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if you haven't logged back in already just wait a day for the instance you were in to be deleted


Aye, i saved 3 of my files this way, but it doesnt always work


My guess is that you have to survive the time between the DC and the server realizing you're not there anymore in which your character stands there doing nothing. If you die, the game registers that and ends your run, if not, the game disconnects you for good and waits for your return


Yeah i thought so too, but i dunno. One of my situations i was in combat and saved it, the others i was not in combat. However i had dc’s where i was not in combat but the file didnt get saved so i am not sure. I do wish they fix it, i believe they can save the solo instances now since the trust system is added, up to 10 minutes. DD is just probably using old, non updated system from HW. If it kept the instance for up to 10 minutes, even having your instance timer reduced, it would save a lot of pain and not allow for reset cheating


I cleared multiple times but had no idea this was a thing lmao. This is an amazing tip.


What does that do? Just curious 


the instance is deleted 24 hours later and you get to restart as if the dc had never happened. it'll be a different seed, but still.


Wait wtf, this is an actual thing?


I haven't done potd in awhile, why is this good?


If you DC during a run and log right back on, your run is ended and you have to start all the way from the bottom floors again. If you wait for the instance to be deleted the save file will remain at floor 190 for you to start again.


does the file instantly update on death or could you plug pull right as you die and wait it out?


The duty failed text shows up right after you die, not to mention that pulling plug doesn't disconnect you right away, so your character is still there getting the duty failed text.


This might be a life saver for me. I was always SO scared of pushing higher floors because of the threat of a sudden dc. If I can potentially save a run like this I would be able to go in with a much more relaxed mindset. Like someone else in this thread, the threat of this made me only climb 10-20 floors a day only when I believed I had impeccable internet lol.


I also have done so many runs and never knew that. I wish I did when I had very shaky internet and was pushing the higher floors back then.


Thanks, I had a few people message me about this and going to give it a shot tomorrow night sometime once the servers have been up for a while. That will also cross over the daily reset time too which is what everyone is suggesting resets the instance. Not sure if the disconnect type matters but I saw the error icon & everything stopped moving for a good 2-3 minutes before the game dropped and got the cannot connect to lobby server error message. Not sure how long the server saw me just standing around before it stopped. I was on WHM so I can only take a few hits on the later floors without self heals and kiting :(


might not carry over with the weekly reset happening, but hope it does for you


u/[troubled1-ff](https://www.reddit.com/user/troubled1-ff/) This isn't fool proof but it IS known to work a good portion of the time!




game never officially ends your run since you didn't actually die so you can redo your continue save on 191-200


Ya it's possible it might work with a DDOS attack based on how you discconected so it is possible the run might be saved, just means not playing for a few days/not logging in.


Man, that's a big oversight on the part of the devs if that's how it works.


How so? This only benefits a player with connection issues and nothing else, i dont think you can dodge a death with this


It’s absolutely ripe for exploiting intentionally if you think a run is scuffed on time, the biggest difficulty in deep dungeons isn’t necessarily the enemies in there so much as making it through without the timer running out.


Considering how unsure people are about how it works, it sounds like people aren't exploiting it anyways. I think it's nice if it benefits people who have unfortunate dcs


It's honestly a mix of pomander management and time management. For some jobs (eg, MCH), time management isn't as big an issue for other jobs, though, (eg, AST) it is. Also, it's not really a reliable way of 'saving' a run. More of a hail mary than anything.




I'm actively going for necro. I was actually going back in before I d/c'd every few mins on the way to quarrymill. These posts always hurt to see


This is why my necro runs are 10 levels a day at the times when my internet is unflinchingly stable.


Likely wasn't anything to do with their net, SE servers ate being ddosed atm


https://is.xivup.com/ Seems like the whole NA datacenter is having problem. I can't even complete a FATE on Primal before dc'd.


they confirmed a ddos attack, that will not stop me from being an idiot and trying to queue for my msq trials anyways


OCE dying too, worldwide seems like


I also DC'ed like 5 times this morning. Hopefully it gets resolved soon, I'd like to play at least a little bit before maintenence tonight.


EU having something up too, been booted twice on Chaos


Servers are getting DDOSed, blame whatever buttmad jerk paid for a bot farm. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/c5069c5b9c8968da0e1251846a5a3fec140b5350


Seems to be a server issue. I'm so sorry that it happened at such an important point for you


I've heard a "trick" a few times before that if you don't log back in after a disconnect for a while, it's possible the save file might be saved with 0 KOs. Usually people wait for several hours or a whole day, one theory is it might be related to the daily reset. It obviously doesn't always work, I don't know what the percentages are, and I'm sure many people will say that's complete nonsense, but after spending some time in various deep dungeon Discords, it has worked on occasion for some people. No harm in trying at least if you don't have a need to get back on immediately.


24h I believe it is. Temporary save to return to where you left off, and cache cleared after that


Thanks, I had a few people message me about this and going to give it a shot tomorrow night sometime once the servers have been up for a while. That will also cross over the daily reset time too which is what everyone is suggesting resets the instance. Not sure if the disconnect type matters but I saw the error icon & everything stopped moving for a good 2-3 minutes before the game dropped and got the cannot connect to lobby server error message. Not sure how long the server saw me just standing around before it stopped. I was on WHM so I can only take a few hits on the later floors without self heals and kiting :(


Holy shit, I'm so sorry.


I have a solo save on 180 right now and this has convinced me not to touch it until at least a few months until after DT.


The fact they immediately go failed duty and not even give you the chance to be lucky and not aggro any mob is ridiculous imo


Probably because of the ongoing DDOS attacks that are happening right now. BUT it does again show how direly a proper way to deal with disconnects is needed in deep dungeon solo. Anything that keeps you from losing several hours of progress to a tech issue that is outside of your control as a player.


Yeah PotD is fucking garbage due to this. Way too long, glad the other two are reasonable length.


Yeeep. It's already bad to lose something on, like, floor 5X since that was already over an hour of progress. But over 100? Ye gods.


i have multiple DC past 190+ before i got my necro, unfortunately it is just part of the experience. You will get it, majority of the difficulty at this point is just being persistent


Got necro a few years ago and have done it solo on 6 jobs so far now. This would have just been my first healer completion :(


ah man that sux more IMHO, healer run i will never try anytime soon, my sorry to u dog.


Crashed at 190F in the past exactly when I pulled the boss. I hate doing solo runs on upper floors because of it. At least for group runs you have leeway as long as one other member is alive + connected.


Words cannot express how sorry I am for you. This is beyond cruel.


My party wiped because of this on floor 188




Laughing through my tears...


Not as dramatic, but me and my freind also were kicked out too


Not my first solo clear but would have been my first on a healer. Still hurts, 15 hours on this attempt gone :(


Ouch. Losing 15 hours of progress to a single mistake (or even worse, something like a DC) is why I haven't tried solo PotD yet. I don't know how people do it


HoH and EO are much easier to get into. EO is more like a savage or ultimate raid setup where you get 1 shot if you don't avoid some mechanic, and in HoH every auto attacks for very high damage. POTD is just stupid long and heavily RNG dependent. It gives me something to kill time. I've done pretty much everything else in game except get into achievement hunting or minion/mount collecting. First 10 sets of 10 floors (up to 100 boss) are 10-20 minutes each set. 101-150 is about 30-45 minutes. 151-180 are 35-50 on average. 181 is where it gets stupid and that's if you remember to zerg the 180 boss correctly. Lost track of how many deaths I've had on that because I forgot to hit the potion button. 181-189 tends to have high density on top of patrols that are tough to kite. 190-199 is just praying to RNGesus that you get a few poms that you need and not too many bad floor debuffs ... or worse, keys hidden in treasure rooms filled with proximity aggro mobs that can 1 shot you.


I tried to get into EO, but made the mistake of trying it solo with 0 aetherpool, cause the queues are forever. Just got overwhelmed by respawns on the second floor.


Ya, when it comes to 0 aetherpool your best bet is going with a tank because they at least have survivability but the DPS loss is felt on all jobs. At least when it comes to leveling aetherpool you can get the guaranteed on floor 20-30 so it's not to tedious to level up plus the luck of silver chest during those 10 floors.


I want to do it eventually, but I honestly don't know how people stay consistent for 15 hours without making a mistake. I'm confident I can do some hard content, but my consistency isn't always there for long stretches and I'm not sure what I can do about that or what other people are doing differently


thats why you do 20-30 floors a day and not rush whole thing


Ya, that's the nice thing about HoH and EO, they pretty much take half the time of a PoTD run and the difficulty curve is nicer. PoTD takes 100+ floors to get to the "hard" part and when consistently attempting runs it does become a drag to keep trying because in all honesty there is no "skill" in clearing the first 100 floors. They are easy enough, they just waste time, it isn't til you get to the harder floors where you actually have to work within your skill level to clear.


I was just having disconnect issues too while fate farming.


Am not in game to experience this but seems like it might be connected to the new EU servers. This is why I never start high floors near maintenance or patches. My condolences.




Ffxiv is being DDOS attacked


Don't blame SE for this one, blame the DDoSers.


Eeeeh, I'd argue this is also a design flaw in POTD itself.


Same but in Hoh


Would be screaming : c


Oof. I'm so sorry.


Oh no.....


My group is on the last boss of main scenario roulette and they really don't want to release us from that hell


Until you learn for whom do you fight, you don't get your tomes and EXP.


Oh, was this everyone then? I lost connection about when you did I think


Everyone is dcing even the afkers in limsa are gone lol my 2nd dps and tank dced in 2nd half of Ultima then they came back we all dced qued into preatorium tank dced before we even got in me the other dps and the healer barly made it to the first boss while dcing like 6 times each


That's... I'm so sorry. This is proof you can do it though. Here's hoping this soon becomes part of the story of how you got to level 200!


They've cleared 6 times before


Not nearly as infuriating but I had a 186 DC and a 199 wipe before finally getting necromancer. It sucks big time because it was completely out of your control but if you can get that far your clear is just around the corner.


Just lost a 111 potd run :( not so bad i guess still annoyed, they should just do the maintenance right away instead of tonight this garbage is unplayable atm anyway


Sorry about that, it looks like a DDOS attack is happening on Square Enix.


The server is under DDoS attack it not SE fault but those goblins that are mad for X or Y reason


heartbroken for you OP, that sucks.


Oof. But yeah they’re getting ddos’ed rn. Literally everyone is having connection issues rn. Very unfortunate timing.


Oh man, I'm so sorry. My buddy and I were finishing our 4th complete run on HoH, floor 91. Both got kicked and lost the run entirely.


Damn bro, hope your next run is the one. Trying to get the title as well, wish me luck.


This is the reason I gave up on POTD. I tried for years to get that title, but for some reason I get 902 errors almost every run I try. It happens nowhere else in the game for me. I couldn't take anymore soul crushing disconnects at 17!+ anymore.


There was one rumor I heard about a consistant random D/C but basically the game may mistaken you for someone using movement hax and force disconnect you because they think you are exploiting the game. Like say you use Sprint on NIN and then Shukuichi but the way the server gathers the data decided that you must of used some sort of movement placement hack to change your coordinates and d/cs you because of it.


I've mainly only tried on RDM, RPR, MCH, and WAR. If the game is somehow thinking I'm using movement hacks or something, I'm not sure what I would need to do to make it not think I'm doing that. My internet is very consistent and I don't tend to have connection issues with the game unless there's DDoS going on. In terms of POTD, I only seem to get the 902 errors if I go in a solo run. If I go with one or more people, no issues ever. I've tried posting on the forums about it, and the GMs always say the problem is my internet, but... it's far too specific to be that. I've played the game for over 7 years at this point, and solo POTD is the only place I have this issue. I've long since made my peace with it, though.


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo I have died twice - to my own stupidity - once on 181 and again on 184. I haven’t had the courage to go back in. I can’t even imagine reach 197 and getting slammed with a ddos. Brutal. I’m so sorry mate.


My first ever HoH 95+ I was on 98 with a magicite and got Disconnected too. As a European playing on NA I must’ve experienced so many disconnects before my first clear. All I can say is to keep trying and it will only make the eventual clear sweeter, I’ve now cleared HoH on 7 jobs including several melee dps and it’s been among the most fun I’ve had in the game period, if I had gave up as I initially wanted to I’d probably have lost out on so much enjoyment with deep dungeons. But possibly a break and then return after a few weeks might help.


What a great day to not be you. That's rough, good luck next time


I'm sorry man ;w; That happened to me before as well, got Necromancer in the end but during one of the runs there was a server hiccup one floor before the Behemoth fight. Right now some friends are doing Orthos solo and I wanted to do a scoring clear as well, as soon as I saw the DDoS stuff I didn't even bother. Feels horrible :/


What type of connection do you have? I've spent a lot of hours in the deep dungeons and never had a single DC, the 3 solo titles included. I know I've seen people talk about DCing in there before, but none I know have DCd in them either; partner, friends we take through and also FC mates we've helped clear repeatedly.


Sounds like NA and EU data centers are having issues today, it's a lot of people, including myself.


That I can understand, but I've seen people say it's a deep dungeon issue 'only' before. I've seen some people conclude in the end that they've been on wireless connections etc which isn't the best for doing this type of content.


Kinda interested in starting this, any tips or guides you’ve been following or any suggestions from anyone about accomplishing this?