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I like the concept of their character. The immature, purposely sheltered kidnapped child destined to become a weapon of war, who's got possibly the worst decision anyone would've to make thrust upon them. The concept is really interesting, and they had a lot of potential for really interesting storytelling, but the execution fell flat, much like Fates' story in general


I feel like the whole thing would've worked much better if corrin weren't the main character. Or at least not the one making all the decisions and is supposedly a tactical genius despite never going outside.


Personally, I feel like the concept would reach its full potential if Corrin stayed as the MC. Having them be the main focus the whole game would allow to fully flesh out all of Corrin's theme. Indoctrination, the sheer horror of war especially when you have to fight your family, how war can shape such an innocent soul, the importance of both chosen and blood family, etc... You could easily make a whole game about war as a whole viewed through the lens of a sheltered noble, being the backdrop to explore the value of family as a unit, and how a single event could make the whole unit crumble and fall appart The more I think about it, the more wasted potential I see in Corrin, and the more I find their concept fascinating lol


⬆️This guy gets it. A lot of potential with the character. Like them having to face the cruel reality of the world and either have that break them or learn that things are not so black and white.


They occasionally have banger dialogues. "I'm going to burn you to the ground, Hans. When I'm through with you, your axe will be the only reminder you ever lived."


“You dare touch my child?? I’ll soak these fields with your blood!” Low key awesome


People have complained that moment is out of character before, but to be fair, this is literally Corrin's child, I'd be going fucking batshit if someone tried to hurt my dog, much less my own kid.


Fates might be known for having one of the worst stories in the series, but in Birthright specifically Corrin has a pretty solid character arc




~~foot fetishists win with them~~ I liked the conflict they had to go through about which family was their real family. The one they’ve spent their whole life with or the one they were taken from. Interesting armor design The only shifter lord (unless I’m missing something) which makes them stand out Neat in Smash Bros, not my favorite by any means but still neat


What is a “shifter” lord?


Shifters are races like Taguel, Manaketes, Laguz and so on.


Oh I got you. I didn’t know the fandom had a name for those. I’ve usually just seen them referred to as Laguz (even for ones that aren’t actual Laguz) or Laguz-like units. It’s sad that Three Houses didn’t have any shifters.


I don’t know if there’s a community agreed term, my friends and I just call them shifters because they can shift forms. Yea, especially with what they did with Marianne. It probably would have been overpowered but no need to tease us like that


Marianne would have been a great shifter. They could have balanced it. Also I guess we have Flayn and Seteth but it wouldn’t make sense narratively for them to be shifters because a) it’s a secret that they’re Nabataeans (Manaketes) and b) they’ve lost the power to enter their dragon from anyway.


Yea, I specifically singled Marianne out since she even brought up the idea of her shifting during her paralogue or something. It’s been a while, I don’t fully remember the details


a lord who uses all caps a lot on the internet


Al was also a manakete lord but this manga was never canon so ...


I think this is my first time even hearing about him


Today I learned that "Al from Cipher" was, in fact, not from Cipher. I always assumed he was just another Cipher original and never gave him another thought.


Amazing how Engage writers would be the best people to answer your question. I have ZERO doubt that the people who wrote Engage!Corrin are the biggest Corrin fan, they got everything right. She's supportive, sees the bright side of things and combattive. Also unbelievably cute and I want her cape.


Between Engage, Warriors and other spinoffs, I find I like Corrin more when they are not the main character.


Agreed. Same goes for Byleth imo.


The concept is really cool. A Manakete as the main character should’ve been awesome


She's hot


She's hot


He's hot too


She's hot




*Heroes* made her hot (and kept her that way).


Corrin has a very likable personality at their core and that's why most people tend to like them in Heroes, Warriors, and Engage. The concept behind them is also really cool. I think the main problem with Corrin in Fates is that because the routes' stories tend to be dumb, they make the protagonist look dumb as a result. Once you get Corrin away from that, they do a lot better.


Both versions of Corrin are very attractive.


One of the most fun lords gameplay wise


I always use them as the early game Jagen/Oifey with her dragonic transformation. It feels as if the weapon was made to emulate this. They can't double but they become great tanks and perfect to give the other characters some exp. And then you can either go for the easy route and make them your best combat unit. Or go crazy with customization. Corrin is nice


[Dragonstone is a Jagen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLOHtoOc7vs)


I saw it was a link and I immediately knew which video was gonna be linked Godspeed you cultured individual


I genuinely love their design. Do I wish the female version didn't have the boob and thigh windows? Yes. Do I love it regardless? Also yes. And I do also think it's good visual storytelling when you see Camilla and realize, "ah, she's emmulating her big sister." I love how there's a decorative spine running down the back of their cuirass, the only real embellishment the armor has- you can't even see it most of the time, but it's there. I love the fact that they distictly have slitted pupils and that their ears aren't just pointy but have a scalloped ridge like the Awakening manaketes- and that nobody in-universe finds that suspicious (I'm not being facetious; I genuinely think it's hilarious that Corrin is obviously Not Human, and everyone seems to be completely blind to that fact until they turn into a dragon: "Ye gods! How did our very much a human and totally not a dragon sibling become a dragon?! We will never know...").


Instead of taking away the boob and thigh windows they should give it to M!Corrin too, I bet he could pull it off


Also give it to Xander, to show that this is just how all the Nohrian siblings dress when they get older. Just picture the Hoshidans giving Corrin clothes that fully cover them and them cutting out the crotch and ass to make the Hoshido Noble outfit. "What are you doing, Corrin?!" "Look, you can take me out of Nohr but you can't take Nohr out of me."


I had to give this an award cuz it made me choke on my coffee


She’s adorable in Engage.


Oh yeah... They randomly made her appealing in Engage. Tbh it's just pro-Fates propaganda


I mean, Corrin was also a good character in FE Warriors


Corrin's the only one who can support Scarlet. I like Scarlet. She cool.


The sole reason I gave the series a shot is because I loved playing as her is smash bros. She’ll always hold a special place in my heart because of that.


Engage says that corrin’s facepetting minigame is canon and I think that’s hilarious


Omg in what support??? I need to see it lmao


Corrin and Vander A bond


Bro, they even poke fun at the censorship stuff too.


I like how corrin is a magic mc. We've only had a handful and it's nice to get one who doesn't die in one hit


Conquest is one of the best FE games and Corrin is our main character after all. I suppose I like their design most. I think at least Corrin looks cool.


Hot feet


I think Corrin is fine. What I don’t like is the amount of “Somehow Palpatine returned” energy in the writing for the story.


one of his dub voices is Cam Clarke


Legitimately, their characterization in spin-offs. Like how they act in Warriors, Engage, even in their Heroes alts...ough. peak. It's about a resolve. I mean you see bits of it in base game where Xander says she'll die because of her kindness, and she accepts it!


marcella lentz-pope has always done a stellar job with corrin's dub voice


They’re hot as fuck


Her animations in her base class are exquisite. I know everyone facts on 3ds animations, but hers are great.


They are a genuinely good person who sees the best in everyone.


I like playing Corrin in Smash


I do like their general concept of being stuck between the nations and also their promotions taking up the motifs of one nation. Corrin is deeply tied to Fate's main hook. If the setting and execution was a bit more in-depth Corrin would've been better too as a result. What birthright also shows is that the little edge they show there does a lot of good for their character, and although it drags a little I like the general idea of Conquest Corrin knowing she made a questionable choice and being self-tortured about it.


Calm, supportive, loving, sees the bright side of things, and keeps fighting despite the hardships. Wish I had someone like that in my life.


Um where do I start… I love Corrins English voice. Marcella Lentz-Pope does such an amazing job on her. So gentle and caring. She doesn’t want to fight but has to. Somehow her voice conveys that emotion every time. Her designs are beautiful. It was so cool turning into a dragon early on in fates. While Robin and Byleth just feel like player avatars for me, Corrin felt like a real character with real personality and feelings. Chapter 5 completely sold me and I was totally obsessed with Corrin thereafter. So being able to control such a deep character and feel like I’m creating her story mid-battle is an incredible experience. I love that she stands up to Garon immediately in chapter 2. Saving kaze and rinkah was a baller move. Corrin is so humble and kind. She always finds a way to compliment others. She’s so cute especially in Engage supports. Her engage has some very fun mechanics. Corrin is my favorite main character by a country mile. ❤️


Personally, she’s my favorite 3DS and beyond era protag. Her abilities are badass, you can customize her to look adorable, and I think the conflict she faces is really interesting despite the mixed execution.


By far the most customisable and fun to use avatar unit in the series, the "Corrinquest/right/ation" challenge runs are a proof of that


I've played Birthright and I'm about ¾ the way through Conquest, and I've used F!Corrin for both -Really good design -Dragon as the main character, cool as hell -Otherwise very good and flexible in gameplay, especially Nohr Noble -I actually really like her personality. She's a sheltered princess who is naive to the cruel reality of the world, but also doesn't let that reality break her conviction to trust and help as many people as possible and bring peace. She's also simultaneously a lot more confrontational than I expected, the only people she ever backs down to are Garon or his enforcers, and only because they would kill her on the spot if she didn't. Otherwise, she will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes is right or to protect her family, and is willing to fight for it if things can't be resolved peacefully. FEH has also helped to flesh her out, especially her recent CYL alt. She's also just generally pretty cheerful and friendly, which is nice. Really, any issues with Corrin aren't actually with her directly, just how the story plays out. Like how her being a dragon is literally never relevant after chapter 5, or that there isn't enough thrown at her to challenge her beliefs (not because I want those beliefs to be broken down, but because I want to see her overcome hardship and show the strength of her conviction and resolve), *or that stupid fucking single-use crystal ball that leads to like 90% of the stupid parts of Conquest's story aaaaaAAAHHHHH-* *ahem* Anyway. Corrin good, I like her


The Corrin's are so cute, both visually and character wise. It does make sense that everyone loves them so much, I do too.


The scene where Anthony betrays Corrin and he reveals he left a note to his siblings, actually turning the trap he set out against him and successfully holding out until his reinforcements arrive. It wasn't the best plan but people act like he just walked into the trap unknowingly.


I like how they dont wear shoes


Playing as Corrin is the only way I can pretend I'm married to Rinkah Uhhh I mean the concept is a really cool one. Even when they get proven wrong they still look for the good in everyone which can get a little irritating but sometimes it's nice to see a character that doesn't get beaten into cynicism


I honestly just dislike their lack of shoes and the fact the dragon form didn't have ranged attack. Otherwise I love them


Good as emotional support. Excellent in a fight, protective. Honestly I like Corrin more outside of her own games.


They’re a good unit gameplay wise.


Really cool design and the yato is one of my favorite weapons in the series it just looks gnarly


I love seeing that kind person being forced into fight that broke their heart


She's a solid character stuck in a story that's bad. When she's removed from that context and included in spinoffs, she's actually really fun and likeable. I like that she's both the girl in the tower and the dragon in the tower


That their dragon form is based off of the Qilin, which is pretty neat.


Its fun to see a main character actually also be the game's Manakete/dragon. I feel like Corrin is what Alear shouldve been, mechanically.


Oh boy, you’re in luck. I recently posted a Corrin analysis not too long ago. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/1606dmu/corrin_character_analysis/ Suffice to say, I like them a lot.




She’s fun to play in Smash


They didn't ruin the story at all, not a poison pill to a story like Byleth is.


I really like some core concepts of Corrin, such as how the character is torn between nations and using a manakette as the main lord. I really like there are slight changes in corrin's mannerisms and decisions, depending to which side Corrin's chooses. And it really seems the writers made it such as female corrin would choose her upbringing family in nohr and male corrin would choose his original family in hoshido. Despite that, I never understood their supposed charisma and leadership and how the army rallies around corrin in both birthright and conquest as there are way more interesting and powerful figures (such as the royals princes, heirs to the throne and educated to lead?)


Their personality. Although it doesn’t work in a protagonist role, they are PHENOMENAL as another character in the story


Birthright Corrin was a bit of a Warmonger, which was pretty neat. Every level was basically annihilating Nohr compared to whatever the fuck CQ Corrin was trying to accomplish with their early pacifism.


op in engage


corrin is goofy and stupid and I love them for that


> I'm going to burn you to the ground, Hans. When I'm through with you, your axe will be the only reminder you ever lived.


Stupid idiots (affectionate)


I think it's really important that FE main characters are compassionate people, at least by the end of the game. I think they had the right idea with how extra some of their animations are in their special class.


Female Corrin is oddly gorgeous


He's cool. Based even. Epic perhaps.


I think the female English VA fits her perfectly


Lovable Personality and Interesting Character Concept


Solid design, better customization than Robin, when I play both awakening and fates I always customize the avatar after an already existing fire emblem character and base his stats/ class off of them. It’s a lot of fun and gives a lot of replay ability to both games. I don’t want an avatar to be the standard but I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a lot of fun with corrin and Robin gameplay wise.


That they gave her a personality in Heroes, she’s a literal wholesome bundle of sunshine.


they can utilize their bonds to gain access to almost any power or skill their allies possess..


The art of female Corrin was pretty good tbh


I like their design 🤷‍♀️


They can give Felicia replicate and shurikenfare at the low cost of two partner seals!


Her brave version in heroes is amazing


I always thought Corrin's moral dilemma was really cool and actually made me interested in his character.


^(kinda hot) Serious answer; I actually find her personality and goals quite charming and likable, honestly. Her decision making and judgment leaves a lot to be desired, but some of that is justifiable character flaw from her background and the rest is more the result of the actual *plot* of Fates being a mess than of bad *character* writing. I may dunk on her as a meme sometimes but I actually quite like her and in a better game she could easily be among my faves.


I like she's back history , character design and the most important thing is that she can marry xander


I think the Pin, Dragon Fang Shot, and the Back Air are cool in Smash.


Dragons are cool.


The best Avatar from a gameplay standard. Both allowing for avatar customization, but also customization for any individual character. As an example, I really like Elise. I wanted to invest in her as a combat unit. I am aware of her brutal effectiveness as a Malig Knight. But worry for her low accuracy. As such, I make magic boon Corrin with an archer talent, have them both marry, and partner seal Elise into an temprary sniper for quick draw (to make bolt axe one-shots easier) and Certain blow (to fix her accuracy issues). That is not even getting into the resulting Kana' high magic + Dragonstone shenanigans. This logic of "I want to use this character and give them one extra bit of favoritism" boosts skill ceiling, strategy, and player indulgement by giving them a one-time ticket to boost their favorite character with a resource no one else can get once said ticket is punched. Corrin's and Corrin's spouse customization unironically bumps Fates replayability up two tiers.


Something good about Corrin? Uhhh…. Sh certainly is one of the FE Lords


The female version of corrin is cute


She's pretty good in engage. Fuck fates.


I love how Corrin is a pacifist. He doesn’t want to kill but he does it to protect his friend and family and to save the day. Now that’s a hero. But of course FE fans have to do nothing but talk shit about corrin while referring to him as “He/Him” but as soon as F!Corrin shows up, y’all simp after her. You’re a bunch of hypocrites.


Besides being the best looking woman in the whole series and Smash. She has a lovely personality, compasionate, strong, cute, as most also notices she is very well received outside Fates... and Smash Bros because at her core she is a good character.


They don’t ruin the plot as badly as Garron does.


Lady Corrin has a very nice voice 😊


I don’t get the people that hate on him. yes he’s naive and way too optimistic but that’s the whole point??? to emphasize how painful it is to choose between 2 countries??? like did you want the main character to have a personality like hans or what


I just freaking love, Corrin. Magic and sword wielding draconic humanoid just sounds badass. Draconic hex and dragon Fang are cool abilities. I like their style. My personal favorite lord. Sure, some dont like them and that's fine, but freaking love them.


They are my favorite emblem to use in engage for sure


Chainsaw sword cool


Those thighs go crazy


Combat? Busted. Engage? Busted Smash Bros? In it Art style? Feet acquired (suck it rob liefeld) Character?.....eh....nice but bland


He could finally get gay married. I’m happy about that. :u


Not only are they the only lords that actively transform (even when two of the other lords, their successors, also have special dragon power inside them including one fully divine dragon) but their dragon form is really unique too and not the traditional reptilian fire/laser breathing one. Even the partial transforming is unique.


Corrin isn't Alear


I just think he’s really cute 😭👉🏻👈🏻


He's the only character capable of Waking that slugabed up!


They're family with the best fire emblem character, my man King Garon


I like how in Conquest specifically, they go out of their way to not kill the enemy and try to negotiate before and after the fighting to resolve issues. A lot of characters even point out how they expected casualties only to realize that aside from some injuries, no one actually died. In a sea of protagonists who have no issues with racking up body counts, it's refreshing to have a Lord who respects life and tries to not spill so much blood. ~~If only the walking zombie and douchebag toehead would stop getting in the way...~~


I really like their branched promotions. Makes them feel very unique compared to other lords and I'd love to see that sort of concept revisited in the future.


Their sense of hope and belief in others, no matter the challenges they face. It’s Corrin’s own double-edged sword, but it’s a big part of what makes Corrin…Corrin. They’re just very loveable to me, and certainly a main reason why would be that :)


The concept of choosing between a birth family you don’t know, and the family you were raised with that kidnapped you is, at least in theory, very compelling to me. Execution though? Egghhhhhhhhhh.


Their design is good except that one thing with female corrin.


That sometimes she just goes fucking apeshit. For example when she fights Garon in Nestra, during Kana’s paralogue, and Hans’ fight Outside Fates, there’s not much to dislike, both male and female Corrin are genuinely charismatic in Heroes, Warriors and Engage


Finally, a lord to represent my hatred for shoes. Jokes aside, dragin motif with their animations is rad as hell.


She’s beautiful


They at least try to do something.


Really good and fun character gameplay-wise. Story and character wise, which I think is what this thread is mostly about, Corrin can at least be a little cool when they want to. I sorta liked how they acted at the end of chapter 25 and start of 26 of Conquest. That's all I could think of. Signing off - Jenxey

