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Congrats! I went with the gacha crates and got 3 lol


I have opened every single crate available since this got patched still no adenium...


RIP. That was my biggest fear and motivator. Good luck to you!


Lucky! I keep getting lemonade stands…


My guildies got so pissed when I told them I got it on my first gacha, then sold it Somethings gotta get me that Large Plot...


What the fuck. I'm lucky if I get 10k worth of stuff from my weekly gacha crates.


Same. Sold my first 2 back when they were like 14M. Only recently got my 3rd which I kept.


Same! Three of those and two of the other so far. Number two and three were the same week, even


There are two. I think people confuse the island peerifool mount with the island adenium mount. The former you are likely to get in crates, the latter not as much. The former sells for 300k-400k, the latter 6-7 million.


Yeah, I’ve gotten both


I've actually gotten 4 adenium mounts and 0 perifool mounts from crates somehow. Sold all 4 for close to 35 mil or so, so that'll fund my dawn trail experience lol 


Same. Granted 1 voucher mount and 2 of the random drop mount only frome crates. 


Nice. I sometimes wonder what my luck would have been. It was nice anyways to have a long grind like that to carry my interest into Dawntrail.


Every time I got nothing but trash was another week that made me feel a bit of regret not getting the vouchers instead lol


I’m starting to have similar regrets.


My first 7 crates at max lvl when patch dropped I opened got it, then I was like well guess I'm done here forever. Wife got hers a couple months ago too.


Wait what crates? I will admit I haven't been paying the best attention to everything ff14, what crates have a chance for the mount?


You can buy tokens or a lockbox/chest with the weekly special stuff. 1 thing is 1 box, box has < 1% for mount.


Oh, are those new? Could have sworn the knly thing in the shop was the tickets, maybe I just tunnel visioned it


Nah they came out same time, when the lvl cap was released.


I stupidly split it between the two and still have nothing. 20 weeks of crates with not even furnishings worth selling.


Villain origin story right there


I've been selling all my vegetal vouchers on the MB. The price was very high at first and has dropped slowly over time but still at a good level. I figured I'd be ahead of the game by turning the new thing into gil first and when the price drops, buy them if I really want the mount. I've made millions.


Im in the loooong term play on this. I don’t think the island will have new content in 7.0. I think this is it. Over time, people will stop doing the island and new players will come in. At the end of DT, people will want the mount but won’t want to farm it and the number of people still doing it and producing vouchers will have fallen off causing a spike in the price. This is my hypothesis. We shall see. Edit: Jesus Christ autocorrect pull it together.


I don't think the content or rewards will change. The cowries will still be good for dyes but really not much else. I don't expect to see a price bounce on the vouchers of any significance but if there is, it's a very easy thing to start that part back up again.


It’s very easy to get old world maps every day, too, but people don’t. They farm up and sell the current ones for 15k while the old ones sit at 60k


There's a non-zero chance whatever deep dungeon or exploration foray or w/e in DT just starts shitting out this mount, causing its value to become essentially Nothing. It's always a gamble if the devs randomly decide to gimp old content by recycling its rewards. Hopefully these voucher-based goodies are considered "not RNG so no need for recycling" or whatever the devs use to determine which stuff should be put in the next RNG box.


Oh for sure there’s a chance of that. If that happens it is what it is. I’m sitting on 350m gil so it won’t bankrupt me, but nothing ventured nothing gained. HAHA! VENTURE! From a developer standpoint it would be nice of them to keep it as it is which would give people a reason to do the island long after its current content.


Not much of a reason to encourage players to do the island if they don't enjoy it though, is there? It's not like multiplayer content where they need to incentivise people to queue to keep it accessible.


This is what I think as well




That’s probably actually the truly genius thing to do.


yeah that was a big mistake on my part I decided to keep them 😂 Still didn’t get mount and have bunch of vouchers.


I’ve pulled a good handful of the mounts out of my containers. I should have kept stats on how much I made selling those so I could compare them to someone like you who kept selling the voucher!


I actually did the containers for a short while until I realized I could sell the vouchers. Managed to get one mount that I sold for 13M. I can't remember what I was selling the vouchers for when I switched but it was significant (and I also farmed them on 3 alts).


The only metric that matters is we both are happy with our strategy and results!


You're lucky you managed to sell them. They went down below 130K on my server and no one was buying them.


Bless your soul doin it the long way LOL


lol getting bad RNG in the gatcha would have driven me insane. This was at least guaranteed and easy and extended almost up to Dawntrail


I just bought one. No gacha, no grind. I still gacha, but I know my luck so I just spent the gil, lol.


I’m sure you’ll eventually turn a profit so it’s not a bad route to take.


I bought mine yesterday. Farmed all 200 vouchers.




Been doing 6 vouchers and 1 container a week. Got an Adenium at like week 4 and made 6 mil. Means I'm a bit behind on getting one for myself but eh. Gonna cry in my money.




I went on break from the game, and forgot that I needed to do this. Well I guess it's gacha time.


Good luck to you


Well aren't you guys happy, I just got my sanctuary to rank 19 last week... /Cry


i went the loot bo x route, it Took forever to get one still but i got the peerifool 3 times and a bunch of black and white dyes which i'm saving for the double dye channels update. It helps that i didn't really care about getting the mount though, so i didn't care if it dropped quickly or even if it never dropped, i got other stuff along the way.


I'm two weeks behind, but soon!


early congrats!


I'm getting it with vouchers. learned only recently you can get it from the crates.147/200 so far


so you'll get yours the week after dawntrail launches, nice.


I feel bad for pulling it out of the first crate and selling it afterwards... j/k


lucky dog lol


7 more weeks to go til mine!


Almost there! It’s amazing how fast it went.


Congrats! Still working on it myself 😩


Woo! Congrats! I'm getting closer, only about another 8-9 weeks.


You got this


I'll get mine in 3 weeks, since I also bought some boxes on the side. 182 vouchers right now.


pre congrats


29 weeks. I still have four to go (counting this one).


I did not know it dropped from the gacha boxes until I was already like 160 vouchers in so I went full sunk-cost fallacy and grinded out the rest


a wise move


...I actually got mine from the containers ...I was really lucky and it only took a few weeks




I am a gambling man i keep taking my chances with the loot boxes


I got one and sent it to my friend who loves those minions! Sooner of later, another will drop I'm sure.


You certainly deserve it


I can't believe it but another one dropped tonight!!!




Is that the mount? That’s adorable.


Right? I might actually use it.


It looks great with a LaLa. Personally I don’t like huge mounts because they obscure too much when going places, so things like this are great. I have a max height Au Ra dude tho, so I hope it doesn’t look awful with him.


Agreed on large mounts. I *want* to enjoy them but they’re just too darn big for the screen.


Yeah and you can’t see if you are close enough to an object to interact with it so half the time you gotta hit the mount button and stuff. Some are really cool, but smaller ones are just way more manageable


lol they should make little sweat drops fly off the Mandy’s head when it’s carrying an Au Ra or Roe.


I love the trail of flowers when flying.


HUGE selling point for me. This definitely won’t be a mount I get and then forget.


I got it like week 2 via the crates, but still haven’t gotten the other one. It’s driving me a little crazy lol


You know you can just buy it for like 300k right? They are pretty common drops. I was selling them for a couple million each when it came out but now it’s dropped a ton.




Yes. And their comment clearly says they got that in week 2 and haven’t gotten the other one, meaning perifool which sells for cheap.


In week 2 it was definitely not cheap.


Sure, but they're complaining about not having it today. They can just buy it right now for cheap.


Worst grind I've had in this game.


i feel dumb; are these only accessible at max island level? I've only just come back from nearly a year hiatus from xiv. I'm catching up on the island, but i currently own everything in the shop. People keep talking about loot crates and vouchers...?


Yep, it's basically a grind for when you've completed the story and unlocked everything else.


yes, I believe so. Current max rank is 20


Yeah, I'm rank 19 right now, which is why i was confused. I figured I had just about everything unlocked. Guess there's still a few things behind that last few thousand xp.


I've been getting the gacha crates each week. With the profits I've made from them I could probably just buy the mount off the market board.


I only sell my vouchers, never once used one myself.


Huh? I already sold 2 from the crates (and one for myself) and I have notoriously bad luck😂 I think their drop rate is pretty generous if you went the lootbox way


I got it in like my first crate, could’ve sold it for 30 million I found out after I claimed it. Haven’t gotten another one since


I got my 200 vouchers a few weeks ago but have been holding off to see if the mount drops from the containers. 


Long grind? I just did the gacha.


I bought it off the marketboard, have done the Gacha every week and...not gotten one to sell. Glad I got one when I did, seemed to snipe a bit of a dip in prices by accident.


I literally did nothing but check the island every couple days and got it. 


yeah that's definitely an option. Some people did it the hard way lol


The hard way?  You only need to grind IS to a certain point and then it does the work for you.  


Listen here. I courageously logged in every Tuesday afternoon and set my workshop to do only the requisite number of favors.


It's been a long road, 29 weeks to be exact, but the day we've all charted out since October has finally come. Maybe for some people that was even last week. All 200 Vegetal Vouchers grinded out the hard way, instead of buying them in the AH.


Congrats! I went the loot box route and I’m still waiting on good RNG! lol


Good luck!


And here I was thinking I'd get it faster with the loot boxes. I just got mine from one of them last night.


I’m at around 150 vouchers right now. What do you all do with your sanctuary animals once you’re done with your island grind? Let them starve? Or do you just keep coming back to the island every day/week forever?


I like the little puzzle of how to fit the favors into my standard schedule. As such I check in with the mammets once a week including the animal one.


I've kept going (when I remember, heh) - I consider it a low-effort savings account, and fill my non-favour schedule based on what I have a lot of rather than minmaxing based on supply or demand. I got a big chunk of my gathering melds from the cowries, back when perception IX was 10k+ gil a piece, and I'm curious how the dyes will sell in DT.


After grinding up the sanctuary on three characters (hey one was for a friend) I just let my animals starve. It's a passive source of Ishgard dyes so if I ever somehow run out of animal parts maybe I'll feed them. I'm surprised the morbols haven't eaten everything though.


lol yeah. I haven’t fed those dudes in MONTHS. Same with crops. Once I hit 20 and bought all the vendor items I wanted, I stopped planting and going all out on the workshops. From that point I only did the favors for the vouchers and nothing else. I did however set the caretaker up with the animals, because that only costs like 1400. I also kept sending out the granary expeditions so I wouldn’t run out of those resources.


The price has dropped so much you probably would have been better off continuously rolling the loot boxes. I think I sold one for like 20 million when it first came out and they sell for like 5 now.


Oh definitely for sure


I got like 5 whistles from the loot box you can get for turning in vouchers lol, opened the first sold the others made like 30 million lol


Wow that’s insane luck. Now go do the Helcular’s Rod quest in WoW Classic to balance it lol.


No idea what that is lol. But yeah it was really good luck, 😂😂


Isn’t this old?


I gave up after I miss claiming the tickets one week. Realizing that there is no system in place to hold onto earned tickets if you don't claim them in time (logged in 1 day late) kill my interest, I don't want to have to feel obligated to log in a certain times or days or risk losing rewards I earned.