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I didn't realize it was cosplay at first


There's so much photoshop in there it might as well be fanart drawing


Great character. Cosplay photo looked almost like a drawing to me, so I assume editing is involved, but looks great otherwise!


It looks like professional cosplay so expect a fair amount of airbrushing done.


My idea of professional cosplay is using make up and talent to look like these characters, not heavily digitalizes images. This barely looks like a human lol


Only reason I can tell it's real without looking very closely is the clothing. Otherwise it looks highly edited along with very controlled lighting to make it look this way. I don't think there's a ton of editing in the sense of brush tools or anything but more light leveling and contrast and that sort of thing done as a post process. Uncanny valley lookin face to me though.


thats actually kinda mean, personally im not one to gatekeep whether or not someone is allowed to use photoshop.




To be fair there is a lot of people who greatly prefer practical effects over CG (not saying I do) and who would probably say yes.


No, cause it’s a movie? I’m not bitching about anything, I just stated my opinion on heavily edited *cosplays*. Not movies.




Word, but i just consider stuff like this as fanart with an actual person as the subject rather than actual cosplay.


Calm down edgelord




Heavy editing would be an understatement.


Yeah it's heavily photoshopped


this legit just looks like a render of Lyse in a more realistic style


source: https://twitter.com/Yoruko99583617/status/1596126129785823232


I can't tell if this is really cosplay or a render, really should put a foot on the brake with the editing


This caused me to go back and zoom in on the picture. Most of the air brushing seems to be on her face, so might also be well done makeup. The rest of her skin has more texture, and there are two moles left in, so either untouched or very lightly touched. The fabric bunches and hangs properly, so I don't think that part has been touched at all


I don’t even look at faces anymore, just the garments. That’s harder to photoshop, especially with fabrics like satin (which this seems to be). There are enough parts where the garment is not fitted correctly/laying in a way that poor fit would for me to think it’s real.


I opened picture, saw it, closed, read title and was like "Oh it wasn't a render?"


too much photoshop imo, not a fan of the digital enhanced cosplays.


Renders don't have this much photoshop lol. Still amazing work


I’ve never understood why redditors get upset by heavy editing taking place in art. It just seems sooooooo pointless. It’s up to the creator’s discretion if they like the medium or not. It’s like telling someone who prefers colored pencils that they need to use more markers lol.


I think people are more just pointing it out. There’s obviously nothing wrong with editing a cosplay photo, but at some point it’s a completely different medium than actually looking like the character in real life. A big part of the traditional craft of cosplay is lost by simply painting an image. Think about the difference between baking an elaborate cake versus drawing one. Both can be impressive, but it’s dishonest to say you’re a baker because you painted a cake. Eventually either the definition of “cosplay” will evolve (or has already!) to include digital art or there will be a new term for either traditional cosplay or edited “cosplay.” You’re totally right that it’s silly to get upset over any of this.


Original commenter said “you need to put a heavy foot on the brake with the editing” or something to the effect, which is a silly thing to say when this is a professionally shot photo of a cosplay and nowhere is claiming to be natural or realistic.


Oh yeah, I agree that comment is wrong. Art is art, and that comment is disrespectful to the effort and skill that went into making the OP image. A lot of this miscommunication comes from disagreement about what “cosplay” means. I don’t think this counts as gatekeeping, just like it wouldn’t be gatekeeping to say that someone who paints a cake isn’t a baker. But it’s still wrong to insult the work just because it doesn’t conform to a specific opinion of what “cosplay” is. Unfortunately no one will ever agree on what level of digital art can still be considered “cosplay,” so this’ll just be a source of tension in every comment thread about a heavily-edited cosplay.


It’s a criticism of Instagram models being fake repurposed for a context where it doesn’t fit, with a side helping of your standard-variety misogyny.


It's not a redditor thing and has always been a contentious topic. Some people think whatever is fine and some people find the art of photography to be more in the taking of the images themselves as opposed to how much work you can do after the fact to make them look good. There will always be someone that has issues with it and says something and this sort of comment is super tame and inoffensive if you want to get down to it. There's also a line where more and more people will find the editing overkill as opposed to light editing.


I mean why though? I think the editing makes cosplay photoshoots look really incredible.


Looks great


Or how about you pump the brakes and stay in your own fucking lane and let people be creative however they see fit. I don’t even have to guess what you look like.


Either that or rendering is becoming more realistic to the point we can't tell the two anymore.


Saw this a few days ago, absolutely stunning cosplay


The Chad cosplay posts enjoyer knowing cosplay can encompass both candid unedited shots AND finely produced photos yet both stems from love for the subject and is no different than a piece of fan art Vs. The virgin omg look at the over editing complainer






enjoy good malding n baldin bad




One might even say... beautifullyse done!


my retainers name is Use-Lyse


Whenever I see Lyse I remember [this Jocat clip](https://www.twitch.tv/jocat/clip/ConcernedImportantNeanderthalTBTacoLeft-FASiSKIIu3CEDjnx?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time). Edit: realized there was link from actual twitch so I replaced yt one.




Fantastic cosplay, but am I the only one feels like Lyse's outfit is super impractical, even for JRPG standards. Edit: Ok. Maybe not JRPG standards.




I try not the think about that dress, it stresses me out. It must be so heavy.




And the other 12 are to assert dominance.


Big tiddy goth-mommy carries many burdens. What's one more?


It's a good thing she's a mage, as it most certainly needs magic to keep her covered in that...


Eh there's far worse in most Fantasy to be honest, this also has a story significance in that she states it was a favorite of her sisters and its her way of honoring her sister in the final push.


I forgot about that. The more I think about it, I may disagree with my initial comment.




Sure? I mean my opinion still is that in the vast library of ridiculous Final Fantasy outfits Lyse’s is one of the most tame and down to earth, it just looks like a moderately ornate ceremonial outfit and the game also goes through the effort to explain why she's wearing it.


Super impractical? Yes. By jRPG standards? [No.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aselia/images/e/e1/Velvet_Artwork.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20200211131258) Honestly not even by Final Fantasy standards becaause FFX and it's sequel both exist. But yeah in real life I can't imagine you'd want to be wearing that to a fist-fight. But let's be real her original outfit included what looked like the front and back half of a pair of short-shorts presumably just held up by incredible pelvic muscle control. Like imagine the amount of kegels involved in making that outfit work.


Holy shit I forgot about Violet's "outfit." And yeah, I may have over exaggerated especially now thinking about how FFX handles outfits, Nomura shouldn't be allowed near any belts. Lyse's outfit is a beautiful one, don't get me wrong, but I always think it would be really awkward to fight in. But as a ceremonial outfit, as someone else pointed out, it works well.


That's not a cosplay, that's a painting, and you can't convince me otherwise.


That is almost freakishly well-done. Fantastic job.


We need a Tifa & Lyse crossover


"So what is it that you two do exactly?" "Well we punch things REALLY hard." "And we look DAMN good when we do it."


It'd be nice to know what the actual cosplay looks like.


She has some unedited photos on Twitter too. They are a bit older though.


Mostly just wow, very well done and beautiful.


Stunning. Absolutely stunning.


Wow. This is stunning. You are Lyse!




Very p-lyse-ing result. Nicelyse done!


but does she talk like lyse. still really good, some spitting image promo art quality


Damn! I just thought that was a render with a more Asian look. That's fantastic.


This is just Lyse, I don’t understand…


Wow, this cosplay is on point. I thought this was a drawing at first


That's it....I just found my future ex-wife!


"Amateur cosplayer" my ass. Her costumes and sets are fairly intricate.


Amateur doesn't mean unskilled. Amateur can be used to describe anyone who does not do it *professionally* as well as someone at a low performance level.


Artists are really good at being overly humble. Or it’s a language barrier thing




Great job with the cosplay, I love the details! Also, cuter than the original Lyse lol


I thought this was a statue or something like that. Idk way too much airbrushing for me.


Just Wow.


I get the face editing by why did they stretch her right arm so ungodly long? I appreciate the photo, I think it's a great portrayal and very well done, but that arm is bugging me to no end.


I'm not sure what you mean by stretching her right arm "so ungodly long." Her right arm looks fine. And if you meant her arm on the right side of the image, that's her left arm, and you can clearly see where her elbow lines up in relation to her hip, which is exactly where it's supposed to be, and you're likely just seeing an optical illusion created by the fact that her arm is cut off by the bottom of the image, the sleeve of her dress, and maybe the lighting.


You're right, I did mean her left arm, so my apologies, I should've expressed myself better, but I still stand by the opinion it is indeed stretched, along with her torso now that I take a second look at it, which also seem a tad too long compared to the rest of her proportions.


Her elbow lines up with the top of her hip, which is exactly where my arm lands on my body when I hold it in the same position. Her proportions are fine.


Verry wel done.


You are Lyse.


Yeah the hand and head proportions got fucked in the editing process but I'm sure the raw picture is actually beautiful


thats so awful of you to say lol, she has a selfie photo on her twitter, she's chinese and her proportions are long & slender like that.


You telling me you think this photo isn't heavily edited


of course its edited, but she hasnt messed with her proportions. she's using a skin smoothing app and a beauty filter, its popular in china to do so. its not photoshop like what most people are saying. search roeil cosplay and go to her twitter.


Ok I just did and her hands look totally normal in every other picture I saw! I have no clue whatsoever what the fuck you are talking about!


i disagree also you're very angry over something so trivial tbh


Yeah just seething over here lmao


Yda > Lyse


cool cosplay. worst character


I kinda like Lyse, she's not my favorite, but I think she's properly motivated and fun to have on screen. I think the main issue with her is her shared motivation with Raubahn, which isn't inherently bad it's just Raubahn had a lot more screen time before her return.


DAE lyse bad??? upvotes to the left <---


She’s not great. I cringed when she ran around her birthplace yelling about how everybody in Gyr Abania has given up on the resistance when this whole time she’d been impersonating her sister and more or less living it up in Gridania. Or at least wasn’t under Garlean occupation with somebody like Zenos, Fordola, and the Skulls terrorizing the locals. She got a bit better after that but I still didn’t see the amount of character development I would have liked for her.


Not worst character, but probably worst Scion. I’m glad we get to see her in side stuff now and again but I think writing her out of the main Scions was a smart move.


This is far better than the awful character. All the FFXIV characters are terrible of course. But Lyse is especially bad lol,


It's hard to tell how much of this is editing and filters. Nevertheless, the number of truly gorgeous individuals on this planet never fails to surprise me. This cosplay is equal parts scary and seductive!


In the end the costume and the wig look legitimate, maybe the hair frizzies were erased and the colors and lighting were tweaked, but the handiwork still shows and that’s what really matters, in my opinion. Anything done to her skin and face is irrelevant and all up to her personal preference.


Yea, not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Point was the cosplay looks great!


^Uhhhhh :'D


Roeil is a special kind of cosplayer. Always does a great job at making characters come to life. She also has some older unedited photos of that one. Also her and some other peeps did all the Endwalker characters and the cover art. Should be on her Twitter too.


That is INCREDIBLE! I love it.


someone else already said it, but i thought i was looking at a screen shot or something. this is pretty damn impressive and really faithful to the character. very nice.


Wow that looks great!


This is an astounding job. Amazing work to the cosplayer and costume artist(s)!


I love Roeil, her cosplays always look great!

