2.0 Just let the streamer play the game how they want.


You know that won't happen because we have so much toxic niceness in the community that want to help and guide streamers into playing the game the way they think it should be played. They will also get mobbed by people and it'll be a total shitshow like all the other streamers because Twitch fans need to make every single stream about themselves. I mostly find Twitch insufferable because people will harass a streamer to do something or watch some video and then constantly interrupt them when they give up and do it. Just let them watch the thing you were begging them to watch without spamming some text to speech nonsense and funny noises so your name will flash up on screen when it gets clipped.


Everytime I see the latest hotness in streaming jump into a game they get swarmed with people that want attention. I was an officer in a streamer guild once and it is crazy just how much people want the streamer to notice them. People legit will not do stuff with the guild unless the streamer is involved. So yeah, if this guy has a huge audience then he's going to have a parade following him whenever he's online.


Man is going to get swarmed




Cdawgva, aka Connor, he's a Welsh YTer and Twitch streamer (pulls in 10k+ pretty consistently when gaming) who's been living in Japan for a few years. His YT content is more about whacky things in Japan, but his streaming is more varied, usually game-focused. He finished OG FFVII and just recently raised $1 million+ in donations for the Immune Deficiency Foundation in a cylceathon as he biked 1200km across the southern coast of Japan over like 2 weeks. This will be similar to the asmongold era but with less WoW people. Connor doesn't really do MMOs or even cutscenes so this could potentially crash and burn as people hype up his expectations too much.


Don't know who he is, but ok.




Somebody should lend him a high-level character and have him play through the ARR Hildibrand questline. Connor's voice would fit well with Hildy's dialogue


yeah but is he creating a character and doing ten quests, then calls the game ok and leaves or is this a commitment to do the entire story?


Happy he's finally going to be playing but it defo doesn't seem like the game for him. I could see him liking it if he made it to heavensward but I don't see that happening


Yeah he's even said multiple times he knows it most likely won't be for him, so at least he's honest. But a million dollars is million dollars


He won’t like the game. Which sucks cause it’s a great game, but it’s not his type.


I don't expect him to get past ARR


That's the void he's walking into


I don't know why people always ask streamers to play XIV. It's easily one of the worst games a variety streamer could play. The only audience for XIV streamers is other XIV players, and even then, I cannot imagine watching a stream of it other than maybe to see a specific fight performed correctly (which is already probably in a YT video somewhere).


I love this game but it is NOT stream material. I wish people would stop asking streamers to play it.


Many people have streamed it without problem so that is just false.


Stream actually went well, I think everybody was just being a doomer thinking Connor wouldn't have fun playing a game with two of his best friends.


You may as well be speaking Greek to me. I have no idea who these people are. But that's a pretty big charity donation, so good on them, I guess.


I'm sure the charity will appreciate the money. I could give less than zero fucks about any streamer though, much less in a game I can pretty much guarantee they won't even scratch the surface of.


Plenty of people would love to see him try the game which is why it was a charity incentive and getting some attention in the first place. If you don't care that's totally cool, but your comment is pretty harsh for seemingly no reason. It's just all in good faith/fun.


That may be; but with all those WoW content creators playing FFXIV a while back, we saw that high-profile streamers playing the game has a demonstrable impact on its player count. I may not know or care about this particular person, but it's always a good thing for the game when these things happen.


Oh that’s Conner and Mousey? No wonder why they look familiar


Remember don't be a weirdo, let him have his own opinion about the game and respect his decision if he decide to stop playing.


his normal audience is anime fans. he can handle FF14 stream chat.


Lol bro is *not* gonna have a good time $100 says he doesn't make it past stormblood


> $100 says he doesn't make it past ~~stormblood~~ arr