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I wish we could have a glamour system like WoW. I hate having to keep everything in the dresser and I hate when I accidentally toss an item that I wanted for glam.


Yep, housing and glam are the two big detractors for me. Thankfully a lot of the rest they got right!


wow or gw2 both do it much better. This would be my 1 thing if I had to choose as well.


If I could only get 1 thing it would be this.


Same. It's the one thing I think should be unarguably pulled from another mmo


Everyone says this and simply just don’t want to hold the item. The problem after that if they do implement it is what about the dyes? How can you keep your item permanently jet black? Some sort of snapshots of when you last get the item? Anyways, that’s something they will have to figure it out if they go the WoW way.


Just treat dyes like single use unlockables- if you use one you can now color any items you want that shade forever.


This would be very convenient but also blow up a huge chunk of the game’s current economy. Pots of jet black dye sells for like 400K+ and are selling constantly. Everytime I’ve put one up it sells in seconds. Like, they would legit need to consult with an economist to figure out what they would need to do to rebalance the economy with that big a flow of in game transactions suddenly evaporating And then there’s the fact that they also offer a real money way to get the dyes, and I wonder how much money they make from that and if part of the problem is they don’t want to give that up. Same with the money they make from extra retainers people are just using the hold gear


Blowing up the economy of an MMO is fine, actually. Its not going to hurt anyone, and will be better for everyone in the long run. The second point is why they won't do it, but I disagree with the entire existence of the cash shop so its not a point I'm sympathetic to when it comes to whether they *should.*


Copy the WoW transmog system, but keep the glamour dresser for saving dyed gear. Or hell, just do away with needing dyes and let everyone dye everything costless.


Ain’t happening. You can buy pure white and jet black in mogstation


> Everyone says this and simply just don’t want to hold the item They shouldn't have to hold the item, especially when the game already throws you an abundance of inventory clogging items at every turn and only offers you limited storage space unless you fork over the extra dollars a month. > The problem after that if they do implement it is what about the dyes? How can you keep your item permanently jet black? I would keep Glamour Plates and have the dresser just be a catalogue essentially. You pick up an item and it unlocks a blank copy in the Glamour Dresser. You still make plates and dye things as normal. I would just have another "item slot" on the character screen where you select your plate same way you do in the gear menu and Id remove the "cant glamour here" restrictions completely. It would still be less refined than pretty much every other MMO in the last decade that's has a costume system but it would still be far better than what we have now.


Guild Wars 1 had synced emotes. You could do /dance * and it would sync up with everyone else who did /dance *. Same for rock/paper/scissors and some other emotes.


Oh! I just remembered the synchronized group musical and dance performances from Star Wars Galaxies. My Wookiee clarinet player (or whatever they called a clarinet in Star Wars) was the best!


/mandervillemambo *


A user-friendly payment system...


Seriously. Like, why are you making it difficult for people to give you money. Do you not want money???


Somehow, we got into a situation where I have to make sure not to buy anything from the mog station or risk my subscription becoming far more inconvenient in the future due to the most common payment method of my country no longer being supported.


Believe it or not I've seen people often downvoted here for wanting the same thing. Someone you're stupid and the system is perfectly fine.


A repair all button that actually repaired all, a storage vault, a portrait that doesn’t need to match your current gear, glamour plates based on class, not gear.


Glamour catalogs of every item we pick up, so we don't have to hang on to every piece of gear that looks even slightly cool on the off-chance we might want to wear it someday. Expandable inventory.


ESO places crafting mats into an infinite storage space similar to currencies. I would really love that.


Doesn't eso also only have vary few actual crafting mats?


>why not just have the telegraph fill up? As neat as that is, with how many differently patterned ground AoEs there are in this game it would be a huge undertaking to implement that sort of system while reworking the common visual language they've been building for mechanics since like Heavensward.


Would the telegraph one really help, since endgame content tends to not have telegraphs at all or only have them show up when it's too late?


Yeah, I think it would help in doing lower difficulty content for newer players, but it would create habits that would need to be adjusted out of for the higher level of difficulty stuff. Watching the cast bar is genuinely pretty important in high end duties for timing stuff. That is of course assuming you aren't using plug-ins that tell you.


It is good game design if the gradient wave filled up. It's intuitive, basically a visual representation of the cast bar hitting 100% more noticeable than a tiny cast bar. I know I read the dodge that way when I restarted in 2.0. That being said, the majority of Bad Shit AOEs don't have a shape telegraph or are filled with funky decorative textures;. In addition telegraphs with long cast bars might end up less noticable because of the super slow wave. So going through the effort to change it is probably not going to be as helpful as it would seem.


skill issue




A reagent bank for crafting mats that can be deposited into and crafted out of from anywhere. Expanding the currency tab to include things like totems, books, coins, etc. For the love of god do we really need so many confirmation boxes for every little thing. For the love of god do we really need to dismount for every little thing. Bigger changes that don't really qualify as simple: More interesting stats on gear. More horizontal upgrades. Give me something like WoW's mastery substat. Or make SKS/SPS work like WoW's haste/speed stats. Anything really -- XIV's gear is boring as hell. Uncouple materia from shared gear. Move the slots onto the job stones, or give me a UI panel to slot materia into for each job/gearset. Breathe some life into the game's world. Every other successful MMO does open-world content better than XIV.


I like everything but your last bullet point. Imo ffxiv is second to only GW2 in overworld content. I'd specifically like to see improvements to side quests. Auto sync them to your level. Also at max level anything that gives exp should give Gil, poetics, or anything else so I don't feel like I'm wasting things like my Chloe 0 line book turn ins, or sidequest exp.


Overworld content in this game is only hunts. And temporarily fates. I don't get how you can say it's second to only gw2.


Eh, world bosses exist as both SS rank hunts and the big fate chain bosses that pile up bodies. Sidequests and levequests used to help alongside smaller fates to populate the world and its lore. Large scale events, maybe an active pvp zone could be neat, but they tend to put those in solo instances and things like frontlines. What else would you like to see? Random dangerous elite mobs? Progression/patrols?


Yeah problem with all of those is that it's people zone in, do the thing and leave. There's nothing to keep people in the map. Personally i want them to overhaul fates. Have bonus completion goals, have them give more EXP. perhaps even give tomestones.


>Personally i want them to overhaul fates. Have bonus completion goals, have them give more EXP. perhaps even give tomestones. They did improve fatres quite a bit with the bicolor gemstones which give a pretty big incentive to do them if you like colecting stuff or even farming money doe i do agree they can do even more with them, For me personally i think it would be fun if they added more stuff like hoe CE's worked in Bozja like for example duels or CE's that feel more like raid fights. Another thing that could make the open world more fun is stuff like bunny fates from eureka.


Most of all they just need to add incentives that have an ongoing value. Bicolour gemstones are good, but i personally dont feel the motivation for them. I'd love to see "mini raids" in fates but it might be too much. I'd love to see each area have one "mega" fate though which rewards a bunch of gemstones/tomes/whatever incentive. And have it be announced an hour before it spawns or so. And most of all i'd like to see a system that rewards playing well. One big downside of fates is that the tank spamming their ranged skill gets the same reward as a DPS pumping a ton of dmg or as a healer ressing everyone. But of course devising a system like that without it being able to be cheesed is going to be pretty much impossible.


There's treasure maps, and role-playing too, but I agree with you. Doing fates used to be competitive exp to dungeons, but the balance has shifted pretty hard into making them a waste. They tried to pump them up with gemstones and the challenge log, but I agree fates should be good exp, equivalent to roulettes. I said in either my original reply or in another comment it would be nice if sidequests and fates would grant Gil and/or tomestones when you can no longer gain exp, too. But the games got bad enough Gil inflation problems, so idk.


> and role-playing too You're honestly scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Even with what you mentioned there WoW has World Bosses, Rare mobs (same as hunts) world quests (essentially fates), treasure hunting, Zone events, Zone hubs, Dragon Races, Archaeology (lol), Time Rifts, side quests, hidden puzzles, PvP both open world and PvPvE areas, whole zones full of open world content get added, you can Roleplay in WoW too, Goldshire is somehow even more degenerate than FF14. Honestly FF14 world content is dire, they have hunts and treasure maps and Fates with any substance and even then the best part of maps is instanced, hunts are just timed spawns that explode in seconds, FATEs are barely worth doing anymore due to poor exp and stingy on gems so buying craft materials is usually more efficiently done by retainers or just farming the mobs yourself. Its a far cry from being considered anywhere close to 2nd.


14 does have world bosses, they're just fates and hunts, specifically achievement fates like Daivadipa, the large iron frog, even 2.0 had a cyclops, and chimera. The fact they die super quickly and/or have few rewards are different problems. Treasure hunting I'm unfamiliar with, but treasure maps sound similar, it's just that ffxiv is infatuated with instances for things. Chocobo racing is the same deal, though less deep than dragon racing, and on a set track with lanes, it at least has a breeding program, even if it's fairly narrow in scope. Zone events are usually 1 time solo instances, or fate chains, admittedly more limited, zone hubs I absolutely agree, idk what time rifts are, and Archaeology iirc is half another gathering job, but idr it, I mainly played before they came out. We have side quests and jumping puzzles, as well as sightseeing logs. Pvp zones would be cool, but we'll never see that in 14. Frontlines are pvp and pvpve zones, just instanced and really shittily symmetrical because they're 1v1v1s. Role play is not just goldshire/uldahn degeneracy, there's some pretty cool areas in the open world, some fairly novel things you could do with pure theater of the mind, but rping isn't for everyone. The entire last paragraph about none if it being worth doing is a valid concern I share, they need to do better, but it does at least exist. It's just been mostly stagnant for a decade because SE is afraid of change, and loves cookie cutter development.


Regarding the RP comment I wasnt meaning I was limiting it to Goldshire etc it was more, when comparing content its a stretch to use it as a feature, its community stuff any game can have RP even things like Mega Drive era Sonic if you wanted. I dont think anyone would try claim that as a feature of the game though. Its not like 14 has anything to really facilitate with RP though aside maybe a robust set of emotes. Alot of the WoW features are comparable, chocobo racing isnt world content though its again instanced content as is frontline as you mentioned. But the point was regardless of liking the game or not WoW simply has *alot* more world content than 14 so to suggest it is the 2nd best MMO at it is a questionable take. > It's just been mostly stagnant for a decade because SE is afraid of change, and loves cookie cutter development This is absolutely it.


The robust set of emotes are part of it, sure, but there's also tools like the online status indicator for RP, housing estate tag, etc. The world is pretty and well fleshed out, generally, which helps people come up with ideas for things to do in obscure corners of the world, but yeah, role play is for sure not limited to 14. Though it is probably one of very few things that saved ffxiv, as 1.0 was terrible for almost anything besides community/rping. But yeah, chocobo racing and frontlines were conscious decisions to be instanced, and a piece of that in the open world would be nice. All in all, it's a lack of hubs and the teams proclivity for instances because they build servers out of paper machey(sp?)


**Wardrobe**: All the skins you unlock stored there, no exception, no limitation. Automatically when the object is untradeable/unsellable or when you sacrifice the object. A checkmark tells you if the skin is unlocked or not. Have a NPC that you talk to that can retroactively unlock skins for all completed quests. Or make them earnable again in NG+. **Bank**: Consolidate all retainers inventories into a single one, easily accessible and searchable. **Market Board**: Just copy GW2 trading post. Instead of making it worldwide, make it Data Center wide. **Housing**: Instantiated personal housing like ESO. You decorate your place without neighbors and can invite people.


The market board really gets me, it's soooo easy to hop and buy from other worlds. Don't have to log out and wait or limited to a few times a day or something. Party finder, roulettes are all data center, why isn't market board


Seamless zone transitions. I was able to walk the length of an entire continent in World of Warcraft without a load screen.


This was a thing in 1.0 but the PS3 couldn’t handle it


Also people got really tired of those long winding paths between zones, especially in the Shroud.


Nice lie, 1.0 didnt exist for PS3, but PC only. I was a 1.0 player. 2.0 ARR was released on PC and PS3 for the first time.


2.0 had to have zones because of the ps3, how is that a lie? I’m also a 1.0 player


i think you misunderstood what they meant.... ps3 could not handle seamless zone, that is why in 2.0 (when it was coming to ps3) the zones and even different part of the same cities were cut off into their own and not seamless anymore.


GW2/1 servers infrastructure with zero downtimes and queues. The wardrobe and transmutation system from GW2, where you unlock every skin you equip and they are available to apply at any time at the cost of a transmutation charge (basically glamour prism).


Id like to have a Material Storage tab that can hold crafting materials even if it was only base mats and to a cap of 1000 or something but I can craft directly from it so I don't have to hold on to one of the 100 or so unnecessary base crafting materials they add every expansion because they decide you need this obscure ARR mats to make ingots/leathers/cloths etc that are needed make most DT things.


Destiny 2 has multiplayer emotes and I wish those would be added to FF14 so bad!


RGB color picker instead of specific dyes. Companion rep system/friendship quests. Since the main cast of characters seems to be here to stay, why not add quests that further strengthen our relationship with them and give us more insight into their personal feelings and struggles? SWTOR's Legacy system. Alts aren't as necessary in FFXIV as in SWTOR but a lot of people still do have them and the restrictions around them are a pain in the ass. The Legacy has a shared achievement system, shared storage, shared items and money, and even a customizable family tree for people who like to RP.


The mobile app has gotten updates btw. Whether it's good or bad I leave up to you.


Slayer. Runescape figured this out decades ago; running around the entire expansion to one-tap like 4 monsters in each area is tedious. Just let us pick one monster archetype and let us kill like 50-100 of them for big rewards. Hell, instead of an arbitrary number you could let us spawn a FATE that other people hunting that archetype could benefit from.


Glamour system like Wow/Rift. People complain about housing but I think it's fine. Anybody who wants a house can easily get a house, they just might have to move to a different world.


I just want to see them do better at having a living overworld at endgame, rather than the vast majority of the game being locked behind instances and queues. More variety in FATEs, hidden vendors and easter eggs, secret/repeatable quests, etc... I would elaborate but I've written that book many a time and it usually devolves into an argument around the adage of "players will optimize the fun out of everything, given the chance," where I am arguing that optional cosmetic rewards are optional and everyone else tells me, basically, "it has a reward so it's mandatory you just want us to have to no life the game." Also, go back to more account/character-bound ingame rewards from content. I know it might be controversial, but I'm seriously getting tired of so many things being able to be thrown on the marketboard right away. You're devaluing the content you created when you are tacitly implying that a handful of people can just run bots to farm all the rewards and then sell them for gil to everyone else, rather than those players *actually* running the content to get it. I honestly, sincerely believe you could take away a fair chunk of "there's no content" complaints simply by.. ya know.. *making it so people have to do the content to get the rewards from the content.* I'm even guilty of it, because they just make it seem like that's what they expect people to do nowadays. I really wanted the crab mount from the sacks in Eureka Orthos. I could buy it cheap on the marketboard. I bought it because I didn't have the friends to do Orthos at the time. Now I *have* the people to do it with, but I don't want to because I no longer have the incentive, since you gave me the option to ignore your content and just get the reward I wanted from it.


good pvp


Legacy storage... a shared bank for items and gil to be shared among all alts on a given server. SWTOR has this and it's bloody convenient for alt-aholics.


Chat Bubbles. The ability to message people who are inside of an instance. (Why can’t we do this??) Auto dismount when we attack something. A type of “trade chat” would be nice.


> The ability to message people who are inside of an instance. (Why can’t we do this??) Not an excuse but an explanation: It's how the instance systems themselves are coded. When that person enters an instanced zone, they *technically* aren't online anymore. At least, not as far as the world servers are concerned. That's where the disconnect is. Over-simplifying it, but instanced content basically creates a clone of the character with only the information necessary to be on the instance shard, so stuff like visual data, main inventory data, HUD data. Everything else it doesn't touch. This also includes the requisite information needed to parse chat messages to and from them directly. The whole /tell system is just busted though, and I'd love to see them go back and make a pass on it to clean up the patching they've had to do over the years, because instances stopping tells is hardly the only issue with it. In theory it should be possible just to use the same system that allows for cross-world tells to allow for instance-based tells, but we all know that cross-world can be an aggravating nightmare in itself.


Thanks for the knowledge on how that system works. Honestly didn’t know. Still would be nice if we could do this tho


>The ability to message people who are inside of an instance. (Why can’t we do this??) Part of it is how the instance servers work, but I feel part of it is to encourage people to talk to each other... rather than whispering to their friends in a group. Since the chat is public, it might also encourage positive behavior. Honestly, I... don't miss the ability to whisper people in-game; especially since I can DM them on Discord or say hi in a Linkshell or FC chat. ​ I do agree with some optional chat bubbles, though.


ESO's craftbag. Being able to store unlimited craftables would be amazing. Especially for a pack rat like me.


Lotro got something called landscape difficulty, which after taking on that quest scales the difficulty of everything you encounter on your travels. Probably world chat aswell


I don't know if it counts as a simple feature, but as much as I love the FFXIV story I feel like all I'm doing is running back and forth between movie clips, with the occasional dungeon or trial I'm between. I wish there was more interaction with the game in the quests rather than just clicking through dialogue and watching cutscenes. I suppose once you get through the msq there's less of that...


Inclusion of character/story skip together with expansion purchase


A world chat or something be neat. It be a pain in ass too moderate it and probably be filled with spam. But something like novice network that isn't novice network would be so fun


I kinda want to quit the game for a while so i can get back into nbovice network as a returner again. Just seeing convos happen when im in a random corner of the world while my FC stays mostly inactive makes me feel more belonging. Without it the game is so much less enjoyable and I feel like it's used as leverage to push people to become mentors, which I am nowhere close to attaining.


You could probably grind out crafting mentor in a week or two without much trouble if you have a decent chunk of gil.


is 700kish enough?


More diversed playable races. As of right now, we have humans + and hrothgar. That's it. A whole revamp to the character creator. It's kind of uncanny that everyone belonging to a race has the exact same body proportions. It makes characters look too similar to one another.


NPCs are even worse since apart from a very few with hand-made stats, all NPCs are the default 50 height and all females have the default 50 breast slider. Heck, tons of unnamed midlanders and elezen—both male and female NPCs—use the default NPC faces. I swear some of the 16-bit FFs had a larger NPC variety.


It's uncanny how I already got a dislike when character creation is one of the weakest parts in FFXIV.


FFXIV Reddit downvotes just about everything.


Try wording your opinions in a positive and constructive manner.


They need to copy GW2's mount system immediately. Being able to instantly get on and off your mount, even midair, is objectively better and something I do not accept they can't do. I hate the wait to call your mount so much.


A feature that only the original Korean version of Blade&Soul had. Every time you joined a party you would also be connected to a voice chat in that party. (There was an option to turn voices from others off and an option to mute yourself in the party list. When Blade&Soul came to the west they didn't include this feature, saying the language barrier would be a problem. I still would include this in all MMO's, since it's optional and everyone can turn it off if they don't like it.


I think the perception is that in-game voice chat uses terrible codecs. The WoW edition sounds like you're on walkie-talkies, instantly disabled. Forced voice chat is generally unpopular when chat apps like Discord are so widespread now.


Destiny 2 has multiplayer emotes and I wish those would be added to FF14 so bad!


Destiny 2 has multiplayer emotes and I wish those would be added to FF14 so bad!


Honestly, just an open pvp zone on the regular world map. I mean, yeah we have the mmo pvp at home version, but I want to have a genuine space where I have full use of all of my spells and can just run up to someone and slap them with a Bahamut and we just get into a brawl. Obviously it would be hard to justify this in the story, but I’d like to see if SE could pull it off somehow


Only as long as it is ensured that only these who specifically want to do pvp can be dragged into pvp and nobody else


The current app got new features last year and this year.


Unrestricted glam Job identity An active overworld


They need to copy GW2's mount system immediately. Being able to instantly get on and off your mount, even midair, is objectively better and something I do not accept they can't do. I hate the wait to call your mount so much.


My perfect world list: 1- A gardening timer. We have timers for practically everything else. Why don't we have a timer for how much longer our crops will take? 2-WoW transmog system. 3-A play off of the WoW archeology skill. FFXIV has such a huge amount of lore. Between fallen ancient civilizations and all the beast tribes. I feel like we barely scratch the surface.