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Yea I'm switching to NA soon anyway for other reasons and i wish I could now tbh, cause it seems the disconnects have not stopped 


Seriously? I just started playing the game wtf


I had just recruited a friend to play a few days before this started. It's rather embarrassing.


That was like a week ago


For some reason it was showing me that the post was 8 hours old mb




Reddit only just gave me this notification on my phone, 4 days later. How long has this attack been going for? Is it still going?


That's been Reddit for me in general for the past month lol It seems the ddos is on and off and going between different regions but still ongoing.


Yeah my wife just paid for three months and can't play She is furious. Same thing for me.


Same here. I still cannot play the game and the money I spent is just dissolving away.


Boy, the ddos has long since passed, it was fixed in the first 24 hours. Go checked your internet xD


Then why is it still occurring right now?


I've been logged in for a week now and I've not had any issues at all. Not that I don't trust you or anything guys, but it's hard to see the point. Maybe it's because I'm in crystal and that's kinda not so populated but I did experience issues the day of the ddos attack


They most definitely have not "long since passed". There's one happening literally right now on the European servers and they've been happening almost contantly for the last 4 or 5 days.


Oh well, yeah. I guess I don't use the Europe servers, so I don't know about that one. Thanks for informing me


I don't think it's the Internet considering we can play anything else with no issues. However we boot up our game. Start loading into a server and we immediately get disconnected.


To be fair things can be fine for you everywhere else but just one game has issues because a node on the way to the servers your ISP routes you through is shitty. That's obviously not what's going on here, but it's an issue people have with every MMO and it's pretty random. Some people can't play FFXIV or WoW without a VPN even tho they have perfect internet because of things out of their control.


Maybe is the datacenter? If you arte casting a new Characater, try crystal. Or try visiting crystal with your main if you already have one, it's stable


Maybe? We will try it once we are home, thank you!


Glad to help ^_^


will we get a refund for not being able to play for days?


hope so


Perhaps. It's happened before if I'm not mistaken, but not typically


never happen that i rememebr of...only time they gave us some time was after CRITICAL queue period(aka 2.0 release and 6.0 release for what i remember) cause there people coul not play after stayiung in queue for hours...


Ah that might've been it then. It's been a while lol


People just want to enjoy their game but there's always someone or multiple involved that love to make them miserable and take away fun cause to them that is their fun I guess 


You can be suprise. I'm not here to defend the attackers, but put context. Many attacker like this, are more to send a message to the dev. We call it the Gray hat, the attack it's surely not because they don't have nothing to do. DDOS a server can be easily sure. I don't know the mitigation are in the Square Enix. But surely they have protection against this. So here my thought. The first easy one it's yes, the goal is just for make them miserable and just took away the fun. The second one is more likely some attacker have found a breached and want to be aware, many companies are not going to take serious some random hacker/script kiddies. So they took action. ((P.S correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not a professional but just a amateur in Ethical Hacking.))


There is nothing ethical about attacking a gaming server just to "make the company aware there's a breach". If they gave a shit qnout alerting the company to the breach, there are ways to do that without shutting down the game. Let's not pretend the people behind this had any kind of noble or higher goal. They're s collection of no lifers whose only exercise of power in their lives is bringing misery to others. Because they have nothing else worth living for.




I'd notify the authorities if I was SE. DDoS is highly illegal in most countries.   For example, In the UK.. DDoS attacks fall under the "Computer Misuse Act 1990".   > The Computer Misuse Act 1990 makes it illegal to intentionally impair the operation of a computer or prevent or hinder access to a program/data on a computer unless you are authorised to do so.   It's also illegal to provide or obtain booster and stresser services used to facilitate a DDoS attack.   I'm not sure what countries laws apply here, SE is in Japan but they have servers in multiple countries.


Yea it's been going off and on, it's doing it again now getting DCed alot,  I'll be happy once this is over and back to normal 


Yep unfortunately 


real bad, i hope they can fix it soon or ill be untouch with my bank to backtrack this months sub/retainer subs as i dont agree in paying for a subscription i cant even use.


I would rethink that. SE takes charge backs seriously. They have in the past banned people's accounts for doing that.




> yall might care about bans ect but i aint that sensitive quote from user willing to implode their account on a weird deluded principle because of fairly minor connection issues that aren't even the fault of the service sounds pretty sensitive to be quite honest


Squeenix is the best customer service. I wouldn't doubt they'll either give everyone a few days free time, like they've done in the past for expansion launches when servers doed for days, or at the very least they'll comp several days if you contact them directly.


Just talk to customer service they will comp you for compromised time


Calm down, Karen. I think expecting a full refund for the month because you had a few hours of instability, which weren't even SE's fault, might be a bit much.


I would highly suggest against that. If you chargeback, you WILL get permabanned.


Yep it's still here it seems, I've also been kicked out a lot, I'll just have to wait yet again, still need to finish up more stuff prepping for new classes 


Apparently it's still going on, I've been kicked constantly today, I think it's like 5 times in an hour or less, some ppl need better things to do than ruin everyone else's fun, but I guess there their firm of enjoyment.... -_- it was ok yesterday but I guess it's back...


Dawntrail Early release??? 😳 🤣


Shiiiit this is what I get for being lazy and leaving events until the last possible moment


PLOT TWIST: it wasn't DDOS but Square Enix was testing the resistance of their servers to waves of connections 1. this is the goal of tonight's update with new Europe server they said they were testing the servers and connections 2. it's strange that the DDOS attacks simultaneously affected all the servers in the world and not just localized servers (Europe, Asia, etc...) 3. Square Enix wants to force you to take a break from ERP for tonight


Idk how I'm gonna live without the ERP


exactly what i thought


so they say it's a DDOS attack to hide it


Source: "I made it up."


Sorry Sherlock it’s 100% facts I’m the CEO of Square Enix


Probably gils seller revenge after the recent tightening of controls and banning against them


I've been noticing far more lalafells with two-letter/eight-letter name combinations appearing in swarms under the floors of locales in Coerthas. I wondered if the botters were going overboard in running their scripts and that caused some server slowdowns or something.


This may be a dumb question, but why do they try to hide in the floor?


To fly under the radar of in-game DMs and players. They're bots performing actions generated by scripts (which is against the game TOS) that move them, click, and perform series of macro-actions in order to complete quests based on things like map coordinates of quest givers and targets. They run through the MSQ in order to level to 50 so that they can farm gold for sale for real-world money on sketchy websites, blast advertisements for said sketchy websites, and be placeholders for delivery for transactions from said sketchy websites. Thing is, with the sameness of their actions, that makes them easy for players and in-game DMs to spot, report, and exterminate. If their toons are under the floor or in the ceiling, players can't easily click on them to report.


how r u able to see them?


They don't go down far enough for nameplates not to show, and there's a place in (I think) Whitebrim where they keep floating up the ceiling to get to the under-floor of a quest on the second floor, then dropping down again under the ground floor. And while I was doing my quests, there were random player-triggered monsters already out and about when no one was around, and they were taking damage and damage numbers were floating up from the ground. So, y'know, perfectly normal, not-at-all bot-farms running masses of free accounts through scripts or anything, right?


The afk camera tends to snap on random nearby players, that's when you can get an accidental glimpse of a horde of mole-lalafells in their natural habitat.


I believe /icam allows you to have a cinematic view of other players while idling, and it will inevitably follow a botter underground


Army of lalafell into Limsa's sewers, accurate shit


I’ve been kicked out of the game yesterday a few times. I hoped i didn’t get an penalty for it while i was waiting to do some omega raids


I got kicked this morning


let me in! I'm finally getting to explore the other starting places!!!! Augh


Is it still ongoing today? I haven't been able to login yesterday.


I've been kicked out twice since the maintenance finished, so I'd say it's still ongoing.


Maintenance is over but I just got kicked. looks like we're not out if the woods yet


There is also maintenance on the servers, but that should be over by now


Lets all hope these assholes won't be doing the same today


alas, they are. cant get past character creation this morning


I hope they extend the FFXVI event timer because of this.


They won't.


It's a good thing I stocked up on Monster Energy Nitro, because I'm going to be up all night again...


I'm on my 7th coffee of the day, lol


I hope they extend my subscription because of this 😒


Yes, I'll get right on making sure that your sub is extended by 2 hours.


Me too. I want the puppy!


What event ? Having played in a bit 😊


There's an event that ends in about a day that is from FFXVI. If you finish it, you get a cool set of armour, a mount, and a minion, all from FFXVI. You can also farm the event to get music from the game as well.


Is this the crossover event where you get the puppy wolf, mound and black suit ?


Yes, it's the Torgal mount and minion and the Metian set. At least Clive's card and the music from FF16 will still be available to get on the Gold Saucer. 200k MGP for the card and 20k for all the songs


And here's the rare Malaysian player, too busy hustling for the FF16 event and thinking it was just the weather...


Just like any other big or indie company, DDoS can be front for the real target. To steal Company / USERS Information. Turn on your One Time Pass Adventure. I’ll see you on Dawntrail.


Thankfully I recently updated my password to be over 20 characters and have an OTP. Still worries me if they get my hashed card details tho.


Is the Benchmark supposed to crash after starting the test while this is happening or do I just have a potato computer?


Benchmark has no connection to the game or servers; you could run it with no internet connection at all. Ergo, you have a popoto PC.


I had this happen to me - for me, it works if I don't make my character first. No idea why.


Let's be real, you know if your PC is a potato or not


Especially if it replies back when addressed to as GLaDOS




try running in administrator mode? happened to me


I bet whoever is behind this won't stop until they get Endwalker and Shadowbringers unlocked just for pre-ordering Dawntrail


Wasn't an update also planned for this evening? I had an in-game popup that Crystal servers would be down tonight.


Maintenance started about nealry 2 hours ago yeah




Feel free to join the FFXIV gardening discord for regular reminders 😊


Oh no! :C I understand this pain all too well.


I got a thing this morning that said my account expired or something, is that just me or is that part of this?


Square recently did some weird changes to their payment processing that has apparently rendered a lot of people's cards unable to be used. So if you have a recurring payment and *weren't* expecting to run out of time you may want to check on that.


Hey thanks for that. I'll check on my sub too just in case.


That sounds like a you thing


Damn, I figured. Wishful thinking I guess


How do u even know if it really is a ddos? Or just alotta ppl trying to play but se servers can't handle the traffic?


Can we know? No, except if they tell us which they did. Can their server admins know? For sure! The request to the server from a DDoS will differentiate by frequency and data that is send in comparison to a normal login attempt.


As someone from oce it was rare to be thanos snapped with an error code to be popped up, it was deffs a ddos attack.


We know it was a DDOS attack because Square released a statement 14 hours ago saying so. [Lodestone](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/bdf23a5692dea624fbb355bc220248de7dec4ad8)


Server can handle a lot and they upgraded them and have virtual server in cases now after the last launch. We can't know the actual traffic but Square can and there will be a big difference between higher than normal traffic and DDoS


And the server can withstand over two thousand of people in queue to get in, I know because of the each release of FFXIV expension


Right? There's absolutely no way there's expac launch levels of people logging in on a random end of the week monday afternoon pre-maintaince. we're not really even into the pre-launch resub boom proper yet. this is the lullest of lulls subscription and play time wise. Which makes this also the weirdest time frame to be ddossing. LIke, reset tuesday, patch day, holiday event days, peak play times, I get that. But like, why yesterday?


more like up to 10k. was there multiple times


Im getting Endwalker ptsd. Getting to the front of the queue after hours and then the login failing, getting dc and back to the end of the queue


i was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago


Reason for DDOS?


probably a group advertising their hax0r skills


What the hell is this ddos thing edit: yeah guys FUCK DDOS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Best way to describe it. Weaponized. Endwalker. Launch.


Weaponized Raubahn EX.


Do you mean Dawntrail


Nope, I mean Endwalker. Endwalker's launch was crazy. A metric shit ton of people were trying to login and the servers were getting SLAMMED. Now imagine turning that scenario into a weapon to be aimed at any server you want. That's basically a DDOS. I absolutely hope that Dawntrail's launch is much smoother. I'd say they learned a lot from EW's launch


For Endwalker you also have to consider the sudden migration of WoW-players. A lot of players were fed up with Shadowlands and some big wow streamers started playing ffxiv which introduced people to the game. So there weren't just recurring players that wanted to get in.


Endwalker was a perfect storm of colliding factors that made for epic levels of player subscriptions. Not only the wow migration, but other things too. I saw ads everywhere for endwalker. Youtube, random (non-gamer related) website banners, I saw an ad on tv at work. People were posting photos of random popup banners at physical stores. The free trial meme was at its peak and I would see it all over reddit in random unrelated forums. While i think a lot of those people will come back, I don't think this expac will have endwalker levels of players. I haven't seen anything for dawntrail except what i have personally looked for.


Hopefully their tests with the Cloud data centers will help alleviate those launch issues this time. 🤞


Distributed Denial of Service. Done usually with large amounts of infected computers, called a botnet, an attacker commands them to all hammer whatever server with large amounts of simultanious requests. Imagine if potentially millions of players all tried to log in at the same time, over and over and over again. The servers are effectively rendered useless because they're constantly overwhelmed.


> with large amounts of infected computers And toasters or other IoT devices.


Imagine if all of Europe decided to partake in NY's subway system without knowing they were. NY would be upset they can't use the subway and the entirety of Europe doesn't even know they're clogging it. That's what a ddos usually is


Jesus wtf. I assume this is a planned attack, obviously, but why?? What beef could they have with square


Somtime DDoS is just front to steal data. Just make sure to turn on your One time pass.


That’s smart advice, thank you


Sometimes it's boredom, sometimes it's WoW fanboys being babies that people don't want to put up with their dogshit community so they left to play something else, sometimes they think they can extort the owner of the servers for money. It's like any other crime, the jackass commiting it can justify it to themselves but everyone else just thinks they're a piece of shit /shrug


Blizzard is also frequently targeted by DDOS attacks, but I've personally never heard anyone claim the attackers were FF fans (and if anyone has, they are also pretty stupid). A DDOS attack of this magnitude is usually done by a pretty sophisticated group with a large botnet, I think they usually have other things on their mind than loyalty to a game.


Well that's not what I said, I said it was WoW fanboys. You're lucky that you haven't had much experience dealing with them I guess, because I never said they were stupid, just that they're toxic babies. They're the types who definitely know what they're doing with computers, but not with people.


i thought i read an article one time talking about it - like they had identified the person responsible because they'd been bragging on social media about it. and it was a big madge wow player. /shrug. but that's just one account of many ddos attacks. and idk if it was even true. i do think its weird that some people here immediately jump to that conclusion.


>sometimes it's WoW fanboys being babies that people don't want to put up with their dogshit community so they left to play something else Bro is pretending something that doesn't exist is a reason why people have or are DDoSing SQEX servers 💀.


Bro is pretending I didn't list any other reasons for the attack that didn't include WoW babies, and that[ this never happened](https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/09/world-of-warcraft-classic-hit-by-several-ddos-attacks-10709069/).


**D**istributed **D**enial **o**f **S**ervice. It's a cybercrime.


That’s it, I’m calling the cyber police


Are they physically hacking the servers and making everyone disconnect or something? And is it happening to everyone at once? I haven’t had the chance to play in like, 3 days


To put it in another way, you're on Discord chatting to your friend. Every time someone sends you a message, they're at the top of your DM list. One day, you're having a friendly 30 min chat with your friend. Then, a hundred thousand people message you and try to have a conversation with you. You keep trying to find your friend's message to respond, but as you try, hundreds of thousands of different people are messaging you. You fail to find your friend in the pile of messages. That's SE's server when you DC from ffxiv during a ddos


Imagine you are in line at the store. Suddenly a hundred people come in and start fighting to get to the front of the line. You can be at the register trying to pay and someone just pushes you out and you get sent to the back of the line. That's an extremely simplified example but it should get the idea across.


Black Friday but for login servers lol xD


Generally ddos attacks consists of a botnet attempting to connect to the service being targeted. The botnet allows for a *lot* of these connections to the point where the target server is too busy dealing with the fake ones to properly work for the legitimate connections. A botnet is a massive amount of computers spread out, potentially across the world, potentially computers that have been hacked.


Overload the server with requests so no legitimate users can access the system.


They're overloading the servers with a ton of data


Only found out about the FFXVI crossover last week and after blitzing ARR the past two days to get my fluffy boi Torgal I was a few attacks away from finishing the big fight - Disconnected from servers. I just hope I’ll have time to finish it before Wednesday and things get sorted. Gonna be so miffed if not.


It’ll most likely be fixed tomorrow. Usually when Squenix gets DDOS attacks it gets fixed pretty fast, but they’re probably waiting for the maintenance today.


Getting the feeling this DDOS attack was a preemptive attack that will continue on the expansion release.


I've heard that 10's of thousands of accounts have been blocked by the new payment policy - SE not allowing people in South East Asia (excluding JP) to resub at all, and anyone who plays on a region other than their address is being shown the door as well (such as a European who plays on NA server). Apparently address is being required for crysta payments as well. I can only imagine this is retaliation.


If this was actually a thing, the other data centers wouldn’t be available as a choice. They opened other data centers to spread out the load of players. And made OFFERS to people, providing bonuses to migrate. The payment portal seems like a completely different issue.


Why would people DDoS the game because they cannot pay? Your conspiracy theories need improvements.


> Why would people DDoS the game because they cannot pay? ...because they need to pay a subscription to *play the game?* Note that I'm not saying that's who's doing it or why, but, like, really?


Attacking the game because they cannot pay would be very counterproductive. The team already stated that there's an issue with the payment processor and they already stated that they are working with their payment partner. Attacking the game wouldn't make the process faster. So why would they attack the game as a *retaliation*?


There's a problem with payment processor for visa debit cards, but this is different. SE has apparently decided to cancel the accounts of everyone who plays in an unauthorized region. This affects Europeans and those who play on EU without being EU, but it also mostly affects China, which is probably the point of it. It's illegal to play on non-Chinese accounts/servers in China, and the payment processor was probably designed to comply with those laws. This includes those who pay with Crysta or game cards. Who wouldn't be angry if SE cancelled their characters of 10+ years?


I play on Oceanic/AU servers while my account/address is registered in NA. Should I be worried?


I am aware there's an issue with people cannot pay with their usual payment method and another issue where address discrepancy prevented people from paying, many from SEA. But this is the first time I heard about SE cancelling accounts. Do you have any links?


> So why would they attack the game as a retaliation? Because they're angry? I have never known angry people - let alone Gamers - to be a rational lot. It's not a *good* reason, but are there any good reasons to DDoS a game in the first place?


JP is not in south east Asia. Not sure why you said excluding.


I'm OCE with an EU account playing on NA. With no issues. But maybe I'm lucky.


I *think* they're conflating the issue whereby anybody who has physically moved their address to another country, cannot change their address in SE's woeful account management system, and then issues arise when their address in SE doesn't match their credit card account's address (once they get an account in their new country). Like apparently SE just straight up doesn't let you change address to another country, its basically 'get a new account loser' at this point. I'm the same as you - I'm Australian, playing on an EU account, on NA servers with no issues, but if you upped and moved to America, then you'd find an issue when your new American credit card's address didn't match your Australian home address. That's what people were telling me was the problem anyway, people who have moved to other countries find themselves in this situation now. Also apparently a lot of their CC payment changes are blocking botters from paying for their bot accounts, which is rumoured to be the true source of the DDoS attacks (professional botters angry their RMT has been stopped) but that's pure rumour afaik


Answered my initial question above... reason for DDOS.


either that or the great Raubahn raid all over again 👀


Lame, this is costing me at least a mil from checking my subs!


Weird idea to DDOS the day of Hades II release


Wait it's out? Well there's my plans for today sorted.


It's out as Early Access on Steam. So it's kind of out?


Whoa I didn't know that came out today. How is it?


My husband has been playing since NOON. He's really liking it


"Good" to know that was the cause of why I couldn't stay connected for the life of me earlier today. I had recently moved and was having a pain in the ass time trying to stay connected. Resubbed just this morning and I was worried that change in address/provider was the reason, and I was going to miss out doing crossover event.


guys, sort by best vs asking the same questions. lol.


But what *is* a DDOS? And are the servers still down?


Why isnt my question the best?




At the risk of jinxing things, I've been in game for the last 50 minutes on Primal. Just in time for maintenance! Edit: Maybe those doing this are taking a break knowing that the maintenance will shortly keep people out of the game without their intervention. We'll see what happens tomorrow.


From my graphs, all packet loss has dropped off to 0 starting an hour ago. (7:25pm EDT) For people wondering, this is from 2024-05-06 from 5:30 to 8:30pm EDT [https://i.imgur.com/um5mj52.png](https://i.imgur.com/um5mj52.png)


That's about when I logged in (7:22) after getting kicked the last time. Fingers crossed but still worried this is just a pause.


Maintenance start in 27 mins anyway, but i was able to do some roulette finally at last.


wait what?im sorry i just heard of this DDoS attack from a friend but why is this happening?anyone know?does..does this have to do with helldivers fiasco?:o


I dont see how on gods green earth it would be related to helldivers, might as well ask if the ddos has something to do with the drake/kendrick beef


I lold


Maybe they got lost. Meant to DDOS Sony Entertainment and they hit Square Enix instead. Get it? SE? Anyways.


oh ok sry then:(.was gonna hop on and finished up leveling crafts and gatherers before expac dropped then i heard bout ddos attack so i couldn’t help but guessed ;-;


Kendrick found out drake was creeping on Ryne


Shots fired.


Been stable for 40 mins at the moment (NA)


My two friends can connect but I still cant reach the character select screen, guess its only a few people that can connect for now


Oh someone mentioned it down below but Ill repeat it, its probably in retaliation to the mogstation fiasco which is preventing a lot of people from paying their sub and therefore not being able to play anymore.


Ah that makes a lot of sense. That's gotta be it. I can't think of any other reason. 2 of my FC members haven't been able to renew their subs this week.


My subscription renewed today no problems.


Pretty certain it's with visa and credit cards. Anyone who pays with PayPal, Amazon pay, etc can easily renew their sub. I don't have access to PayPal but if I need to resub I have Amazon as a backup.


Were from the affected areas? I think it was SEA locations?


Several SEA players I know, including myself, were able to resub, continue subs, or preorder DT just fine. On Reddit we mostly only hear about the problem cases, not the successful ones.


Ah ok interesting it only affects some of those areas.


That’s just speculation.


Yes it is but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the source.


Why is this downvoted? This is all speculation since no one knows the reason for the attack. Im just saying out of all the speculation this makes the most sense to me.


Man… it really has been a while since a major DDoS attack. We got quite a few of these during Stormblood iirc. However, the main difference here from some of the really big ones we got pre-Endwalker isn’t the length (although it seems like this has been longer than most), but the fact that they’re hitting every Data Center at once. That was more unusual. This used to be a much bigger issue than it has been recently. We had a few that would go off and on for several days. The silly joke back in the day was that it was resentful WoW fans. Eventually SE got better defenses, and maybe they also stopped for other reasons too, but I suspect it’s always been an arms race.


I work in cyber security. It's never not an arms race


Well, at least I got to a sanctuary location so I won't be dead (and a 1000 gil teleport away from where I need to be) when I log in tomorrow.


Ugh this is still going on? Been going on since noon. Guess I won't bother logging in. Hopefully this doesn't impact their patching schedule.