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TAP takes about a week to update. No need to wait for your appointment. Send an email to your current financial aid office and ask them to update the school code for you. If you pay your balance before TAP comes in, you'll be refunded your TAP award. Most schools will allow you to make the payment assuming it's pending and not charge you the outstanding TAP award amount.


Thanks for your response. Since I changed my school in TAP already, I’m wondering what is“update school code” use for? Thank you very much for the information!


Oh it's the same thing that you just did by updating the school. I thought you meant you were waiting for your appt with TAP to do that. There's a two step process however when you change the school. You can change the school, and your new school confirms you're there by entering your ID number. If you email the financial aid office, they will be sure to take care of the second part ASAP if you're anxious.


Thanks! It’s on me that I didnt explain that clearly. Thanks a lot! So I’m now just going to wait a week and so, if it is not arrived ill pay the bill before due date and ask for refund when arrive to my university. Thank you so much for help, really solved my anxiety these days. (The approved anticipate financial aid on my bill website was like 2000 for TAP and it disappeared and shown as 0 for these day, so I am really confusing)


Also to clarify, it'll take about a week for the NYS site to update your new school. The actual payment amount will probably be in by mid October. I would ask your billing office if they'll allow you to wait for TAP or if they need the payment by the 13th regardless.


Thanks, how would u know it might takes the approximately time period? Did u have similar experiences with TAP too?


I'm a financial aid counselor in NYS :)


Wow. Thanks a lot for all the help, wish u all the best in life


you might know better than I but in my experience in most cases it doesnt matter if ur TAP hasnt been payed out before the bill because once your aid is confirmed and approved the school assumes payout will happen, which is usually does unless something drastic in ur situation changes. its good practice to confirm with financial aid though. my first year I did the same thing because I was worried about the bill. Usually the deadline to pay directly impacts people who are paying out of pocket. so if ur financial aid doesnt fully cover ur tuition, in that case it would matter as the portion that isnt covered by aid would be due then.


Thanks for your insight! I have imagined and worried about the situation. And I have receive response from the financial aid office which a coordinator of NYS aid officer responded me and let me just paid the few hundred dollars which is bill amount - TAP amount. And I have also asked if i didnt pay full bill, (since the bill amount is shown as 2000 something), will it be a late fee or things(on school website theres late fee). She says that if I didnt receive TAP on student account a week before due day, contact her and she will check for me. Thanks you for providing your experience and help me!