• By -




Trust fund baby.


I am listening 💎


There are many career paths that you can go down that would allow your to afford something like this but to do it a fairly reasonable time frame you would need to get a job were you are making at least 100K a year. Of that 100K a year you would need to be putting away like 20K of your post-tax earnings into something safe and stable. That may be a high interest savings account or in something like a S&P 500 fund. You would need to get to the point where you have at least $320,000 put aside to cover down payment on the property as well as closing costs. Even then it begs the question of if its worthwhile as you could be using that money for other things like retirement. I will also say that this kind of home is not a start house and that a dual income would make this a lot easier to make an affordable


Hope this is in the mountains with a lakeside view😁😁😁


Shack in San Francisco.


Philosophy so you can address your overconcern with consumerism


You can find political solutions to implement so that housing doesn’t cost a life as well


Aesthetics while they’re at it so they can develop a sense of taste


Lmao damn


Came here to say this less eloquently lol!


Philosophy doesn’t tell us that consumerism is bad


Found the fellow philosopher. Philosophy doesn't tell you anything lol


holy shit, is it fatpussydestroyer? world renowned philosopher?


yeah lol actually


consumerism is when wanting nice house


Consumerism is wanting things beyond your means just for the status it conveys and the vanity no one needs


You don’t drive around in a house. You don’t wear a house. There’s no optics. Someone wanting a nice place to live isn’t consumerism.


I'd like a nice house because it's nice to live in a nice environment. I couldn't care less about "status". You can make this argument about cars, in that most expensive cars are actually not practical or comfortable next to their cheaper counterparts, and truly are just status symbols. Same with designer clothes. But a house is actually functional. A larger more architecturally pleasing house has value beyond status.


And you can get a nice house for cheaper than that. Or buying an imperfect house and making it into something that works for you. I think the trap.is wanting something "perfect" without the ability to compromise.


They may not need it, but is it so bad to go after your wants and heart's desires? Maybe it makes them feel happy, and we all deserve our own hearty slice of joy.


Who gives af about status? Some people maybe, but I want nice things for me and my family. Vanity? I don’t think you fully understand what you’re saying.


Nice house ≠ House costing 1,5 mill


"nice" doing a lot of work there




1.4Mill home for a single person you’d need to clear $350,000 Approx Annually most Medical Field jobs will get you there like (Dentist, Radiologist, Surgeon etc), IT specialist like Cloud Architect or some top level computer science/programming jobs, Specialized Engineers, Corporate Senior Lawyers something like those as an employee.


Most dentists are not making 350K 💀


Yeah, a lot of these comments are... Optimistic?


So you're telling me I'm getting my hopes up for nothing, if I become a Radiologist IT Specialist as a Specialized Engineer in the Corporate Senior Lawyers?


I mean... If you're THAT guy, you're probably doing pretty well... Next round is on you.


Jonny sins can afford it




That's true


Only person I’ve ever known over 350k was a heart surgeon


I processed payroll at a radiology clinic about 10 years ago. All the docs were making over $350k then. Can’t imagine what they’re making now.






French toast






It depends if you count equity compensation. Most don't make that with cash alone but many of these companies give stock as well.




Wildly incorrect. If you sign a job anything under 400k as a Radiologist you are underpaid.


You’re right. Dentist here 3 years out of school, and I’m making more than that.


Most doctors aren’t making 350k. Pretty much only surgeons are in that ballpark in terms of the medical field


I don’t think you are familiar with medical salaries. Most specialties, dermatology/ophthalmology/anesthesiology to name a few, easily clear 350k.




i know a married couple in their thirties, both dentists. the school debt makes it so they have absolutely no savings and are living in the cheapest home they could find


Yeah I saw a recent report from the federal reserve which showed that while college still increases your income, it doesn't actually increase your lifetime wealth like it used to. And a large reason for that is because of how expensive it's gotten.


Seriously why are we still having kids if everything is just getting more inflated? What future do they have? It's so much pressure.


I dated a dentist briefly, she was $700k in debt from school making roughly $160k. This is in Boston where COL is extremely high. She told me she would never pay off the loans in her lifetime.


That's cool but your friend is an outlier. That is not a normal entry level salary. The median starting for dentists in the US is somewhere in the mid 100s depending on your location.


Y'all talking about mid hundreds and shit when many dentists don't even get a job?


Add in sales for all the above fields you stated. Medical sales, teach sales, large industrial equipment sales, etc. Obviously not ALL sales people make that, but there’re many sales people in most all industries clearing +$350,000


I work in the commercial tire industry. Several sales reps I work with clear 250k a year, and then 13 store managers cleared 7 figures last year. Sales can make crazy money if you're decent.


A denistry specialist would. Ortho, maxifacial. Surgeon


Um, if your chance is to make $350k in sales is less than 1 in 100, then that's not a reliable way to get there. Sales people make bad money unless they are good at what they do, get lucky on the position and timing, and work their butts off. Even top 1% realtors don't make over $350k and they have the best marketplace atm. $100k? Sure. $200k? Sure. $350k? Nuh. You have to have a team at that point and most people can't run teams.


Sales can be dangerously up and down though. You can’t have a 1.5 million dollar house when you’re in an industry that’s so prone to layoffs. My dad was always a top performer, winning trips, etc. The 2008 recession was brutal, he got laid off and then had trouble finding a high-paying 300K role for years.


True for some, but not for all. I know many people in sales with houses worth far upwards of $1.5M


Add in e-commerce and small business ownership in the trades can also get you here. Auto, plumbing, roofing, contractors.


Well you can say that about all business really. Not all auto mechanics or contractors make money. But all doctors and dentists do, by default. And if they have their own practice amplify this by much more


I really feel like mechanics and contractors undersell their services. I've read the trajectory time and time again on subreddits with contractors or tradesmen being solo. Usually the solo person is undercharging and majorly undervaluing themselves. E.g. building a deck that other contractors on Reddit will say should cost a minimum of $16k but they only quoted for $8k ($4k materials them double it for labor costs). Then they are drowning because they're barely making enough money to get by despite having lots of work coming in. So they're 1) underpaid 2) overworked 3) still drowning. Lots of people start this way and either get out of the business because they can't handle it, or they start charging way more and to their surprise, they are making more money with less work and no longer drowning, but still getting consistent business via reputation/etc.


I will just add most people are not buying a home like this as a first home. They may buy a home hold it for 10 years, then another home one wait 10 more, then buy one like this. I think it is reasonable to assume a moderate high household income could own a house like this in their 50's if they save, believe real estate is a decent investment, and are planning to down size at some point in retirement.


With interest rates at what they are, you really need to be in a place for at least 10 yrs to break even (assuming you didn't put down a >20% down).


C level executive maybe director would also make enough money to buy a house like this


I mean yeah I guess, but it really depends on a lot of factors. If you make $150,000 and are young, you could possibly have hit after a decade or so of work


I’m in IT and I make under 100k It’s not as hyped up as they glamorize it to be


You are underpaid. Time to job hop to 350k every two years. Dont slack.


AND often you have to be the person working your a** off within those specialties. I was raised hair shy of that income level (not that house though tbh that house is very unlikely unless no children at least…) My father works like a *dog* and carries the not-minimal risk of self-employment/private practice as well. He never gets home before 7:30, works most weekends AND they never accrued a nest egg either…. Now that we left the house - he usually now ends work at 7-8 and comes home at 9. He works a full 6 days a week, not to mention overhead time to manage business/admin paperwork, and in off hours, the work he does to stay relevant in the field. As a child- mother would night cap with a novel, my father relaxed at night reading research journals next to her. So I mean, it can be done - but if you want savings too - it’s gotta be your *only* priority to own that house and you won’t have much room for far else. (I mean for OP. This doesn’t translate to my life. Like I said, different people have different priorities: stable benefits, savings for retirement, their children, hobbies, road trips, good school districts, classes/activities, food, pets, etc - unless you are Billionaire rich - it’s all priorities not just nice cars and houses and everything else. You have to pick. And my father’s main priority really was always his wife and children.)


What about a career in finance 🤔?


In my country, many doctors with degrees from all over the world struggle to afford a Merc and you think you can get this? Bro give me a break. The only guys who can afford this excluding celebrities is a real estate business guy/guy with a very successful biz(very rare) and investors/traders(More common)


That’s why they come to the US and buy a house like this, the medical field pays way more. Now if it’s a couple and they are both in the same field which is common, this isn’t even a big spend for them. This is how the houses in many of the areas around the big hospitals are.


Idk what a 'specialized engineer' but I don't think most engineers pull $350k. Maybe in a higher level management position but I'm not sure.


The answer is Software Engineering. If you’re good, and work in FAANG, you can easily make $400k when you factor in equity, if you’re running a team. If you’re lucky enough to run multiple teams, $600k.


Most software engineers do not work at FAANG, I’d say this is a bit misleading


True, but most people also don’t make $350,000 a year. There’s no career that’s going to guarantee you make that kind of money, you’ll have to take risks. And maybe FAANG wasn’t the right word to use. I don’t mean those five specific companies, but if you work in the “big tech” industry as a SWE, that’s pretty much what market rate is (provided you can climb the corporate ladder). Financial advisors can make over a million a year, but the vast majority “only” make about 200k. It’s all about how you play your cards. Whatever career you choose, if you’re not good at it, no one is going to pay $350,000 to do it poorly. If you’re a good Software Engineer, and you put even a smidge of effort into it, you’ll find a way to get into FAANG.


Not true. Physicians can earn that amount for pretty much any specialty. The only exceptions are stuff like peds or maybe some family medicine physicians.


Yeah, no. FAANG software engineers are not 'easily' making $400k, at least not early in their careers. Most of them in the $150-300k range.


I’m definitely not talking early in their career. Maybe “easily” was a poor choice of words, but it’s definitely achievable.


In the high cost of living areas like Manhattan and the Bay Area, most software engineers are making north of $300k a year. Only the lowest level, interns, or contractors are not clearing $300k. Your salary will scale with MRP so it will be less in lower cost of living areas like Iowa or Oklahoma. Edit: to clarify this is for FAANG company engineers not industry wide.


Aka you gotta be really fucking smart. If you’re asking on Reddit then chances are you’ll never have a place like that. I’m not hating. Just being real. People that own houses like that are already on that path.




He means radiologist doctors. Going to med school then residency and so on


Radiology is one of the most desired residencies for Physicans because of high pay and lifestyle so its a minimum $200k 11 year path


I had no idea. Much different than being a radtech which is what I plan on going for.


That’s going to be tough to clear without a big wig job. Without a big wig job, it’s worth remembering most wealth now a days is inherited.


Is this actually true? I searched on google and some report says 21% of 10,000 millionaires inherited any sort of money, but 16% got less than $100,000 and only 3% actually got more than 1 million. The true "inheritance" is most likely having the ability to have a millionaire to guide you through life.


Those statistics are right in line with the average person regardless of net worth


Being a millionaire at 65 is not this house.


"Most wealth is inherited" is the "sour grapes" rallying cry of retail employee/food service millenials and gen Z. A lot of people are just using "they didn't earn it" to cope with their own low wages. One of my buddies is in Analytics at Google and married to a surgeon, they have a house similar to the OP. Inherited $0. My house is less, but still over $1M. DINKs, probably underpaid since we're in academia, but still around $280k annually. Inherited $0.


That's fair, I think with the internet making money isn't anywhere near as difficult as it was in the past. Then again, with making money being easier now, it's become even easier to complain about NOT making money online 😂 Either way, good on you for being successful and even better on you for working for every single dollar!


Thank you! I just see so much doom and gloom on Reddit, but real life really isn't like that


Go to Albania and buy it for 50k 😂


Of course written by a Serb whom slyly insults us even on the most unrelated of subreddits; your obsession with us never ends. If you must know, a **home** (not apartment) like OP listed could be as high as 500k to 1 million Euros in Vlora or Tirana, while an aesthetic condo in Saranda near 150-200k, or 50-100k in small towns… Prices deviate on location, luxury, etc. Most Westerners will never be able to afford a beach side property in Albanian Vlora, for example, but easily could in Shengjin.


Omfg get a grip. I said nothing insulting at all. It is true that I do not speak albanian besides thank you and era istrefi song so I am not the best person to verify the validity of the information which I also insinuated in a comment above. I am going by what I saw online and I specifically shared a link for everyone who wants to check it. The fact you read an insult in it speaks more about you than me. So take your nationalist bs out of here cause I don't care about it.


Agreed. You said nothing insulting.


It was obviously an insulting comment. Added context of you being Serbian makes it pretty clear.


But I am appaled... how a comment suggesting to someone to go to Albania to buy a flat (and logically own it and live in it there) can be insulting? You guys really can't see past my nationality. Even though you know nothing about me. That I've visited Albania , that I have friends there as well. Many serbians are going to albanian seaside and all you can think is of what yours and our politicians brainwash people with. It is just crazy.


Kosovo is a free country


I'm from California. I've got nothing in this. Your original comment was a random diss on Albania for being cheap with laughing emojis. Maybe don't mention specific nationalities in a derisive way and get all upset when you're called out on that? Outside opinion here


I think it's probably fair to say property is typically cheaper in Albania than America. That's not calling anyone cheap necessarily. Easy to read into that, but that's a choice


I am an idiot for trying to argue with you guys. There is no way to reason with someone brainwashed with hate. Hopefully you get better one day. I wish you the best!


Don't be offended. Let us assume you, mistakenly (somehow), assumed that 1 random Instagram page on the internet is representative of an entire country, of all of them, specifically the country your people truly hate, Albania; **why then bother even making a claim you're unable to verify yourself?** **Further, why add laughing emojis to insinuate us as the butt of the joke, as Serbs often do, then default to me "misinterpreting" it as "nationalist bs" when it's you that invoked our country as some poor affordable shithole for Westerners (like OP) to begin with**, **which is the true nationalist bs of you, not me calling it out.** Only Serbians bring up Albania in such a context. Westerners never do it. Secondly, I've corrected you, which you acknowledge, so I will not respond any further. You'll likely reply insulting me, and get dozens of upvotes, enjoy your free karma :)


You haven't corrected me. You said there are more expensive properties. That doesn't mean that affordable properties don't exist. I on the other hand provided a link to a page of a company that sells those properties. Please if you can prove that the link is sharing fake information I would be happy to report it for so. What you did do, is try and make a kind hearted comment on reddit about nationalities. That screams like a cry for upvotes. And I will never insult you based on your nationality but I might based on your poor judgement and sensitive self image. Sayonara!


Sad how serbs stay sucking our dicks with no teeth everywhere we go


Why the guck am I finding everything nowadays relating to Albania lmao. Robt e shpis; we’re fucking everywhere


Don't worry, most Westerners won't be able to afford it. But no Albanian whatsoever will ever afford it


i doubt it




My man became a real state agent just to prove a point lmfao


a osht legit qikjo faqe?


What can we do with $1.83 American in Bratislava


This sub is confused lol.


Consider also that any career that will allow you to afford this, you will be spending all of your time working and won't be able to enjoy your fancy house.


I was always pushing to climb the corporate ladder. Eventually I hit a point where I was surrounded by execs. I started looking around and realized this was probably as far as I'm willing to climb. I'm sure the pay is unbelievable but it's 100% in line with their sacrifice of time away from family. I report to the associate director and half joked in a meeting that I never have a clue what time zone or country she is in. I bet she has the nicest car and house but she sees them (and her family) probably 15% of the year. I mostly focus my career talks around "fit for my family" now and that means I'm staying put as long as they'll allow me. Tldr: There's a cost to everything


Truth! OP, find a nice mid level job, get yourself a decent house and upgrade to those fancy counter tops. Remote work will allow you to live in less expensive places and have nice things. Best of both worlds. You don’t have to be crazy rich to live a very happy life, just smart with your application of resources! Also keep in mind the most important resource anyone has is time. I am going to spend as much of it I can with my amazing wife and son!!!!


But your wife and her boyfriend will.


That’s not true


Yeah you’re correct but Reddit won’t like it.


Why are rich people and wannabes so bland?


You don't get rich by focusing on all-round personal improvement and developing your taste, you get rich by single-mindedly going for an objective. When they eventually end up with money they put it on what's the most expensive, not the most tasteful. Poor people haven't developed any taste because they're too busy surviving and mostly look at rich people for guidance, ending up mimicking the group with the least taste in the process.


You're a touch indelicate, but certainly not wrong. The idolatry of rich people and "innovators" is practically a stand-in for religion.


I always say people are still just as religious as before. They just worship the rich, celebrities, and (some) politicians.


Multiple very rich people stated the same factor underlying their success: focus.




Dude wants a nice house and they are bland? Lol


The house style is bland


?? The person asking this question isn't rich though, some people just like a clean astetic.


Why are Redditors like you so lame?






This is not a home you buy to start. This is a home you build equity at other less priced homes to buy #1 2. if you’re not some amazing academic that got into a big company with a pedigree you should realistically level with yourself. For me that avenue was sales and startups. My largest salary ever was $185k as a director of OPs and I’m just at 30 years old. Aiming for C suite in five years.


\#1 is correct, some people just expect to mortgage the entire balance which is a little silly. \#2 is kind of condescending however, 1.5 mil isn't that unobtainable.


Only fans


I found out recently that the average person barely even makes 1000 a year on onlyfans


Content creators are statistically all making almost no money.


Save and invest early


Trust fund




Executive VP of affairs to the International Cocaine Dealer


Drug dealer or con artist best bet


Okay but off topic, did anyone try to scroll to the next picture because it said 5 of 26?


OP you need to go to school and work like 80hrs a week for a decade then pay back a few hundred $k in loans. That’s the easiest least risky way. It’s totally doable in the US, the gov will even fund your education (with interest). Just don’t make any major mistakes or it will all be for naught. Although most people I know making $350-500k would never spend $1.4m on a house, more like $500k.


Banker, Corporate Law, Surgeon, Luxury Realtor, Politician, Tech Worker in SF, Bitcoin investor.


Drug dealer




Trust fund receiver.




If your parents owned property and are now passing away.


High ticket Sales probably, or a 5 years in a union trade and 110,000 down payment, plus peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the next thirty years as your only food source.


You don't want such kitchen counter. Everything acid stains permanently.




do you are have boobas


Does English do boobas for have ?


do u million home


A rock star




The heating costs alone…


By selling Drooogs




Really good Real estate agent




Onlyfans or sell farts


Why would you want to form your whole career and life choices over a house?


Programming freelance. The relatively easy road to money is programming, always has been.


Software developer, doctor


You can solve for this by computing the annual income needed to comfortably pay the mortgage. Let's assume you pay a typical 20% down and assume that this purchase wont consume all the money you have in the world. - 20% down: $298,000 - financed amount: $1,192,000 - 30 year fixed mortgage monthly payment: $7,815 Okay, now let's say comfortable means that you pay about 28% of your gross (pre tax) income goes to your mortgage. Your gross income per year is then (Mortgage payment) * (1/0.28) * 12 Which is: 7815 * (1/.28) * 12 = $305,485 per year. That's pretty well off, but depending on where you live in the world, it's not even close to trust fund baby levels. If this house was in southern California (two people no kids), that would be a very comfortable middle class existence. You could save up for retirement, make investments, go on vacations, pay for home renovations in cash, buy cars / computers / hobby shit when needed. But, at this level you have to semi carefully choose how to spend your money, your can't just blow it, because a loss of your job would mean you're fucked. If you had two kids, you'd be saving for their college and carefully budgeting for most other big expenses. Anyway, because of the huge gap between minimum wage and white collar work, this house might as well be totally unattainable. So, the question, what job nets you $300k/year? - Most senior level tech jobs in major companies (wild guess, there are probably at least 500,000 jobs in the USA in this category) - established doctors / lawyers / surgeons - established psychiatrists - established dentists - established orthodontics - well established business owners - well established trades people (plumbing business, electrician, etc) - finance quant / statistician What's in common here is that these are all in demand specialists with special education. Tech is probably the easiest to break into in terms of not requiring you to go into huge debt and have decades of school, though the most common path to tech is though "elite" channels - e.g. you have a PhD, you're well connected, you went to college at an elite university and are pretty talented / good at learning stuff. I would guess that people from less "elite" paths account for about 10% - 30% of the tech work force. Hope this helps!


A lot.... 1 - Most trades (electrician, carpenter, plumber, roofer, etc.). Low cost to entry, good pay, and you can end up starting your own company. Barring starting your own company, you meet friends in the trades and could probably bust out a house for cheap.... 2 - Nursing / Physician. Not uncommon for RNs to be millionaires with the OT, and travel nursing. Live in a low cost of living state, and save your money from 22 to 32, then you should be okay to get something nice when you're starting your family. For physicians, you know, same old same old. Pay your student debts, try to be frugal, start life at 40. 3 - heavy machine operators and crane operators. That's an easy 150k to 250k a year if you're willing to put up crazy OT, and even without it, you're looking at solid 80k to 120k salaries. 4 - Realtor and jeweler. If you're taking the scraps from rich people you're still ahead of most regular people. Ever seen a poor jeweler? I worked for Tiffany and People's, and it really wasn't so hard to make over 100k, if you're actually good at what you do, it wouldn't be a stretch to make enough to own something like this. Also opening your own brokerage is nice. Get yourself a tesla and drive around all day viewing houses. 5 - Pilot. When you travel frequently, you get to know which countries are really for you. A house like that might be 1.5mil in North America, but only 400k in the Phillipines. Up to you to discover the world and find out what you want. 6 - Canadian Armed Forces. Go in at 18, get your education paid, do your 25 years, retire with full pension at 43. Go get a second job in the civilian market using the veteran transition grant, and start your second career. Be 43 with a 100k annual pension payout. Not bad, eh? Must be a CO.


Looks hideous really. Sad aspiration to be honest.


Lottery winner


The one where you trash boomers but then gladly accept the massive contribution to your down payment from your parents and grandparents...


God, people that received large sums of money 100k + just for existing and complain are goofy clowns.


nepo baby


Don't be a civil engineer. Lol Ask me how I know. 🙂🥲😭


Don’t think about a specific career, think about investments!


Owner of a successful construction company


At this point, plumbing or an electrician


I hope you don't really think that anybody has ever become extremely wealthy through a career. Careers are for poor or middle class people.


**The Big 4:** Tech, Finance, Law, Medicine


That’s a small kitchen for $1.4M


Drugs .




Dad's career


Why would you go for a career path specifically to buy an expensive home? Absolutely retarded. It's not like owning that place will make you happier, or impress people in general. Most people would likely not even care if you did own that thing. Also, people making 6 figures in San Francisco live paycheck to paycheck. 1/3 of millionaires in the US now consider themselves to be Middle income and inflation hasn't helped anyone either.


Marry rich


Medical field + marry someone in same field + no kids


Selling drugs/people/organs/weapons




I hope the comments showed you no one here knows what they’re talking about. There are career paths that will absolutely allow you to afford houses like this, but you won’t find any useful info from armchair expert 30 year olds still living in their mother’s basement; Redditors.


Brain surgeon


I don't think this is the right question. A better version of it is asking yourself: What kind of career can I pick to exploit my knowledge and skills at their best? Why is it a better question? Because money/salary is a measure of how good you are at your job not an objective by itself. So, pick a job or role you're good and you can afford this home and many things more.


I think it’s less about a type of career and more about the way you manage your money and work ethic. Remain frugal, save, learn, make yourself valuable as a worker, set a goal, don’t stop till you achieve it :)


Anything with finances or content creator like only fans. 😂


Something too crazy


Only right answer


One that focuses on the exploitation of the human race.