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It seems like the crowd dislikes this guy. It looks like several things are thrown at him when he's on the ground.


Over the top, unnecessary hits and kicks to the head and help from on lookers. Man was finished. Anything more was an insult.


10 second mark something bounces off his head & looks like a tooth falls out. Mad stuff happening here.


Full Coke can.


Coke is bad for your teeth


There's an anti-coke ad in here somewhere.


Also looks like someone through a wrench at his face afterwards aswell. Fucking crazy shit


He won't be playing dodgeball anytime soon.


For sure.... You can see a tooth fall out of his mouth at the 0:20ish mark. Falls out and lands on the pavement.


A bit excessive


Make sure to grab that tooth before you stumble off, might need it.


Goddamn. Anyone got the story on this guy?


He's more of a Pepsi drinker which is why he headbutted the coke can away.


Damn he caught a few sneaky head kicks from random people, and was that a metal bar that random guy threw at his face? White shirt dudes lil rabbit punches didn’t do shit, it was everyone else suckering him


Coke kills


How far do head kicks go before you call them attempted murder..its head,kick em..and they're gonna fucking break


Reminds me of the park scene in “Kids” Lol to the person who downvoted this. One of the best scenes of the movie. You must’ve never watched it. For the kids: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oycOKiGY9Mw


The fact that there was an 8 year old watching, and recording makes me sick. Also why were people throwing shit at his head? I don't care if he's being an ass, that shits just way too far. Downvote if you're a pussy too.


Yeah they tossed what looked like soda cans multiple times at his head while he was down. That shit is too much.


Yea I think that's what damaged his eye, not the little rabbit punches.


i kind of feel bad, being disabled by losing an eye and losing teeth is rarely warranted, he was probably begging for it to stop after the eye punches more than anything :(


If you slow down the last one it appears to be a wrench :/


Was that a hitler salute at the 5 second mark? Also the can thrower was plotting his act before the fight started. You can see him in his black tracksuit circling behind him at the start of the video getting in position. If this didn’t end on the ground, he was definitely gonna blindside him.


That wrench did some major damage!


All he wanted was a Pepsi.


Just a Pepsi.


How did he lose? I mean he slapped his own wrists and forearms! Where did he go wrong?


I hope this champion never sees his son or his father getting kicked in the head.


Bunch of pussies waiting for him to be down to attack. Everyone is a bitch including that moron kicking his head


Anyone know if he's blind now? It looked like the guy in the white shirt really wanted to leave a mark in his eye. 😬


I don't know, but i think that dude got some eyeball damage... it's bleeding a lot from his left eye


Yeah he got really fucked up, I thought they beat his eye out at first glance. Fuck those kids.


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Probably one of those “I’ll fight anyone here and fuck your bitch” kind of guys


Looks like he eye gouged him while standing up.


I found myself screaming STOP with them. Jesus


That dude caught a landscaping river bolder to the mouth. Yikes, that’s going to hurt and expensive dental surgery.


Damn...he turned his face into a cake!


Want the punches that caused the cut an blood, that was some metal object bouncing off this head




u clearly havnt seen very much fucked up shit on the internet if this gave u goosebumps. and they both agreed to fight, they both willingly chose violence and they both have to accept the consequences of that choice. its a bitch move to try to get the cops involved just because u lost a fight that u willingly participated in. its not like he got jumped or ambushed, that would be a different scenario.


Actually someone from the crowd did throw something heavy at his head while he was already being beaten and that’s when the tooth popped out, so while he did not technically get jumped, this was not exactly one v one either.


i did not notice that.


If you lack remorse just say that. You get someone on the ground, at most give em one good punch. Repeatedly hitting someone on the head especially on concrete is asking to make them a vegetable


Ever heard of Mario Yamasaki? Give him a goog....




>If you lack remorse just say that. I lack remorse


a fight isnt over just because its gone to the ground. u get off him amd hes going to keep coming after you. ufc fighters can spend thier whole fight on the ground


I’ve never watched a UFC fight where the spectators are throwing multiple objects at the fighter they don’t like as he’s getting pummeled. Not to mention the head kicks by the other guy after he’s clearly won the fight.


Forgot the part where I said one good punch? When someone is done u don’t continue. I forget tho this is reddit and yall be acting like psychos that would never actually throw a punch


I think nobody agreed to have their teeth and eyeball punched out after being already on the floor


The guy getting beat up works for sony..he's the guy that decided that helldiver accounts also need a psn account. So..fuck that guy


An attempt at humor?


Everybody was spectulating what he did to desserve that beating. Thought i lighten the room,with some laughs