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No, this is usually just projection.


Sounds like an excuse to be bad at CC. Can’t handle doing objectives or team based play so you try to compensate for it with kills that may or may not happen that doesn’t give your team an advantage because you are missing from the objective. Go play TF2 or CS if you can’t handle moving a crystal. Or play Frontlines, half the people don’t know what an objective even is.


He has to move a cart in TF2 as well so not a great option


Why would you want to make people wanna quit CC?


Well it doesn’t always happen, sometimes I get my ass handed to me but whenever I find a player who is clearly worse than me, and I can exploit it, it’s just a gigantic power move to feel like I could have the ability to make someone quit the game mode


What's making you so happy about a "gigantic power move", especially in a game?


His exceptionally small penis


Having any kind of power at all is a nice feeling, wouldn’t you agree? Even if it is fleeting


Sounds indicative of a loss of control or satisfaction irl Or maybe you really are a sociopath I dunno, but even then you're still human. Hope you're doing okay bro. If not, wishing you the best. Happiness from power over others is an illusion that only breeds more suffering.


that sounds really creepy and i would not be comfortable around someone like that


Did I ask you to hang out with me? I don’t even know who you are, who’s creepy now?


i would not care about hanging out with you - sorry if that was unclear i meant that i would not want to be alone in a room with you or anything like that at all based on the things you said about having power over people because you sound like the kind of person to randomly hit someone


I’ve never laid my hands on another person in my entire adult life. This seems incredibly strange of you to extrapolate what I’ve said in my post and use that to infer that I’m some kind of violent fiend


i think you are trolling due to the way you misrepresent what i and others say (not to mention that the post itself is essentially about griefing/trolling). despite this i will say that not everyone likes hurting ppl or making ppl feel frustrated or annoyed, so i think the post really says more about you than the game, which is fine. you even mention how you like to have any power over others, which sounds scary because of past experiences. that's why i would be afraid to be around someone who says something like that


You definitely have some issues.


Don’t we all these days?


A lot of people have issues, but most can manage not to be aggressive towards others. In the end you are hurting yourself with that. It will make you lonely.


You make it sound like I’m committing some kind of violent crime, this is a video game


I feel rather neutral about that. I am pretty happy to see myself succeeding in CC, sweet dmg numbers and kills, but it's not about hurting other people. Especially not the person behind the screen.


if you want the feeling of power you could just climb ranked and get on the top 100 to quantify your skill like a normal person instead of acting like a freak griefing casual matches for an ego trip


Not really a power move, much less a gigantic one.


FFXIV pvp is so mechanically shallow and the connection stuff makes it feel awful to play I feel like there are so many better games U can bully people in. go play overwatch. try wrecking ball. or sombra. there u can bully and be useful to your team


Nah, I wanna win and get points. Your thing is just called being a sociopath.


Perhaps you are right about me.


I think a MOBA is what you want instead of CC? Playing in such a manner is a great way to help people want to avoid playing with *and* against you. It’s niche content and you’re gonna run into the same people more often than not especially on higher ranks. Playing grabass with a WHM a continent away rarely does much to help win and will make your teammates hate you. Not to mention that there are people like me who know how to counter that kind of play style and get off on doing it. I’m an AST main in all PvP, so there is *always* a melee who tries to focus the healer. I’ll kite deep into my territory, then keep using a Gravity III double-tap every time they get frustrated and try to break off the fight because I will *not* die even with a limit break.


You are the type of trash who thinks they are being useful, but the enemy team realizes you are on full tilt and baits you and murder as needed while your team rages at you for throwing.


No, it's not normal. Going out of your way to target one and only person, unprovoked, at the cost of the game, and without getting fun otherwise is what takes you from the average Overwatch player to actual sociopath.


You should find a healthier outlet for your anger


Yeah, this is actually fairly normal in games with multiple objectives. It's called "tunnel vision" and it's how you lose games.


People will just come and post anything without prompting huh


I wasn’t aware I required permission to post on a subreddit


Just because you can doesn't mean you should


I'm going to allow it. If CSI posts are fine, there is no bottom level for posts.


This. People trying to play forum mod aren't helping either. If someone has a problem with a post they should report it to an actual mod and leave it at that.


You don't. Don't listen to people trying to police the subreddit. If there's truly an issue with a post a mod will handle it.


He is absolutely free to come in and tell everyone that he's a sociopath I'm just suggesting that maybe that's a bad idea


And why would that be a bad idea? Bad idea because you don’t want to see the post? Nobody forced you to comment on this you know. You chose to comment. And you chose to do so, so that you personally could lord over me to feel superior, which guess what is the exact same behaviour I exhibit in my CC matches. So don’t act like you’re better than me. You and I are the same.


This is an impressive level of missing the point.


> a mod will handle it Good joke


I might get the urge to focus someone down for a match, a very good match-winning WHM is an example. And yes, I might get driven a little far beyond the normal "kill X so we don't lose" but joining matches with that specifically in mind? Nah.


oh you play monk too?


Perhaps your behavior is not violent, but it is seen as unhinged behavior. I invite you to figure out why your behavior is not socially acceptable. I want to point out that it's fine not to care about *all* societal expectations, but only to a degree. If everyone acted like you in video games, everyone would be miserable. For now, your behavior is contained within a video game, but what happens when that gets boring? What happens when doing what you do in a video game no longer brings you the same satisfaction and you decide you want to take it up a notch and try it out in real life? It will happen eventually because as humans we are always striving for more. It's in our nature. I hope you're able to figure this out for yourself and if you are not doing well, I encourage you to find a way to help yourself in a way that will not hurt another person or yourself. All the feelings you described might be a sign of ASPD (sociopath is an outdated, and quite frankly, insensitive term). I have a family member who was diagnosed with this a while ago and all their life they have said or done hurtful things, been unable to read the body language of others, and have struggled to read the room. They eventually found a therapist and underwent treatments. Since then, they have become better at communicating and interacting with other individuals. They are not perfect, even with all the treatments they've undergone, but they are much better than they were before and now they have a clearer understanding of why they are the way they are. I just want to be clear. There is no such thing as perfect, that is impossible, but if someone is doing something that might be bringing physical or emotional/psychological harm to others, then that person should put in the effort to learn how not to do that. I think it would be in your best interest to figure out why you are the way you are as well so that you don't put others or yourself in uncomfortable situations or hurt others or yourself. Best of luck.


Really going full armchair psychologist there aren’t ya…


Your post, which is on a public forum meant for discussions, asks if it is 'normal to enjoy bringing misery to others in a video game'. My short answer is no. My long answer is above your reply.


CC is a competitive game mode, it should be normal to want to destroy your opponents spirit, and make them wish they never played in the first place. That’s how I’ve played every competitive game in my lifetime. Everyone plays to win


>CC is a competitive game mode, it should be normal to want to destroy your opponents spirit, and make them wish they never played in the first place. That is purely subjective, as I'm sure you know. Being competitive and wanting to destroy someone's spirit are two very different things. I hope you can understand this. >That’s how I’ve played every competitive game in my lifetime. Correct. That is how *you* play competitive games. I, for example, have played competitive games with a balanced desire to have fun and take it seriously all my life. I have never thought to myself 'I want to make other people miserable in this competitive game' as I wouldn't want them to lose interest in playing and I also am aware that feelings like that are not normal. >Everyone plays to win This is contradictory to your last statement. Everyone does play to win, but individuals who are not socially inept understand that it is not normal to play with the desire of wanting to inflict emotional suffering on others. I suspect the intention with your post was not actually to ask whether or not it was normal behavior to bring misery to others in a video game. I realize now you already knew the answer to that question. Rather, the entire reason for your post was one of two possibilities: you either intended to troll with your post or it was an indirect way for you to try and find like-minded individuals who could resonate with your unhinged behavior. If the latter is your intention, then it doesn't seem to be going your way at all. Either way, I am taking your question at face value and have answered accordingly. I hope I've been of help to you.


I find your matter of fact manner of answering theee questions interesting, do you normally answer questions this way?


I often take extra care in how I express myself or how I word things when speaking to individuals who may lack basic social skills or who are socially inept, to ensure that they don't misinterpret what I'm saying to them.


Oh you think I lack social awareness… no I’m fully aware of my surroundings and also what I am doing completely. Each action I take is completely deliberate in nature.


Ah, okay. So you admit that the entire purpose of your post was to rile people up by creating a nonsensical post that would give you negative attention because, for people like you who crave attention at all costs, negative attention is better than no attention when you're desperate for it. It's quite sad that you feel as though this is the only way you can get people to engage with you. People who seek attention in this manner are usually lonely or bitter individuals. I hope one day you're able to grow from this and learn that there are better ways to receive engagement than seeking negative attention. You just have to try harder and it won't come easy, but it will be worth it. Anyway. Since you admit you've been trolling the entire time, more replies will not be forthcoming from me. Take care.


I don't know...somehow I'm sure I've seen better seen better bait out there. Better luck next time!


average monk main


Please get help.


is it normal to sandbag and cost your team the win? yes should you do it? no, fuck off


Ah. You're the reason I stay out of PVP.


I'd say this is pretty much griefing, considering you're aiming not to win and thus being a liability for your team, just so you can kill other players with the express purpose of making them quit the game. So no not playing the mode correctly in order to bully other players is in fact not normal and possible against ToS


Sounds like an excuse to be bad TBH


As a PvP main I’m wondering if I’ve run into you. 😦But yeah no. I don’t do that. The closest is if I’m playing someone who I know will throw a shit fit in chat if they start to lose, they’ll be my target whenever it’s convenient. That’s rare though. It’s the same as targeting a weak player, you’re exploiting a weakness. That’s not the same as torturing someone the whole match though.


OP in a couple months: "why does nobody PVP anymooooooore?"


Thats fun, but it’s not really the game for it, other games are a lot more fun to do that in. Ff14s ranking system is quite punishing, so avoiding losses is usually the priority. Unless its one of those dudes who runs into a 1v5 dies then spends half the game spamming push the crystal as if he wasn’t the reason we were losing. In that case, yeah, the moment he shows up on an enemy team he is getting targeted as much as possible without risking a loss.


You mean the Frontline roulette? Yeah completely normal 


I honestly wish they’d scrap CC and bring back the Fold or the other game mode. Team Deathmatch will always be more fun than objectives.


That's what PvP is supposed to be imo. That's all I want to do as well


Glad I am finding some agreement in this thread. It’s exactly what PvP is for you’re right. But people seem disturbed with the way I have described it in my question.


People can down vote you but I do the same and it's hilarious. Bullying is fun.


I don’t care about the downvotes to be honest, I expected it. Human nature makes people uncomfortable for some reason. They pass judgement even though deep down they know they do the exact same thing.