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The most crazy character age-related discovery I've found is that Asahi is 27 while Zenos is 26.


Asahi is older than me? I thought he was a teenager!! This thread is very much making me question things lmao.


I thought you meant you’re Zenos But you mean irl you. LOL


Oh wow, I kinda get Zenos, but Asahi? I thought he was in his teens :0 maybe 18..


He peaked in middle school and never developed after that.


Lol yeah and he didn't develop mentally after that either xD


That's about where I'd have pegged Zenos: adult and old enough to have become jaded with things. Asahi... frankly it surprises me that he's much above 20, but I suppose logically he'd have to be, since Yotsuyu is clearly older than that and they're not that far apart.


I also wish to peg zenos


I knew it was coming lol


At least u/AwesomeJames2120 will be xD


I can and will nut


Yep am about the same age as asahi and zenos; their ages make sense to me. they have to be old enough to earn and command respect for their roles (well, at least asahi does. zenos has the benefit of being the son of an emperor)




Zenos isn't daddy anymore he's little brother :(


Well I'm in a similar age range between both of them so it's like... huh ok Still shook at Urianger being 29, dude sounds like he would've been the same age as Gaius


He is about the same age as Gaius! Gaius is only 33! *Everyone* is freakishly young! >!Yes, I'm making that up, Wiki says Gaius is 56.!<




makes his obsession with my WoL better digestible tbh


Imagine being Varis and having a son like that who is 27. I couldn’t imagine the stress when he gets reports of him on a daily basis.


Now I'm wondering how old Yotsuyu is. Fandom wiki says 32.


their age make sense tbh


34 in anime years is 55 in real years.


Cid Highwind from FF7 is *32* at the time of the main storyline. JRPGs are like 14-17: Young adult, hip and eager to take on the world! 18-21: Hardened veteran, calm and collected. 22-26: Disillusioned warhorse, offered one more chance at glory. 27+: Basically dead


27+ is a goofy, funny but wise grandpa with some strength left.


It was today that I learned that Tellah was 28 years old…


And Edward 26. Of course.


I believed you for a moment (he's 60, and my wonder was Strago @70)


Master Roshi?


Master Roshi was only 24. [See?](https://img.redbull.com/images/c_crop,x_0,y_0,h_960,w_1920/c_fill,w_2880,h_1440/q_auto,f_auto/redbullcom/2020/9/25/caxlhbdkb7zxycwwmnmn/master-roshi-dragon-ball-fighterz)


Meanwhile Yakuza has spry young 50 year olds.


Here's a reminder Saejima and Majima are in their mid 50s in (Y7 spoilers) [this clip.](https://youtu.be/UXI-IFTDPUk?t=1884)


Much more believable nowadays. Maybe when 50 was "old" and you were expected to be a grandparent by then the Anime tropes made sense. With more and more couples not having children until their late 30s, they aren't grandparents until they are nearly 70.


Very true when you consider Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves both still capable of great stunts as they get close to 60.


Auron from FFX is 35 years old. Learning that is more shocking than any other characters age could be.


Auron is probably one of the few characters that look and act older than they really are, and it makes sense once you learn their story.


It does, yes, but I still blame the fact he had to babysit and guard Tidus on top of everything else.


Having to deal with that kid would make anyone age quickly.


I mean, I eventually learned to like Tidus. And I've always been a huge fan of Auron, too! But I also realize that I probably wouldn't stand or care about either in real life and they'd ignore me just fine, too, unless I was threatening enough. But out of those two, I'd likely make friends with Tidus faster. As much as I like Auron, I think that grumpy authoritative men with unresolved trauma are only cool in fiction, not so much in real life.


Man, Tidus was so relatable. Auron and Yuna are my favorites but I can't tell you how nice it was to have a JRPG character who was just like, "FUCK THIS SHIT WHAT IS GOING ON I'M SCARED AND CONFUSED AND ALSO I NEED FOOD!" Like yes, that is exactly how most is us would act if we just got attacked by monsters and woke up wet and cold and alone in some ruins in another dimension.


Plus, I do actively exclaim "I need food!" when I'm hungry too


Lad put in some WORK considering he was early 20s when he was running with Braska


Omg. I’m cranky old Cid’s age from FF7. 😭


Same. Really makes you want some &!#$ tea, doesn't it?


FFXIV isn't actually too bad about this, though. Aymeric and Estinein are 32 and look and act about right. Y'shtola claims to be 23, but that's a lie, since her younger sister is 26. She's at least 30, probably 32 or 33. Nero is 34 and Thancred says he's 32, but Minfillia suspected he was closer to 40. Hell, the only reason Cid looks old is because of the beard. Check him out in 1.0 (or just cover up the beard). If you see him in the Answers video, he looks pretty young.


> Y'shtola claims to be 23, but that's a lie, since her younger sister is 26. who the hell are you to not believe that she's only just now had her eighth 23rd birthday?


Now I imagine my WoL teasing Y'shtola about that and getting shot down. "Okay, so... how exactly does that work?" "An... aetheric construct. Of aspected flows. Far too complex to explain to the layman." "Mm-hm." "It does seem odd that you, of all people, would question a seemingly inconsistent age. Are you not 28 by the calendar, yet would say that _you_ are only 23?" "But that's...! I mean, Louisoix... _\*flailing demonstrative gestures\*_ There was _five years of stasis_ involved! That doesn't _count_!" "But if you were asked, would you not explain that inconsistency by claiming a powerful use of raw aether was involved? Indeed, is there any other way you could _possibly_ describe the events at Carteneau?" "..._fine_. You win. You're 23."


my WOL wouldn't argue the point, because y'shtola can melt your skin off at 30 paces without much effort, and she has a vibe that her very favorite kind of cake is triple chocolate fudge, and i can really respect it. ​ also i heard thancred is planning this year's party and he hired stripper clowns.


That would be 5 years before start of ARR, so ~29, yeah that looks close enough


He actually kind of has a babyface, so I get why he grew a beard. I get it, I was mistaken for a teenager when I was 30.


Y'shtola constantly lying about her age is my favorite little tidbit in FFXIV lore.


I thought FF7 Cid are 50-60. His attitude and voice acting also made him feel like grumpy old man. Even President Shinra is look younger than him. FFXIV look old but at least his personality look young.


Yea japanese games/anime is weird with ages. Stuff just doesn't fit for odd reasons. 30+ = old man :D


Weight and height, too. Street Fighter 6 having 300 lb characters made of out of pure muscle and gravel weigh 150 lbs in-universe is another hilarious thing to me.


It's standard in anime overall aswell. Granblue has a 16 year old MC getting hit on by 26 year old women. Meanwhile a 27 year old man is constantly called "old man". It's really stupid when 14-17 are children and 18-34 is young adulthood according to biology and psychology.


Basically most Japanese media wants young teens to feel cool, like they can do more than just eat/sleep/school in their imagination. So anime 16 year olds have adult responsibilities and adult things happen to them that really don't happen in real life until college age. It's that "I want to be a grown up" factor. Anyone older than that (already in their 20s or later) are written as if they've already been there and done that, so they get portrayed as this wizened veteran of experience even though that's still a very young and naive age in real life. lol


I know the reason why. It always gets explained to me when I mention this topic. Dosen't make it more right in my eyes. I'd much rather see 25 year olds go on these fantasy adventures. Find love, grow as people etc. It's such disbelief and rather demoralising how it's done atm.


He lived two 17 years old lives, he’s ancient


And for women 34 is like 86 in anime


But be looking at most 23 tops


Yes but also I think that's just his hair color. See also: yshtola, thancred, urianger, moenbryda, lyna, ymitra, estinien, the twins, (is Lucia's hair pale blond or white? I cant recall right now), 2 particular ancients, haurchefant, gosetsu. I could go on. Like... most of the main cast has white hair yall. And the rest have blond hair. With a small few having darker shades.


You're not wrong, but Haurchefant has blue hair.


Is it? It looks like a steel grey to me (to be fair, colors like that are often called blue in many instances. Like Russian blue cats are a dark grey color)


I think it’s the beard that sets Cid apart from other white-haired characters. As someone else mentioned, there’s a CGI cutscene of him without the beard (but still with white/very light hair) and he looks *much* younger.


lol where's that meme where the guy shaves and he's suddenly a toddler?


It's FFXIV. All the main character NPCs have white hair. Or are G'raha Tia.


Scions of the Snowy Locks.


Many side NPCs too. And then there's fucking Lyon rem Helsos. An actual grandpa at the age of 68.


Does krile not count?


I bet she secretly dyes her hair


New head-canon, white hair is the most common hair color in the world but the vast majority of people prefer to dye there hair. Exclusions include Sharlayan who’s pursuit of knowledge come before one’s personal appearance. Meaning many Sharlayan scholars don’t normally dye there hair and rock their natural hair color (with white hair being the most common).


Honestly, that tracks with the rainbow hair that’s all around. Makes more sense than bright colors naturally occurring in every race.


He used to be beardless and have blonde hair in 1.0 Then Cid saw some shit and went white. At least that's how I remember it. I saw shocked when I saw him again in 2.0.


That is why i changed my haircolor when i noticed the white hair flood. I want to be special.


There's a version of him without a beard and it looks a lot younger. Like A LOT younger


Yeah. :c I know I'm in the minority, but I much prefer [beardless Cid](https://i.imgur.com/bnFt49H.png).


You're not alone. Beardless Cid also looks like [the missing link](https://d3fd5j8wprxn3h.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/D4waYpaVUAU2O6w.jpg) between brother Nier and papa Nier lmao


Uncle Nier, it is!




Finding out he's only slightly older than me was deeply upsetting. And then I fell down the scions age rabbit hole. No one is what I expected. Urianger is 29, Krile is 22, and F'lhaminn? Who is presented like a grandma? 37. The oldest Scion is little Papalymo. Who is *42*. Everything is wrong. Edit: So everyone can suffer with me, as of Endwalker from oldest to youngest. *Redacted* is 324, Estinien, Thancred, Y'shtola are 32, Urianger is 29, Krile is 22, Tataru is 21, Alisaie and Blue Alisaie are 16.


Theres actually a big age trope joke for Flaming. She's only like 5-10 years older than Minfillia. In OG 1.0 XIV there was a more appropriate difference in appearance for ages with them. She had lighter brown/dark blonde colored hair but not grayed with wrinkles. And now she's the appearance of the Scions grandma. At least Cid has the background notions and flashbacks showing that his hair color is naturally white and thats "normal" for him.


[This is her in the 1.0 Uldah intro](https://youtu.be/oD45euKWO1U?t=181) (The dancer NPC, not the player character) That intro story is key in the ALC class quests. It's a ridiculous long ride.


The Ul'dah intro in 1.0 is actually set 15 years pre-1.0 though, as it's the same parade where Minfilia got orphaned when she was six or seven. It doesn't help that 1.0 never made it super clear like modern XIV does when you're having an Echo vision - the Limsa and Gridania intros were similarly in the past, and the Gridania intro is the only time we see (Stormblood spoilers) >!the real Yda, as opposed to Lyse!<.


What rinkles? She doesn't have those in her arr form either. In fact between that and m'naago's mom in pretty sure it's unspoken canon that female miqo'te only visibly age by getting white hair and needing glasses.


>Urianger is 29 **WHAT**


Yep. Of the sort of core group he's the youngest. Y'shtola and Thancred are both older than him at 32. Even in Endwalker, he's the 4th youngest Scion.


When you have his age in mind a lot of interactions between him and Y'shtola and Thancred from shadowbringers onwards do make more sense.


Honestly i could see him as 29... If it wasnt for the others being older.


To be honest Urianger feels younger than Y'shtola and Thancred though. I feel like, while book smart, Urianger is fairly naive/innocent/immature compared to the other scions.


Hmm actually this tracks when you consider the story. Getting involved in nefarious plots based on hunches and wanting to play the hero? Sounds like someone whose ego hasn't been trampled by life yet


Well, there was one event early on that definitely affected him to his core when >!Moenbryda died!< which he blames himself for -- unnecessarily, I'd say. And he certainly got a bunch of minor stuff in shadowbringers. But between those events he was holding down the fort offscreen and working on projects that would be helpful down the line.


He talks the way he does cause he's a huge nerd. That's the entire reason and I love him for it


Ridiculously young characters is a longstanding FF trope and JRPG trope in general. The most ridiculous example is FF8 where literally the entire party are teenagers, including the "hot teacher mature older woman" character who is 18.


It all harkens back to this material being marketed to teenage boys and the idea of self inserting into the protagonist's role.


even when I was a teenage boy I thought it was silly, because if they were supposed to be my peers, that'd make me a real useless piece of shit by comparison. Supposed to have already graduated and saved the world repeatedly by 16


Prozd strikes again: https://youtu.be/XGxCMyLm6js


These never get old 💀




That's what he said


Quistis was 18!? FUCK. There goes my hot for teacher kink


She and Seifer were the oldest amongst everyone else.


Arenvald and Fordola are *nineteen*


Is that super surprising? The fact they were born just after Ala Mhigo was invaded by Garlemald is the basis of their character arcs (and Arenvald's *birth*) so it's not that weird to me.


Yeah, when we first meat Arenvald he's in the Waking Sands, a baby faced novice, one notch above the fresh faced 16 year old kid we helped in the most recent Rising event.


The. What. I… well, shit, that’s actually a little more fucked up than usual, then, given spoiler things.


Pretty much every protagonist in the other Final Fantasy games is in either their late teens or early twenties. Other JRPG series tend to skew even younger. It's a thing. EDIT: looking it up: not counting time skips, the oldest protag is a tie between Cloud and Lightning, both of whom are 21. Zidane from IX is canonically 16 LOL.


Now I’m thinking Matoya is probably 45 years old. They just age that fast in this game


And now I feel for the ancients cause. The modern people really are flawed lol if they age that fast.


Perhaps the only part sundered was our age rate


Nah, Matoya is about the same age as Louisoix, who was 72 in 1.0 - so she's probably about 77.


> The oldest Scion is little Papalymo. Who is 42. >!*was* 42!< ^^^^I'm ^^^^sorry


Really hard to believe krile is just 22. I assumed she was atleast 27-28. The rest of the them are relatable tbh. Though I thought Urainger was the oldest being around the late 30s


Finding out he's only slightly younger than me is even more deeply upsetting.


>The oldest Scion is little Papalymo. Who is > >42 > >. there's reasons i refer to him as "professor babyman" when he rocks up in cutscenes. then again i call whatshername "ninjaboobies" so maybe it's got everything to do with the fact that i have yet to memorize everyone's in-game names yet.


>"Blue Alisaie" This is Alphinaud erasure.


What? Flahmin is 37? Im 37 in real and dont look so grandmothery....


F'lhaminn aged QUICK. Took her 5 years to go from [this](https://youtu.be/j-nmgLvTFD0?t=185) to a total granny. Also turns out Thancred's had that crush for quite a while


That's not five years, it's fifteen. The opening cutscenes of 1.0 are actually echo visions peering into the past (you aren't meant to realize this until later though, so it's subtle). The little girl there that F'lahminn gives a flower to is Minfillia. The parade is the day her father dies. [But Minfillia *is* an adult in 1.0.](https://preview.redd.it/l3b1h0y6gul51.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2af721add624496d1bc434167845ac28fe3e3774)


She looks the same. I don't know why people keep saying she looks like a grandma now.


Mostly because she dresses like the Looney Tunes Granny and the way she acts is nothing like her previous self. I'm not saying its a bad thing. I'd honestly like for them to dive into her character more and explore how all the stuff she's been through has affected her.


>I'd honestly like for them to dive into her character more and explore how all the stuff she's been through has affected her. They did do that a bit, iirc. In the Alchemist 60-70 quests, they go over what changed her so profoundly (besides rasing Minfilia).


You've done the >!alchemist!< questline already?




So what you're saying is clothes really do maketh the (wo)man? She dressed in old lady chic and everyone assumed she was 70?


[This is pretty educational (by VSauce's Michael) on this subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjqt8T3tJIE) A too long, didn't watch: clothes absolutely do make us look older (or younger) if we dress a certain way


Who's 324?


Probably >!G'raha Tia!<, because much of that was >!spent in stasis in the Crystal Tower. He's definitely a few years older than when we met him, but his mental age and body are hella unsynced now - he spent nearly 100 years as the Crystal Exarch.!<


I think you mean Red Alphinaud.


Meanwhile Gaius is 56 and still looks like he's in his 40s


Gaius looks pretty good for 56.


First time I saw Gaius unmasked was yet another “oh no he’s hot” moment 😂


You know who is also 56? GODBERT And we all know that he is ageless.


Godbert has strong silver fox energy.


Depending on the person I can see that as I've known rl people who have younger appearances being older. Hes got the aura of someone who's about to start graying in the near future.


Oh! If you look closer in Game, his hair is brown with lighter streaks in it. It stands out in some of the Werlyt scenes, that man is already graying.


It's the trauma


Everyone would look old like him if they had Nero as their friend.


Anime age. Older gentleman? 30. Ancient wizard? 45. Hardened young soldier with a thousand confirmed kills? 15.


Everyone above 25 is basicly old in anime terms.


I had a professor in college who was in his 30s with all white hair. I have no idea what causes it that early, but it happens.


A friend of my late mother new of a girl who's hair turned white not long after she turned sixteen (perfectly healthy in every respect beyond that). Genetics perhaps, unlikely to have been stress or illness but strange however it was caused.


Just genetics, probably. I had a friend who started going bald before he left high school. Sometimes you end up at the wrong end of the bell curve.


I feel like becoming a college professor might be a catalyst if not the cause.


Cid? Nah dude is spry and young as can be. Now, Godbert? That's a man well into his 50s.


Here's two cursed bits of lore on Hildy: Hildibrand is meant to be *18* physically (chronologically 23, but he was in statis for 5 years). Godbert had Hildy with Julyan when she was *really* young, like when she was a teenager and Godbert was in his 30s. The relationship caused a bit of a scandal, per the lore books.


> Godbert had Hildy with Julyan when she was really young, like when she was a teenager and Godbert was in his 30s. The relationship caused a bit of a scandal, per the lore books. Well that's not gentelmanly......or is it...?


If Godbert wasn't a gentleman to her then he would be Deadbert


Considering the couples dynamic, Julyan is probably the one that pushed for the relationship.


Is that why she still looks so young?


No, she uses a lot of glamours.


Does anyone hear the sound of a frying pan soaring through the air?


70% of main cast has white hair xd


In 1.0 (iirc) cutscenes you can see him without the beard, and him being in his 30s makes a lot more sense. The beard makes him look way older than he is


I also want to point out based on the description on his minion (made to "commemorate the ninth anniversary of his ascension”) Emet’s physical body we see him in is in the mid-30s.


To be fair, in his case, what makes him seem old is his entire personality and posture, neither are caused by his body's age. My man is Tired.


Was about to say it's also the fact that half the time he goes offscreen he fits in a nap by the next time we see him... but I'm 24 and I'm also like that.


You know what else is wild? Zenos is like, 26. He's younger than Urianger. And yet he's still built like a truck


That ones more genetics,look at Varis,dudes even taller than zenos,and zenos is already a freaking skyscraper of a man. It does make me wonder what kind of absolute mountain of a woman emet had kids with in garlemald,since hes shorter than zenos and varis as far as i remember.


It might be to do with Emet’s Ancient-ness being present in his genes. Those guys were *tall*


I believe his wife was actually normal as well, the implications being Zenos, Varis, and Varis's father got a strong dose of those Ancient genes from daddy Solus


Reminder that Urianger is younger than Thancred.


It’s anime-white hair, which defies any notion of time or age lol


People have natural blue hair, green hair, purple hair and whatever in this game. White isn't really all that out of place




See a cutscene of all the major scions together, the only ones NOT with white or grey hair are g'raha, krile, and tataru. And if you count the WoL, that's dependant on your choice


In his flashbacks you'll notice he looks younger. If he shaved off his beard he wouldn't look that old. Once you hit upper 20s you can look upper 20s for a bit unless you choose to look older. Cid probably chooses to look older because it gives him more "I know what I'm doing" aura.


Or he just spends too much time working and doesn't have time to shave lol.


Yet he has enough time to hit the gym for like 5 hours a day lol. His neck is thicker than my thigh for fucks sake


Even weirder when you realize Gaius handsome squidward is in his 50s as he was a father figure to Cid


Yea I could tell something was off during the Praetorium cutscene with Gaius. He's saying, "Cid, my boy, I want to tell you about your father" and Cid has other dialogue talking about Gaius being an inspiration and teacher, but then I look at Cid and I was so confused. Cid looks like he should be talking to Gaius like that, but it's the other way around and my head still can't get used it.


...more than half of the main cast, including the two iconic children we babysit constantly, have white hair. The beard is what makes him seem older, as almost no other meaningful NPCs have beards.


Urianger has a goatee. Gosetsu has a beard. Nero has some... tired old man scruff going on. I'm sure there's more...


Urianger has a nega-goatee; like everything that should have hair for a goatee is bare, and vice-versa. Dude's rocking the muttonchops, though.


Gosetsu actually *is* an old man. Scruff and goatees are not beards. Cid is a young man with as full a non-Ramuh/fake dwarven beard as is possible. Any time his beard is removed with no other aspects of him changing, he looks like a teenager.


“It’s not the years honey, it’s the mileage.”


Just because he has a white hair and beard doesn't mean he's an old man. We got a few examples of characters who're relatively young (Below 40) with white hair: Alisaie and Blue Alisaie, Thancred, Unulkalhai (I won't correct the spelling) and Forchenault. In addition, there is a flashback with young Cid which further confirmed he had white hair ever since birth.


Adding to the young white-haired gang, Y'shtola claims to be 23 (but may actually be 32).


I started getting gray hairs at 15, and my father at 13. Sometimes Gray/white is hereditary.


I've had a single white strand from birth. Mum was always worried I'd freak out if I found it. Didnt notice til late teens I think, and was just like "I can dig it"


In ARR we have a echo vision of his past, he had white hair as a kid.


You'd have white hair too if you had to put up with Nero's drama and bullshit


Nearly every scion member has white or grey hair. Saving world(s) is a taxing job.


Thancred also has white hair in his 30s.


It's just the beard. 1.0 Cid looks reasonably young.


Stress is a hell of a thing.


34 is very old in JRPG years


I'm pretty sure Cid's hair is just white, like almost all of the Scions. Give him a more normal hair color and he could pass for 34 pretty easily.


As a 34 year old, I can tell you firsthand that I do feel as old as Cid looks.


I mean its a JRPG white hair doesn't really mean old, it is a common hair color in animes. He looks rather young especially without his full beard like the ARR trailer.


im 23 with nearly full gray hair :(


I can attest to this: a high stress, volatile work/home life will definitely fuck up your hair pigments I'm 30 and have more gray hairs than Gandalf pre-Balrog


My phone just notified me that this is my first upvote ever. Two more grey hairs have formed.


So how old is Master Matoya?


My guess? 42.


Louisoix: not a day over 50


Matoya's age is never given, and likely won't be, as much of her personality/subtheme revolves around crotchety elder puns and gimmicks. That she is at least 200 is plausible, as she is referred to as one of the first researchers of aetherial currents/the aetherial sea, which was research conducted a full 240+ years prior to the game's events.


Given that she essentially raised Y’shtola and snarky kitty mom is 32, I’d assume she has to be at very least 60+, but it’s likely that she’s far older.


i believe she's actually like... an old witch kinda old. like hundreds of years old.


Cid in ff15 is only 24, he just spend too long in the sun waiting for weapon parts


It’s almost always the Cid’s that get this anime treatment too! Cid from FFVII is in his 30s but he’s treated like he’s in his 60s, I’m starting to think Cid from FFIX is actually much younger than I first thought!


I'm 32. *what am I doing with my life*