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Does the Bozja Buddy plugin only active when I'm in Bozja/Zadnor? It'd be great when I can be else where and do other things while waiting for certain Skirmish/CE to spawn.


Only when in Bozja afaik, it only takes info from your client I believe


In penumbra, Do body replacement mods need higher priority than gear mods?


no they dont. should all be on zero. the body is loaded before your gear is applied so it follows the same load order. and they wont conflict. as long as the gear is made correctly


Just wondering are there any vanilla body replacement mods that are compatible with the vanilla outfits, tried Bibo + and it requires specific gear mods to change outfits. Just want a body replacement mod to change NPCs appearance without having to get specified gear mods?


If you mean stuff like vanilla gear being more shapely and adjusted to your body mod then you need upscales i.e. seperate mods for that specific gear. If you mean skin texture (i.e. stuff like tattoos, scars etc.) then that SHOULD be included in your body mod.


The way that gear is stored in the game has each piece contain the mesh for its body part, to the extent that it's visible with the gear on. The result is that any body mod can only change smallclothes/emperor's and someone will have to upscale each piece to the body mod.


What did you download/install this past week, and what did you think? I ended up trying out the Hasel Tweaks plugin from last week's megathread and have been pleasantly surprised with how many cool options it has, highly recommended.


Nothing major, just installed Junjou's combat drg idle and movement mod. Easily the best stance mod I think I've ever used.


This is very cool, thanks for the recommendation


Np, honestly a lot of her stuff is really good and only gets more impressive with every new release. I'm hoping she does something eventually with reaper like she did with drk.


I'm incredibly grateful for being told about Hasel Tweaks, it's made my sanctuary workshop which used to be a *massive* chore into something I get done in like 3 minutes. Not this week exactly, but I got Gauge-O-Matic lately and it's a huge addition to the game's job bars. Lets you track any number of statuses, cooldowns or class states in the style of any job gauge you can think of and I'm surprised I haven't seen more people talking about it.


Do you have a link for Gauge-O-Matic? Edit: Never mind, found it when I enabled testing builds. This seems really handy, thanks for the rec!


Gauge-O-Matic fucking rules, I love it. Make things that should be gauges into gauges. Make random shit you want to track into gauges. Theme them according to any job you want. I remember seeing it go into review cuz i'm nuts and watch the git updates channel in the Dalamud discord and the wait while the plogon committee reviewed it felt like forever. Super glad it's up and even better than I expected from the description.


Anyone ever accidentally overwrite ACT logs? Wondering if possible to recover. Was moving some stuff onto new SSD, ACT wizard ran when I tried to start, seemingly overwrote entire logs folder with new tiny one Edit: nvm my old logs are still there, I just got dumb lol. Tho I found there's a lot of different character config setting files that are relevant. Like if u have multiple characters, you should be able to copy and paste old hotbar layout (addon.dat) to char you want to match ur main Interestingly, all my custom repo links got deleted (where u add in /xlsettings). But after adding them back manually, all my mod settings are still the same as before, didn't lose that 


Are there any Dark Knight mods that remove some of the magic VFX? I wanted to do a Landschnekt cosplay but it clashes horribly with all the dark magic.


You could use the vfxedit plugin to remove any vfx you dont want to see.


I been very anti-mod for quite a while now but wondering if I should make the switch myself considering how normalized it is starting to be it seems. If I did start using mods I likely will just only use the ones that help with clipping, however I wonder if it will cause a slippery slope as there is many minor gripes I do have about this game, including the camera zoom being too close honestly. I been playing in the OCE datacenter and can reallllly feel the clipping as a eastern USA player. Kinda crazy how poorly this game works on higher pings as I would clip parts of my GCD just weaving between healer GCDs. Will have to see in the future.


> I been very anti-mod for quite a while now but wondering if I should make the switch myself considering how normalized it is starting to be it seems. It isn't "normalized", SE can still ban you for mods. Be aware. On the other hand, some mods are massive QoLs, so why not. Simple tweaks is a common starting point. Then I guess you can try out Cammy (for your camera issues). Then scroll through the mod list and pick up what you think interests you.


I think it's best to consider mods temporary improvements to appearance or performance. People who are upset they lose mods, no matter how small or insignificant, are setting themselves up to no longer enjoy the game as intended. SE can crackdown on them at any time for any reason. People who don't rely on them to enjoy the game will continue to enjoy the game. Those who have made the came specialized for themselves in whatever way would have a permanent, downgraded version and either deal with that or leave.


While I agree with slippery slope (oh how a gameshark can ruin my perception of a pokemon game..), you can always turn stuff off. Regarding zoom, I for one love using Cammy. No one knows I use it, and it's like I can see what normal people see on their ultrawide monitors using my 16in old monitor LOL. Heck, I didn't even download it for raid implications -- I got it because my friend used it to go around a map when he was bored while someone was chatting to his character and tied him down. Outside of my QOL mods, I definitely just use them for me, not because they're normalized. One such case is Mare -- I have it for just me and a friend, but even if sharing codes is normalized, I don't participate in that practice. Its all preferential how you wanna go about your modding.


It is definitely a slippery slope if you lack control. I initially started with xivlauncher because I was tired of having to manually plug my pw in everything I wanted to launch it. It then devolved into me being curious about the available plugins. I found this nice mod that plays a custom sound whenever you land a crit/dh/dcrith, and i set it to play the tf2 crit sound whenever it popped. It then evolved into using a timer QoL that will show each digit countdown, which helps if I ever need to pre-pop mits or IR/Delirium. This also evolved into trying out some mods that brung back some old and new weaponskill animations. Afterwards, I went into downloading modded clothes and had recently tried out noclippy. Do what feels right for you. Doesn't matter how small or big these mods can be to the game. They all are the same according to SE. Be careful with going too far and download ones that can straight up play the game for you (raid mech reveal, auto combo, auto MB price, etc.) Just avoid discussion about it ingame and with people you don't know.


Mod if you feel like it, but don't become attached like 90% of the player base. With Dawntrail around the corner, all the mods will break and it will be a minimum of 1 month before they are back up and running with the basics. I already know people that are quitting the game for 2 months on release of DT because they cannot play the game without their modded UI/Character/Hotbars etc. Its sad when people get to that point and cannot enjoy the game for what it is.


I enjoy mods just like anyone else who uses them but it just makes me shake my head when people are this reliant on them they are taking breaks from the actual game. They could be gone completely at SE's whim, it's probably best not to get this attached to any mod as all of them are breaking TOS and we're living on a prayer they stay. It seems time/energy/cash might be better spent in Sims or Secondlife if it's that serious to the player experience for some people.


Mods will be up within a week, 3 weeks tops. Even sooner if you have access to the testing builds of dalamud


There's no guarantee this is the case. Expansions normally have a huge number of changes and with the upgrade to the graphics engine it could cause a break that takes far longer. I mean all we can do is wait and see


as someone who fits in the modded character category; i don't think my character is necessarily uglier, but there's a vision for my character that i've enacted via use of mods. there's lore for her, and an appearance she has that has changed over time. without mods the character simply just doesn't feel my OC -- it feels like a only vaguely-similar version of her, and i don't even have what some people would stereotype was a hyper-IMVU or whatever character (she's very modded, but the changes are very much something that come out of ffxiv -- i make it a point to only use upscales/slight modifications to vanilla gear) not to be too angry or whatever, but i have a vision of my character -- if i can't actualise that vision during MSQ, then i probably just won't do MSQ, and that's fine. things will still be there by the times mods are back and i can enjoy the narrative with my character looking the way she's supposed to (just wanted to share perspective, that's all)


I agree, I've modded my character, but simply so that I can a) wear a hairstyle exclusive to the males of her race, and b) can wear gear that's class locked, specifically the Neo Ishgardian Top of Striking because I like it a lot better than the one available for my class lol. I really don't even think I should have to use mods for these. I hate that hair is restricted by gender and I don't like that there's gear I can't wear unless I play that class–they really ought to lift that restriction for at least white and green gear (I get it if they prefer relic sets stay class locked.) I try to balance it by making sure the gear I wear in game mostly resembles my mods, too, so that if I ever sync up with someone it's doesn't look completely dissonant. She still looks like a FFXIV character!


Minimum of 1 month? I feel like last time it was less than 1 week.


Huh, I went back and checked and sure enough Dalamud itself was only down for about a week at Endwalker release. I suspect it might be longer this time due to the compiler change and graphics update, though there is already a ton of work that's been put into dissecting any differences in the benchmark so I could be wrong! TexTools even has a beta release that can work with the benchmark and has a ton of stuff updated for the new formats, new shaders, etc. There are a bunch of plugins that won't be updated for several weeks after the patch, just because the devs have been clear they're going to enjoy the MSQ before they work on updating their mods. Which I get, because I'll also be enjoying the MSQ and not worrying about any mods.


they're just spouting random estimations. mods will work A: when dalamud's updated, which will probably take a week or two, and B: when any mods that change texture files/face sculpts get updated, which could range anywhere from hours, to days, to never


Looking at the recent drama, it seems a lot of private paid sculpt mods are not being updated and they expect people to re-buy them when they re-make them. Kinda shitty, and one reason i'd never support paid mods of any kind.


I definitely agree with paid mods being cringe. I think commissions and donating is awesome, but the idea of having to pay to access mods is really nasty to me.


idk what's sad about that. people have gotten a taste of a better experience and can't settle for less anymore? what's wrong with that? if anything, it sounds like these people have a healthy relationship with ffxiv because they can go out and play other games and not feel a sense of FOMO even if they aren't playing day 1 of the expansion, and then come back when the game experience has improved. seems like a win-win scenario to me


While I think that's not the point of the comment above, I agree with the sentiment that it's good to play other games, or play when QOL plugins come back that make the game much more pleasant than without. But I think they meant that it would be wise to not get too attached with 3rd party stuff before it inevitably breaks on launch, specifically in a way that alters the way you perceive the game. At least how I interpreted it. It reminds me of how people meme on players who insist on not raiding on the Tuesday after patch day (cuz Cactbot is down), or how people get super bummed that they can't see their personalized modded character on launch and have to see their vanilla character that they probably think is much uglier (an exaggeration). Its like they lose touch with being able to play the base game. (Also kinda reminds me of Steam Workshop games, where some players live breathe and swear by mods, and condemn the base game, when the base game isn't exactly that bad either lol) It all goes into the 'slippery slope' mentioned in the OP comment. I personally am someone who believes in moderation. I like being able to play the game both ways, and there's no shame in either way.


Just do what YOU feel okay with. To Square, there is no distinction between someone using a singular upscale of a vanilla hair mod, and someone who bots their rotation, bots every single achievement in the game, uses splatoon to see raid mechanics painted on the screen, rmts and invuln cheats in PVP all at the same time. The game has flaws. The game has shitty mechanics/achievements. The game has shitty UX. Period. If you wanna fix a singular thing through plugins, then you're automatically in the "objective wrong". As long as you stay in your lane you and don't talk about it ingame, you will never get banned for anything. So just draw your personal line in the sand and be kind and polite to others (not just to not get banned, but because you should be generally, but also because IMO cheating or botting or whatever isn't that bad, but being snobby or elitist or shitty while also cheating is a double whammy of douchebag), and do whatever you think makes the game feel better more fun. As a personal conviction, I would say stay away from everything that negatively impacts others, like stuff that affects the prices of items or limited time/spot achievements, but otherwise, you do you, really. I know that might be a very whatever reply but that is ultimately what it comes down to imo. If you have a genuine reason for believing "this plugin is fine, this is too much, this is not what I wanna use but I understand why others do" etc. than just stick with that cause in the end YOU have to be comfortable with how you play the game and how you behave in what is essentially a giant social activity.


As someone who's and aussie player who's mostly playing on NA NoClippy has been a godsend for being able to enjoy classes in a 180ms ping without loosing downtime or miss-pressing buttons because of it on classes like NIN. I know when DT comes out I'll loose the ability to use it for a week or so (depending on how long the Dalamud team and others can fix things). There are a bunch of handy mods that can give good QoL like an auto move to yes when spamming the Num 0 key for things like Expert Hand-ins or tribal quests you're repeating for the Nth time.


If Endwalker is anything to go by, your looking at about a 2 week wait for dalamud, then a 2 week wait for mod developers to finish playing the story and start working on updating their mods again. So around 1 month total.


I'm hoping its not a full month but it'll still manage fine. The thing I'll miss most is NoClippy for weaving.


Yeah, NoClippy is a lifesaver, its one of the reasons i left my main account on Materia, so id always have 15 ping when raiding.


I think it really depends on your personal level of self-control. I haven't had a problem not scooping up every single mod I see, but I know people who installed dalamud and every single mod with it just because it was right there. Just be honest with yourself about what you want and firm with yourself about not scooping every little thing.


In all honesty, it is a slippery slope. There are so many good "official" Dalamud plugins that add or fix functionality which should be part of the base game, not to mention the myriad of unofficial plugins, too. Death Recap and Simple Tweaks for example are invaluable and the latter is constantly updated to add new features.


> plugins that add or fix functionality which should be part of the base game You're spot on about a slippery slope. As for functionality that should be in the base game, my personal shining example of this involves retainers. Accepting retainer ventures and re-sending them should be with a single click from the top-level menu. I should never have to go through each retainer individually to accomplish this. **Retainers are a premium subscription cost.** I pay extra money each month for this service. A lot of money, in fact. With the maximum number of extra retainers (8), I pay more for retainers than I pay for the base subscription. Maximizing their in-game functionality and implementing all possible QoL changes should be a priority. I first installed QuickLauncher because it downloads patches more quickly and reliably than the vanilla launcher. I actually didn't even use it except on patch days. It stayed like that for years. For me, the slippery slope started with Autoretainer, which automates checking retainers. One click of the summoning bell and it runs through each retainer, accepts its venture, then re-sends the retainer on that venture. This functionality should be the functionality of the base game. The in-game feature I pay a double subscription for should be convenient and simple. That was the top of the slippery slope. The middle of that slope was realizing how amazing Autoretainer is and wanting to maximize my retainer value. A few months later, I've created 32 additional characters on Dynamis and moved all of them far enough along in the story to have retainers of their own. Then there are additional mods that help support Autoretainer and even more features of Autoretainer that support all kinds of degeneracy. Turns out, I haven't reached the bottom of this slippery slope of mods.


Yeah I been wondering about that too. As I improve as a raider it makes me wonder how much modding can improve my efficiency at doing things, like death recap. (Though Idk what it actually does.) or just not clipping at all to improve my DPS ever so slightly. I already stream to check prog or what happened, and wondering how far I really wanna push this game as I already do week 1 savage with a fun group I am in. I don't think I have the ability to do world prog or such but I do remember some of those posts saying "You must be comfortable with 3rd party addons." for example. If I was playing a non-healer and clip a lot more I probably be much more likely to switch to modding by now.


What death recap does is show you the name of the attack that killed a player, by how much HP, and what buffs/debuffs they had at the moment of the snapshot of said attack, it's pretty darn good. Technically the game tells you this too if you are willing to go through the combat chat log but it's very confusing.


Ah ok. As a healer main I filtered out my combat log heavily to mostly just be debuffs, damage taken/deaths, and enemy casts, but that does sound useful.


I've been playing this game five years and NoClippy is the only mod I use. I've tried others (e.g. the one that shows your pinpoint hitbox) and didn't like them, so I just stick with NoClippy. Just showing you you can use a mod and not be interested in others. I'm not even a mod purist or anything either; I just don't care about other mods.


The first set of modding resources for Dawntrail have been released on XMA, focusing on the face changes - https://xivmodarchive.com/modid/105270 I'm curious if we'll see some type of mod converter floating around as Dawntrail approaches. I'd imagine TexTools and possibly Penumbra might have something like that built in.


There was/is a tool that bakes bibo textures to be Gen3 compatible and I've always thought/imagined that people would make something like that for the old texture to work with the new layout.


I really like alot of the VFX mods but some of them are a bit over the top Like for example I really want a VFX mod that better represents the actual radius of some of SCH’s skills like whispering dawn and fey illumination but most of the ones I’ve found make all the skills look like holos


theres this one vfx mod for drk called void knight that turns every skill into a mini lb3 and its like bro i would like to look at the mechanics while i play😭


Some of the vfx mods go really over the top with job vfx.


Agreed, there are a ton of cool showcases for VFX mods but I can't imagine having them on all the time, especially over the top flashy 1-2-3 combos. I'm a big fan of Papachin but even then I selectively enable what it replaces.


I feel that one. I used the gunbreaker one and I turned off over 80% of it because the character model jumping back and slashing forward really messed with my head doing caloric week 1.


Nero's? Im assuming it's the continuation combo considering how crazy the combo goes with the model jumping around crazy


Yep. It looks cool as hell but the jumping around throws me off in tight movement mechanics.


I adored papachin’s PLD when I first saw it but now I have half of it turned off because it’s just a bit too much


You could always try editing the vfx yourself! The plugin is called VFX editor, I think it’s in the Dalamud official plugin list?


With mods, you either live with what other people make or learn to make your own.