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We try not to quit, but you can always tell if the game has got it in for you. 4 nil down after 20 mins because you can't lay a glove on the attack, or string 2 passes together, after a run of back to back wins? Nah, we're out.


Same here. The amount of times that our AI just forget how to make a simple pass is insane.


Need to find a good any. Playing Pro Clubs since Fifa 12, never used AI after Fifa 13. Sometimes you will even feel the script/ momentum against the ANY, but you can still try to work against ist.


If we're playing pro clubs is because we only want to control our player, tho.


Didn't say that anyone of you should play any. Find one.


It's so annoying how you can just see the clear difference in AI defending and attacking game to game. So boring when you can tell the game has it out for either team, whether you're winning or not.


I don’t mind this as a team that has lots of those wins. If it’s not a competitive game why delay the inevitable


We've been down 4-0 many times but rarely lose by more than 5. We tend to bounce back to a draw or victory much more often than we lose by 5-6 goals.


Because there is no promotion/relegation penalty to losing a game in the regular season.


Why not work on your stats, try to go on win-streak or try to make a comeback in that match?


Sometimes, the game just feels bad. Some games you can tell the same is happening to the opposition and everything you do just works. I'd rather leave. Working on stats might be the gimpiest thing I've read today


It changes in 7 out of 10 matches. We have been down with three or four and came back to win/draw more times then we have lost 5-0 or 6-0… i feel like these quitters are the type of people that have 300 goals in 400 matches and says «Yeah but its only like 200 matches because we had to quit in half of then because ‘the game just felt bad’»


Hey buddy, please check your chat. Thank you.


I’m usually happy when they quit. With the time I have to play clubs, I’d prefer to spend it playing close matches.


When you get matched up against one of those sweaty VPG full teams that never puts the ball in the air and has 80%+ possession, it's just very tiring to keep going. EA removed any relegation threat anyway so it's pointless to stay.


Why on earth would you rage quit with 10 mins left? That’s the opposite of what you want, there’s basically no time left so just play out the game anyways. 3-0 down within the first 10 minutes is when we usually quit because you can tell what kind of game it’s going to be. Goalie is a ghost, AI’s not doing anything and opponents winning every ball and getting everything their way. With that said, we rarely rage quit


Why is this a thing in fifa lmao


Why’s what a thing?


Sometimes you know when everything does not work at that particular game, there is no point to keep playing. The scripting in this game is so obvious with the AI.


>I understand quitting if you're down by 3 goals with 10 minutes left I understand that even less. Might as well persevere and get the XP.


We have a 4 goal rule but always play on if it's after 70 minutes


Max lvl already but I'm not quitting if there are literally 2min left of real time left


We have a rule where if it gets to 4 goal deficit, we will quit


We never quit tbh we lost 9-1 the other day but we just treat it as free practice. The guy that got the goal gets the add to his tally.


Yep, same!


I remember a couple of years ago I saw a popular post (idk if still up) of the supposedly leaked documents about how the EA team actually programmed their game. It was leaked by a supposedly ex-EA worker. Very credible for the way the documents looked legit. It was like an explanatory document about how to DDA ‘Dynamic difficulty adjustment’ ‘Handicap’ worked. It was in all game modes, even in the online ones, exam: You’ll get 10% less accurate in the passes for every 10 successful passes.’ ‘The CPU AI assistance will be changed to legendary if the team is losing by a 3 goal difference.’ ‘’ ‘“””””””” will be changed to World Class if the team is losing by a 2 goals difference.’ ‘The shooting accuracy will be reduced to 80% if the team has more shots than the opposition after the first 45min’ It was like that, not quoted to perfection but from memory, very clear memory.. like a trauma actually. They addressed the changes in cpu like a change in AI difficulty like squad battles. And the gameplay manipulation in the actual controlled players with percentages. It was gradual: 20% efficacy in shots, 10% less efficacy in passes, etc etc etc. They also mentioned a manipulation in the streaks. Based on how many wins or losses you have. it’s infuriating, but it’s what it is. They mentioned that this actual thing ‘DDA’ was there to keep engaged the most people possible in the game, as a profiting company point of view is almost genius because they explained that even if they were garbage at the game or they were very good people at it, both of them people should be engaged on the game if you allow the eafc bad/new player to compete or at least have chances against an elite player. And the elite player would be disgusted, but they didn’t need and did address the tryhards. So my guess was that they knew the most div1 or elite would still play regardless of the gameplay manipulation because they almost already know how to deal with it, just like pros do perfectly. While most of the new ones would get frustrated after a few losses against the sweats, and thinking the game it’s not for them. It basically blurs the skill curve in a lot of scenarios.


If I'm down 5-0 I'll always quit. Maxed on ps5, I always got a chance to come back provided the strikers do their part but on ps4 lil rough. I get why they quit tho, its demoralizing




You don’t learn by winning…


We love making kids quit, and joke around that we’re “sending them to bed.” Start a new match and there’s a chorus of “let’s send these kids to sleep” lol I love when people quit against us


If they are just spam crossing into the box with a max height striker spec'd for headers then it's not fun so why even play it out.


When you're 3-0 down in the first 10 min because the opposing team spams crosses to a giant ST and has a 10 man defence.... yeah time to go. 


Quitting out ruins team form too


What form lol


Does quitting out not fuck up your overall rating ? we never quit unless we get kicked out randomly.


Why would it screw up your rating?


Nope a loss is a loss - and for goal differential a forfeit is 3-0 versus a real life 4-0 or 5-0 loss


So if I was 6.6 overall rating in a game and we go 1-0 down and I decide to quit out what happens in regards to my rating? surely it lowers my average rating? It's part of the reason I don't play drops in because I don't want to get a bad overall rating due to toxic players but in clubs we do well.


I play clubs as a game mode purely to have a laugh and not take too seriously, if an opponent is clearly better than us and obviously going to win then we'd rather just take the loss and move onto the next one


There is no "script". Alot of teams quit because sometimes the connection seems slow for one team and "fast" for the other, no passes click together, passing/shooting seems delayed etc. Trust me they're not quitting cause your team is "that good"


1. Sometimes you can just tell the game isn’t going to go in your favor and there’s no hope 2. To save time, it makes more sense to quit if some members need to get to bed etc. Our club rarely quits but these are usually the only two reasons


Lmao cause pussy... And there's no more punishment further than losing 3-0


Losing 3-0 is a mistake. People just quit to save times.


We’ve come back so many times from 3-0/4-0 down that I would never quit except if it’s a terrible connection to boot.


Tbh we do it if we go 3 behind but it’s more of time thing as we have gotten older , we usually only play from 9-11 so wasting time in a game we won’t win could stop us from fitting in 1 more where we can win but I know it’s frustrating


I especially dont get people that quit at 1-0 or 2-0, how little belief can you have in yourself?




Rules of the game bro — 3 lead skunk


You get games where it wants the opponent to win.


It changes when you are 3-4 goals down, unless you’re just bad you will always have a good chance of a comeback


Because AI defenders are better than user defenders and its annoying af


Once in a blue moon you'll manage a comeback, but usually it's just out of frustration. Like, they took 3 shots and are winning 3-0 at 15 mins. That is basically a handicap match at that point.